Sinead Quotes

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Quotes About Sinead

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If there was acceptance of the mentally ill in the Catholic Church, the entire Curia would resign! ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I guess there's a song for absolutely everything that could possibly happen to a person. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
The irony is that musical artists have enormous public voices, but behind the scenes we're voiceless, actually. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
The important thing about "brave" is, it doesn't mean you're not terrified. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I really believe that God and religion is two different things. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I love the Holy Spirit. I can't stand to see it being disrespected. It's been there for me at times when I really needed it. Therefore, I have a duty to stand for it is how I feel. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I know that I have done many things to give you reason not to listen to me ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Forgiveness is the most important thing. We all have to forgive what was done to us - the Irish people have to forgive. The African people. The Jewish people. We all have to forgive and understand the only way to stop the cycle of hate and abuse is not to allow yourself to get caught in it. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
There's a difference between, you know, God loves unconditionally in my feeling and religion loves conditionally. Religion spends an awful lot of time dictating who God can love and can't love. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
When you're young, you don't really know quite what you're aiming at. You're very impulsive and acting on impulse, which is very important and valuable. But you're kind of swimming in a blind sea. When you get older, you have more of a sense of direction. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Taking the easy way isn't right. You need to do things properly in life to achieve the best results. People who cut corners are only fooling themselves. ~ Sinead Moriarty
Sinead quotes by Sinead Moriarty
Suicide doesn't solve your problems. It only makes them infinitely, un-countably worse. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
The whole time, I'd never seen, all you had spread before me. The whole time, I'd never seen, all I need was inside me. Now, I feel so different. ~ Sinead O'Conner
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Conner
Whatever it may bring, I will live by my own policies, I will sleep with a clear conscience, I will sleep in peace. ~ Sinead O'Conner
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Conner
Fame is a curse ... it was the worst phase of my life, which I thank God I'll never have to go through again. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
We have a tradition of passing our history orally and singing a lot of it and writing songs about it and there's kind of a calling in Irish voices when they're singing in their Irish accent. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
The sexuality is being sold to the artists as power when in fact it's not; it's a way of hypnotizing their audience. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I seek no longer to be a 'famous' person, and instead I wish to live a 'normal' life. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I grew up in a situation of extreme abuse, but there was no chance to talk about it, so music became the escape if you like. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Islam - a religion horribly misrepresented by terrorists, which is like the IRA saying they represented Irish people. Islam is a BEAUTIFUL religion. would make you cry it's so beautiful ... and gentle. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
What I'm interested in is the protection of children from violence, and they are exposed to violence every single day in the form of, as it's called, the news. Then you wonder why the children are running around, doing the things in the streets, doing the things that they've seen the adults doing in the so-called news. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I think people who come from abuse and/or people who have mental illnesses, have terrible self-esteem problems. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Global warming doesn't care what's in your bank account.
-Sinead Starling ~ Gordon Korman
Sinead quotes by Gordon Korman
We can love religion as we need rituals, but The Holy Spirit is a bird, free to fly and land where it likes. We don't actually need 'religion' in order to have a relationship with The Holy Spirit. Too many wars an violence over religion.We need to see it's all the same spirit and we are part of that spirit so we shouldn't be fighting over what name we call it. It's a free bird. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
You must not try to be too pure, you must fly closer to the sea. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Songs are like ropes that you can kind of hang on to or pull yourself up on. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I'm a very good dishwasher. I'm a terrible cook. I'm an awful cook. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
It's been seven hours and fifteen days, since you took your love away. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Remember what I told you. If they hated me, they will hate you. ~ Sinead O'Conner
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Conner
I hear the cock woke you up."
Eve choked on her coffee. "What?"
"Not that kind of cock." Sinead sent a sparkling look over her shoulder. "Though if that's true as well, good for you. I meant the rooster. ~ J.D. Robb
Sinead quotes by J.D. Robb
I suppose the danger when you have a job that involves writing is you can be a bit isolated. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
To say what you feel is to dig your own grave. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I'm on fire when I'm singing, I'm completely in character, I use my sense memories, and every syllable of it is meant. It's a very special thing. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
If you were the boss of a company and some of the employees of your company were known to sexually abuse children, you would fire them instantly. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I find that as a female boss in the music industry, it's difficult to actually be treated as if you actually are the boss and to have people act on your instructions and take you seriously. Like you call up people who are working for you and say, "I'd like to see such-and-such document," and they tell you that you don't need it. Then you have to spend time convincing them that it doesn't matter whether they think you need it or not, they're supposed to hand it to you. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Protection of children from violence and abuse has always been my main activity or campaign. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Minors should not be exposed to what is going on in the so-called news. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Nobody gets between me and my microphone. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I've been married three times, really I should only have been married once. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
When you have mental illness you don't have a plaster or a cast or a crutch, that let everyone know that you have the illness, so people expect the same of you as from anyone else and when you are different they give you a hard time and they think you're being difficult or they think you're being a pain in the ass and they're horrible to you. You spend your life in Ireland trying to hide that you have a mental illness. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
There is a God. God exists. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
It was the case in the 70s and 80s that people believed music could change the world. But now people aren't making music because they want to change the world; they're making music because they want to just make a ton of money. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I have no shame around the fact that I can be shot into suicidal feelings by certain people's treatment of me. I am no different to any other person, I therefore act as I believe any other person should be free to. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I don't feel like me unless I have my hair shaved. So even when I'm an old lady, I'm going to have it. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I was getting a lot of pressure from people in show business about my being overweight because of medication, I was on 200 mg of amitriptiline. When I said this to my doctor, for some reason she took me completely off medication and she didn't really supervise properly. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
You also said in Rolling Stone that your look is based on mine. The look I chose, I chose on purpose at a time when my record company were encouraging me to do what you have done. I felt I would rather be judged on my talent and not my looks. I am happy that I made that choice, not least because I do not find myself on the proverbial rag heap now that I am almost 47 yrs of age.. which unfortunately many female artists who have based their image around their sexuality, end up on when they reach middle age. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I have also Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and I wouldn't have survived that if not for music. So I think for me, music was a soothing thing and it was also a place where you could say all the stuff that you couldn't say anywhere else. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Until everyone in this country over 35 has passed away, the theocracy will still be alive. And I am not actually of the theocracy, and that could bother people. I think I've probably taken a bit of flak for that, as well as being an arsehole occasionally, obviously. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
People always complain, 'you never invited me to your wedding', but I prefer casual weddings. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
And then Roarke came to my door, and that gave me what I needed after all those years. I thank God for that, and him. But I'm telling you, and hope you already know, what you do, beyond the law of it, is needed." "Sinead." Roarke stepped up, pressed a handkerchief in her hand. "Ah well." Sighing now, she dabbed at tears. "The world can be so dark. It's foolish to deny it, and the Irish know the dark better than some in any case. It reminds us to hold on to the light, every minute we can, and to prize it. You're a light to me." She kissed Roarke's cheeks. "Don't ever forget it. ~ J.D. Robb
Sinead quotes by J.D. Robb
I think a lot of artists go waving their Grammies around thanking God for their Grammy, but when it comes to a pitch battle in the street for the honor of God, none of them is anywhere to be found. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
It didn't seem right that Sinead could be so careless with other people's lives but still lover her brothers so much. Did loving them make her less of a villain, or did loving them and still being a traitor make her more of one? ~ C. Alexander London
Sinead quotes by C. Alexander London
When I kissed you, you didn't mind. I thought I tasted of too many cigarettes, but you tasted like wine. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
As far as I'm concerned, I'm now in the business of making spiritual records and using my voice for that purpose. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I suppose is very cathartic to do a show to the masses and you get to make magic in a manner that you can't do in regular life, but I suppose that self esteem effect is one of the most powerful. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I understand that we are actually complicated people but we are also dreadfully simple. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
It's so hard to retain what your purpose is - or to even realize what it is. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
What pisses me off is when I've got seven or eight record company fat pig men sitting there telling me what to wear. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
You two have to promise to be careful!" Sinead handed Amy a small plastic bag. "I made you a going-away present–a high-powered miniature smoke bomb. Could come in handy against the Vespers. It works with knockout gas, so I tossed in a couple of breathing filters."
"That's the Cahill equivalent of a Hallmark moment," Dan observed. "A smoke bomb. When you care enough to send the very best–explosives."
"I'm not a flowers-and-candy kind of girl," Sinead informed him. ~ Gordon Korman
Sinead quotes by Gordon Korman
I only feel better because people aren't being so abusive to me about my weight. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
As a parent, I don't really want my child to know about all this horrible violence that people seem to be wanting to tell them every time they go to buy some candy. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I'm not going to be singing songs that I made in the past. I closed the door on that incarnation of Sinead O'Connor. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
The music business is a place where the artists are all treated like we're working for the people who are working for us. That can obviously be exaggerated when you're a female. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
It's so nice to be inspired by so many females - particularly the girls around me like Jess Glynne, Becky Hill, Sinead Harnett, Foxes - we all have similarities, but we're all very different, and I think it's nice that people are respecting that and noticing and enjoying us all equally. ~ Ella Eyre
Sinead quotes by Ella Eyre
It should be a crime to abandon your child, and it's not. It would be wonderful if it could be criminalized. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I think there's a lot that's beautiful about religion and very inspiring, obviously, but I do think that God needs to be rescued from religion actually. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
The notion that we ought to dress for men is, then, a foolish notion indeed. And we ought to dispense with the rules for how to do it, rules that would reduce us women to a second childhood, during which we dress in the morning in what was laid out for us on the night before. In fact, we ought to dispense with the rules of 'fashion' more generally, for the are founded on this misguided premise: that women, grown women!, are unable to dress themselves. ~ Sinead Murphy
Sinead quotes by Sinead Murphy
You see, not everything worth knowing is to be found between the covers of books; and not everything worth listening to is to be heard from the mouths of those who read them. On the contrary, there is a kind of knowledge that is to be had only by virtue of the 'chatter' and 'gossip' at which Mrs Bennet and Mrs Jennings are so adept. ~ Sinead Murphy
Sinead quotes by Sinead Murphy
But she is right, at least in this: Looking to promote oneself at the expense of other women, setting oneself up as a creature unlike any other, is paltry device, and one that has kept us women 'in our place' for as much of time as history can recall. ~ Sinead Murphy
Sinead quotes by Sinead Murphy
I don't want any man to have control over me. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
It's OK to assert yourself. Obviously, as a woman, I do experience the consequence of asserting yourself - you're not supposed to assert yourself. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Women are to be valued for so much more than their sexuality ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Generally I don't listen to sad songs if I'm sad. I listen to happy songs. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I don't want to go shoving what I believe down anyone's throat. Whatever I believe about Jesus is a personal thing, but it doesn't exclude all the others. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
In my belief, there's one spirit. I prefer to call it the Holy Spirit. I don't think it matters if you call it God or Allah or Jesus or Fred or David or too early in the morning or whatever. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I'm a great cleaner. I'm actually kind of addicted to cleaning. I could clean anything. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Lovely," Nellie whispered. "A double-crosser wouldn't spend all this time gardening and planting flowers, would they?"
Sinead Starling opened the door.
"Ah," Nellie said. "I guess I was wrong. ~ Jude Watson
Sinead quotes by Jude Watson
I had developed manic depression [bipolar disorder] ... and the main symptoms the constant voice in the head telling you to kill yourself. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I think people think they're not brave if they're frightened, and that's not true at all. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
God is something that needs rescuing from religion. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
every father wants to see his girls settled and not end up old maids ~ Sinead Moriarty
Sinead quotes by Sinead Moriarty
What influenced me was Tori Amos, who was unapologetic about expressing anger through music, and Sinead O'Connor. Those two in particular were really moving for me, and very inspiring, before I wrote 'Jagged Little Pill.' ~ Alanis Morissette
Sinead quotes by Alanis Morissette
Every pore of you is crying and you don't even understand why or what. I actually kind of died and got born again as a result of taking the meds and having a chance to, you know, build a life. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
Maybe it was mean, but I really don't think so. You asked for the truth and I told you. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
At some point the entire population of the earth is gonna have to look back at the kind of essence of spirituality which is basically caring about each other. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I think that music has been a great help to me and this has been confirmed by every psychiatrist I have seen. I would probably be dead if not for music. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
I am someone who really does believe very strongly in the Holy Spirit. I feel I'm someone who, since I was a very, very small child, of being engaged in a very strong relationship with the Holy Spirit. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
My kids really are my center. They create a beautiful chaos. It's always a nice chaos with them. ~ Sinead O'Connor
Sinead quotes by Sinead O'Connor
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