Vanden Stock Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Vanden Stock.

Quotes About Vanden Stock

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Real investment risk is measured not by the percent that a stock may decline in price in relation to the general market in a given period, but by the danger of a loss of quality and earnings power through economic changes or deterioration in management. ~ Benjamin Graham
Vanden Stock quotes by Benjamin Graham
Ultimately, we're not the avatars we create. We're not the pictures on the film stock. We are the light that shines through it. All else is just smoke and mirrors. Distracting, but not truly compelling. ~ Jim Carrey
Vanden Stock quotes by Jim Carrey
You perceive now, my friends, what your general or abstract duty is as teachers. Although you have to generate in your pupils a large stock of ideas, any one of which may be inhibitory, yet you must also see to it that no habitual hesitancy or paralysis of the will ensues, and that the pupil still retains his power of vigorous action. ~ William James
Vanden Stock quotes by William James
The stock market can be down, but the stock market is not an indication of where people's spirits and enthusiam are, and where their intellectual energy is. ~ James Daly
Vanden Stock quotes by James Daly
If we can learn to embrace the Homer Simpson within us, with all our flaws and inabilities, and take these into account when we design our schools, health plans, stock markets, and everything else in our environment, I am certain that we can create a much better world. This is the real promise of behavioral economics. ~ Dan Ariely
Vanden Stock quotes by Dan Ariely
The extent to which perception and, consequently, vision are dependent upon memory and imagination is a matter of every day experience. We see familiar things more clearly then when we see objects about which we have no stock of memories. The old seamstress, who cannot read without glasses, can see to thread needle with the naked eye. Why? Because she is more familiar with needles then with print. In man who can work all day at the office without undue fatigue of the eyes is worn out by an hour at the museum and comes home with a splitting headache. Why? Because in the office he is following a regular routine and looking at words and figures, the bike of which he looks at every day; whereas in the museum everything is strange novel, and outlandish. ~ Aldous Huxley
Vanden Stock quotes by Aldous Huxley
Take no stock in saying, "never", because it carries no guarantee. ~ Anita R. Sneed-Carter
Vanden Stock quotes by Anita R. Sneed-Carter
Consider this scenario.

You own shares in Company A. During the past year you considered switching to stock in Company B but decided against it. You now find that you would have been better off by 1200$ if you had switched to the stock of Company B. You also owned shares in Company C. During the past year you switched to stock in Company D. You now find out that you'd have been better off by 1200$, if you kept your stock in Company C.

Which error causes you more regret? Studies show that about
Immune to Reality nine out of ten people expect to feel more regret when they foolishly switch stocks than when they foolishly fail to switch stocks, because most people think they will regret foolish actions more than foolish inactions. But studies also show that nine out of ten people are wrong.

Indeed, in the long run, people of every age and in every walk of life seem to regret "not" having
done things much more than they regret things they "did", which is why the most popular regrets include not going to college, not grasping profitable business opportunities, and not spending enough time with family and friends. ~ Daniel Todd Gilbert
Vanden Stock quotes by Daniel Todd Gilbert
Character is the salesperson's stock in trade. The product itself is secondary. Truthfulness, enthusiasm and patience are great assets to every salesperson. Without them, they couldn't go far. Courage and courtesy are essential equipment. ~ George Madison Adams
Vanden Stock quotes by George Madison Adams
I do hear snippets on the radio. I do hear a little bit of me, sometimes great chunks of me. But I have to take that as a compliment; there's no way you can get sour grapes about that. But if somebody starts taking your whole new thing lock, stock, and barrel, and do their own version of it before you do it, that's not on. ~ Jeff Beck
Vanden Stock quotes by Jeff Beck
Whenever you try to pick market tops and bottoms, you are making a prediction. Guessing what stock is going to outperform the market is forecasting, as is selling a stock for no apparent reason. Indeed, nearly all capital decisions made by most people are unconscious predictions. ~ Barry Ritholtz
Vanden Stock quotes by Barry Ritholtz
It may be seriously questioned whether the philosophies ... which isolate mind and set it over against the world did not have their origin in the fact that the reflective or theoretical class of men elaborated a large stock of ideas which social conditions did not allow them to act upon and test. Consequently men were thrown back into their own thoughts as ends in themselves. ~ John Dewey
Vanden Stock quotes by John Dewey
I was having dinner…in London…when eventually he got, as the Europeans always do, to the part about "Your country's never been invaded." And so I said, "Let me tell you who those bad guys are. They're us. WE BE BAD. We're the baddest-assed sons of bitches that ever jogged in Reeboks. We're three-quarters grizzly bear and two-thirds car wreck and descended from a stock market crash on our mother's side. You take your Germany, France, and Spain, roll them all together and it wouldn't give us room to park our cars. We're the big boys, Jack, the original, giant, economy-sized, new and improved butt kickers of all time. When we snort coke in Houston, people lose their hats in Cap d'Antibes. And we've got an American Express card credit limit higher than your piss-ant metric numbers go. You say our country's never been invaded? You're right, little buddy. Because I'd like to see the needle-dicked foreigners who'd have the guts to try. We drink napalm to get our hearts started in the morning. A rape and a mugging is our way of saying 'Cheerio.' Hell can't hold our sock-hops.
We walk taller, talk louder, spit further, fuck longer and buy more things than you know the names of. I'd rather be a junkie in a New York City jail than king, queen, and jack of all Europeans. We eat little countries like this for breakfast and shit them out before lunch. ~ P.J. O'Rourke
Vanden Stock quotes by P.J. O'Rourke
I mean, I think that if people are concerned about volatility, they should definitely not buy our stock. I'm not here [on an earnings call] to convince you to buy [Tesla] stock. Do not buy it if volatility is scary. There you go. ~ Elon Musk
Vanden Stock quotes by Elon Musk
He rode out in the dark long before daylight and he rode the sun up and he rode it down again. In the oncoming years a terrible drought struck west Texas. He moved on. There was no work in that country anywhere. Pasture gates stood open and sand drifted in the roads and after a few years it was rare to see stock of any kind and he rode on. Days of the world. Years of the world. Till he was old. ~ Cormac McCarthy
Vanden Stock quotes by Cormac McCarthy
Take stock of your fears now and see how many of them are senseless. If you are honest with yourself you will probably find most of them are groundless. ~ Dale Carnegie
Vanden Stock quotes by Dale Carnegie
I find it funny because people complain about Brooklyn becoming too hip, but would they prefer stock brokers or gunfights or something? ~ Kemp Muhl
Vanden Stock quotes by Kemp Muhl
Previously, on Lock, Stock, I went to bed at two in the morning and woke up at five in the morning, and on this one I was known to nod off on the set occasionally. ~ Guy Ritchie
Vanden Stock quotes by Guy Ritchie
We shouldn't just look at new buildings but at existing stock building because that's an even greater problem than the new buildings being built. The renovation of existing buildings and making them green is just as important as designing new green buildings. ~ Ken Yeang
Vanden Stock quotes by Ken Yeang
Slavery is not a horror safely confined to the past; it continues to exist throughout the world, even in developed countries like France and the United States. Across the world slaves work and sweat and build and suffer. Slaves in Pakistan may have made the shoes you are wearing and the carpet you stand on. Slaves in the Caribbean may have put sugar in your kitchen and toys in the hands of your children. In India they may have sewn the shirt on your back and polished the ring on your finger. They are paid nothing.

Slaves touch your life indirectly as well. They made the bricks for the factory that made the TV you watch. In Brazil slaves made the charcoal that tempered the steel that made the springs in your car and the blade on your lawnmower. Slaves grew the rice that fed the woman that wove the lovely cloth you've put up as curtains. Your investment portfolio and your mutual fund pension own stock in companies using slave labor in the developing world. Slaves keep your costs low and returns on your investments high. ~ Kevin Bales
Vanden Stock quotes by Kevin Bales
Hope had finally learned to live in the present. Often, when she found herself in a space of tremendous comfort, usually out in nature, or when her children were safe all around her and on the verge of going to bed, she forced herself to take stock. Here you are, Hope, she told herself. What a beautiful moment. You may never again be here at this spot, enjoying the calm. This habit of hers, to acknowledge the immediate and elusive joy of the present, kept her sane. ~ David Bergen
Vanden Stock quotes by David Bergen
The stock market has an insidious effect on C.E.O.s' moods, because of its impact not just on their companies but on their own bank accounts. ~ James Surowiecki
Vanden Stock quotes by James Surowiecki
As I said just now, the world has gone past me. I don't blame it; but I no longer understand it. Tradesmen are not the same as they used to be, apprentices are not the same, business is not the same, business commodities are not the same. Seven-eighths of my stock is old-fashioned. I am an old-fashioned man in an old-fashioned shop, in a street that is not the same as I remember it. I have fallen behind the time, and am too old to catch it again. ~ Charles Dickens
Vanden Stock quotes by Charles Dickens
Somtimes you lie in a strange room, in a strange person's home, and you feel yourself bending out of shape. Melting, touching something hot, something that warps you in drastic and probably irreversible ways you won't get to take stock of until its too late ~ Rob Sheffield
Vanden Stock quotes by Rob Sheffield
At long as a stock is acting right, and the market is right, do not be in a hurry to take profits. One should never permit speculative ventures to run into investments. ~ Jesse Lauriston Livermore
Vanden Stock quotes by Jesse Lauriston Livermore
I stand on the corner of the block slinging
amethyst rocks. Drinkin 40's of mother
earth's private nectar stock. Dodgin cops.
'Cause Five-O be the 666 and I need a fix
of that purple rain. The type of shit that
drives membranes insane. Oh yeah, I'm in
the fast lane. Snorting candy yams. That free
my body and soul and send me like Shazaam!
Never question who I am. God knows.
And I know God, personally. In fact, he
lets me call him me. I be one with rain
and stars and things, with dancing feet
and watermelon wings. I bring the
sunshine and the moon. And wind blows
my tune. ~ Saul Williams
Vanden Stock quotes by Saul Williams
The bubble logic driving tulipomania has since acquired a name: "the greater fool theory." Although by any conventional measure it is folly to pay thousands for a tulip bulb (or for that matter an Internet stock), as long as there is an even greater fool out there willing to pay even more, doing so is the most logical thing in the world. ~ Michael Pollan
Vanden Stock quotes by Michael Pollan
At moments of departure and a change of life, people capable of reflecting on their actions usually get into a serious state of mind. At these moments they usually take stock of the past and make plans for the future. ~ Leo Tolstoy
Vanden Stock quotes by Leo Tolstoy
An interesting thing happened in 1989, right as I was graduating: the stock market crashed and really changed the landscape of the art world in New York. It made the kind of work I was doing interesting to galleries that wouldn't have normally been interested in it. ~ Matthew Barney
Vanden Stock quotes by Matthew Barney
Now what sea is this you have crossed, exactly, and what sea is it you have plunged more than once to the bottom of, alerted, full of adrenalin, but caught really, buffaloed under the epistemologies of these threats that paranoid you so down and out, caught in this steel pot, softening to devitaminized mush inside the soup-stock of your own words, your waste submarine breath? It took the Dreyfus Affair to get the Zionists out and doing, finally: what will drive you out of your soup-kettle? Has it already happened? Was it tonight's attack and deliverance? Will you go to the Heath, and begin your settlement, and wait there for your Director to come? ~ Thomas Pynchon
Vanden Stock quotes by Thomas Pynchon
Apparently she was going to have to stock up on ugly knitwear. * ~ Leigh Bardugo
Vanden Stock quotes by Leigh Bardugo
Distributers don't need massive amounts of square feet to stock digital products. Retailers don't need brick-and-mortar stores to sell them. The entire supply chain for these select items has been permanently dematerialized. The marketplace has been blown to bits. ~ Jay Samit
Vanden Stock quotes by Jay Samit
He interrupts her again. "I will stay without complaining ... "
"You have no choice!"
" ... if you'll do two things." The teasing has long left his face. He is dead serious.
I should leave but I can't. I know I'm about to witness a historic event, and I lurk next to the door, my eyes glued to Charlotte and Ambrose.
"Okay," Charlotte says, matching his gravity.
"Promise me you'll come back."
Charlotte is silent.
"And give me a kiss good-bye."
"What?" Charlotte blurts.
"You heard me."
She stands stock-still for a good couple of seconds before raising her fingertips to her mouth. Her eyes glitter with tears as she sits back down on the side of his bed. And taking his good hand in hers, she leans forward and kisses him. It is a slow kiss. It is a lingering kiss. It's the kiss she's been waiting for for years. ~ Amy Plum
Vanden Stock quotes by Amy Plum
Our existence began to materialize in another part of the city, in the Colonial Offices, in the Stock Exchange, in the Admiralty. There, through a strange alchemy of civilization, Button and I assumed our bodies, we became real, we belonged somewhere on the globe that was perfectly situated and transformed us into skins, oil, numbers. ~ Sylvia Iparraguirre
Vanden Stock quotes by Sylvia Iparraguirre
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