Chewed Light Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Chewed Light.

Quotes About Chewed Light

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Bright light put me in a trance, but it ain't house music makes me wanna dance. ~ Bradley Nowell
Chewed Light quotes by Bradley Nowell
The most divine light only shineth on those minds which are purged from all worldly dross and human uncleanliness. ~ Walter Raleigh
Chewed Light quotes by Walter Raleigh
Your happiness is a beacon of light in my life. Although you may not realize so now, your bright disposition will smooth many paths ahead for you. Whatever happens - don't ever let that light go out. ~ Jayne Castel
Chewed Light quotes by Jayne Castel
We all fail to appreciate each day just how much we already possess. Light, air, freedom, the companionship of friends. ~ Sophie Kinsella
Chewed Light quotes by Sophie Kinsella
Like evolution itself, there have been rapid advances and crippling setbacks along the way. If the Library of Alexandria had never been burned to the ground it is possible to imagine that we would have built upon the achievements of the ancient Greeks to greater and earlier effect, and therefore it could have been in the time of a Cardano or a Newton or a Pascal that we first put a man on the moon. And we can only wonder where we would be. And at the planets we would have terraformed and colonised by the twenty-first century. Which medical advances we would have made. Maybe if there had been no dark ages, no switching off of the light, we would have found a way never to grow old, to never die. ~ Matt Haig
Chewed Light quotes by Matt Haig
When I get to heaven, and I see a being of light, I'm going to ask him if he's the urologist. ~ Jarod Kintz
Chewed Light quotes by Jarod Kintz
At home, I'm not a rock star. I wear dad-appropriate attire. I drive a truck. And we go out to the mountains to light fires and have barbecues. Even then, The Killers are usually in the back of my mind. ~ Brandon Flowers
Chewed Light quotes by Brandon Flowers
You should go home and get some sleep," Harper said drowsily, letting the pain medication help take her under.
Trent stood up, lowered the head of the gurney, and lifted Harper's head to fluff the pillow before gently lowering her back down.
"I'll see you in the morning," Harper said, refusing to acknowledge the fear she suddenly felt at being left alone. The light went off in the room and Harper's heart started to race. She needed the light on.
The mattress sagged as Trent sat down on the side of the bed. She felt him lean forward and heard him kick off his shoes. He pulled his legs up onto the single gurney and lay down on his side, carefully putting his arm around her. The warmth of his breath behind her ear, the sweetness of his lips against her skin eased the pressure she'd felt building inside.
"Yeah, you will, darlin'. I'll be right here. ~ Scarlett Cole
Chewed Light quotes by Scarlett Cole
I have in this War a burning private grudge - which would probably make me a better soldier at 49 than I was at 22: against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler (for the odd thing about demonic inspiration and impetus is that it in no way enhances the purely intellectual stature: it chiefly affects the mere will). Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien
Chewed Light quotes by J.R.R. Tolkien
Ned waved him off and studied the map in front of him. That sense of unease remained even after Harcroft had taken himself off. In the dim light, the pencil marks seemed child's sketches, failing to capture some basic truth of reality. The numbers still didn't cast up into a proper sum in his head. Two and two came together, but they only managed to whisper dark intimations amongst themselves, hinting at the possibility of a distant four. ~ Courtney Milan
Chewed Light quotes by Courtney Milan
For darkness restores what light cannot repair. ~ Joseph Brodsky
Chewed Light quotes by Joseph Brodsky
The burden of the self is lightened with I laugh at myself. ~ Rabindranath Tagore
Chewed Light quotes by Rabindranath Tagore
Don't laugh at the voice of the stars. They are far away, their rays are light and pale, and we can barely see their sleeping shadows, but their sorcery is stern and dark. ~ Leonid Andreyev
Chewed Light quotes by Leonid Andreyev
Until that moment Vetch had watched him with an anxious dread, for he was not sure what had happened there in the dark land. He did not know if this was Ged in the boat with him, and his hand had been for hours ready to the anchor, to stave in the boat's planking and sink her there in midsea, rather than carry back to the harbors of Earthsea the evil thing that he feared might have taken Ged's look and form. Now when he saw his friend and heard him speak, his doubt vanished. And he began to see the truth, that Ged had neither lost nor won but, naming the shadow of his death with his own name, had made himself whole: a man: who, knowing his whole true self, cannot be used or possessed by any power other than himself, and whose life therefore is lived for life's sake and never in the service of ruin, or pain, or hatred, or the dark. In the Creation of Ea, which is the oldest song, it is said, "Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life: bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky." That song Vetch sang aloud now as he held the boat westward, going before the cold wind of the winter night that blew at their backs from the vastness of the Open Sea. ~ Ursula K. Le Guin
Chewed Light quotes by Ursula K. Le Guin
Wouldn't you leave a light on? Knowing what I knew and not knowing anything else at all, why would I want the darkness where the monsters hide?
Because killers hide there too. ~ Rob Thurman
Chewed Light quotes by Rob Thurman
Oh shut up. Every time it rains, it stops raining. Every time you hurt, you heal. After darkness, there is always light and you get reminded of this every morning but still you choose to believe that the night will last forever. Nothing lasts forever. Not the good or the bad. So you might as well smile while you're here. ~ Pleasefindthis
Chewed Light quotes by Pleasefindthis
A ray of light illuminates any darkness. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
Chewed Light quotes by Lailah Gifty Akita
Light swallows darkness. Compassion eats fear. And life is romance as well as science. ~ David Paul Kirkpatrick
Chewed Light quotes by David Paul Kirkpatrick
I used to be in school, like a good boy. Medieval Literature. Von Eschenbach, Chaucer, Milton... Yes, sir, no, sir. Then I had that... Crisis. You know it? Wake up one morning and everything's all wrong? Wake up one morning and it occurs to you the milk's spoiled and the bread is getting moldy. Wake up and it just hits you. Someday you're gonna die. Maybe like that girl last night died. Face down in an alley with a caved in head. Such a terrible thing and what for? Why life? Why This life? Why This soap? Why these hands? What's it all mean? Deep down you fear nothing. But you still hope something. Either way, you're not really sure. That's my crisis. I don't wanna die. But if I'm gonna die, first I'm gonna live. I'm gonna peel life like fruit, and use it up. I'm gonna light up an' burn. I'll burn and burn until I'm snuffed out. Then I'll just fade away. But until then I'm gonna live! I'm ready. I'm gonna do it. Come what may, one hundred percent. ~ Paul Pope
Chewed Light quotes by Paul Pope
Oil production should peak out around the world in the early 1990s ... That means in five years' time we may have chewed up most of the possibility of further expansion of oil production. ~ James R. Schlesinger
Chewed Light quotes by James R. Schlesinger
Conscious parenting is a new paradign shift in the way we look at our roles as parents. It's turning the spot light away from fixing the child and managing the child, obsession with all things that have to do with the child and the child centric approach and really focusing on the evolution of the parent. It about fully understanding that unless the parent has raised themselves to a certain level of emotional integration and maturity, they will really not be able to do true service to the child's spirit. ~ Shefali Tsabary
Chewed Light quotes by Shefali Tsabary
Plus, I can't look at him the same since I ran into Mrs. Marino at our family reunion. It's not comforting to learn you've made out with your cousin."
"Third cousin once removed," I argued. "It's hardly incest."
"Life is like a box of chocolates, Lisa," Katie noted around a half-chewed carrot stick. "You never know what you're going to get."
Lisa narrowed her eyes, confused. "Did she just quote Forrest Gump at me?"
"It's Matt's fault," I said. "She lost a bet and now anytime his name gets mentioned, she has sixty seconds to drop a relevant movie quote."
"That's insane."
"Yup," Katie piped in, "insanity tuns in my family. Its practically gallops."
"Classic." I high-fived her. ~ Cecily White
Chewed Light quotes by Cecily White
Addison writes with the ease of a gentleman. His readers fancy that a wise and accomplished companion is talking to them; so that ... - MORE Addison writes with the ease of a gentleman. His readers fancy that a wise and accomplished companion is talking to them; so that he insinuates his sentiments and taste into their minds by an imperceptible influence. Johnson writes like a teacher. He dictates to his readers as if from an academical chair. They attend with awe and admiration; and his precepts are impressed upon them by his commanding eloquence. Addison's style, like a light wine, pleases everybody from the first. Johnson's, like a liquor of more body, seems too strong at first, but, by degrees, is highly relished. ~ James Boswell
Chewed Light quotes by James Boswell
He ducked his head and started walking. "Go away."

"I don't know why I was worried," Hunter said from behind him. "Considering you only seem to know how to run and hide."

Gabriel swung around and hit him.

Or he tried to. Hunter had some serious military training, and he deflected the blow easily.

But Gabriel was no stranger to fighting dirty. He caught Hunter with a solid punch to the stomach.

Hunter got him in the jaw.

And then they were fighting in earnest.

Christ, it felt fantastic to drive his fist into something. Especially when Hunter fought back with enough force to really make it worth it. Enough force that Gabriel started to wonder if this would turn into a test of endurance.

Enough force that Gabriel started to wonder if he could win.

His back slammed into the concrete wall of the mall. Breath rushed out of his lungs. He braced against the wall to throw Hunter off, getting enough leverage to shove the other boy to the ground. He followed him down to pin him there.

"Whoa, hold up," Hunter said, breathless. He made his hands into a T. "If I tear my clothes, my grandmother will shit a brick."

Gabriel stared down at him, unsure whether to let him go.

Then he caught the glint of light on steel under Hunter's jacket.

"You are one crazy bastard. You really did come armed."


"You had a gun and you still f ~ Brigid Kemmerer
Chewed Light quotes by Brigid Kemmerer
Things are the way they are, but everything has a reason. Kittens are cute because they're tiny fur-balls with smushed faces. Rainbows are pretty because they have every color in the world in them and they're made from refracted light. Chick flicks are sad because chicks sometimes just need a good cry. And assholes are always assholes for a reason. ~ Courtney Cole
Chewed Light quotes by Courtney Cole
Perhaps there simply is no grain of goodness in the heart of man, waiting to be brought to the light, ~ Paul Murray
Chewed Light quotes by Paul Murray
And the idea of light unexplainably produced out of nothing was haunting, it shook me. A flat drab mountain could produce its own light, no one in this whole world knows why, and if that was possible then of course there must be other things that seemed impossible that weren't, and so anything - great and terrible - felt possible to me now. ~ Aspen Matis
Chewed Light quotes by Aspen Matis
What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?

"The most astounding fact is the knowledge that the atoms that comprise life on Earth. The atoms that make up the human body are traceable to the crucibles that cooked light elements into heavy elements in their core under extreme temperatures and pressures. These stars, the high mass ones among them went unstable in their later years. They collapsed and then exploded, scattering their enriched guts across the galaxy. Guts made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and all the fundamental ingredients of life itself. These ingredients become part of gas clouds that condense, collapse, form the next generation of solar systems. Stars with orbiting planets, and those planets now have the ingredients for life itself. So that when I look up at the night sky and I know that yes, we are part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the Universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up – many people feel small because they're small and the Universe is big – but I feel big, because my atoms came from those stars. There's a level of connectivity. That's really what you want in life, you want to feel connected, you want to feel relevant you want to feel like you're a participant in the goings on of activities and events around you. That's precisely what we are, just by being alive… ~ Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Chewed Light quotes by Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Cynicism often draws correct conclusions, but nobody could live by its lights. ~ Mason Cooley
Chewed Light quotes by Mason Cooley
she's long about her coming, who must be
more merciless to herself than history.
Her mind full to the wind, I see her plunge
breasted and glancing through the currents,
taking the light upon her
at least as beautiful as any boy
or helicopter,
poised, still coming,
her fine blades making the air wince

but her cargo
no promise then:
ours. ~ Adrienne Rich
Chewed Light quotes by Adrienne Rich
I was a coward. I used to be haunted by the fear of thieves, ghosts and serpents. I did not dare to stir out of doors at night. Darkness was a terror to me. It was almost impossible for me to sleep in the dark, as I would imagine ghosts coming from one direction, thieves from another and serpents from a third. I could not therefore bear to sleep without a light in the room. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Chewed Light quotes by Mahatma Gandhi
Her smile could wash away a thousand doubts as soon as light up a room. ~ Belinda Jeffrey
Chewed Light quotes by Belinda Jeffrey
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