Ndure Online Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Ndure Online.

Quotes About Ndure Online

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As a woman of color who is interested in these issues of democracy and who wants to enact social change, Pilaf sees the Internet as a tool that perpetuates the corporate, white, middle-class hegemony of American consumer culture rather than a tool for revolution. Instead of viewing the Internet as a new outlet for activism and that opens up a world of communication, Pilaf sees the online communication and activism as an escape valve, a way to remove oneself from interactions with people. Although I disagree with her on this point, I'm very much aware that my ability to see the Internet as revolutionary comes from a place of privilege, in which I can think of the Internet as a sexual, political, and intellectual arena because I'm in a place (geographically and economically) where these are the very things that are my primary focus and concern. Although some of Pilaf's criticisms overlap with those technophobes who view the Internet as the devil's playground, her observations come from a very real, intense place of political and personal discomfort with forging ahead of digital culture and the casualties this 'progress' may leave. ~ Audacia Ray
Ndure Online quotes by Audacia Ray
Editors are more concerned with the first chapters of a book; that's what everyone reads first in the bookstore or in the online sample. ~ Mary Roach
Ndure Online quotes by Mary Roach
Google has the informal corporate motto of "don't be evil", but they make money when anything happens online, even the bad stuff.' In ~ Jon Ronson
Ndure Online quotes by Jon Ronson
You don't know me. How dare you presume to know me? Are you really so arrogant to believe you can sum up a man by his online presence? I have memories and feelings that have never seen the glow of a computer screen. Ideas that have never set foot online. ~ Wayne Gladstone
Ndure Online quotes by Wayne Gladstone
I've yet to use a cellphone, and I've never tweeted or entered Facebook. I try not to go online till my day's writing is finished, and I moved from Manhattan to rural Japan in part so I could more easily survive for long stretches entirely on foot, and every trip to the movies would be an event. ~ Pico Iyer
Ndure Online quotes by Pico Iyer
If they think the behavior is safe, we should emphasize all the good things that will happen if they do it - they'll want to act immediately to obtain those certain gains. But when people believe a behavior is risky, that approach doesn't work. They're already comfortable with the status quo, so the benefits of change aren't attractive, and the stop system kicks in. Instead, we need to destabilize the status quo and accentuate the bad things that will happen if they don't change. Taking a risk is more appealing when they're faced with a guaranteed loss if they don't. The prospect of a certain loss brings the go system online. ~ Adam M. Grant
Ndure Online quotes by Adam M. Grant
A lot of negative words adults call the young, like 'naive,' 'impulsive' and 'way too connected online,' are all things we can turn into strengths to help us. ~ Adora Svitak
Ndure Online quotes by Adora Svitak
We're risking the future of the net. People are already losing their trust. Once you get burned once - somebody steals your credit card, or makes a purchase on your account - people tend to stay away from online commerce and from trusting online services. ~ Mikko Hypponen
Ndure Online quotes by Mikko Hypponen
I would like to see us shake-in, instead of a shakeout, in the sense that it's true that there's a lot of junk online, and we have to filter it and so forth. ~ Esther Dyson
Ndure Online quotes by Esther Dyson
There are people already sharing eBooks out there, .. and they do it simply because they love books. You don't buy a second copy of a book, cut the spine off, lay each page on a scanner, run that .tif through an OCR (Optical Character Reader), hand edit the resulting output for errors and then post it online if you don't love the book. it can up to 80 hours to turn a printed novel into an eBook. I figure if someone out there is willing to put in 80 hours of work promoting my book, then I'd prefer they do it in a way that gives a better return to me. ~ Cory Doctorow
Ndure Online quotes by Cory Doctorow
Online advertising works, although it lands especially on search engines like Google and Yahoo. They achieve much higher revenues online than the websites of publishing companies. ~ Hubert Burda
Ndure Online quotes by Hubert Burda
When I was creating my Luxhair Now wig line, I was listening to what my fans were saying online because I wanted to make something that the average woman could wear to work. ~ Sherri Shepherd
Ndure Online quotes by Sherri Shepherd
Right. So swords would be good. Where do swords come from? Like, who sells swords in the twenty-first century? It's probably all online. Does Amazon Prime still deliver in the apocalypse? ~ Keira Andrews
Ndure Online quotes by Keira Andrews
The vast majority of you are going to close this tab without, even for a single moment, entertaining the thought of writing something.

Step outside your comfort zone and try something new. Learning the fine rationalist art of CoZE (comfort zone expansion) is a really important life skill, and putting your writing online is a low-risk way to do that. Don't try to cop out with "I don't have any stories." Baloney. Everyone has stories; write up a memory that's important to you. And don't even try to tell me, "Oh, but I don't know how to write!" Neither did I when I started; I learned by doing. So please, set the excuses aside, put something up on the web, and share it with the rest of us. When you do, drop me a PM; I'll leave you your first review, but you have to publish something first.

Well? What are you waiting for? Seriously. Go write one sentence of a new story, write now. ~ David K. Storrs
Ndure Online quotes by David K. Storrs
We're building a unique global platform ... In the last 18 months we found that sellers and partners are interested in complementing their online and offline businesses with Amazon's platform ~ Jeff Bezos
Ndure Online quotes by Jeff Bezos
Once you create and dominate a niche market, then you should gradually expand into related and slightly broader markets. Amazon shows how it can be done. Jeff Bezos's founding vision was to dominate all of online retail, but he very deliberately started with books. There were millions of books to catalog, but they all had roughly the same shape, they were easy to ship, and some of the most rarely sold books - those least profitable for any retail store to keep in stock - also drew the most enthusiastic customers. Amazon became the dominant solution for anyone located far from a bookstore or seeking something unusual. Amazon then had two options: expand the number of people who read books, or expand to adjacent markets. They chose the latter, starting with the most similar markets: CDs, videos, and software. Amazon continued to add categories gradually until it had become the world's general store. The name itself brilliantly encapsulated the company's scaling strategy. ~ Peter Thiel
Ndure Online quotes by Peter Thiel
SMMPortal is a platform where you can enhance the online presence of your social media accounts. Our mission is to accomplish customer loyalty. SMMPortal started this service for those who want growth of social media likes, downloads, impressions and much more. ~ Smmportal.com
Ndure Online quotes by Smmportal.com
The user in China wants the same thing that any Internet user wants - privacy in conversations, maximum access to information, and the ability to speak their minds online. ~ Rebecca MacKinnon
Ndure Online quotes by Rebecca MacKinnon
Violence is stupid. Peace is prosperous. Education is necessary. Practice proper Netiquette. NetworkEtiquette.net ~ David Chiles
Ndure Online quotes by David Chiles
I was one of the first to use the online medium as a way to talk about celebrity news in as close to real time as possible ... I was lucky to be one of the first. I also worked hard, and put in the hours - probably 16 to 17 a day. ~ Perez Hilton
Ndure Online quotes by Perez Hilton
My guild decided to advance to a more complicated part of the game, which moved me from gaming hobbyist to full-time addicted employee of World of Warcraft. ~ Felicia Day
Ndure Online quotes by Felicia Day
I'm still playing 'GTA;' the online multiplayer is just fantastic. 'Titanfall,' if you can actually get on, is really good, and I just finished the 'Left Behind DLC,' which again, it's one of those games where you put the controller down once you finish and just need to take a break! ~ Troy Baker
Ndure Online quotes by Troy Baker
Now I read the updates on her online profile and she read mine, and that's what we were to each other. ~ David Levithan
Ndure Online quotes by David Levithan
PayPal staff pioneered techniques in fighting online fraud that have formed the basis of software used by the CIA and FBI to track terrorists and of software used by the world's largest banks to combat crime. ~ Ashlee Vance
Ndure Online quotes by Ashlee Vance
When watching people use gadgets and software, we need to remember that the way they're making use of their context is largely being determined by the structures available to them. Often, I have heard e-commerce clients complain that their customers are using the online shopping cart improperly, as a sort of wish-list, even when the site provides a separate wish-list function. Though when you look at the environment neutrally as a cluster of environmental structures, it becomes clear that Add to Cart is usually a much easier and quicker function to find and use than Add to Wish-List - the button tends to be more prominent, more available, and the "Cart" itself is always represented somewhere (normally as a concrete metaphor with a picture of a cart) regardless of where the user is shopping. Why wouldn't the user make use of such an available, straightforward environmental structure over a less-available abstraction? ~ Andrew Hinton
Ndure Online quotes by Andrew Hinton
You know what the problem with the real world is? It's lonely. Because everyone goes online the second they get the chance! The real world is awesome if you want to be by yourself, though. Maybe that's your thing now. ~ Dexter Palmer
Ndure Online quotes by Dexter Palmer
With my human rights advocacy, that's always been through my writing. I've always tried to write articles and contribute to journals and a lot of online journals - about human rights, especially Palestinian human rights. I find the time to do things to do things I'm passionate about, because I find enjoyment in them. I just have to juggle. ~ Randa Abdel-Fattah
Ndure Online quotes by Randa Abdel-Fattah
the chairman of Random House, Alberto Vitale, told a Wall Street Journal reporter about the new online bookselling sensation from the Pacific Northwest. ~ Brad Stone
Ndure Online quotes by Brad Stone
When a country doesn't have a good economic infrastructure, that harms the country. With Stripe, the idea is that by providing better infrastructure, by linking the Internet economically, by making it easier for these online businesses to exist, it'll make the web better. ~ John Collison
Ndure Online quotes by John Collison
I waste a lot of my time documenting my "search for great esoterica" online. It gets so complicated trying to identify or give credit to all of one's influences. ~ Michael Dumontier
Ndure Online quotes by Michael Dumontier
I just believed. I believed that the technology would change people's lives. I believed putting real identity online - putting technology behind real identity - was the missing link. ~ Sheryl Sandberg
Ndure Online quotes by Sheryl Sandberg
My favorite lie was the online rumor that Bruce Willis was my uncle. That's hilarious. ~ Kreayshawn
Ndure Online quotes by Kreayshawn
Manufacturers are not allowed to enforce retail prices for their products. But they can decide which retailers to sell to, and one way they wield that power is by setting price floors with a tool called MAP, or minimum advertised price. MAP requires offline retailers like Walmart to stay above a certain price threshold in their circulars and newspaper ads. Online retailers have a higher burden. Their product pages are considered advertisements, so they have to set their promoted prices at or above MAP or else face the manufacturer's wrath and risk the firm's limiting the number of products allocated or withdrawing them altogether. ~ Brad Stone
Ndure Online quotes by Brad Stone
I sort of came out at the dawn of the Internet in the mid-90s and I think it helped break my career. I think I was one of the first artists to really benefit from the grassroots swell that can happen online. I don't know if I would have broken out without it. ~ Jewel
Ndure Online quotes by Jewel
In an online community, there's this kind of social economy between the community members. Some people have status because they make cool skins or that's a good website that's visited a lot, but there's no real gameplay there. ~ Will Wright
Ndure Online quotes by Will Wright
The real threat to reading isn't the time we spend hanging out, it's the time we spend online. ~ Lorin Stein
Ndure Online quotes by Lorin Stein
What gets posted online is not short term, and is open for easy misinterpretation. Messages and pictures spread faster through the Internet than they ever could by word of mouth. ~ Anna Maria Chavez
Ndure Online quotes by Anna Maria Chavez
Paragraphs like this, in their infuriating insignificance, contribute to the unfocused incoherence of the novel: a form in which I revel in the most (if unfocused incoherence might be considered a "form" - I think it can - or an anti-form, if you won't), for it asks nothing from the author except a consistent failure to pull things together in a satisfying manner, and forces the reader to strain hard to comprehend the author's non-existent intentions, and justify their own heroic effort to stagger toward the end of the novel, even if only to write a scathing online review of the novel. I hope that makes no sense. ~ M.J. Nicholls
Ndure Online quotes by M.J. Nicholls
I once looked over the shoulder of a friend on Facebook and it looked like hieroglyphs to me. There's merit online, of course, but social media gets super freaky. Imagine if three generations from now, people online have forgotten what date or day of the week it is. ~ Feist
Ndure Online quotes by Feist
How did you find me?"
"I've followed you for a long time." He must have mistaken the look on my face for alarm or fear, and said, "Not literally. I just mean I never lost track."
But it wasn't fear, or anything like that. It was an instant of realization I'd have a lot in the coming days: I'd been thinking of him as coming back from the dead, but the fact was he'd been there all along. He'd been alive when I cried in my room over him being gone. He'd been alive when I started a new school without him, the day I made my first friend a Jones Hall, the time I ran into Ethan at the library. Cameron Quick and I had existed simultaneously on the planet during all of those moments. It didn't seem possible that we could have been leading separate lives, not after everything we'd been through together.
"...then I looked you up online," he was saying, "and found your mom's wedding announcement from before you changed your name. I didn't even need to do that. It's easy to find someone you never lost."
I struggled to understand what he was saying. "You mean...you could have written to me, or seen me, sooner?"
"I wanted to. Almost did, a bunch of times."
"Why didn't you? I wish you had." And I did, I wished it so much, imagined how it would have been to know all those years that he was there, thinking of me.
"Things seemed different for you," he said, matter-of-fact. "Better. I could tell that from the bits of information I found...like an interview with ~ Sara Zarr
Ndure Online quotes by Sara Zarr
Do you have one where you're riding a horse or a camel? Or sitting on a rocket ship? Those are always wildly popular with men looking for sex.
- SINGLE-MINDED ~ Lisa Daily
Ndure Online quotes by Lisa Daily
Facebook is not a physical country, but with 900 million users, its 'population' comes third after China and India. It may not be able to tax or jail its inhabitants, but its executives, programmers, and engineers do exercise a form of governance over people's online activities and identities. ~ Rebecca MacKinnon
Ndure Online quotes by Rebecca MacKinnon
Tribes will be defined by social enclaves on the internet, rather than by geography or kinship, but the world will be more fragmented and less tolerant, since ones real-world surroundings will not have the homogeneity of ones online clan. ~ Jim Horning
Ndure Online quotes by Jim Horning
according to a brief perusal of women writer's comments online over the past few days, men are: overly confident, predatory, helpless, psychopaths, terrified of women, fascists, the reason why the world is in this mess, literally so stupid, and the problem here. Of course what these women really mean is that they themselves are not overly confident, not predatory, not helpless, and on down the line. It's just easier to say that men are these things, than that you are not these things. People would rightly become suspicious if you suddenly started going on about how amazing you were. They'd start looking for proof you weren't. But by attributing these negative behaviors and traits to your "opposite" group, it's an easy, criticism-proof way of saying, "I would never behave like this, I would never be like this." And ~ Jessa Crispin
Ndure Online quotes by Jessa Crispin
Instead of reading a paper, we now read the news online. Instead of buying books at a store, we buy them on-line. What's so revolutionary? The Internet has mainly affected our leisure life. ~ Ha-Joon Chang
Ndure Online quotes by Ha-Joon Chang
The Internet has provided small communities for racism online, and people feel free to do it. Ultimately, there should be some consequence - if you promote your racism online then there should be a consequence. ~ Issa Rae
Ndure Online quotes by Issa Rae
In the online math class, there was almost no meaningful student/teacher or student/student interaction. To equate this type of online learning with a real-world classroom experience is a major stretch. ~ Ian Lamont
Ndure Online quotes by Ian Lamont
Online discussion boards and Facebook groups, where covert communities of queers, feminists, and Christians of color gather and find solace - to Matt these replicate the early church in the New Testament, where gatherings were organic and happened in homes or in secret, for fear of persecution. ~ Lyz Lenz
Ndure Online quotes by Lyz Lenz
Online affiliation with good causes is good netiquette. Stand for something! NetworkEtiquette.net ~ David Chiles
Ndure Online quotes by David Chiles
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