Peachman Norwich Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Peachman Norwich.

Quotes About Peachman Norwich

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Glad and merry and sweet is the blessed and lovely demeanour of our Lord towards our souls, for he saw us always living in love-longing, and he wants our souls to be gladly disposed toward him ... by his grace he lifts up and will draw our outer disposition to our inward, and will make us all at unity with him, and each of us with others in the true, lasting joy which is Jesus. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
Jesus wants us to understand four things: First, that He Himself is our ground, the soil from which we grow, the foundation on which we are built. Second, that He guards us and keeps us safe when we are in the midst of sin, when our own choices allow our enemies to surround us, when we do not even realize our own need. Third, that He guards us with care and kindness, showing us where we have gone astray. And fourth, that His presence is always with us, and His loving gaze never wavers, for He wants us to turn back to Him and become united with Him in love, as He is with us. When ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
As we know, our own mother bore us only into pain and dying. But our true mother, Jesus, who is all love, bears us into joy and endless living. Blessed may he be. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
For here we are so blind and foolish that we never seek God until he, of his goodness, shows himself to us. It is when we do see something of him by his grace that we are stirred by that same grace to seek him, and with earnest longing to see still more of his blessedness. So I saw him and sought him; I had him and wanted him. It seems to me that this is and should be an experience common to us all. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
The only thing Norwich didn't get was the goal that they finally got ~ Jimmy Greaves
Peachman Norwich quotes by Jimmy Greaves
This is our Lord's will ... that our prayer and our trust be, alike, large. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
Pray inwardly, even if you do not enjoy it. It does good, though you feel nothing. Yes, even though you think you are doing nothing. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
My, how busy we become when we lose sight of how God loves us. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
Also in this He shewed me a little thing, the quantity of an hazel-nut, in the palm of my hand; and it was as round as a ball. I looked thereupon with eye of my understanding, and thought: What may this be? And it was answered generally thus: It is all that is made. I marvelled how it might last, for methought it might suddenly have fallen to naught for little[ness]. And I was answered in my understanding: It lasteth, and ever shall [last] for that God loveth it. And so All-thing hath the Being by the love of God. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
He [Jesus] did not say, 'You will never have a rough passage, you will never be over-strained, you will never feel uncomfortable,' but he did say, 'You will never be overcome. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
That love of God is hard and marvelous. It cannot and will not be broken because of our sins. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
The Enemy is overcome by the blessed Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
See that I am God. See that I am in everything. See that I do everything. See that I have never stopped ordering my works, nor ever shall, eternally. See that I lead everything on to the conclusion I ordained for it before time began, by the same power, wisdom and love with which I made it. How can anything be amiss? ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
Wouldst thou learn thy Lord's meaning in this thing? Learn it well: Love was His meaning. Who shewed it thee? Love. What shewed He thee? Love. Wherefore shewed it He? For Love. Hold thee therein and thou shalt learn and know more in the same. But thou shalt never know nor learn therein other thing without end. Thus was I learned that Love was our Lord's meaning. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
If there is anywhere on earth a lover of God who is always kept safe, I know nothing of it, for it was not shown to me. But this was shown: that in falling and rising again we are always kept in that same precious love. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
He said not 'Thou shalt not be tempested, thou shalt not be travailed, thou shalt not be dis-eased'; but he said, 'Thou shalt not be overcome. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
A simple creature unlettyrde. Julian of Norwich called herself.
The most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress. Echoed Jane Austen - four hundred years afterward. ~ David Markson
Peachman Norwich quotes by David Markson
For in the Third Showing when I saw that God does all that is done, I saw no sin: and then I saw that all is well. But when God showed me for sin, then said He: All SHALL be well. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
The Dean of St Pauls talks absolute balls, The Dean of Westminster showed his to a spinster The Dean of Oswestry frisks girls in the vestry The Bishop of Birmingham buggers boys while confirming 'em, The Bishop of Norwich makes them come in his porridge, The Dean of West Ham smears their bottoms with jam. ~ Jean Findlay
Peachman Norwich quotes by Jean Findlay
Because of the Shewing I am not good but if I love God the better: and in as much as ye love God the better, it is more to you than to me. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
For our soul is so preciously loved of him that is highest, that it over-passeth the knowing of all creatures. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
God loved us before he made us; and his love has never diminished and never shall. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
God is our clothing, that wraps, clasps and encloses us so as to never leave us. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
The fruit and the purpose of prayer is to be oned with and like God in all things. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
If what God says is the truest thing about us, then it makes sense to follow him and accept our As-Is condition as the starting point. Thomas Merton said, 'The reason we never enter into the deepest reality of our relationship with God is that we so seldom acknowledge our utter nothingness before him.' If we confess the truth about ourselves, there's every reason to fear God will say, 'Yeah, that's right; and anotherthing...' and we're fairly sure there will be another thing. We are like people afraid to tell the doctor where we really hurt because we fear we may be sicker than we think.

We are sicker than we think. We're dying and, crazily, running from the healer because we're ashamed, because we hate ourselves for all we are and all we're not. ~ Brennan Manning
Peachman Norwich quotes by Brennan Manning
He shall appear suddenly and blissfully to all that love Him. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
A man got up [after one of Huxley's 'sermons'] and said 'they had never heard anything like that in Norwich before'. Never 'did Science seem so vast and mere creeds so little'. ~ Adrian Desmond
Peachman Norwich quotes by Adrian Desmond
For I saw no wrath except on man's side, and he forgives that in us, for wrath is nothing but a perversity and an opposition to peace and to love. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
The goodness of God is the highest object of prayer and it reaches down to our lowest need. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
God is all that is good, as to my sight, and the goodness that each thing hath, it is He. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
We are kept all as securely in Love in woe as in weal, by the Goodness of God. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
He wills that we take ourselves with great strength to the faith of holy Church and find there our most precious mother in comfort and true understanding with the whole communion of blessed ones. For a person by himself can frequently be broken, as it seems to himself, but the whole body of holy Church was never broken and never shall be, without end. Therefore it is a sure thing, a good thing, and a gracious thing to will meekly and powerfully to be fastened and joined to our mother, holy Church - that is Christ Jesus. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
For we are so preciously loved by God that we cannot even comprehend it. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
If one cannot tell a difference between fantasy and reality, it is either that one or a society around mentally ill ~ Uri Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Uri Norwich
Any time we look at our Maker with love, our importance in our own eyes diminishes, and we are filled with awe and humility and love for others. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
All shall be well. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
Sometimes the Church patently tried to profit from such incidents: the Benedictine monks of Norwich Cathedral in England, encouraged by their bishop, were pioneers in the blood-libel business when in the 1140s they tried to foster in their own church a cult of an alleged young victim of the Jews called William. Unfortunately for the monks, the good folk of Norwich loathed their cathedral more than they did the Jews, and the pilgrimage to little St William never amounted to much. Other cults were more successful (see chapter 2, p. 59), and the blood-libel has remained a recurring motif in the worst atrocities against the Jews. ~ Diarmaid MacCulloch
Peachman Norwich quotes by Diarmaid MacCulloch
I saw full surely that ere God made us He loved us; which love was never slacked, nor ever shall be. And in this love He hath done all His works; and in this love He hath made all things profitable to us; and in this love our life is everlasting. In our making we had beginning; but the love wherein He made us was in Him from without beginning: in which love we have our beginning. And all this shall we see in God, without end. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
While he digs he is free to let his mind wander, and he dreams his kingdom of pear trees in the orchard across to his left, growing skywards, gnarling, putting forth fat green soft fruits with ease each year. The trees that already grow in the orchards he loves almost as women in his life; the Catherine pear, the Chesil or pear Nouglas, the great Kentish pear, the Ruddick, the Red Garnet, the Norwich, the Windsor, the little green pear ripe at Kingsdon Feast; all thriving where they were planted in his father's ground at Lytes Cary before the management of the estate became his own responsibility as the eldest son. So much has happened these last six years since his father handed over and left for his house in Sherborne: there have been births and deaths - Anys herself was taken from him only last year. But the pear trees live on, reliably flowering and yielding variable quantities as an annual crop that defines the estate, and he has plans to add more. ~ Jane Borodale
Peachman Norwich quotes by Jane Borodale
As truly as God is our Father, so truly God is our Mother. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
Supporting the English cricket team is like supporting a second division football team. I support Norwich City football team and when they lose I really don't mind because I expect them to; but when we win I'm so happy - much happier than any Arsenal supporter could ever be. ~ Stephen Fry
Peachman Norwich quotes by Stephen Fry
Here saw I a great oneing betwixt Christ and us, to mine understanding: for when He was in pain, we were in pain. ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
For this is the Great Deed that our Lord shall do, in which Deed He shall save His word and He shall make all well that is not well. How it shall be done there is no creature beneath Christ that knoweth it, nor shall know it till it is done; ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
I was born in Norwich in 1946, and educated in England, Zimbabwe, and Australia, before my family settled in North Wales. ~ Philip Pullman
Peachman Norwich quotes by Philip Pullman
We need to fall, and we need to be aware of it; for if we did not fall, we should not know how weak and wretched we are of ourselves, nor should we know our Maker's marvellous love so fully ... ~ Julian Of Norwich
Peachman Norwich quotes by Julian Of Norwich
The Great Frost was, historians tell us, the most severe that has ever visited these islands. Birds froze in mid-air and fell like stones to the ground. At Norwich a young countrywoman started to cross the road in her usual robust health and was seen by onlookers to turn visibly to powder and be blown in a puff of dust over the roofs as the icy blast struck her at the street corner. ~ Virginia Woolf
Peachman Norwich quotes by Virginia Woolf
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