Canto 3 Inferno Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Canto 3 Inferno.

Quotes About Canto 3 Inferno

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Under the right circumstances, a tiny spark can grow into an inferno that can overcome an entire city. So can an idea. ~ Richard Paul Evans
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Richard Paul Evans
I know you want to run, but I'm not going to let you. Sooner or later you need to start trusting someone. ~ Dan Brown
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Dan Brown
Towles burn. Bathroom inferno! Chanel No. 5, it burns. Oil paintings of racehorses and dead pheasants burn. The reproduction Oriental carpets burn. Evie's bad dried flower arrangements, they're these little tabletop infernos. Too cute! Evie's Katty Kathy doll, it melts, then it burns. Evie's collection of big carnival stuffed animals - Cootie, Poochie, Pam-Pam, Mr. Bunnits, Choochie, Poo Poo and Ringer - it's fun-fur holocaust. Too sweet. Too precious. ~ Chuck Palahniuk
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Chuck Palahniuk
The post-totalitarian malady has taken its most acute form in Romania. And it has taken place for very specific reasons. The repression here has been more cruel, more brutal, than in other states caught in the inferno of a 'socialist paradise.' ~ Octavian Paler
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Octavian Paler
It has always been this way. Death is followed by birth. To reach paradise, man must pass through inferno. - Bertrand Zobrist ~ Dan Brown
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Dan Brown
The writer, having lost his way in a gloomy forest, and being hindered by certain wild beasts from ascending a mountain, is met by Virgil, who promises to show him the punishments of Hell, and afterwards of Purgatory; and that he shall then be conducted by Beatrice into Paradise. He follows the Roman Poet. ~ Dante Alighieri
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Dante Alighieri
The photographer is an armed version of the solitary walker reconnoitering, stalking, cruising the urban inferno, the voyeuristic stroller who discovers the city as a landscape of voluptuous extremes. Adept of the joys of watching, connoisseur of empathy, the flâneur finds the world 'picturesque. ~ Susan Sontag
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Susan Sontag
England is not the jewelled isle of Shakespeare's much-quoted message, nor is it the inferno depicted by Dr Goebbels. More than either it resembles a family, a rather stuffy Victorian family, with not many black sheep in it but with all its cupboards bursting with skeletons. It has rich relations who have to be kow-towed to and poor relations who are horribly sat upon, and there is a deep conspiracy of silence about the source of the family income. It is a family in which the young are generally thwarted and most of the power is in the hands of irresponsible uncles and bedridden aunts. Still, it is a family. It has its private language and its common memories, and at the approach of an enemy it closes its ranks. A family with the wrong members in control - that, perhaps is as near as one can come to describing England in a phrase. ~ George Orwell
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by George Orwell
I care for you-you're precious to me. And one of the most precious things to me is your voice. Please tell me what you want, what you need, what you desire ... ~ Sylvain Reynard
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Sylvain Reynard
I pointed out that the very proliferation of pseudo journalism these days, the cacophony of conjecture and partisan agendas and sensationalism that seem orchestrated above all to provoke and entertain, tended to leave me feeling as though I know less than ever what my government is doing in my name. Drinking, Alistair shrugged and nodded as if to concede: Yes, well, there's always the moronic inferno. ~ Lisa Halliday
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Lisa Halliday
From Oleg Cassini's memoirs... I learned that Cassini had also suffered from insomnia. One night, he woke from uneasy dreams with the opening of Dante's Inferno setting off 'a clamorous tumult in [his] subconscious: "Midway the journey of our life, I found myself in a dark forest."' When I read these terrible words, chills ran up my arms. I knew 'midway the journey' was supposed to mean midlife crisis. But it seemed to me one had always been midway the journey of our life, and would be maybe right up until the moment of death. ~ Elif Batuman
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Elif Batuman
We are burning like a chicken wing left on the grill of an outdoor barbecue
we are unwanted and burning we are burning and unwanted
we are
an unwanted
as we sizzle and fry
to the bone
the coals of Dante's 'Inferno' spit and sputter beneath
above the sky is an open hand
the words of wise men are useless
it's not a nice world, a nice world it's
not ... ~ Charles Bukowski
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Charles Bukowski
Considered purely as effects-driven filmed drama, 'The Day After Tomorrow' checks in somewhere in the middle of one of Hollywood's most absurd and least lamented dead genres, the disaster pic of the '70s. It's a little better than 'Earthquake' but not as good as 'The Towering Inferno,' because it doesn't star Steve McQueen and Paul Newman. ~ Stephen Hunter
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Stephen Hunter
It's not the theme parks of Paradiso and Inferno that I dread most - the heavenly rides, the hellish crowds - and I could live with the insult of eternal oblivion. I don't even mind not knowing which it will be. What I fear is missing out. Health desire or mere greed, I want my life first, my due, my infinitesimal slice of endless time and one reliable chance of a consciousness. I'm owed a handful of decades to try my luck on a freewheeling planet. That's the ride for me - the Wall of Life. I want my go. I want to become. Put another way, there's a book I want to read, not yet published, not yet written, though a start's been made. I want to read to the end of My History of the Twenty-First Century. I want to be there, on the last page, in my early eighties, frail but sprightly, dancing a jig on the evening of December 31, 2099. ~ Ian McEwan
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Ian McEwan
There is no water to put out the fire. Mi canto la esperanza. - Carlos Santana "Maria Maria ~ Don Winslow
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Don Winslow
(Marlowe's) Faustus stubbornly reverts to his atheistic beliefs and continues his elementary pagan re-education ~ the inferno to him is a 'place' invented by men. ~ E.A. Bucchianeri
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by E.A. Bucchianeri
… in these new days and in these new pages a philosophical tradition of the spontaneity of speculation kind has been rekindled on the sacred isle of Éire, regardless of its creative custodian never having been taught how to freely speculate, how to profoundly question, and how to playfully define.

Spontaneity of speculation being synonymous with the philosophical-poetic, the philosophical-poetic with the rural philosopher-poet, and by roundelay the rural philosopher-poet thee with the spontaneity of speculation be.

And by the way of the rural what may we say?
A philosopher-poet of illimitable space we say.

Iohannes Scottus Ériugena the metaphor of old salutes you; salutes your lyrical ear and your skilful strumming of the rippling harp.

(Source: Hearing in the Write, Canto 19, Ivy-muffled) ~ Richard McSweeney
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Richard McSweeney
tried to understand what I'd seen. I felt as if I'd just stepped out of a limn on twentieth-century book burnings: gaunt, vampiric Goebbels screaming beside a seditious inferno; Stalin; Mao and his Red Guards; Iranian forces in the Republic of Mahabad burning anything in Kurdish; midcentury New York school kids incinerating comics in Binghamton; Ray Bradbury's firemen; apartheid-era librarians; Pinochet; Pol Pot; Serbian nationalists setting fire to the National and University Library. ~ Alena Graedon
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Alena Graedon
In every journey comes a moment ... one like no other. And in that moment, you must decide between who you are ... and who you want to be. ~ J.C. Marino
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by J.C. Marino
One way to respond to these "sins" is found in The Divine Comedy, in which Dante is ultimately led to the vision of God by his guide, Beatrice. In first traversing through the Inferno, Dante reveals that the inhabitants of the Inferno are not there because they are sinners. Sinners also make up the populations of Purgatory and Paradise. Rather, those souls are in the Inferno because they are sinners who refused to admit to their own sins. They denied their faults and projected them onto others, blaming everyone around them. The lesson we learn is that only when our sins become acknowledged and deeply felt can they be integrated. Deep reflection and prayer are an important part of the integration of the [inner] shadow. Once we admit to our shadow with honesty and an open heart, the shadow has the potential to become transformed.

Once the shadow is integrated, the Seven Deadly Sins can become aspects of a healthy self. Greed and lust become passion, imbuing our journey with heart and fire. Anger transforms into righteousness that acts compassionately for own and other's behalf. The healthy side to gluttony is self-care, something many women have to learn. Envy, once integrated, becomes an appreciation of others. And in a society where doing is valued over being, sloth turns into the ability to be still. Pride enables us to feel good about our accomplishments and grow in confidence and strength. But the path to authenticity is to admit these qualities are within us. I ~ Helen LaKelly Hunt
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Helen LaKelly Hunt
For me, bel canto is medicine for the voice. ~ Sondra Radvanovsky
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Sondra Radvanovsky
He had seen inferno and tempest, and had not only looked into the abyss but the abyss had looked into him, and then made disparaging comments. ~ Jonathan L. Howard
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Jonathan L. Howard
A quarter of America is a dramatic, tense, violent country, exploding with contradictions, full of brutal, physiological vitality, and that is the America that I have really loved and love. But a good half of it is a country of boredom, emptiness, monotony, brainless production, and brainless consumption, and this is the American inferno. ~ Italo Calvino
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Italo Calvino
Kelley. Your name is Kelley, isn't it?" He didn't wait for her confirmation. "Yes. Well. Tell me ... that bit just now ... was that from Dante's Inferno?"
Uh ... no," Kelley stammered. Her face felt hot.
I'm in for it.
Are you sure?" he continued. "Because it most certainly wasn't from this play. And it bloody well sounded like hell. ~ Lesley Livingston
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Lesley Livingston
But we are not just called to be candles. We are called to be fire. Candles can be snuffed out by the slightest wind or by the smallest child on their birthday. But it's harder to put out a fire. We are to be fire, to weave our lives together so that the Spirit's inferno of love spreads across the earth. ~ Shane Claiborne
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Shane Claiborne
Could hell be described as too much of anything without a break? Are variety,
moderation and balance instruments we use to keep us from boiling in any inferno of
excess,' whether it be cheesecake or ravenous sex? ~ Jean-Paul Sartre
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Jean-Paul Sartre
And of that second kingdom will I sing Wherein the human spirit doth purge itself, And to ascend to heaven becometh worthy. -Dante Alighieri, Purgatorio, Canto I.004-006. ~ Sylvain Reynard
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Sylvain Reynard
You know, the act of feeding someone is the ultimate act of care and affection ... sharing yourself with someone else through food." He held another mouthful of cake under her nose. "Think about it. We are fed in the Eucharist, by our mothers when we are infants, by our parents as children, by friends at dinner parties, by a lover when we feast on one another's bodies ... and on occasion, on another's souls. ~ Sylvain Reynard
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Sylvain Reynard
Never make a promise you cannot keep. ~ Dan Brown
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Dan Brown
Enjoy it. One way or another, your days are numbered. ~ Dan Brown
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Dan Brown
My house is full of books. I suppose that I have read all of them, bar reference books and poetry collections in which I will not have read every poem. I have forgotten many, indeed most. At some point, I have emptied each of these into that insatiable vessel, the mind, and they are now lost somewhere within. If I reopen a book, there is recognition--oh yes, I've been here--but to have the contents again, familiar, new-minted, I would have to read right through. What happens to all this information, this inferno of language? Where does it go? Much, apparently, becomes irretrievable sediment; a fair amount, the significant amount, becomes that essential part of us--what we know and understand and think about above and beyond our own immediate concerns. It has become the life of the mind. What we have read makes us what we are--quite as much as what we have experienced and where we have been and who we have known. To read is to experience.

I can measure out my life in books. They stand along the way like signposts: the moments of absorption and empathy and direction and enlightenment and sheer pleasure. ~ Penelope Lively
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Penelope Lively
If love is a flame, I am an inferno... ~ Lillian Strange
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Lillian Strange
In theater, you go in-depth with your character, so coming to the States, it was inevitable to dig into the pilots I liked. I knew what characters I was going to be reading for, so I would dissect them and really get involved with them. ~ Adan Canto
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Adan Canto
There is a law somewhere that says that when one person is thoroughly smitten with the other, the other must unavoidably be smitten as well. Amor ch'a null'amato amar perdona. Love, which exempts no one who's loved from loving, Francesca's words in the Inferno. Just wait and be hopeful. I was hopeful, though perhaps this was what I had wanted all along. To wait forever. ~ Andre Aciman
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Andre Aciman
Sometimes the only choice is the lesser of two evils. ~ Dan Brown
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Dan Brown
I disconnected as a sleepy Seth stepped out of the bedroom. "Who's Dante? Was that a collect call to the Inferno?"
"They won't accept the charges," I murmured. ~ Richelle Mead
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Richelle Mead
I felt what I was trying to do was make people realize that comics could be deep. I stopped myself in the middle of saying that because the Bazooka Joe thing I do with Dante's Inferno, that was just a goof. I wasn't trying to make people look at Bazooka Joe more seriously. But in my mind it's always been important. ~ Robert Sikoryak
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Robert Sikoryak
New York city, the incomparable, the brilliant star city of cities, the forty-ninth state, a law unto itself, the Cyclopean Paradox, the inferno with no-out-of bounds, the supreme expression of both the miseries and the splendors of contemporary civilization, the Macedonia of the United States. It meets the most severe test that may be applied to definition of a metropolis - it stays up all night. But also it becomes a small town when it rains. ~ John Gunther
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by John Gunther
Through me is the way to the city of woe.
Through me is the way to sorrow eternal.
Through me is the way to the lost below. Justice moved my architect supernal.
I was constructed by divine power,
supreme wisdom, and love primordial.
Before me no created things were.
Save those eternal, and eternal I abide.
Abandon all hope, you who enter. ~ Dante Alighieri
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Dante Alighieri
I suppose it is submerged realities that give to dreams their curious air of hyper-reality. But perhaps there is something else as well, something nebulous, gauze-like, through which everything one sees in a dream seems, paradoxically, much clearer. A pond becomes a lake, a breeze becomes a storm, a handful of dust is a desert, a grain of sulphur in the blood is a volcanic inferno. What manner of theater is it, in which we are at once playwright, actor, stage manager, scene painter and audience? ~ W.G. Sebald
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by W.G. Sebald
Mientras mas honda la herida,
Es mi canto mas hermoso.
While more deeper is the wound
The more beautiful the art. ~ Jose Marti
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Jose Marti
...Art strives after her by imitation,
as the disciple imitates the master;
Art, as it were, is the Grandchild of Creation. ~ Dante's Inferno
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Dante's Inferno
People who felt scared or desperate enough could do almost anything, even things that are extremely out of their character to do; things that are not natural to them. When it came to the human condition, it only took one small spark to light an inferno. ~ J.M. Northup
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by J.M. Northup
...right," I say, clicking my pen. "I'd rather die than do a skit about Inferno, so there's that."

"You know it?" he asks.


"Like, have you read it?" Matt has a quiet, husky voice. He rushes through words as if he's not allowed to be talking.

"Just excerpts, but I know the plot," I say. "Basically, Virgil gives Dante this guided tour of the nine circles of hell, and Dante wanders around judging people and fainting a ton. Which is kinda like, it seems sorta dangerous to drop unconscious in hell of all places, but I guess my experience there is limited, so. ~ Riley Redgate
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Riley Redgate
I fear the signs point to the time of Revelation being upon us. If it is so, then this is only the beginning. ~ Nicholas DeAntonio
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Nicholas DeAntonio
CANTO I IN the midway of this our mortal life, ~ Dante Alighieri
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Dante Alighieri
I could hear the chaotic laughter trailing behind me. It turned the ageless trees into a menace. They loomed around me, while hiding him. The branches tore at my skin in an effort to bind me, while weeds sought to shackle my ankles, so that I could go no further. The pain they caused was minor, when I compared it to the searing inferno at my core. ~ J.D. Stroube
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by J.D. Stroube
A double shot of Laphroaig twenty-five-year-old, neat, please. And ask the bartender for a small shot glass of spring water, non-sparkling," Gabriel instructed without making eye contact with the waitress.
The waitress left, and Rachel began to laugh. "Big brother, only you could make ordering a drink sound pretentious."
-Rachel to Gabriel ~ Sylvain Reynard
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Sylvain Reynard
The merit of Mahomet is that he founded a religion without an inferno. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte
Canto 3 Inferno quotes by Napoleon Bonaparte
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