Rashaad Singleton Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Rashaad Singleton.

Quotes About Rashaad Singleton

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Life.... It's better than the alternative. ~ J. Richard Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by J. Richard Singleton
Ideally, alcohol should be consumed in private. I dislike going to the pub, becoming jolly and ending up talking to people I would rather see injected with bleach. ~ Dave Franklin
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Dave Franklin
I'd rather just slip on my halo of flies and stay here, if you don't mind. ~ Dave Franklin
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Dave Franklin
I don't believe all this nonsense about market timing. Just buy good value and when the market is ready that value will be recognized. ~ Henry Earl Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Henry Earl Singleton
I have to deal with seven ex-stray dogs, and one ex-stray cat. One dog is nearing nineteen years old. Before I go to teach, he likes for me to tell him bedtime stories. ~ George Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by George Singleton
I first met Jelly Roll in Chicago. He was livin' high then. You know, Jelly was a travelin' cat, sharp and good lookin' and always about he wrote this and that and the other thing - in fact, everything! ~ Zutty Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Zutty Singleton
Good hitters don't become intimidated. They become infuriated. ~ Ken Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Ken Singleton
Don't try to outguess what's going on in publishing, and write what you want to write. ~ George Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by George Singleton
When are you going to tell me?" I held up the silver charm. "About this?"

"It's a horseshoe."

"Already figured that out - but why did you send it with Dagger?"

"So you wouldn't have to wait."

"Are you sure it didn't have anything to do with interrupting my visit with Josh?"

"Would I do that?" he said with a wicked grin.

Of course he would, but I didn't say that. Instead I asked him how he found the charm. ~ Linda Joy Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Linda Joy Singleton
I seem to feel ashamed of going out and getting merry - I find it oddly humiliating - but I'm quite happy to sit here like some dipsomaniac and become maudlin. For me, that is cool behaviour. Once you realise you're going to be on your own for the next few decades, it seems as pleasurable a way as any to pass the years. ~ Dave Franklin
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Dave Franklin
Impossible to say why childhood joy ends with such finality in so many things. ~ Dave Franklin
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Dave Franklin
Try not to let life get in the way, of what's important ~ Joanne Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Joanne Singleton
'Baby Boy' is one of my favourite films, and Tyrese keeps telling everybody we're going to make a sequel. I mean, we have a story right now but we don't know where we're going to take it. ~ John Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by John Singleton
Collin Singleton could no more stay cool than a blue whale could stay skinny or Bangladesh could stay rich ~ John Green
Rashaad Singleton quotes by John Green
I've been nominated for Academy Awards, I know what I'm doing. ~ John Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by John Singleton
I already have legitimacy as a filmmaker and now I'm trying to do stuff that's just fun. Until I find a cool tangible subject again that I want to tackle. ~ John Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by John Singleton
There are plenty of atheists in foxholes. What I don't see are Christians in foxholes. If a Christian soldier takes a bullet to the knee, he will undoubtedly first call for a medic, not a priest. Reliance on god is typically only available when a problem can be ignored without discomfort or when the problem belongs to others (where it can be ignored without discomfort). When the chips are down, like when you have a serious illness or you've been shot or you're at war, even the most devout Christians rely on humans (doctors or other soldiers) even though they'll swear up and down that it's god helping them. ~ Sam Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Sam Singleton
It's good to buy a large company with fine businesses when the price is beaten down over worry about one problem. ~ Henry Earl Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Henry Earl Singleton
We have these rules, the 'hero rules.' Like, a hero doesn't slouch. A hero walks proudly with his head up. A hero walks with a purpose. A hero's always a gentleman. ~ John Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by John Singleton
Gilles Deleuze believed that every society needed a madman so we could feel better about ourselves. I do my best to fill that role. ~ George Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by George Singleton
Crunk music is the music of the South, it pervades every club and nightclub not only in America, but all over the world. ~ John Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by John Singleton
I really took filmmaking very seriously ... It was an honor and then a crutch also, because at a young age, I was like, I guess I'm a serious filmmaker. I never set out to be a serious filmmaker. I just set out to make movies. ~ John Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by John Singleton
I'm a competitive guy. ~ John Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by John Singleton
You have to think if we've been visited by extraterrestrial life, it was like a zookeeper walking into the chimp enclosure: He looks around, takes some pictures, then leaves without interacting significantly with the environment. Meanwhile the chimps have no idea what the fuck just happened. ~ J. Richard Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by J. Richard Singleton
The future lay before him, inevitable but invisible. ~ John Green
Rashaad Singleton quotes by John Green
Old people only say that life happens quickly to make themselves feel better. The truth is that it all happens in tiny increments like now now now now now now and it only takes twenty to thirty consecutive nows to realize that you're aimed straight at a bench in Singleton Park. Fair play though, if I was old and had forgotten to do something worthwhile with my life, I would spend those final few years on a bench in the botanical gardens, convincing myself that time is so quick that even plants – who have no responsibilities whatsoever – hardly get a chance to do anything decent with their lives except, perhaps, produce one or two red or yellow flowers and, with a bit of luck and insects, reproduce. If the old man manages to get the words father and husband on his bench plaque then he thinks he can be reasonably proud of himself. ~ Joe Dunthorne
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Joe Dunthorne
The difference between extras and audience members is that audience members don't get chairs. Audience members are the daylaborers of the industry. When it's sunny, we stand in the sun. When it's cold, we stand in the cold. ~ J. Richard Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by J. Richard Singleton
That's crazier than a boatload of prostitutes! ~ J. Richard Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by J. Richard Singleton
No man wants his daughter to be the kind of girl whom he liked in high school. ~ J. Richard Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by J. Richard Singleton
The sky is beautiful, long after the sun has set. ~ Justine Singleton
Rashaad Singleton quotes by Justine Singleton
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