Angels Doreen Virtue Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Angels Doreen Virtue.

Quotes About Angels Doreen Virtue

Enjoy collection of 46 Angels Doreen Virtue quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Angels Doreen Virtue. Righ click to see and save pictures of Angels Doreen Virtue quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

And without belief, dreams don't manifest into tangible reality. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Quiet solitude is a nutritional need of the ascending body. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Procrastination stems from fear and indecision. When you really want something, you always find and make time for its accomplishment. Once we remove fear and indecision, we have more time to fulfill desires. The Impostor Phenomenon is a common malady among successful people who secretly fear being "discovered" as frauds who haven't earned their stature. Not only do fears interfere with goal attainment, but they can also be self-fulfilling. Fear and worry cause more falls than they prevent. It's important to identify fears and success blocks as a first step in removing them. Identify, but don't overanalyze, your fears. Remember: think about what you want, rather than what you don't want. Observe and notice fears, without judging them. Fears are normal. However, removing fear is both a healthy and attainable goal. When we remove fear, all things become possible. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Your feelings are your signals of deep truths inside of you. They're the language of your soul, and they need you to listen to them. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Gabriel, Michael, Raphael. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
By declaring complete responsibility for being in your cocoon, and total responsibility for leaving. We become trapped when we avoid taking responsibility for the conditions in our lives. We're trapped further by blaming others for lack of fulfillment, success, and happiness. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
What topics fascinate me? Do I want to earn a degree or certificate? What would be fun, interesting, profitable, healthy, and/or beneficial for me to learn? What institutions or teachers do I want to learn from? What steps can I take today to propel me toward these goals? - My possessions: What types of possessions do I want or need in order to fulfill my divine function? What objects would make my life easier, safer, or more enjoyable? What types of furniture, clothing, cars, recreational vehicles, jewelry, equipment, toys, or other possessions have I always wanted? What possessions are weighing me down? What would I like to get rid of? Do I have anything I'd like to sell, donate, barter, or trade? When you've answered these questions for yourself, you'll be well on the way to setting healthy goals that will enrich and enhance your life! ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
When others see you at peace, they're reminded of the value of tranquility - that is, you inspire them to be at peace. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Instead of searching for what you want externally, concentrate on developing mental pictures of your desires. Surround these images with feelings of security, gratitude, and faith; and know that what you've been looking for is on its way to you right now. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Today I detach from other people's dramas. I love them and pray for them. I am a role model of peace for them. But I no longer rescue them, or put my own needs last. It is my right to be happy and to help others as I feel lovingly guided instead from guilt or obligation. I respect my feelings and expect others to do so too. And so it is! ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Allow others to give you loving care. Receive without guilt or apologies. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Be an earth angel, and look for love behind the actions of everyone you meet today. Whenever you look for love, you will always find it. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
To connect with the fairies ... go outdoors. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Indigos disrespect and dislike anyone who's disingenuous. Indigos can feel phoniness in other people, and they won't be phony themselves. Indigos would rather be punished than say something contrary to their feelings. You ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Take a moment to ask yourself, "What do I want to be, have, and do?" Suspend any doubts and fears about being unrealistic, and pretend that a philanthropist will finance any ambition you have. Write down detailed descriptions about your ideal life - everything from your dream house, to your ideal relationship, to relaxation and play time, to your perfect career choice. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
You are a being composed of light, love, and intelligence. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Focus your awareness on the Divine spark of crystal-white light, sparkling within the center of your stomach area. See or feel this white spark of light, shining like a pilot light within you. This is the spark of your true essence, your shining flame from God. Feel the warmth within you, filling you completely with love and peaceful energy. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
I feel that it is vital that we all re-open our spiritual gifts and open up to the voice of the Divine. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal and necessary ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Divine love always has been, and always will be, the answer that you seek. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
12 Keep your thoughts positive about the future, as what you are thinking influences your future. This is a message to keep your faith and hope strong, because these are strong determining factors right now. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
A lot of my work with the financial and helping my workers involves taking them back to their past life and helping them to understand this past. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Never be afraid of failure or disappointment, because those are just temporary experiences on the path to your dreams coming true ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Once you have a major success with assertiveness, you learn that it's a much healthier path than being a doormat to the insensitive folks. You gain respect for yourself, have more time for your priorities, and develop authentic and healthier relationships. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
A lot of my work is helping people to find their own life's purpose and then follow it. I find that when people are not working on their life's purpose there is a sense of emptiness and anxiety. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
You see, when you're in love, you look for similarities with your beloved. Since the root of all conflict is seeing differences between yourself and another, love truly seems to be the key to eliminating conflict. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
The plants have taught me they don't like to be potted too long - it's very restrictive to them so I would plant them outside if you could, or in a green house. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Don't just wish for your dreams to come true, but passionately want them! Don't just hope for your dreams, but know they are coming to you right this minute! Don't fear that good things only happen to other people, but know that good is for everyone, including you! Don't just request that your divine path come true. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Dear God, please help me to love and value myself, and treat myself with loving care. Please help me to know that I deserve happiness (as we all do), and that I have the right to change my life in healthful ways. Thank you for supporting me as I stand in my power, strength, and love in my relationships and in my career, and for helping others to accept and support the changes that I need to make. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
true. Put your foot down and demand it! ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
When everything seems to fall apart..that's when everything new you prayed for has room to enter your life.. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Each of the painful "problems" in our lives contains valuable healing lessons. They teach us awareness and hopefully convince us to let go of our blind spots, prejudices, and tendencies to ignore our intuition and other growth lessons. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Don't blame yourself for other people's choices, including their choice of unhappiness. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
By staying true to yourself, you keep your energy high and clear, and you provide inspirational role modeling for other healers and helpers. Integrity toward yourself is a gift to the world. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
When dealing with a difficult person, all that matters from a spiritual standpoint is how you react and treat the person. It's not about getting the other person to change or agree with you. Your spiritual growth is all about the way that YOU deal with the relationship, the person, and the situation. Even if the situation would justify you acting harshly, resist this temptation. Ask for heaven to purify and uplift your thoughts and feelings so that everything you do and say is aligned with Divine Love. This is the path and purpose of the lightworker. This is why you are here. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
A balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy, mood and motivation at a consistently high level. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Your energy of love is so powerful that it can heal anything, including your future. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
There's a place inside of you where you can retreat and enjoy perfect stillness. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Unhealed trauma is behind our health, weight, addiction, sleep, and relationship issues. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Today, recall a favorite memory, which serves as a gateway to uplifting feelings and thoughts. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Those who don't have goals are forever doomed to work for those who do, author ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
There are a lot of people who had past lives where they were monks and nuns and all their needs were provided for them. I feel like most people in the new age had this as their most recent lifetime experience, that kind of communal living. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Dear God, thank You for providing for all of my earthly needs. I ask that You continue to guide me clearly to everything that I need to fulfill my mission and to be able to provide a safe and healthful life for myself and my loved ones. Amen. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
Because you're a creation of God, you reflect the Divine qualities of creativity, wisdom, and love. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
female health issues stem from "denial of the self and rejecting femininity"; ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
If we're not at peace, we are in an ego state. ~ Doreen Virtue
Angels Doreen Virtue quotes by Doreen Virtue
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