Lotis Wellington Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Lotis Wellington.

Quotes About Lotis Wellington

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Is it true or false that Belfast is north of London? That the galaxy is the shape of a fried egg? That Beethoven was a drunkard? That Wellington won the battle of Waterloo? There are various degrees and dimensions of success in making statements: the statements fit the facts always more or less loosely, in different ways on different occasions for different intents and purposes. ~ J.L. Austin
Lotis Wellington quotes by J.L. Austin
When things are tough, you get tougher. ~ Chrissie Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Chrissie Wellington
I have no small talk and Peel has no manners. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
Any meal at the front was an exercise in war-time ingenuity and devotion of the lower classes for their officers. The Petite Marmite a la Thermit was from beef-broth cubes, the tinned Canadian salmon was called Saumon de Tin A & Q Sauce. The Epaule d'Agneau Wellington, N.Z. was army ration lamb, and the terrine of foie gras aux truffes was a can of foie gras that I had bought from the French commanding general. There was a salad of fresh lettuce from somewhere (no one asked in what or whose fertilizer it had been grown in since we would all soon be dead anyway) and the Macedoine de Fruits a la Quatre Bas was a can of mixed fruit. Then fresh strawberries soaked in Cognac. All the usual wines starting with an amontillado, Pommery Extra Sec, Chateau Steenworde Claret, Graham's Five Crowns Port, Bisquit Dubouche Grande Champagne Cognac, Brandy and a Waterloo Cup. ~ Jeremiah Tower
Lotis Wellington quotes by Jeremiah Tower
There is nothing so dreadful as a great victory
except a great defeat. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
A man. A dead man. A dead man with no arms. ~ David Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by David Wellington
We didn't readjust our thinking or rebuild quick enough. ~ Wellington Mara
Lotis Wellington quotes by Wellington Mara
The soldier - that is, the great soldier - of to-day is not a romantic animal, dashing at forlorn hopes, animated by frantic sentiment, full of fancies as to a love-lady or a sovereign; but a quiet, grave man, busied in charts, exact in sums, master of the art of tactics, occupied in trivial detail; thinking, as the Duke of Wellington was said to do, most of the shoes of his soldiers; despising all manner of èclat and eloquence; perhaps, like Count Moltke, 'silent in seven languages'. ~ Walter Bagehot
Lotis Wellington quotes by Walter Bagehot
It's not records I chase, it's self-improvement. And that cannot be done by taking it easy. ~ Chrissie Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Chrissie Wellington
My rule always was to do the business of the day in the day. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, crawl.-Martin Luther King ~ Chrissie Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Chrissie Wellington
He looked right into her and then he said, "In a second I'm going to ask you if you're okay. Your answer is extremely important. If you can keep fighting, or at least keep running, you have to say 'yes'. Otherwise we have to run away and let them win this one. Now. Are you okay? ~ David Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by David Wellington
To me, every person who smoked was voluntarily killing themselves, and doing it quite openly. ~ Chrissie Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Chrissie Wellington
There are certain men who are sacrosanct in history; you touch on the truth of them at your peril. These are such men as Socrates and Plato, Pericles and Alexander, Caesar and Augustus, Marcus Aurelius and Trajan, Martel and Charlemagne, Edward the Confessor and William of Falaise, St. Louis and Richard and Tancred, Erasmus and Bacon, Galileo and Newton, Voltaire and Rousseau, Harvey and Darwin, Nelson and Wellington. In America, Penn and Franklin, Jefferson and Jackson and Lee. There are men better than these who are not sacrosanct, who may be challenged freely. But these men may not be. Albert Pike has been elevated to this sacrosanct company, though of course to a minor rank. To challenge his rank is to be overwhelmed by a torrent of abuse, and we challenge him completely.

Looks are important to these elevated. Albert Pike looked like Michelangelo's Moses in contrived frontier costume. Who could distrust that big man with the great beard and flowing hair and godly glance?
If you dislike the man and the type, then he was pompous, empty, provincial and temporal, dishonest, and murderous. But if you like the man and the type, then he was impressive, untrammeled, a man of the right place and moment, flexible or sophisticated, and firm.
These are the two sides of the same handful of coins.
He stole (diverted) Indian funds and used them to bribe doubtful Indian leaders. He ordered massacres of women and children (exemplary punitive operations). He lied ~ R.A. Lafferty
Lotis Wellington quotes by R.A. Lafferty
Do I pray for her life or mine? They're one in the same ... Be this soul in Thine hands ... I stop, unable to pray for her ascension. I cannot let her go, I think in agony. I try again, May this soul in Thine hands be with me ... always. ~ Amy A. Bartol
Lotis Wellington quotes by Amy A. Bartol
If Wellington epitomizes the English gentleman, Eisenhower epitomizes the natural American gentleman. ~ John Keegan
Lotis Wellington quotes by John Keegan
I run to feel complete, to feel alive, to feel happy, and to feel free. I run to visit beautiful places, to overcome my fears, and to remind myself - and others - that our limits may not be where we think they are. ~ Chrissie Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Chrissie Wellington
Your mother is holding your hand too tightly. You whimper and cling to her dress, because you know what will happen next. She stares at you, as if she's forgotten how to blink. There's one last glimpse of her face before she bundles you into the cupboard under the stairs. 'Don't make a sound,' she hisses, 'don't even breathe.' Darkness smothers you as the key twists in the lock. There's a chance that he won't find you, cowering on the floor, between the broom and floor mops, a stack of wellington boots. ~ Kate Rhodes
Lotis Wellington quotes by Kate Rhodes
Hey." He glanced away from her, instead looking down at the coffin. He looked back at her and raised his eyebrows. "Want a peek? ~ David Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by David Wellington
A great country cannot wage a little war. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
The Duke of Wellington brought to the post of first minister immortal fame,-a quality of success which would almost seem to include all others. ~ Benjamin Disraeli
Lotis Wellington quotes by Benjamin Disraeli
If somebody wants to be your enemy, there's only one thing you can do. You give them exactly what they want. It confuses them and makes them wonder what you're up to. ~ David Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by David Wellington
God deliver me from my friends! I'll take care of my enemies myself. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
Today when a man gets married he gets a home, a housekeeper, a cook, a cheering squad and another paycheck. When a woman marries, she gets a boarder. To define it rudely but not ineptly, engineering is the art of doing that well with one dollar, which any bungler can do with two after a fashion. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
In Paris in the 1950s, I had the supreme good fortune to study with a remarkably able group of chefs. From them I learned why good French good is an art, and why it makes such sublime eating: nothing is too much trouble if it turns out the way it should. Good results require that one take time and care. If one doesn't use the freshest ingredients or read the whole recipe before starting, and if one rushes through the cooking, the result will be an inferior taste and texture--a gummy beef Wellington, say. But a careful approach will result in a magnificent burst of flavor, a thoroughly satisfying meal, perhaps even a life-changing experience.

Such was the case with the sole meunière I ate at La Couronne on my first day in France, in November 1948. It was an epiphany.

In all the years since the succulent meal, I have yet to lose the feelings of wonder and excitement that it inspired in me. I can still almost taste it. And thinking back on it now reminds me that the pleasures of table, and of life, are infinite--toujours bon appétit! ~ Julia Child
Lotis Wellington quotes by Julia Child
Our army is composed of the scum of the earth - the mere scum of the earth. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
Never, ever give up. And smile ~ Chrissie Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Chrissie Wellington
It is very true that I have said that I considered Napoleon's presence in the field equal to forty thousand men in the balance. This is a very loose way of talking; but the idea is a very different one from that of his presence at a battle being equal to a reinforcement of forty thousand men. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
Just as it had taken centuries to determine the true nature of the universe, so also the search for the beginning of human life proceeded well into the 20th century. ~ Wellington Mara
Lotis Wellington quotes by Wellington Mara
Believe me that every man you see in a military uniform is not a hero. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
When one begins to turn in bed, it is time to get up. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
A great country ought not to make little wars. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
We all have talents that, sometimes, we never quite fulfill. We're all scared, deep down, but maybe we just need to lay it on the line and explore our abilities and just not be afraid of failing. ~ Chrissie Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Chrissie Wellington
You know, if I didn't know better, I would swear we were actually married."

"I can't think of anything more off-putting," Wellington placed his hand in the small of her back as he continued, "than being married to a walking armoury. You, my dear Miss Braun, are a living, breathing advocate for bachelorism. ~ Philippa Ballantine
Lotis Wellington quotes by Philippa Ballantine
The Church has never changed its teaching on the sanctity of human life - it didn't make up a rule for the convenience of a particular time like a rule at a country club as the Governor would have us believe. ~ Wellington Mara
Lotis Wellington quotes by Wellington Mara
An extraordinary affair. I gave them their orders and they wanted to stay and discuss them. ~ Duke Of Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Duke Of Wellington
If we strike a line to the N.W. from Sydney to Wellington Valley, we shall find that little change takes place in the geological features of the country. ~ Charles Sturt
Lotis Wellington quotes by Charles Sturt
Good God. She was Wellington with eyelashes. ~ Julie Anne Long
Lotis Wellington quotes by Julie Anne Long
Some sessions are stars and some sessions are stones, but in the end they are all rocks and we build upon them. ~ Chrissie Wellington
Lotis Wellington quotes by Chrissie Wellington
I do a mean beef Wellington. Gordon Ramsay's is a phenomenal recipe. But that's a lot of prep. The secret to wrap it in Parma ham before wrapping in pastry. I'm so pro smuggling more meat in. ~ James Corden
Lotis Wellington quotes by James Corden
She groaned as her face turned to press against the rosewood floor. "Welly, remind me to order a better mattress for my bed. This one is far too firm."
"Oh, Eliza," Wellington gasped, now remembering why he was in these lush surroundings. "No broken nose, I hope."
"S'all right," Braun slurred. Her voiced dropped to a whisper. "My ample bosom broke my fall. ~ Philippa Ballantine
Lotis Wellington quotes by Philippa Ballantine
Tomorrow at seven o'clock a strange phenomenon will occur: the earth is going to sit on the moon. This has also been written about by the noted English chemist Wellington. I confess, I felt troubled at heart when I pictured to myself the extraordinary delicacy and fragility of the moon. For the moon is usually made in Hamburg, and made quite poorly. I'm surprised England doesn't pay attention to this. It's made by a lame cooper, and one can see that the fool understands nothing about the moon. He used tarred rope and a quantity of cheap olive oil, and that's why there's a terrible stench all over the earth, so that you have to hold your nose. And that's why the moon itself is such a delicate sphere that people can't live on it, and now only noses live there. And for the same reason, we can't see our own noses, for they're all in the moon. ~ Nikolai Gogol
Lotis Wellington quotes by Nikolai Gogol
I have heard it said that if you stay in one place long enough, the whole world would eventually pass by you. I'm not sure if I buy that, but if you have four miles to walk to a lake, while stuck behind a bunch of teenage girls, you will hear quite enough gossip about the place you are in, not to mention the people who reside there, to make that world quite interesting. I have already learned quite enough about Reed Wellington, my beautiful sophomore guide with a penchant for rudeness. ~ Amy A. Bartol
Lotis Wellington quotes by Amy A. Bartol
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