The Knife S Edge Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about The Knife S Edge.

Quotes About The Knife S Edge

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It's always a shame when good men die for a wretched man's cause. ~ Matthew Wolf
The Knife S Edge quotes by Matthew Wolf
Everyone lives in two worlds," Maggie said, speaking in an absentminded sort of way while she studied her letters. "There's the real world, with all its annoying facts and rules. In the real world, there are things that are true and things that aren't. Mostly the real world s-s-s-suh-sucks. But everyone also lives in the world inside their own head. An inscape, a world of thought. In a world made of thought - in an inscape - every idea is a fact. Emotions are as real as gravity. Dreams are as powerful as history. Creative people, like writers, and Henry Rollins, spend a lot of their time hanging out in their thoughtworld. S-s-strong creatives, though, can use a knife to cut the stitches between the two worlds, can bring them together. Your bike. My tiles. Those are our knives. ~ Joe Hill
The Knife S Edge quotes by Joe Hill
All right, beautiful. You've got me tied down to this stone table, and there's a knife in your hand that says you get to rule Narnia for another hundred years. So maybe I die, and winter goes on. Maybe the hunger and the darkness and the fear never end. But as long as the children believe in me, I know that Aslan will live again. I, the Great Lion, Son of The Emperor Over The Sea, will live again and
aaaaauugh!! ~ C.S. Lewis
The Knife S Edge quotes by C.S. Lewis
I love this book. When other U.S. reporters were licking Ken Lay's loafers, Leopold went for Enron's thieving throat. Leopold is a journalist who insists on real investigative reporting–inside documents, inside sources, hard knife-in-the-gut evidence–detective-style reporting that is just about illegal in the U.S.A. Bravo and my personal Pulitzer to Jason Leopold. Every journalist in America should read this, then quit or riot. ~ Greg Palast
The Knife S Edge quotes by Greg Palast
The morning after I'd dumped the Easy-Bake Oven on the guesthouse porch, I'd walked out of my front door and nearly tripped on the box on the way to my truck. She'd returned it with a butter knife sticking through the side, and despite myself, I smiled. ~ R.S. Grey
The Knife S Edge quotes by R.S. Grey
I tried that too,' said Laurent. 'I don't like to think of myself as predictable. But apparently I cycle through all the normal responses. Shall I tell you what you're going to do when I stick the knife in for the first time? ~ C.S. Pacat
The Knife S Edge quotes by C.S. Pacat
There's the real world, with all its annoying facts and rules. In the real world, there are things that are true and things that aren't. Mostly the real world s-s-s-suh-sucks. But everyone also lives in the world inside their own head. An inscape, a world of thought. In a world made of thought - in an inscape - every idea is a fact. Emotions are as real as gravity. Dreams are as powerful as history. Creative people, like writers, and Henry Rollins, spend a lot of their time hanging out in their thoughtworld. S-s-strong creatives, though, can use a knife to cut the stitches between the two worlds, can bring them together. Your bike. My tiles. Those are our knives. She ~ Joe Hill
The Knife S Edge quotes by Joe Hill
As I went to stand up, I felt a tiny point of pressure on my back.
"Don't move," Kasey whispered.
I stayed bent over.
"Drop the knife," she said.
"Excuse me, I'm using it," I said.
She swallowed hard. "For what?"
"Mom and Dad. You."
The pressure on my back increased. "Drop it, Alexis."
Drop it? Like I was a bad dog running around with a sock in my mouth.
"How long will this take?" I asked, setting the knife on the floor. "I'm in the middle of something."
Get in the bathroom," she said.
The faster I indulged her, the faster it would be over with. So I walked into the bathroom. She followed, kicking the knife toward the end of the hallway and flipping on the bathroom light.
"What's this all about, Kasey?" I asked, turning around. At the sight of my face, she gasped, and the point of the fireplace poker she was holding wavered in her hands. I realized a second too late that I'd missed my chance to grab it and smash it into the side of her head.
"What's happening to you?" she whispered.
I glanced in the mirror. The darkness had begun to spread from my mouth and eyes. It leached out in inky puddles with thin tendrils of black snaking out in delicate feathery patterns.
What's happening to me? What was she talking about?
"So you have a pointy stick," I said. "Big deal. get out of my way."

"What are you going to do?" I sneered.

"Poke me?"
'I'll hit you, Lexi." Her face was s ~ Katie Alender
The Knife S Edge quotes by Katie Alender

I remember how I would say, "I will gather
These pieces together,
Any minute now I will make
A knife out of a cloud."
Even then the days
Went leaving their wounds behind them,
But, "Monument," I kept saying to the grave,
"I am still your legend."

There was another time
When our hands met and the clocks struck
And we lived on the point of a needle, like angels.

I have seen the spider's triumph
In the palm of my hand. Above
My grave, that thoroughfare,
There are words now that can bring
My eyes to my feet, tamed.
Beyond the trees wearing names that are not their own
The paths are growing like smoke.

The promises have gone,
Gone, gone, and they were here just now.
There is the sky where they laid their fish.
Soon it will be evening. ~ W.S. Merwin
The Knife S Edge quotes by W.S. Merwin
Then this is for you," Galahad said, and drew a knife from the pouch at his belt. It was an odd little thing, T-hilted and small enough to fit into a woman's hand. Its translucent blade, only an inch and a half long, was bound with scrolling bronze wire to the bone hilt. "Have a care. Obsidian is sharper than anything else in the world, sharp enough to make sunlight bleed. ~ Suzannah Rowntree
The Knife S Edge quotes by Suzannah Rowntree
The tension has worn us out. It is a deadly tension that feels as if a jagged knife blade is being scraped along the spine. Our legs won't function, our hands are trembling and our bodies are like thin membranes stretched over barely repressed madness, holding in what would otherwise be an unrestrained outburst of endless scream.s. We have no flesh, no muscle now ~ Erich Maria Remarque
The Knife S Edge quotes by Erich Maria Remarque
That night I did it. I used a utility knife from our garage. It was amazing. For that brief moment, all the tension, anxiety, stress I put on myself disappeared. It went up in a cloud of smoke and my head was finally clear after months of endless internal battles. ~ S.M. Koz
The Knife S Edge quotes by S.M. Koz
And at the center of the room, a girl. A woman. She sits at the klavier with eyes closed, playing their song. Their story.
Her image flickers, wavers, a reflection seen on the edges of a candle flame. The shadows wriggle and writhe with curiosity, and with tremendous effort, the monster holds them back.
Please, he whispers. Please, let me have this one thing.
As he plays, the darkness recedes. From his skin, from his hair, the weight of the rams' horns on his head lightening. Color returns to the world and to his eyes, a mismatched blue and green as the monster remembers what it is to be a man.
He sits down on the bench beside her, begging her- beseeching her- to open her eyes and see him. Be with him. But she keeps her eyes closed, hands trembling on the keyboard.
She stirs. He sucks in a sharp breath and lifts his hand to stroke her cheek with fingers that are still mangled, broken, strange. His touch passes through her like a knife through smoke, yet she shivers as if she can feel the brush of his fingers in the dark places of her soul, her body, her heart. She is as insubstantial as mist, but he cannot resist the urge, the itch, to kiss. He closes his eyes and leans in close, imagining the silk of her skin against his lips.
They are met.
A gasp. His eyes fly open but hers are still closed. Her hand lifts to her mouth, as though the tingle of their unexpected caress still lingered there.
S. Jae-Jones
The Knife S Edge quotes by S. Jae-Jones
[S]he was in a pretty crazy place, screaming and waving the bucket-knife around, spattered with blood from head to toe. Lee was lying on the floor, quietly pumping out his life through his throat. ~ Max Barry
The Knife S Edge quotes by Max Barry
Did any of you ever see Doctor Tetrazzini perform? I say perform advisedly because his operations were performances. He would start by throwing a scalpel across the room into the patient and then make his entrance as a ballet dancer. His speed was incredible: "I don't give them time to die", he would say. Tumors put him in a frenzy of rage. "Fucking undisciplined cells!" he would snarl, advancing on the tumor like a knife-fighter. ~ William S. Burroughs
The Knife S Edge quotes by William S. Burroughs
Time seemed to drag with dreamlike slowness, like a knife through cold honey, and the room took on a surreal golden sheen as if I was looking through that same jar of honey. Maybe at that moment, the sun shone just right though the grimy windows, but the woman, the shelves, the jars, everything in the room appeared in tones of gold and sepia, except for the painting behind the counter. From behind the shopkeeper's head, a fluorescent Mary and Jesus glared at me, their cartoon-like faces reproaching me for being there. ~ Sara Stark
The Knife S Edge quotes by Sara Stark
And how many Daeva children died when your people invaded? Far more than the Geziri children who will be lost tonight."
Muntadhir stared at him in shock. "Do you hear yourself? What sort of man plots that calculus?" Hate filled his gray eyes. "God, I hope it's her in the end. I hope Nahri puts a goddamned knife through whatever passes for your heart. ~ S.A. Chakraborty
The Knife S Edge quotes by S.A. Chakraborty
Pyp had stabbed a turnip with his knife. "The night is dark and full of turnips," he announced in a solemn voice. "Let us all pray for venison, my children, with some onions and a bit of tasty gravy. ~ George R R Martin
The Knife S Edge quotes by George R R Martin
Jon wanted nothing more. No, he had to tell himself, those days are gone. The realization twisted in his belly like a knife. They had chosen him to rule. The Wall was his, and their lives were his as well. A lord may love the men that he commands, he could hear his lord father saying, but he cannot be a friend to them. One day he may need to sit in judgement on them, or send them forth to die. ~ George R R Martin
The Knife S Edge quotes by George R R Martin
I'm not going to use the knife," said
Damen, "but if you're willing to put it in
my hand, you underestimate how much I
want to."
"No," said Laurent, "I know exactly what
it is to want to kill a man, and to wait. ~ C.S. Pacat
The Knife S Edge quotes by C.S. Pacat
Honesty is the knife with which we carve our paths. Sometimes we cut ourselves or others in the process. ~ E.S. Moxon
The Knife S Edge quotes by E.S. Moxon
One naughty little woodpecker
Another day pecking your holes
Ruining the the forest, tree wrecker
The angry wood god turned your little beak into a poison knife
Poor little wood pecker, your nesting holes are all tainted
Your foods with toxins rife
Touch your friends, and they all will die falling to your feet
Oh, sad little woodpecker
Poisonous tears, shining brightly as they stream down your cheeks ~ Shiro
The Knife S Edge quotes by Shiro
And life is as short as a shot in the dark
And as sweet as a knife in the back.

(Prof. J. Hörbicher, glacial cosmogonist, amateur poet, in Astrofisico. ~ Steven William Lawrie
The Knife S Edge quotes by Steven William Lawrie
The most sharper device than a knife is a tongue ~ P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
The Knife S Edge quotes by P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
He's outwardly respectable. (They say he cheats at cards.)
And his footprints are not found in any file of Scotland Yard's.
And when the larder's looted, or the jewel-case is rifled,
Or when the milk is missing, or another Peke's been stifled,
Or the greenhouse glass is broken, and the trellis past repair -
Ay, there's the wonder of the thing! Macavity's not there!

And when the Foreign Office find a Treaty's gone astray,
Or the Admiralty lose some plans and drawings by the way,
There may be a scrap of paper in the hall or on the stair -
But it's useless to investigate - Mcavity's not there!
And when the loss has been disclosed, the Secret Service say:
'It must have been Macavity!' - but he's a mile away.
You'll be sure to find him resting, or a-licking of his thumbs,
Or engaged in doing complicated long-division sums.

Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
There never was a Cat of such deceitfulness and suavity.
He always has an alibi, and one or two to spaer:
At whatever time the deed took place - MACAVITY WASN'T THERE!
And they say that all the Cats whose wicked deeds are widely known
(I might mention Mungojerrie, I might mention Griddlebone)
Are nothing more than agents for the Cat who all the time
Just controls their operations: the Napoleon of Crime! ~ T.S. Eliot
The Knife S Edge quotes by T.S. Eliot
GreenHollyWood, I think that you asked me why I don't get out?
- I'm kinda in hateful state, I hate to watch the fucking liars to lie in front of my face and backward to put the knife in my back.

Why I stay home?
- It's awesome place, I feel safe and out of the ignorance there is always somebody to harass for to get attention. ~ Deyth Banger
The Knife S Edge quotes by Deyth Banger
I have never been to a court s gracious as the one Neha keeps. Dmitri played a knife through his fingers, one of the three he'd brought back from Neha's territory. "She truly believes in giving honor to a visitor." He threw to knife at Jason.
"He threw it back as Venom added, "Thought she might have that guest neatly executed as the court sleeps. ~ Nalini Singh
The Knife S Edge quotes by Nalini Singh
The knife he held was obsidian, sharp enough to cut a dream. ~ S.M. Stirling
The Knife S Edge quotes by S.M. Stirling
The Republican party still helps the rich and sticks a knife in the back of the poor. ~ Harry S. Truman
The Knife S Edge quotes by Harry S. Truman
It's a little scary, what you do."
As I tried to figure out how to respond, and with words as sharp and cold as the blade of a knife, Criminy said, "If you're scared of her talent, then you don't truly know what fear is. ~ Delilah S. Dawson
The Knife S Edge quotes by Delilah S. Dawson
One of the things you learn, after years of dealing with drug people, is that everything is serious. You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug - especially when it's waving a razor-sharp hunting knife in your eyes. ~ Hunter S. Thompson
The Knife S Edge quotes by Hunter S. Thompson
Fitness if like the blade of a knife; you want to sharpen it without ruining the blade. ~ Sally Jenkins
The Knife S Edge quotes by Sally Jenkins
The hand that wields the knife shall never wear the crown. ~ Gavin Esler
The Knife S Edge quotes by Gavin Esler
Damen watched as alone, unattended, Laurent had left his own banquet to find him, to follow him here, up the worn steps out onto the battlements. Laurent fitted himself next to him, a comfortable, unobtrusive presence that took up room in Damen's chest. They stood on the edge of the fort they had won together. ~ C.S. Pacat
The Knife S Edge quotes by C.S. Pacat
Pan and the Cherries

I RECOGNIZED him by his skips and hops,
And by his hair I knew that he was Pan.
Through sunny avenues he ran,
And leapt for cherries to the red tree-tops.
Upon his fleece were pearling water drops
Like little silver stars. How pure he was!

And this was when my spring was arched with blue.

Now, seeing a cherry of a smoother gloss,
He seized it, and bit the kernel from the pulp.
I watched him with great joy ... I came anigh ...
He spat the kernel straight into my eye.
I ran to kill Pan with my knife!
He stretched his arm out, swirled--
And the whole earth whirled!

Let us adore Pan, god of all the world! ~ Paul Fort
The Knife S Edge quotes by Paul Fort
Say Bismillah, In the name of God, as the shaykh does with a knife when he offers an animal. Bismillah your old self to find your real name. - Jalaluddin al ~ Rumi
The Knife S Edge quotes by Rumi
I don't know, I haven't read the handbook, but my guess is, bikers don't do royal weddings. More like, rowdy weddings that end in someone gettin' stuck with a knife. ~ Kristen Ashley
The Knife S Edge quotes by Kristen Ashley
With all these forks in the roads of our path, why do so many choose to take the knife? ~ Anthony Liccione
The Knife S Edge quotes by Anthony Liccione
He pulls a knife, you pull a gun, he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue . . ." ~ Al Capone ~ J.J. McAvoy
The Knife S Edge quotes by J.J. McAvoy
We didn't speak anymore, then, as the melting boundaries of our bodies disappeared. It was slow, dreamy and peaceful, his body and mine as much as mine was his, so that I curled my foot round his leg and felt both smooth sole and hairy shin, felt callused palm and tender flesh, was knife and sheath together, the rhythm of our movement that of one heart beating. The ~ Diana Gabaldon
The Knife S Edge quotes by Diana Gabaldon
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