Nicholi Wozniak Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Nicholi Wozniak.

Quotes About Nicholi Wozniak

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To give of yourself is much more important than giving a gift you can buy. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Imagination is something you do alone. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
You'd better have the technology knowledge. I really urge you not to think you can start a whole company and business with just ideas on paper, because you'll end up owning so few of those ideas. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
As soon as he said it was okay to do engineering, that really freed me up. My psychological block was really that I didn't want to start a company. Because I was just afraid. In business and politics, I wasn't going to be a real strong participant. I wasn't going to tell other people how to do things. I wasn't going to run things ever in my life. I was a non-political person and I was a very non-forceful person. It dated back to a lot of things that happened during the Vietnam War. But I just couldn't run a company. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Try to think of new ways to solve the old problems. Very often we look at something we have and say, "I could make it better.' That's innovation. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought ... alone. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Results in binary code with little lights. When it was finished, Fernandez told Wozniak there was someone at Homestead High he should meet. "His name is Steve. He likes to do pranks like you do, and he's also into building electronics like you are." It may have been the most significant meeting in a Silicon Valley garage since Hewlett went into Packard's thirty-two years earlier. "Steve and I just sat on the sidewalk in front of Bill's house for the longest time, just sharing stories - mostly about pranks we'd pulled, and also what kind of electronic designs ~ Walter Isaacson
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Walter Isaacson
I sold my most valuable possession, but I knew that because I worked at Hewlett Packard, I could buy the next model calculator the very next month for a lower price than I sold the older one for! ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
It's also vital to recognize that many people - especially introverts like Steve Wozniak - need extra quiet and privacy in order to do their best work. ~ Susan Cain
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Susan Cain
It would be nice to design a real briefcase - you open it up and it's your computer but it also stores your books. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
We truly could have used the later Jobs in earlier years at Apple, is what I feel. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I just believe that the way that young people's minds develop is fascinating. If you are doing something for a grade or salary or a reward, it doesn't have as much meaning as creating something for yourself and your own life. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
The more we thought, the more they all sounded boring compared to Apple. You didn't have to have a real specific reason for choosing a name when you were a little tiny company of two people; you choose any name you want. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I have a calendar life that is complicated, so I use BusyCal and Google Calendar. I keep two different browsers open to avoid some confusion. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Your first projects aren't the greatest things in the world, and they may have no money value, they may go nowhere, but that is how you learn - you put so much effort into making something right if it is for yourself. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I have always respected education, which is why I actually went back secretly and taught school for eight years. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
When you don't have the hardware resources, you have to take advantage of what you have inside the chip ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
At our computer club, we talked about it being a revolution. Computers were going to belong to everyone, and give us power, and free us from the people who owned computers and all that stuff. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
When the Internet first came, I thought it was just the beacon of freedom. People could communicate with anyone, anywhere, and nobody could stop it. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I wanted to be funny. And I'm always acknowledged for my pranks and jokes nowadays. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Not everything in life can go perfectly according to plan. I mean I didn't keep every girlfriend I ever had. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I just believe in whatever you're going to do, even if it's work, have a little bit of fun attitude about it. You can be happy. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I'm surprised at the extent of the bigotry. But it really plays out when companies or schools take a side and prohibit the other platform at all. We Mac users should be good even when the other side is bad. We should do what we can to accept the other platforms. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
In the end, I hope there's a little note somewhere that says I designed a good computer. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Some great people are leaders and others are more lucky, in the right place at the right time. I'd put myself in the latter category. But I'd never call myself a normal designer of anything. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I hate to say it, and Apple never likes it, but I love anything that's hacker oriented. I don't like passing it onto others, or getting things for free. I don't like stealing music one bit, at all ... ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Teachers started recognizing me and praising me for being smart in science and that made me want to be even smarter in science! ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I absolutely do not need a salary or a job, that's the last thing I need. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
It wasn't very long after I'd divorced Alice and met Candi that we decided to get married. She had an uncle down in San Diego who made jewelry, and I had this idea. Let's get a ring for me, I said, that has the diamond on the inside so nobody can see it. I thought that would be more special than a normal ring. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
My mother taught me that the universe guides, teaches, and offers up gifts ... even when bad things happen. ~ John Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by John Wozniak
When you're providing a service to somebody, you're the guy they always call when something's wrong. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I had designed -in high school designed hundreds and hundreds of computers over and over and over, so I developed these skills without ever thinking I'd do it in life as job. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Creative things have to sell to get acknowledged as such. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Steve Jobs made the case to Xerox PARC execs directly that they had great technology but that Apple knew how to make it affordable enough to change the world. This was very open. In the end, Xerox got a large block of Apple stock for sharing the technology. That's not stealing outright. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Even if you do something that others might consider wrong, you should at least be willing to talk about it and tell your parents what you're doing because you believe it's right. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
Will we be the gods? Will we be the family pets? Or will we be ants that get stepped on? I don't know about that ... But when I got that thinking in my head about if I'm going to be treated in the future as a pet to these smart machines ... well I'm going to treat my own pet dog really nice. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
I want to feel that I own things, ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
It's just not right that so many things don't work when they should. I don't think that will change for a long time. ~ Steve Wozniak
Nicholi Wozniak quotes by Steve Wozniak
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