Blue Balloons Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Blue Balloons.

Quotes About Blue Balloons

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The morning was glorious, one of those crystalline, dry, blue, fall days when the temperature hovers right at anticipation. ~ Richard Powers
Blue Balloons quotes by Richard Powers
Painful memories come out of the blue whether someone says something or not," Andi replied. "It's always an eternity ago and always yesterday. ~ Connie Miller Pease
Blue Balloons quotes by Connie Miller Pease
Out of the blue Sylvia said, 'People are like boxes. You would like to open them up and see what's inside, but you can't.' Sylvia was interested in people and recognizing how individuals create their own kind of camouflage- the 'lids on the boxes', so to speak. ~ Elizabeth Winder
Blue Balloons quotes by Elizabeth Winder
It was a grey September day, with the blue and copper butterflies flitting in the after-grass, the partridges calling like crickets, the blackberries colouring, and the hazel nuts still nursing their tasteless little kernels in the cradles of cotton wool. ~ T.H. White
Blue Balloons quotes by T.H. White
He made no attempt to move toward me but stood still, his bright blue eyes assessing me. I shivered. He was giving my goose bumps a field day. ~ Myra McEntire
Blue Balloons quotes by Myra McEntire
Blue Dogs have always acted in a bipartisan way. The Blue Dogs were the group in the Democratic side of the aisle that really pushed for the welfare-reform package that ultimately was signed into law in 1996. ~ Jim Matheson
Blue Balloons quotes by Jim Matheson
I know you worry about getting older, about not being the prettiest guy in the room anymore."

And I worried about aging, but not how he thought. I had never presumed I was prettiest, just one of many. My only concern now was that Sam Kage thought I was hot.

"But there will never come a time when that will be the case," he said, pressing soft kisses to the side of my neck. I leaned my head back so he could reach more of my throat. "To me, Jory," he said, "you're more beautiful now than you ever have been, and I can't wait to see what you're gonna look like at forty and fifty and sixty, and God willing a lot more numbers after that."

"Many after that," I assured him as my eyes drifted open so I could look up into his smoky-blue ones.

"The most important thing is that you're mine, you belong to me," he said, his hands pressing me closer before he kissed me. ~ Mary Calmes
Blue Balloons quotes by Mary Calmes
It wasn't a crow from dangling head down from the the car roof and looking in at the window. It was the little gargoyle from Belgravia. When he saw my horrified expression, his catlike face twisted into a triumphant smile, and he spewed a torrent of water over the windshield. - Sapphire Blue ~ Kerstin Gier
Blue Balloons quotes by Kerstin Gier
The centripetal force on our planet is still fearfully strong, Alyosha. I have a longing for life, and I go on living in spite of logic. Though I may not believe in the order of the universe, yet I love the sticky little leaves as they open in spring. I love the blue sky, I love some people, whom one loves you know sometimes without knowing why. I love some great deeds done by men, though I've long ceased perhaps to have faith in them, yet from old habit one's heart prizes them. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Blue Balloons quotes by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Goth boy stares at me, and I give him a what-are-you-looking-at stare right back.

"I'm dead," he says in a dull monotone.

"Pardon me?" Adriana asks, but he keeps staring at me.

"You're dead, too. Look at your veins. They're blue." He points at my forearms where dark veins run their lengths. "You're rotting like me."

I glance to Adriana, hands clasped and praying that she won't leave me here.

Adriana's stopped crying now and squints at the boy before standing to pull closed the curtain that rings my cot. "Crazy," she says with an uncertain smile. "You're not rotting."

. . . ninety-nine, one hundred . "No," I reply. "But I will if you leave me here. ~ Michael F. Stewart
Blue Balloons quotes by Michael F. Stewart
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww! ~ Jack Kerouac
Blue Balloons quotes by Jack Kerouac
The woman crosses the room, and it is only when she is directly in front of us that I am certain about who she is. She is dressed in a pelisse fashionable among women half her age, and the feather in her hat is an extraordinary shade of blue. Outside, a young man is waiting at her coach. Passersby will suspect that he is her son, but anyone who has ever been acquainted with her will know better. ~ Diana Gabaldon
Blue Balloons quotes by Diana Gabaldon
Now and again there's a moment,
when the heart cries aloud:
yes, I am willing to be
that wild darkness,
that long, blue body of light. ~ Mary Oliver
Blue Balloons quotes by Mary Oliver
Alan Rickman had to drop into a blue screen stretched over a bag. It might have been 30 feet, which is plenty scary. You'd break your back, especially if you were untrained, but this is the thing about it: What you see on his face when he lets go is real fear. It's one of the greatest shots ever. ~ Brian Abrams
Blue Balloons quotes by Brian Abrams
Stephanie Robson, baby blue, my best friend and the woman with my heart. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I take a moment to compose myself. "Will you marry me? ~ Karina Halle
Blue Balloons quotes by Karina Halle
Have either of you seen your mother "
"Yeah " Ethan said and my heart actually skipped a beat.
But I should have known Ethan was joking. "Slim lady. Blue eyes and a gray pageboy " he continued his eyes glistening in appreciation of his own humor. "Answers to the name 'Mom'. ~ Rachel Vincent
Blue Balloons quotes by Rachel Vincent
Larry had brought me blue jeans, a red polo shirt, jogging socks, my white Nikes, an extra cross from my suitcase, the silver knives, the Firestar complete with inner pants holster, and the Browning and its shoulder holster. He'd forgotten a bra, but hey, except for that it was perfect. ~ Laurell K. Hamilton
Blue Balloons quotes by Laurell K. Hamilton
In the case of acupuncture, the time period must also be considered. On a fine day, the sun shining, blood in the human body flows smoothly, saliva is free, breathing is easy. On days of chill and cloud, blood flows thick and slow, breathing is heavy, saliva is viscous. When the moon is waxing, blood and breath are full. When the moon wanes, blood and breath wane. Therefore acupuncture should be used only on fair warm days, when the moon is waxing or, best of all, when the moon is full.'
'Interesting,' Grace said in a comment, 'in bioclimatic research in the West, coronary attacks increase in frequency on cold chilly days when the sun is under clouds.'
Dr Tseng turned the page of his blue cloth-covered book. 'Ah, doubtless the barbarians across the four seas have heard of our learning,' he observed without interest. ~ Pearl S. Buck
Blue Balloons quotes by Pearl S. Buck
I feel like I'm on my back, and there's the Sistine Chapel, and I'm painting away. I like it when people say, 'Gee, that's a pretty good-looking painting.' But it's my painting, and when somebody says, 'Why don't you use more red instead of blue?' Good-bye. It's my painting. And I don't care what they sell it for. The painting itself will never be finished. That's one of the great things about it. ~ Alice Schroeder
Blue Balloons quotes by Alice Schroeder
Black hair and blue eyes are my favorite combination. ~ Cassandra Clare
Blue Balloons quotes by Cassandra Clare
White hedonism cut on blue
intelligence and laced
with silver anxiety. Bravo. ~ R.F. Langley
Blue Balloons quotes by R.F. Langley
I like to drop in on people who picked on me in high school or whatever, just out of the blue, and chat with them to see how they think of me now that I'm a big star. Usually they're a lot nicer. After about half an hour, I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, and leave a few DVDs or pictures there. Then when I come out, I say good-bye and leave. Then I call the cops. ~ Zach Braff
Blue Balloons quotes by Zach Braff
I love my bubble skirt. I wear it with a belt and my shirt tucked in. Just like a t-shirt from Nordstrom's or something. And I wear this navy blue blazer with the sleeves crushed up. And I just feel like I'm such a cool girl when I walk out. I feel like, 'Yeah I'm cool, like a model.' ~ Keke Palmer
Blue Balloons quotes by Keke Palmer
...Minnesota, Wisconsin, all around there... has the kind of women I liked when I was younger. Pale-skinned and blue-eyed, hair so fair it's almost white, wine-colored lips, and round, full breasts with the veins running through them like a good cheese. ~ Neil Gaiman
Blue Balloons quotes by Neil Gaiman
A half-open window.
Morning-fresh air carries
curious sunlight into a bedroom.
Flecks of dust shimmer yellow-gold.
Four feet, entwined under white sheets.
Joni's Blue, on the player.
Delicate curtains slow-dance
to Sunday's tune.
Talk of: what for breakfast?
Anything. Anything at all. ~ Nick Miller
Blue Balloons quotes by Nick Miller
For here, am I sitting in a tin can, far above the world. Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do ... Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles, I'm feeling very still - and I think my spaceship knows which way to go. Tell my wife I love her very much. ~ David Bowie
Blue Balloons quotes by David Bowie
As far as I was concerned, the sun could have melted the blue right off the sky. Then the sky could be as miserable as I was. ~ Benjamin Alire Saenz
Blue Balloons quotes by Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Religious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans
The Religion Of The Blue Circle
A master serves the student.
The student is a master.
December 15, 2016 ~ Petra Hermans
Blue Balloons quotes by Petra Hermans
Letter 4

As I lay dreaming, Montezuma introduced himself and put his hand on my shoulder. The palm of the Aztec king felt like ancient papyrus.
When I looked up at him, I saw that his nose was chipped like that of a sphinx. His arms were like long ivory ropes that frayed into hands.
He led me down to the river, where we sat together and shared the river's silence. Then he spoke:
„Allow me to tell you my story. It may help you understand your own.
At dusk, in the year of one thousand rivers, the Spanish explorer Cortés arrived at the gates of my city. I welcomed him with open arms.
I showed Cortés hundreds of aviaries that had built in the city, and finally I took him to the most aviary of sighs. These birds carried only love letters.
Cortes laughed and said that all the bird songs made him feel like a virgin bride who is drunk with faith as she walks down the aisle of the church. On her wedding night, she undresses for her husband and he takes her in his arms. She believes everything is possible.
When Cortés stared straight into my eyes and said 'It is a night that is always colored in blood'." He paused for a long time before he spoke. Then he said, „Cortés returned with a small army of soldiers on horseback. When they ransacked the city, I was Cortes's own hand that lit the torch that set fire to the aviary of sighs.
The fires raged. The birds painted the blue sky black with the ashes of their wings. The gardens were redde ~ Gregory Colbert
Blue Balloons quotes by Gregory Colbert
He lifted his lips away and looked over me with glassy blue eyes. I love you so much it scares me sometimes. No ... it scares me most of the time. ~ Raine Miller
Blue Balloons quotes by Raine Miller
With night's
Dim veil and blue
I will cover my eyes,
I will bind close my eyes that are
So weary. ~ Adelaide Crapsey
Blue Balloons quotes by Adelaide Crapsey
The central theme of Anna Karenina," he said, "is that a rural life of moral simplicity, despite its monotony, is the preferable personal narrative to a daring life of impulsive passion, which only leads to tragedy."
"That is a very long theme," the scout said.
"It's a very long book," Klaus replied.
[ ... ]
"Or maybe a daring life of impulsive passion leads to something else," the scout said, and in some cases this mysterious person was right. A daring life of impulsive passion is an expression which refers to people who follow what is in their hearts, and like people who prefer to follow their head, or follow a mysterious man in a dark blue raincoat, people who lead a daring life of impulsive passion end up doing all sorts of things. ~ Lemony Snicket
Blue Balloons quotes by Lemony Snicket
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