Myrie Cyrus Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Myrie Cyrus.

Quotes About Myrie Cyrus

Enjoy collection of 48 Myrie Cyrus quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Myrie Cyrus. Righ click to see and save pictures of Myrie Cyrus quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

I hate to say it, but she's trying to copy Miley [Cyrus] and Miley's trying to copy her. The era of Madonna is over. ~ Andrea Tantaros
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Andrea Tantaros
Wan i say u ever there i didnt mean to stare but my mind was ever were i wanna know you! ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
A lot of people think Christianity is about always being perfect. It's actually the opposite of that. It's realizing that we're all humans, and that's why God sent his Son to this earth - to save people. ~ Billy Ray Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Billy Ray Cyrus
I will defend the absolute value of Mozart over Miley Cyrus, of course I will, but we should be wary of false dichotomies. You do not have to choose between one or the other. You can have both. The human cultural jungle should be as varied and plural as the Amazonian rainforest. We are all richer for biodiversity. We may decide that a puma is worth more to us than a caterpillar, but surely we can agree that the habitat is all the better for being able to sustain each. ~ Stephen Fry
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Stephen Fry
I can mix and match a cute shirt with some skinny jeans under a leather jacket and it looks fun and unique. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
If you're going to stand up for Jesus, your life will be a battle between light and darkness. And for everything that God will bring into your life that represents the light, the devil-he's such a sly fox-will come at you with two times more attributes of evil. ~ Billy Ray Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Billy Ray Cyrus
Your self-destruction wasn't something I could stand by and watch, even at a distance. I've watched people I love suffer endlessly until the only thing left for them to do was die, and although I was being every bit as selfish as I was selfless,I wanted you to do this for yourself. Not for me, because I knew you were worth it and I needed you to know that too.
- I'm not giving up on you. ~ Cyrus Parker
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Cyrus Parker
If someone tells you you're not beautiful, turn around and walk away so they can
have a great view of your fabulous ass. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
I don't love kids. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
I call wild niggas together like Cyrus,
And knock off more birds than the West Nile Virus. ~ Bumpy Knuckles
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Bumpy Knuckles
You know, I've made my money. If no one buys my album, cool. It's fine. I've got a house, and I've got dogs that I love. I don't need anything else. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
Even if the skies were shorter than my knees, I would not kneel. ~ Cyrus The Great
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Cyrus The Great
we'll pretend you regret what you did
we'll pretend i'm not damaged goods ~ Cyrus Parker
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Cyrus Parker
Baby get ready, get set, please don't go. ~ Billy Ray Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Billy Ray Cyrus
smokey eye eyeliner as defiance. eyeliner as a statement, a declaration, a fuck you to a society that shames people for expressing themselves the way they feel the most at home, the same society that labels everything from toys to toothbrushes "boy" and "girl" rather than letting individuals cultivate their own identities. eyeliner as a call to arms. eyeliner as a weapon, a raised fist, a shield from judgmental expressions and microaggressions disguised as questions, from the insults and slurs shot out of car windows like bullets in a drive-by because i dare exist in a way they don't and refuse to understand. ~ Cyrus Parker
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Cyrus Parker
I don't wanna be shaped like a girl. I love being shaped like a woman, and trust me ladies, your man won't mind either. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
She's my daughter. The only one I have and the only child I'll ever have. I see the fear in her eyes, I sense her hesitancy, but when I get her to smile it makes up for all those moments in between. I got this one chance. My last chance. I don't want to blow what little time I have left with her so no, I don't want anyone rocking her world. ~ Katie McGarry
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Katie McGarry
There's so much negativity in the world and what you only need to hear is all the love. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
sometimes, being a little selfish is the biggest act of self-love we can give ourselves. expanse you are not just a person, and you don't simply exist. you are a culmination of everything you've ever seen and heard, loved and hated, feared and not. you are the sum of every action and reaction, failure and success, mistake and apology, every interaction with another, like and unlike yourself. we are all complex beings with our own stories and our own perspectives. and we all deserve to love and be loved just the same. ~ Cyrus Parker
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Cyrus Parker
As soon as I step on that stage, nothing matters. I don't think of it as work. It's just so much fun. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
I am and always will be a sinner. But that's the beautiful thing about Jesus. I'll always try to be a better person in the eyes of God. But I'm not all of a sudden stepping up on a pedestal and saying I'm holier than thou, 'cause I'm not! ~ Billy Ray Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Billy Ray Cyrus
Some of the worst things that have happened in my career, like things getting leaked, have actually been what's best for me, because people knew when I was on that show that I was really growing up. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
That is how our marriage is working so well. My secret of happiness is keeping my contact to the minimum. ~ Cyrus Broacha
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Cyrus Broacha
My kids learned to color on this table. There's been a lot that's went around this table. Waylon Jennings sat right there in that chair and showed Miley the chords to 'Good Hearted Woman.' Sitting in that chair. This table's a bit like life. It's a circle. And I believe everything in life is a circle. You come into this world a little teeny wrinkled-up fetus ~ Billy Ray Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Billy Ray Cyrus
I am fully committed to Hannah Montana. It's what gave me this amazing opportunity to reach out to so many people. I'm really excited about our new season. We are making great new episodes that I can't wait for our fans to see and I'm looking forward to the 'Hannah Montana' movie that will be out in the spring. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
People don't know how to talk about being depressed - that it's totally okay to feel sad. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
But to exercise the intellect the prince should read histories, and study there the actions of illustrious men, to see how they have borne themselves in war, to examine the causes of their victories and defeat, so as to avoid the latter and imitate the former; and above all do as illustrious man did, who took as an exemplar one who had been praised and famous before him, and whose achievements and deeds he always kept in his mind, as it is said Alexander the Great imitated Achilles, Caesar Alexander, Scipio Cyrus. ~ Niccolo Machiavelli
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Niccolo Machiavelli
Sit back, enjoy the ride and hang out with me for a little while. ( sorry, cheesy driving metaphor!) ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
Life is a climb and it's a struggle getting to the top but the drop to the bottom can be quick and so I think you have to embrace every moment of the day. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus is about making money. Amanda Palmer is about making art. ~ Eddi Reader
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Eddi Reader
Don't be anything you don't want to be, always be yourself. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
Adam wet his dry lips and tried to ask and failed and tried again. "Why do they have to do it?" he said. "Why is it?"

Cyrus was deeply moved and he spoke as he had never spoken before. "I don't know," he said. "I've studied and maybe learned how things are, but I"m not even close to why they are. And you must not expect to find that people understand what they do. So many things are done instinctively, the way a bee makes honey or a fox dips his paws into a stream to fool dogs. A fox can't say why he does it, and what bee remembers winter or expects it to come again? When I knew you had to go I thought to leave the future open so you could dig out your own findings, and then it seemed better if I could protect you with the little I know. You'll go in soon now--you've come to the age."

"I don't want to," said Adam quickly.

"You'll go in soon," his father went on, not hearing. "And I want to tell you so you won't be surprised. They'll first strip off your clothes, but they'll go deeper than that. They'll shuck off any little dignity you have--you'll lose what you think of as your decent right to live and be let alone to live. They'll make you live and eat and sleep and shit close to other men. And when they dress you up again you'll not be able to tell yourself from the others. You can't even wear a scrap or pin a note on your breast to say, 'This is me--separate from the rest.'"

"I don't want to do it," said Adam.

"After a ~ John Steinbeck
Myrie Cyrus quotes by John Steinbeck
I'm still learning who I am. One minute I have black hair, the next it's red. One day I'm wearing Converse sneakers, and the next I'm in the hippie look. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
When you ask "Do you wanna dance, my barefoot Cinderella? Don't need no slippers or a party dress,the way you're lookin' right now is what I like the best", and then you ... Say "do you wanna take a chance? Stay with me forever, no one will ever be more beautiful my barefoot, my barefoot Cinderella. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
Where's Kiernan?" I asked.
"He's with Brother Cyrus. Your turn."
The blood drained from my face and I stepped back, toward the wall. One of the older women, Glory, had died from a heart attack the year before. At the burial, all of the adults patted each other on the back and said she was with Brother Cyrus now.
The key suddenly felt like a lit coal in my hand, and I dropped it to the floor.
Patrick must have realized what I was thinking from my expression. "No, stupid," he said, as he bent down to pick up the key. "He's not dead. He's with Cyrus. In the future. He's fine. You'll be fine. ~ Rysa Walker
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Rysa Walker
My heart wont let you go, and I need you to know, I miss you. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
Cyrus had once claimed that revenge was what made the world go round. Back then Evie had argued with him that it was love. But now she knew better. ~ Sarah Alderson
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Sarah Alderson
I love to sleep. I'd sleep all day if I could. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. You taught me how to love again when I had lost all hope. You showed me how to be a person I could finally be proud of. If not for you, I would not be the person I am today. If not for you, I would not be.
- For that, I thank you. ~ Cyrus Parker
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Cyrus Parker
My heart is, in the wise words of Billy Ray Cyrus, achy breaky. ~ Alan Partridge
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Alan Partridge
My mother thinks I'm a national treasure. She's the only one who thinks my Golden Kela award is the greatest gift ever. ~ Cyrus Broacha
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Cyrus Broacha
The Kiernan kid was there when it happened, near the back of the barn. He'd been hanging out earlier with a younger version of Simon and this electrical engineer we recruited. Kiernan helped them set up the lighting so that I'd look all ethereal and otherworldly.
I saw Kiernan's face after those people slit their throats to show their devotion to Cyrus. The boy's mouth hung open and he just stared at the bodies, as huge tears rolled down his cheeks. Seeing him there, seeing someone else looking the way I felt - I think that's the only reason I was able to hold it together until I got out of there. ~ Rysa Walker
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Rysa Walker
Pain is all in the mind. ~ Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Cyrus
You can't live a positive life with a negative mind and if you have a positive outcome you have a positive income and just to have more positivity and just to kind of laugh it off. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
Got any mood music?"
"If you press Play on the stereo you're going to hear Miley Cyrus."
"I don't know who that is."
"Count your blessings. ~ Tere Michaels
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Tere Michaels
My mom is always telling me it takes a long time to get to the top, but a short time to get to the bottom. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
I do have limits on my money. I like calling my mom to ask, "Can I have that?" Because I know I can be spending my money more wisely. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
I though you said it was easy, listening to your heart. I thought you said I'd be okay. So why am I breaking apart. ~ Miley Cyrus
Myrie Cyrus quotes by Miley Cyrus
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