Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri.

Quotes About Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri

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Pack a pillow and blanket and see as much of the world as you can.You will not regret it. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
She is stunned that in this town there are no sidewalks to speak of, no streetlights, no public transportation, no stores for miles at at a time. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Pet names are a persistant remnant of childhood, a reminder that life is not always so serious, so formal, so complicated. They are a reminder, too, that one is not all things to all people. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
I always think first about the nature of the story. When I had the idea for 'The Namesake,' I felt that it had to be a novel - it couldn't work as a story. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
But she has gathered that Americans, in spite of their public declarations of affection, in spite of their miniskirts and bikinis, in spite of their hand-holding on the street and lying on top of each other on the Cambridge Common, prefer their privacy. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
On a sticky August evening two weeks before her due date, Ashima Ganguli stands in the kitchen of a Central Square apartment, combining Rice Krispies and Planters peanuts and chopped red onion in bowl. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
My parents' relationship with Kolkata is so strong. Growing up, the absence of Kolkata was always present in our lives. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
In the days that follow, he begins to remember things about Moushumi, images that come to him without warning while he is sitting at his desk at work, or during a meeting, or drifting off to sleep, or standing in the mornings under the shower. They are scenes he has carried within him, buried but intact, scenes he has never thought about or had reason to conjure up until now. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
It's not the type of thing Bengali wives do. Like a kiss or caress in a Hindi movie, a husband's name is something intimate and therefore unspoken, cleverly patched over. And so, instead of saying Ashoke's name, she utters the interrogative that has come to replace it, which translates roughly as Are you listening to me? ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Oddly, I feel more protected when I write in Italian, even though I'm also more exposed. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Without language you can't feel that you have a legitimate, respected presence. You are without a voice, without power. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
In Bengali class, Gogol is taught to read and write his ancestral alphabet, which begins at the back of his throat with an unaspirated K and marches steadily across the roof of his mouth, ending with elusive vowels that hover outside his lips ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
It was not in my nature to be an assertive person. I was used to looking to others for guidance, for influence, sometimes for the most basic cues of life. And yet writing stories is one of the most assertive things a person can do. Fiction is an act of willfulness, a deliberate effort to reconceive, to rearrange, to reconstitute nothing short of reality itself. Even among the most reluctant and doubtful of writers, this willfulness must emerge. Being a writer means taking the leap from listening to saying, Listen to me. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Things were different now, of course; those solitary hours he'd once savored had become a prison for him, a commonplace. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
In graduate school, I decide to write my doctoral thesis on how Italian architecture influenced English playwrights of the seventeenth century. I wonder why certain playwrights decided to set their tragedies, written in English, in Italian palaces. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
The nickname had irritated and pleased her at the same time. It made her feel foolish, but she was aware that in renaming her he had claimed her somehow, already made her his own. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
There was the anxiety that one day would not follow the next, combined with the certainty that it would. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
The years the couple have together are a shared conclusion to lives separately built, separately lived. There is no use wondering what might have happened if the man had met her in his forties, or in his twenties. He would not have married her then. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Unlike her parents, and her other relatives, her grandmother had not admonished Ashima not to eat beef or wear skirts or cut off her hair or forget her family the moment she landed in Boston. Her grandmother had not been fearful of such signs of betrayal; she was the only person to predict, rightly, that Ashima would never change. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
They've lived here now for more than half of their lives, and they raised a family here and now have grandchildren here ... It has become their home, but at the same time, for my parents, I don't think either of them will ever consciously think, 'I am an American.' ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
She speaks reverently of her summers here. This is her favorite place in the world, she tells him, and he understands that this landscape, the water of this particular lake in which she first learned to swim, is an essential part of her, even more so than the house in Chelsea. This was where she lost her virginity, she confesses, when she was fourteen years old, in a boathouse, with a boy whose family once summered here. He thinks of himself at fourteen, his life nothing like it is now... He realizes that this is a place that will always be here for her. It makes it easy to imagine her past, and her future, to picture her growing old. He sees her with streaks of gray in her hair, her face still beautiful, her long body slightly widened and slack, sitting on a beach chair with a floppy hat on her head. He sees her returning here, grieving, to bury her parents, teaching her children to swim in the lake, leading them with two hands into the water, showing them how to dive cleanly off the dock. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
She felt the lurch of a head rush. The boy who had not paid attention to her; the man who'd embarked on an affair knowing she could never be his; at the last moment he was asking for more. A piece of her was elated. But she was also struck by his selfishness. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
While the astronauts, heroes forever, spent mere hours on the moon, I have remained in this new world for nearly thirty years. I know that my achievement is quite ordinary. I am not the only man to seek his fortune far from home, and certainly I am not the first. Still, there are times I am bewildered by each mile I have traveled, each meal I have eaten, each person I have known, each room in which I have slept. As ordinary as it all appears, there are times when it is beyond my imagination." (from "The Third and Final Continent") ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
One week after moving to Rome, I started writing in my diary in Italian. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
She turns on her laptop, raises her spectacles to her face. She reads the day's headlines. But they might be from any day. A click can take her from breaking news to articles archived years ago. At every moment the past is there, appended to the present. It's a version of Bela's definition, in childhood, of yesterday. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
At the end of that week, Navin arrived to marry me. I was repulsed by the sight of him, not because I had betrayed him but because he still breathed, because he was there for me and had countless more days to live. And yet without his even realizing it, firmly but without force, Navin pulled me away from you, as the final gust of autumn wind pulls the last leaves from the trees. We were married, we were blessed, my hand was placed on top of his, and the ends of our clothing were knotted together. I felt the weight of each ritual, felt the ground once more underfoot. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Dr. Grant was right, the feeling no longer swallows her. Bela lives on its periphery, she takes it in at a distance. The way her grandmother, sitting on a terrace in Tollygunge, used to spend her days overlooking a lowland, a pair of ponds. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
My parents came from Calcutta. They arrived in Cambridge, much like the parents in my novel. And I found myself sort of caught between the world of my parents and the world they had left behind and still clung to, and also the world that surrounded me at school and everywhere else, as soon as I set foot out the door. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
I realize that the wish to write in a new language derives from a kind of desperation. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
A lot of my personality was informed by feeling very different in the world I grew up in, feeling that I didn't fully belong, that my parents didn't belong. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Referring to my desire to appropriate Italian, he [Domenico Starnone] wrote, 'A new language is almost a new life, grammar and syntax recast you, you slip into another logic and another sensibility.' How much those words reassured me ... They contained all my yearning, all my disorientation. Reading this message, I understood better the impulse to express myself in a new language. To subject myself, as a writer, to a metamorphosis. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
He had forgotten the possibility of so many human beings in one space. The concentrated stench of so much life. He welcomed the sun on his skin, the absence of bitter cold. But it was winter in Calcutta. The people filling the platform, passengers and coolies, and vagrants for whom the station was merely a shelter, were bundled in woolen caps and shawls. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Writing down call numbers with short pencils, searching up and down aisles that would turn dark when the timers on the lights expired. She recalls, visually, certain passages in the books she'd read. Which side of the book, where on the page. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
He tries to peel the image from the sticky yellow backing, to show her the next time he sees her, but it clings stubbornly, refusing to detach cleanly from the past. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
I was always aware of what the language I was using meant in terms of my bond with my parents - how it defined the lines of affection between us. When I spoke English, I felt I wasn't completely their child any more but the child of another language. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
He remembered himself sitting naked on one side of the mattress, in a room he was suddenly aware he was never again to see. He had not argued; in the wake of his shame, he became strangely efficient and agreeable, with her, with everyone. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
I can't tell you exactly how I found it. It was just a process of writing a lot of stories and reading a lot of stories that I admired and just working and working until the sentences sounded right and I was satisfied with them. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Even printed, on pages that are bound, sentences remain unsettled organisms. Years later, I can always reach out to smooth a stray hair. And yet, at a certain point, I must walk away, trusting them to do their work. I am left looking over my shoulder, wondering if I might have structured one more effectively. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
Relax," Edith says. "The perfect name will come to you in time." Which is when Gogol announces, "There's no such thing." "No such thing as what?" Astrid says. "There's no such thing as a perfect name. I think that human beings should be allowed to name themselves when they turn eighteen," he adds. "Until then, pronouns. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Namesake Jhumpa Lahiri quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
The Greeks had had no clear notion of it. For them the future had been indeterminable. In Aristotle's teaching, a man could never say for certain if there would be a sea battle tomorrow. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
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