Mojo Savings Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Mojo Savings.

Quotes About Mojo Savings

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Each day dawns with the promise of a personal miracle. Find some magic today. Even just a little bit can go a very long way. ~ Anthon St. Maarten
Mojo Savings quotes by Anthon St. Maarten
Immediately after graduating, with honors, from Emory University in the summer of 1990, McCandless dropped out of sight. He changed his name, gave the entire balance of a twenty-four-thousand-dollar savings account to charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet. And then he invented a new life for himself, taking up residence at the ragged margin of our society, wandering across North America in search of raw, transcendent experience. ~ Jon Krakauer
Mojo Savings quotes by Jon Krakauer
Social Security is an insurance policy. It's a terrible investment vehicle. Social Security has some great benefits. But it was never meant to be a savings plan. So we need to have a national debate. Should this 12.5 percent that we're contributing all go into a Social Security pool, or should half go into a mandatory savings plan? ~ Laurence D. Fink
Mojo Savings quotes by Laurence D. Fink
For a long time, I kept working at part-time jobs ... my goal was to build up enough savings so I wouldn't be kicked out on the streets if I didn't sell enough paintings. ~ Janet Fish
Mojo Savings quotes by Janet Fish
You can only be this high-powered mojo rock band for so long, then you just can't look people in the eye. So, we've projected our own demise. ~ Billy Corgan
Mojo Savings quotes by Billy Corgan
We work hard to ensure an increase in investment, income, profit, savings, etc. ~ Sunday Adelaja
Mojo Savings quotes by Sunday Adelaja
I had come to expect that Chinese friends would make financial decisions that I found uncomfortably risky: launching businesses with their savings, moving across the country without the assurance of a job. One explanation, which Weber and Hsee call "the cushion hypothesis," is that traditionally large Chinese family networks afford people confidence that they can turn to others for help if their risk-taking does not succeed. Another theory is more specific to the boom years. "The economic reforms undertaken by Deng Xiaoping were a gamble in themselves," Ricardo Siu, a business professor at the University of Macau, told me. "So people got the idea that taking a risk is not just okay; it has utility." For those who have come from poverty to the middle class, he added, "the thinking may be, If I lose half my money, well, I've lived through that. I won't be poor again. And in several years I can earn it back. But if I win? I'm a millionaire! ~ Evan Osnos
Mojo Savings quotes by Evan Osnos
Knowing my savings could be re-earned, possibly, and my time recaptured, never: I choose to spend my money buying three years of time. ~ Garry Fitchett
Mojo Savings quotes by Garry Fitchett
Don't emphasise money if you don't have much; be happy ~ Dave Barry
Mojo Savings quotes by Dave Barry
As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts are a part of it
along the lines that President Bush proposed. ~ John McCain
Mojo Savings quotes by John McCain
If social security depresses savings rates, it is only because it is unfunded. ~ Robert Kuttner
Mojo Savings quotes by Robert Kuttner
In the Iowa senate, I helped pass the largest tax cut in state history - returning over four billion dollars in savings and putting more money back in the pockets of hard-working Iowa families. ~ Joni Ernst
Mojo Savings quotes by Joni Ernst
In the movie 'Wall Street' I play Gordon Gekko, a greedy corporate executive who cheated to profit while innocent investors lost their savings. The movie was fiction, but the problem is real. ~ Michael Douglas
Mojo Savings quotes by Michael Douglas
There's been a lot said about Social Security reform. What has been left out of the debate is the double tax on Social Security benefits. I believe it's time to get rid of a tax that punishes seniors and discourages work and retirement savings. ~ Rob Simmons
Mojo Savings quotes by Rob Simmons
When you get a checking account, you should have a savings account, and the number for the savings account should be one off of your checking account. ~ Dan Ariely
Mojo Savings quotes by Dan Ariely
I have committed my life to helping the poor, and I believe that if more companies followed Wal-Mart's lead in providing opportunity and savings to those who need it most, more Americans battling poverty would realize the American dream. ~ Andrew Young
Mojo Savings quotes by Andrew Young
A rentier is an investor whose relationship to a company or enterprise is strictly limited to the ownership of financial wealth (such as stocks or bonds) and the receipt of income on that wealth (such as dividends or interest). The financial system performs dismally at its advertised task, that of efficiently directing society's savings towards their optimal investment pursuits. The system is stupefyingly expensive, gives terrible signals for the allocation of capital, and has surprisingly little to do with real investment. ~ Doug Henwood
Mojo Savings quotes by Doug Henwood
One of the few times I've ever wished for a penis," she said to Rae when the bartender stepped up to take the order of yet another male customer. They'd been waiting to be served for over twenty minutes. She'd even worn the red magic boob dress tonight, but unfortunately, its mojo offered no help in this particular situation.
"You haven't had sex in six months," Rae said. "If I were you, I'd be wishing for penises every night. ~ Julie James
Mojo Savings quotes by Julie James
This low level inflation encourages economic growth; because it helps people to spend money rather than hoard it; since it will gradually lose value due to future inflation. On the other hand, inflation eats away at savings, so that savers experience a loss of wealth by stealth! ~ James C Johnson
Mojo Savings quotes by James C Johnson
I know a lot of people in Washington would say, well, you know, indigent people can't manage their health savings account. They're too stupid. But they're not too stupid. Somebody has a diabetic foot ulcer, they learn very quickly not to go the emergency room where it costs five times more to take care of it. They go to the clinic. ~ Benjamin Carson
Mojo Savings quotes by Benjamin Carson
The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit. In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the hidden confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard. ~ Alan Greenspan
Mojo Savings quotes by Alan Greenspan
You'd be safe to hold 5% of your assets and savings in gold and silver. Insurance for the future. ~ John Paul DeJoria
Mojo Savings quotes by John Paul DeJoria
When I look out into your faces, you know what I see? I see a little bit of Elvis in each and every one of you out there. ~ Mojo Nixon
Mojo Savings quotes by Mojo Nixon
The simple index fund solution has been adopted as a cornerstone of investment strategy for many of the nation's pension plans operated by our giant corporations and state and local governments. Indexing is also the predominant strategy for the largest of them all, the retirement plan for federal government employees, the Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). The plan has been a remarkable success, and now holds some $173 billion of assets for the benefit of our public servants and members of armed services. ~ David F. Swensen
Mojo Savings quotes by David F. Swensen
The hours ahead, like all her nights with him, would be added, she thought, to that savings account of one's life where moments of time are stored in the pride of having been lived. ~ Ayn Rand
Mojo Savings quotes by Ayn Rand
So it was that neither for the first time nor the last my verbal mojo, my knack for the written word, served to save my reckless ass. ~ Tom Robbins
Mojo Savings quotes by Tom Robbins
Do not leave yourself or your family unprotected against financial storms ... Build up savings. ~ Ezra Taft Benson
Mojo Savings quotes by Ezra Taft Benson
You believe that you keep yourself safe, she thought. You lock up your mind and guard your reactions so nobody, not an interrogator or a parent or a friend, will break in. You earn a graduate degree and a good position. You keep your savings in foreign currency and you pay your bills on time. When your colleagues ask you about your home life, you don't answer. You work harder. You exercise. Your clothing flatters. You keep the edge of your affection sharp, a knife, so that those near you know how to handle it carefully. You think you established some protection and then you discover that you endangered yourself to everyone you ever met. ~ Julia Phillips
Mojo Savings quotes by Julia Phillips
People should take every opportunity they can to save money because it really adds up, and the best way I know to do that is to make your savings automatic. ~ David Bach
Mojo Savings quotes by David Bach
Few societies have come to grips with the new demography. We cling to the notion of retirement at sixty-five - a reasonable notion when those over sixty-five were a tiny percentage of the population but increasingly untenable as they approach 20 percent. People are putting aside less in savings for old age now than they have at any time since the Great Depression. More than half of the very old now live without a spouse and we have fewer children than ever before, yet we give virtually no thought to how we will live out our later years alone. ~ Atul Gawande
Mojo Savings quotes by Atul Gawande
Savings and investment are indissolubly linked. It is impossible to encourage one and discourage the other. ~ Murray Rothbard
Mojo Savings quotes by Murray Rothbard
Yes, your kids should go to school. No, you shouldn't bankroll their degree whatever the cost. You've spent your life creating a sound financial plan; don't upend it by suspending your retirement savings or taking out a home equity line of credit to pay for a pricey college. ~ Suze Orman
Mojo Savings quotes by Suze Orman
[On retirement savings:] Gone today, here tomorrow. ~ Catherine Crook De Camp
Mojo Savings quotes by Catherine Crook De Camp
I will ask every government department to draw up a plan for civil service relocation outside London. And a Labour Treasury will set an objective for savings over the course of the next decade, ~ Ed Balls
Mojo Savings quotes by Ed Balls
Rave music sounds like an electronic disco version of '30s Universal monster movies. ~ Mojo Nixon
Mojo Savings quotes by Mojo Nixon
For millions of people, "wealth" amounts to little more than a few weeks' wages in a checking account or low-interest savings account, a car, and a few pieces of furniture. The inescapable reality is this: wealth is so concentrated that a large segment of society is virtually unaware of its existence, so that some people imagine that it belongs to surreal or mysterious entities. That is why it is so essential to study capital and its distribution in a methodical, systematic way. ~ Thomas Piketty
Mojo Savings quotes by Thomas Piketty
Long Beach Savings was the first existing bank to adopt what was called the "originate and sell" model. This proved such a hit - Wall Street would buy your loans, even if you would not! - that a new company, called B&C mortgage, was founded to do nothing but originate and sell. ~ Michael Lewis
Mojo Savings quotes by Michael Lewis
The banker, therefore, is not so much primarily a middleman in the commodity "purchasing power" as a producer of this commodity. However, since all reserve funds and savings today usually flow to him, and the total demand for free purchasing power, whether existing or to be created, concentrates on him, he has either replaced private capitalists or become their agent; he has himself become the capitalist par excellence. ~ Joseph A. Schumpeter
Mojo Savings quotes by Joseph A. Schumpeter
So Aunt Jillian quit her job and hitched her wagon to Brant. Lived off food stamps and her savings account in a spare bedroom at Brant's house for two years. Then she brokered their first deal and all of the Sharps moved their bank account decimals seven places to the right. ~ Alessandra Torre
Mojo Savings quotes by Alessandra Torre
Silicon Bayou - aka Lafayette, LA - is the best kept secret reservoir of innovation mojo in America ~ Todd Park
Mojo Savings quotes by Todd Park
Although they arrived in New York penniless, my parents scraped together enough savings to establish the first of several small businesses just after I was born. ~ Robert Fogel
Mojo Savings quotes by Robert Fogel
Experiences are savings which a miser puts aside. Wisdom is an inheritance which a wastrel cannot exhaust. ~ Karl Kraus
Mojo Savings quotes by Karl Kraus
In our experience at Safeway, we're confident that we can actually improve the quality of health care while taking costs down and using the savings to help finance coverage of low-income people who are clearly going to need help to pay for insurance. ~ Steven Burd
Mojo Savings quotes by Steven Burd
Me and Don Henley are fast acquaintances now, or something. He actually got on stage and sang with me. ~ Mojo Nixon
Mojo Savings quotes by Mojo Nixon
What we have to be careful is that if we drop interest rates where the rate of interest is lower than inflation, then savers will not put money in financial savings and move it to gold and real estate, which is bad for India. ~ Uday Kotak
Mojo Savings quotes by Uday Kotak
She was lying like a loaf of bread. I said, baby, baby, baby, are you dead? ~ Mojo Nixon
Mojo Savings quotes by Mojo Nixon
Terrific savings with Target coupons, free shipping at Achieve enormous discounts with good Target promo codes 2016 up to 20% off ~ Target
Mojo Savings quotes by Target
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