Moira Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Moira.

Quotes About Moira

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I just wanted to be married and to be happy ever after. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
She said it was different, because the balance of power was equal between women so sex was an even-steven transaction. I said "even-steven" was a sexist phrase, if she was going to be like that, and anyway that argument was outdated. She said I had trivialized the issue and if I thought it was outdated, I was living with my head in the sand.
I said there was more than one way of living with your head in the sand and that if Moira thought she could create Utopia by shutting herself up in a women-only enclave she was sadly mistaken. Men were not just going to go away, I said. You couldn't just ignore them . ~ Margaret Atwood
Moira quotes by Margaret Atwood
When your life is not the primrose path, you still have to walk your road. You have to be a judge, pry right from wrong, figure out what ugly things the good can perch in, too. ~ Moira Crone
Moira quotes by Moira Crone
Go to sleep. You look awful." I stood.
"Leaving so soon?"
"I was told not to tire you out." I looked at him. I would have wagered he couldn't lift his head if he had to.
He could have died.
"I'm glad you're going to be all right." Weak words, insufficient for the relief I felt, but I'd never claimed to be any kind of poet.
He smirked. "Glad enough to get me some chocolate?"
I raised an eyebrow at him. No, not glad enough to fetch and carry for him. "I bet the bureaucrat out there would do that for you."
Was that panic that flared in his eyes? "Amanda is out there?"
It amused me that he knew exactly who I'd been referring to. Assuming that was her name. "Want me to send her in?"
"Not if you hold the slightest affection for me in that cold, hard heart of yours."
"Now that'll take some serious self-examination," I said, opening the door.
"What, no good-bye kiss?" he protested.
"Don't tempt me, Stallion." And because I was tired and light-headed with relief, I blew one at him before I left. ~ Moira J. Moore
Moira quotes by Moira J. Moore
Well, we all gotta die. You jest gotta hope you die good. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Flown Raven is the country,"I muttered.
"City slave," he said.
"Farm boy," I shot back.
"I've never even seen a farm."
"Don't trifle me with details. ~ Moira J. Moore
Moira quotes by Moira J. Moore
You don't fool me, he says in a low voice.
Is that right?
Yea, he says. I see it in yer eyes. All you care about's yer precious brother.
That aint true, I says.
If it'd been Emmi they took, he says, Emmi an not Lugh ... would you of gone after her?
I take in a breath to say of course I would but the look on his face stops me. there ain't no point in lyin when he already knows the truth.
He leaves go of me an steps back.
I thought so, he says. Yer sister'll be safer with me than she could ever be with you. You jest ride along on yer high horse an leave her to me. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
You are the light of my life and I believe in you. ~ David Gaider
Moira quotes by David Gaider
We have a destiny, he says. Together, Saba. We're born to command, not obey. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
they told her, "fear the reaper."
she laughed to herself and muttered, 'baby, death ain't nothing' more than a quick fuck.
a little bit of silence after he comes. ~ Taylor Rhodes
Moira quotes by Taylor Rhodes
Moira sacrificed all that she had and all the richness of life that still lay in front of her in order to save just one more person. Moira was killed when the south tower collapsed ... Today, we choose to remember and share the joy Moira brought to all of us, and we vow that she will always live in our hearts. ~ James Smith
Moira quotes by James Smith
You're sending my mind to unwelcome places, Taro.
Good. It can keep mine company. ~ Moira J. Moore
Moira quotes by Moira J. Moore
I've climbed the high mountains an sailed the wide seas Fair faces a-plenty I've gazed on But with one glance, her beauty sent me to my knees, O hard-hearted Annie I never shall please. I've roved an I've rambled all o'er the wide world And kisses a-plenty I've tasted But it's her wine-sweet lips that I'm still dreaming of O hard-hearted Annie, cruel Annie my love. I've loved many women an wooed many girls And many soft arms have embraced me If only she'd lie with me one fleeting night With hard-hearted Annie I'd die of delight. Oh many fine beauties did beg me to stay But none until Annie did snare me Though she hurts me an shuns me an makes my heart bleed My hard-hearted Annie I never shall leave. I ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
They survived on the bare bones of hope. ~ Moira Fowley Doyle
Moira quotes by Moira Fowley Doyle
Nudity ... I have to say I will never do it again. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
The lies that lurk in the shadows of truth. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
There can be beauty anywhere. Even here. An if it ain't there, you can make it yerself. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
We're on our own. An I feel calm. It seems crazy ... but I'm calm. Because now I see what I gotta do. An what I ain't gotta do, which is waste time thinkin that anybody's gonna help us. That somebody's gonna come along an rescue us. I cain't count on nobody but me. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
I most certainly can kill someone for putting his hands on you. I am my own man. Don't ever forget that, Moira. ~ Sawyer Bennett
Moira quotes by Sawyer Bennett
Why'd you come after me? he says. Back at Hopetown. That cellblock was on fire. You'd hafta be crazy to go in there. But you did. You risked yer life to save mine an you didn't even know me. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
What would she tell me, about the Commander, if she were here? Probably she'd disapprove. She disapproved of Luke, back then. Not of Luke but of the fact that he was married. She said I was poaching, on another woman's ground. I said Luke wasn't a fish or a piece of dirt either, he was a human being and could make his own decisions. She said I was rationalizing. I said I was in love. She said that was no excuse. Moira was always more logical than I am. I said she didn't have that problem herself anymore, since she'd decided to prefer women, and as far as I could see she had no scruples about stealing them or borrowing them when she felt like it. She said it was different, because the balance of power was equal between women so sex was an even-steven transaction. I said "even Steven" was a sexist phrase, if she was going to be like that, and anyway that argument was outdated. She said I had trivialized the issue and if I thought it was outdated I was living with my head in the sand. We ~ Margaret Atwood
Moira quotes by Margaret Atwood
Sera loaded the new ammunition and held up the gun. "I bet I can hit closer to the bulls-eye than you can."
Her victory came to him on a flash, right down to the cute little dance he was sure was last popular in the nineties. "Sucker bet, sunshine. Never wager with a precog."
"So cheat." She grinned. "You haven't even hear the terms yet. If you win, I'll let you buy me a pretty dress and take me out for a fancy dinner."
"And if I lose?"
"I get a cheap bar, beer, and hot wings, and dirty sex in the bathroom."
Julio cleared his throat, took the gun from her and winked. "Like I said, sucker bet."
"Uh-huh." As she stepped behind him, she trailed her fingers up his arm. "I'm bad news, mister. I hope you can handle me."
"I'll try." He lined up a shot, squeezed the trigger and snorted when the bullet went wide. "I told you I suck at this."
She laughed and retrieved the gun to line up her shot with adorable concentration that furrowed her brows. Her shot wasn't perfect, but it winged the target, and her victory dance was just as cute as it had been in his vision. ~ Moira Rogers
Moira quotes by Moira Rogers
Alpha bitches are all the same underneath. Don't know how to give an inch even if their damn fool lives depend on it. ~ Moira Rogers
Moira quotes by Moira Rogers
How did you find me? The heartstone? he says.
I look into his eyes. His silver moonlight eyes. The still calmwater heart of him.
I don't need no stone to find you. I'd find you anywhere, I says. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Her hands clutched at his upper arms.
"Y-you make me feel ... "
He glanced up at her, saw the way she was biting her lower lip and the tortured frown between her closed eyes. "What do I make you feel, honey?" he prompted in a low voice, unable to look away from her beautiful face, and he rubbed the heel of his palm against the hard bud of her clitoris.
Her body went wire taut, arching like a hunter's bow as she gasped for him.
"Unbalanced. ~ Edie Harris
Moira quotes by Edie Harris
She would tell me parts of her story, but they never added up, and, intoxicated, I probed no further. I was grateful that Moira Orfei was endless, and that she never told me the true story of her difficult life. ~ Wayne Koestenbaum
Moira quotes by Wayne Koestenbaum
Some things are jest too big to fergive. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Anyways, settin so much store in one person ... it's dangerous. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
What does it look like I'm doin? If yer the shy type. I'd advise you to turn around.
Oh! I turn ny back on him quick. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
I am afraid of everybody else's secrets ~ Moira Fowley Doyle
Moira quotes by Moira Fowley Doyle
Yer lucky it was me you hijacked. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last. ~ Moira Rogers
Moira quotes by Moira Rogers
There are a lot of battles to face, and if I didn't have that religious core - that base to turn to - I would be truly lost. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
A few months after graduation I was working in films. It took off pretty quick. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
We don't choose the times we're born in, he says. That's the business of the stars. The only choice we got is what we do while we're here. To make it mean somethin. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
If yer after a husband, forget it, he says. I seen what you did to the last one. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
We ain't got time fer you to yell at me or fer me to tell you everythin that's happened, so I'm jest gonna cover the main points real quick an then I'm gonna kiss you, he says. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
He is something, isn't he?"
"You're kidding. He's half-dead and he's flirting?"
"He's got a killer smile. ~ Moira J. Moore
Moira quotes by Moira J. Moore
I know it's selfish of me to even think of sayin this. You deserve a guy who'll ... pluck the stars from the sky and lay 'em at yer feet. I'm the kinda guy who'd step on 'em on my way out the door. I ain't got nuthin to offer you. He takes my hands in his. I jest want you to know that ... How I feel about you ain't changed. No. That ain't true. It has changed. It's grown stronger. He touches my face. You run deep in me Saba. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
What I'd always said in jest suddenly struck me as truth. Karish was something else, something other. I stared at him with wonder. "Holy hell," I muttered.
He was looking at me warily. "Don't you start, Lee," he said, almost pleading. "I mean it. Really."
All right. I could keep my mouth shut. Adoration wasn't my style, anyway. ~ Moira J. Moore
Moira quotes by Moira J. Moore
So why isn't the world overrun with evil spirits?"
Moira stared at her, a half-smile on her face. "Who says it isn't? ~ Allison Brennan
Moira quotes by Allison Brennan
Ever heard of the rule of three? he shouts as we run.
If you save somebody's life three times, their life belongs to you. You saved my life today, that makes once. Save it twice more an I'm all yers. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
No, you need to listen, she says. This ain't Silverlake, an you ain't the daddy. Out here in the real world, the person who knows what they're doin is the daddy an right now, that's me. So. Do like daddy says an shift that tasty butt of yers. Unless, of course, you want it shot off. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
It'll happen if it's meant to happen, he says. It's all written in the stars. It's all fate. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Should I have Jackson bring Kat? Or is he going to pee on her leg or something crazy?"
I'm not going to pee on anyone." Andrew growled, and Mackenzie stepped aside and let him pass. ~ Moira Rogers
Moira quotes by Moira Rogers
From somewhere, I was not sure where, Donnett procured a dressmaker's dummy, and the two of us began to spar to protect it. I started next to it, or far away, but whatever the case, it was my job to keep him from reaching it. Donnett had no clever line, as Temar did: now you're dead, and Miriel is dead. Whenever he tapped the mannequin with his sword, he only looked over at me, and then raised an eyebrow. If I did not understand the maneuver he had used, he would explain it. When I did understand it, we went again. ~ Moira Katson
Moira quotes by Moira Katson
I just want the opportunity to continue to do great films, play great characters and work with great people. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
We bite back the things we can't say and we cushion every surface for the inevitable moment when they all come fighting out. ~ Moira Fowley Doyle
Moira quotes by Moira Fowley Doyle
Don't you dare walk away from this, Jack, don't you dare, Molly says fiercely. Most people don't ever feel what yer feeling. Be with her. An if it lasts one hour, one night, a week a month, it don't matter. Be with her, burn with her, shine with her ... fer whatever time's given to you. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Meanwhile, the most cunning men have gotten wise to the ruses of the Rules Girl. They see that beneath her cool exterior, she is highly vulnerable. If you have been conditioned to believe that your life derives value only from male attention and affection, you will presumably go to great lengths to get it. If you are used to thinking that the only way you can pursue your desires is by making yourself into an object of desire for someone else, being ignored can quickly make you feel desperate. ~ Moira Weigel
Moira quotes by Moira Weigel
I'm sorry, I says.
Fer what? he says.
Fer always bein ... you know ... so-
Ungrateful? he says.
Yeah, I says.
I guess so.
Rude? Pig-headed? Violent?
I ain't violent!
Oh yes, you are. Very. But I like that in a woman.
I laugh. Yer crazy, I says.
I was fine till I met you, he says. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
It is always better to fail than do nothing. As Wayne Gretzky put it, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. ~ Moira Bennett
Moira quotes by Moira Bennett
Jack grins. Anyways, Saba likes to look at my bare chest.
Lugh looks at me. Frowns. Is that a fact? he says.
I feel myself go bright red. It is not a fact, I says. You stinker, Jack. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
You got three seconds, he says, then they're comin down. He starts to count. One ... two ...
I turn and run.
I can still hear him laughin when I'm halfways back to camp. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
It's always bin a bloody world, she says. Only nowadays, some people's blood is better than others. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
You got no idea, do you? You got no idea how beautiful you are. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
These people are civilians, Moira. Look at them. They didn't try to hurt Holcomb's workers and they're certainly no threat to the Cabal." I smiled and waved my right hand, palm out. "Come on. You know these aren't the druids you're looking for." No one even chuckled. So much for diffusing the situation with humor. ~ Mercedes Lackey
Moira quotes by Mercedes Lackey
Be the author you are, and not the author you think you should be. ~ Moira Callahan
Moira quotes by Moira Callahan
My eyebrows couldn't go any higher, so there was no way I could express the increase in my surprise. ~ Moira J. Moore
Moira quotes by Moira J. Moore
I've been told before, and I tend to believe it, I'm not like most actresses out there. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
I think to be in politics you have to have the taste for blood on that. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
Don't think that way, Moira would say. Think that way and you'll make it happen. ~ Margaret Atwood
Moira quotes by Margaret Atwood
But tears don't bring back the dead. I learned that. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Moira's made contact." He grimaced. "She wants a pair of strap-on wings for some strange reason."

Robin shuddered delicately.

"She also has a plan." Jaden gave Robin a mock sympathetic look. "Be afraid."

Robin sighed and followed the vampire. Perhaps assigning the Blackthorns to watch Michaela hadn't been his best idea. The thought of Michaela and Moira conspiring together had his gut clenching in terror. ~ Dana Marie Bell
Moira quotes by Dana Marie Bell
You can't help what you feel, Moira once said, but you can help how you behave. ~ Margaret Atwood
Moira quotes by Margaret Atwood
Bloody Jack. What is it with him? What is it about him that he seems to charm everybody an everythin that crosses his path? Ash an pretty well every other Free Hawk, my sister an now my damn crow. I swear, if there was a rock in his path that he couldn't be bothered steppin over, all he'd hafta do was give it one look an it'd roll outta the way. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Nick looks at Alice like she's the only person on the planet he can see in full color. ~ Moira Fowley Doyle
Moira quotes by Moira Fowley Doyle
You have a rare fire within you. The power to change things. The courage to act in the service of something greater than yourself. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
My heart breaks. I hear it break. I feel it. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
The night starts to drift in. The crimson fingers of the dyin sun bleed into gray. The first stars blink down at us. Not long to wait now. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
You can trust me, he says.
You would say that. How do I know you ain't lyin?
You don't. But I ain't. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Be careful what you wish for;
Not all lost things should be found. ~ Moira Fowley Doyle
Moira quotes by Moira Fowley Doyle
I like David Foster Wallace. But if you type David Foster Wallace into OkCupid, it's a shitshow. ~ Moira Weigel
Moira quotes by Moira Weigel
Money's not important to me. Movie star acknowledgement is not important to me. I don't want to be a big studio actress. I don't want to be in the limelight. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
Sometimes, I think I was a child made of that swirling snow, borne of parents who faded into the mountains like ghosts after my birth, never to be seen again. ~ Moira Katson
Moira quotes by Moira Katson
The history of this country is tied to the roots of our family tree. I need you to know this. She needs you to know this. They all do. ~ Moira Fowley Doyle
Moira quotes by Moira Fowley Doyle
We're not all called to be Dorothy Day. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
Moira wished she spoke better Russian so that she could talk to Tekla about her ideas regarding appearance and grooming. The facial scars put her well outside the norms of feminine beauty and she had doubled down by electing to keep the buzz cut. In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, she was, to put it bluntly, kind of hot. Moira hated to say it. But hotness was a part of the human condition and it was pointless to pretend that it did not exist. ~ Neal Stephenson
Moira quotes by Neal Stephenson
That was ... I don't even know what that was." Derek's voice was nothing more than a rasping whisper. "That was making love, dirty style. ~ Moira Rogers
Moira quotes by Moira Rogers
I gasp.

All around me, the dead are risin.

Another leg bone bobs to the muddy surface. Then a skull. A arm bone. They swing lazily. The current grabs 'em an carries 'em away.

Wreckers must of used the dry riverbed as a mass grave an now the heavy rain's churnin it all up.

I snatch my hands from the water, hold my arms high, outta the way. Slowly I turn in a circle, blinkin the rain away from my eyes.

Ohmigawd, I says. Ohmigawd ohmigawd ohmigawd.

The river's alive with dead men's bones. It's thick with 'em.

My breath's comin shallow an fast.

I feel somethin touch me. I make myself look down. A skellenton's wrapped itself around my chest. The skull grins up at me.

I shove it away. But when I pull my hands up agin, the whole top half of the skellenton comes with 'em. I'm stuck in the ribcage. The skull's right in my face.

I scream. Shake myself loose. Scramble to git away. Lose my footin.

I fall. I go unner.

An the current sweeps me away. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Like what you see, Angel? He says
I step to the fence. Hook my hands into the links, next to his. I lean in close. He's got tiny white lines around his eyes from squintin. Or maybe smilin. He smells of warm dust an sage.
You ain't my type, I says ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.'" Moira smiled as she quoted the ancient sage, then shrugged. "It made sense to me. After that, I started laying my problems and needs before God and asking for grace and guidance and whatever other virtues he thought I needed. ~ Irene Hannon
Moira quotes by Irene Hannon
They call me the Angel of Death. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
He's seen enough to know that you can't kill all the badness in the world. You cut it down in front of you only to find that it's standing right behind you. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
I never knew. Didn't know everythin could be fine one moment an then the next moment so bad that it 'ud be like the time before that moment was all a dream. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
An audience is going to be able to find a little bit of Dorothy in themselves and relate to this woman.: roles like Dorothy Day are so rare in Hollywood. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
I turn to Slim. Do I smell? I says. He throws me a startled look. Uh - Ohmigawd, I do. I smell bad. How bad? Go on, you can tell me. Well, he says, you don't smell as bad as some. But you don't smell as good as some neether. I knew it, I says. What'm I gonna do? Yer askin me fer advice? He shakes his head as he says, I'd remind you that I'm wearin a lady dress with no unders. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Travelling men make wide detours just to be in the same room as her. That's the most that even the best of of them can hope for.
Molly Pratt, he says. Remind me, what's a heavenly creature like you doin in a dump like this?
Servin rotgut to scoundrels like you, she says. An if you call my place a dump again, I'll bar you. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Children are so creative and imaginative that they just bring you to life all over again. ~ Moira Kelly
Moira quotes by Moira Kelly
It doesn't matter why he wants you. The point is he isn't getting you back. I'd rather die, than see you go back there." "Why?" She asks, truly curious to the way he cares so deeply all of a sudden. "When I saw you at the facility that night, I've never seen anyone more hurt and mistreated than the way you were. And I come from a very violent upbringing. ~ Amy Lunderman
Moira quotes by Amy Lunderman
Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. ~ Moira Weigel
Moira quotes by Moira Weigel
Since you couldn't be bothered to give me your name, I'll just tell Moira that an extra from the porno version of Something Wicked This Way Comes was looking for her. ~ Allison Pang
Moira quotes by Allison Pang
The Free Hawks is fighters, I says.
Warriors, she says, like you. An occasional highway robbers. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Jack lifts his mug. Me an Ike do the same.
To Molly Pratt, says Jack.
Ike scowls at him. Watch yer mouth, he says.
Jeez, Ike, says Jack. All I'm sayin is ... to Molly Pratt.
Ike looks sly. Leans in an waggles his eyebrows. To Molly Pratt, he says, an her frilly red bloomers.
One helluva woman, says Jack.
One helluva pair of undies, says Ike.
Then they throw their drinks down their necks. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Friends don't owe ... Friends don't repay. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
I'm alert, full of purpose, free. An few the first time in a long time, I can breathe. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
There are some people, she says, not many, who have within them the power to change things. The courage to act in the service of somethin greater than themselves. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Before I know what he's up to, he grabs my hand.
Hey! I try to pull it away but he holds it even tighter.
Saba, he says, I dunno what happy star sent you lookin fer me but I'm mighty thankful it did. If you hadn't of turned up, I'd be dead by now. ~ Moira Young
Moira quotes by Moira Young
Of course, about a dozen steps from the Stall I was regretting my nobility, but I refused to go back and ask for the rain gear. I could be petty that way.
And hey, no objection to seeing Karish with his shirt soaked through. It was clingy while in the Stall, but a few drops of rain had it completely plastered to his shoulders, chest, back and stomach. His black hair was slicked close to his head. Rain streamed over his face and throat and clung to his eyelashes. He made a beautiful drowned rat.
Unfortunately, Karish's shirt wasn't the only garment to be quickly soaked through. I couldn't carry off the look with the same panache. ~ Moira J. Moore
Moira quotes by Moira J. Moore
I couldn't be sure, and I certainly wasn't going to admit it to anyone, but I suspect I was the cause of the blizzard that hit us that night. ~ Moira J. Moore
Moira quotes by Moira J. Moore
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