Jessamine Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Jessamine.

Quotes About Jessamine

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Jas in the Arab language is despair, And Min the darkest meaning of a lie. Thus cried the Jessamine among the flowers, How justly doth a lie Draw on its head despair! Among the fragrant spirits of the bowers The boldest and the strongest still was I. Although so fair, Therefore from Heaven A stronger perfume unto me was given Than any blossom of the summer hours. ~ Charles Godfrey Leland
Jessamine quotes by Charles Godfrey Leland
Once he left the Haywood out for her with a page number on a scrap of paper, and she opened the book to recipes for "Distillation." Jess laughed at the page George had found for her. There, between instructions to make rose water and clove water, were instructions "to make jessamine water: Take eight ounces of the jessamine flowers, clean picked from their stalks, three quarts of spirit of wine, and two quarts of water: put the whole into an alembic, and draw off three quarts. Then take a pound of sugar dissolved in two quarts of water, and mix it with the distilled liquor." George left no comment on the recipe, but she read, and read it over, aware that he was thinking of her. ~ Allegra Goodman
Jessamine quotes by Allegra Goodman
There is much I do not understand about the way humans think of punishment and forgiveness, and what happens to sinners when they die. I wish Jessamine was here to explain it to me, for the plants do not speak of heaven and hell. They speak only of the turning of the seasons and of starting anew each spring. Never despair, they counsel, for the orchard that is barren one season may bear fruit in plenty in the next. ~ Maryrose Wood
Jessamine quotes by Maryrose Wood
Is this a game? We just blurt out whatever word comes next to mind? In that case mine's 'genuphobia'. It means an unreasonable fear of knees."
"What's the word for a perfectly reasonable fear of annoying idiots?" inqired Jessamine. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
You're the shape-changer aren't you?" he said. "Magnus Bane told me about you. No mark on you at all, they say."
Tessa swallowed and looked him straight in the eye. They were discordantly human eyes, ordinary in his extraordinary face. "No. No mark."
He grinned around his fork. "I do suppose they've looked everywhere?"
"I'm sure Will's tryed," said Jessamine in a bored tone. Tessa's silverware clattered to the plate. Jessamine, who had been mashing her peas to the side of the plate with her knife, looked out when Charlotte let out an aghast, "Jessamine! ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
Memories aren't supposed to be hidden anyway. ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
Is this one of those days where we all stalk out in fury? Because I simply haven't got the energy for it. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
There are some battles you can't win, no matter how much you fight. ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
Kit: Gone on where? Is he in Heaven? I mean, it seems so unlikely.
Jessamine: Christopher!
Kit: Seriously, You didn't know him.
Jessamine: I don't know what comes after death. Tessa used to come and ask me too. She wanted to know where Will was. But he didn't linger - he died happy and at peace, and he went on. I am not like Charon. I am no ferryman. I cannot say what lies on the other side of the river.
Kit: It could be awful. It could be torture forever.
Jessamine: It could be. But I don't think so. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
Jessamine flushed. "Ugh! Charlotte, Will's being vexing." "And the sun has come up in the east," said Jem to no one in particular ... "And the sun comes up in the WEST," said Will, who had apparently heard Jem's earlier comment. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
Why would you cry for someone who's already gone? You should cry for someone who is still here but is about to go away. That way, they'd have a chance to know that they are important and would be missed. ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
Will pointed a finger accusingly in their direction. "You're ganging up on me. Is this how it's going to be from now on? I'll be the odd man out? Dear God, I'll have to befriend Jessamine."
"Jessamine can't stand you," Jem pointed out.
"Henry, then."
"Henry will set you on fire. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
So you're suggesting we take the train up to York, meet a ninety-year-old man, leap on him, and yank out his hair? I'm sure the Clave will be
"They'll just say you're mad," said Jessamine. "They already think it, so what's the difference, really? ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
Call it professional interest. You see, Jessamine, love is a kind of poison; one of my favorite kinds, in fact. It infects the blood; it takes over the mind; it seizes dominion over the body. It amuses me to think of him pining for you. Aching for what he cannot have. The loneliness in his soul is festering like a wound. There is nothing I could do for him that is worse that what you have already done, my lovely. And I assure you, in his case there will be no cure. ~ Maryrose Wood
Jessamine quotes by Maryrose Wood
A crease of disquiet snakes across his brow. 'Your father plays with fire to gather them together like that. They are too clever. They form alliances. They develop - ambitions.'
He looks so solemn I wish to soothe his fears. 'You worry too much, I am sure,' I say lightly. 'After all, they are still rooted in the ground, are they not? They cannot pull themselves up and march around wrecking havoc, like an invading army.'
'Maybe,' he says, though he sounds unsure. 'I have never met their like before; that is all. It disturbs me.' He gestures around. 'And not only me. The forests, the fields, the moss that grows on the rocks - none of them are happy about that garden. Nature would have kept those plants safely apart, scattered over the continents, separated by oceans. But your father has summoned them from the corners of the earth and locked them together, side by side, hidden behind walls, where they can grow in secret. It is wrong, Jessamine - I fear it is dangerous - ~ Maryrose Wood
Jessamine quotes by Maryrose Wood
Victoria spent most of the morning in the town house's private garden. It was a cool, humid day, the sky liberally laced with clouds, the air stirring with mild breezes. She sat at the stone table and read for a while, then wandered along graveled paths bordered with boxes of lilac, jessamine, and Russian honeysuckle. The carefully tended garden was bordered by poplar hedges and ivy-covered walls. Well-stocked beds of flowering and fruit-bearing paths and filled the air with perfume.
In this small, secluded world, it seemed as if the city were a hundred miles away. It was difficult not to be contented in such beautiful surroundings. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Jessamine quotes by Lisa Kleypas
There's no such thing as a number of heartbeats. As long as your heart knows what forever means, it's possible that even in afterlife, it may still be beating. ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
We don't know for certain that she's a warlock, Jessie," said Will.
Jessamine ignored him. "Is it dreadful, being so evil? Are you worried you'll go to hell?" She leaned closer to Tessa. "What do you think the Devil's like?"
Tessa set her fork down. "Would you like to meet him? I could summon him up in a trice if you like. Being a warlock, and all. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
Charlotte, Will's being
'And the sun has come up in the east,'
said Jem, to no one in particular. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
So, Jessamine," said Lucie. "Can ghosts lie?"
"Certainly not!" Jessamine looked shifty. "Ghosts are completely honest. I keep telling you, it was mice who knocked your silver mirror behind the desk and broke it."
"It appears clear that if ghosts are liars, they are terrible liars," said James.
Matthew sighed. "It is very strange to see you conversing with the invisible."
"Humph," said Jessamine. She wobbled a bit and firmed up, her outlines clearing as she drifted down toward the floor. Shadowhunters, having the Sight, could generally see ghosts who wanted to be seen, but Lucie knew it was an effort for Jessamine to make herself visible to all eyes.
"Oh!" said Cordelia. "It's very nice to meet you, Jessamine. Lucie speaks of you often."
Jessamine beamed.
"You are a very attractive ghost," said Matthew, tapping his ringed fingers against his chest. "I do hope Lucie and James have mentioned as much."
"They have not," Jessamine noted.
"Very remiss," said Matthew, his eyes sparkling.
"You are not at all like Henry," said Jessamine, eyeing Matthew speculatively. "He was forever setting things on fire, and not a compliment to be heard."
"Jessamine," Lucie said. "This is important! Do tell us, can ghosts lie? Not you, of course, my dear."
"Ghosts can lie," Jessamine conceded. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
Enjoy your life, it's a miracle to be able to live in this world. ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
And at my silent window-sill The jessamine peeps in. ~ William C. Bryant
Jessamine quotes by William C. Bryant
London was one of the few Institutes that hadn't emptied yet. Apparently Sebastian and his forces tried to attack. They were rebuffed by some kind of protection spell, something even the Council didn't know about. Something that warned the Shadowhunters what was coming and led them to safety.'
'A ghost,' Magnus said. A smile hovered around his mouth. 'A spirit, sworn to protect the place. She's been there for a hundred and thirty years.'
'She?' Jocelyn said, leaning back against a dusty wall. 'A ghost? Really? What was her name?'
'You would recognize her last name, if I told it to you, but she wouldn't like that.' Magnus's gaze was faraway. 'I hope this means she's found peace. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
Out of the 6.8 billion people in the world, these girls wanted their lives to end, wanted negative things to happen to them. In my world, that wasn't normal. I probably wasn't normal in their world, either. ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine blew out her cheeks in exasperation. "I think you ought to let me take poor Tessa into town to get some new clothes. Otherwise, the first time she takes a deep breath, that dress will fall right off her."
Will looked interested. "I think she should try that out right now and see what happens. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
Jessamine recoiled from the paper as if it were a snake. "A lady does not read the newspaper. The society pages, perhaps, or the theater news. Not this filth."
"But you are not a lady, Jessamine
," Charlotte began.
"Dear me," said Will. "Such harsh truths so early in the morning cannot be good for the digestion. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
A lady cannot propose to herself, William, and she cannot tell you she loves you if you do not state your intentions. ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
In tangled wreath, in clustered gleaming stars,
In floating, curling sprays,
The golden flower comes shining though the woods
These February days;
Forth go all hearts, all hands, from out the town,
To bring her gayly in,
This wild, sweet Princess of far Florida -
The yellow jessamine. ~ Constance Fenimore Woolson
Jessamine quotes by Constance Fenimore Woolson
Are you afraid of getting hurt?" I asked.
"I'm scared of what's ahead for the person who will...he'll live for a time without my presence. It makes me think... Will I be able to endure just watching over him from wherever I'll be going? ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
How do you know that life is such a gift, and that dying would waste it when you've never felt how it is to die? ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
...and for a moment they were Jem-and-Will again. Will could see Jem, but also through him, to the past. Will remembered the two of them, running through the dark streets of London, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, seraph blades gleaming in their hands; hours in the training room, shoving each other into mud puddles, throwing snowballs at Jessamine from behind an ice fort in the courtyard, asleep like puppies on the rug in front of the fire.
Ave atque vale... Hail and farewell. He had never given much thought to the words before, he had never thought about why they were not just a farewell but also a greeting. Every meeting led to a parting, and so it would, as long as it was mortal. In every meeting there was some of the sorrow of parting, but in every parting there was some joy of the meeting as well.
He would not forget the joy.
"Wo men shi sheng si ji jiao," said Will, and he saw Jem's eyes widen, fractionally, and the spark of amusement inside them. "Go in peace, James Carstairs ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
If you keep holding on to the past, the pain will never go away. ~ Jessamine Verzosa
Jessamine quotes by Jessamine Verzosa
Charlotte leaned forward across the table. "The Dark Sisters never mentioned what use they intended to make of your abilities, did they?"
"You know about the Magister." Tessa said. "They said they were preparing me for him."
"For him to do what?" Will asked. "Eat you for dinner?"
Tessa shook her head. "To – to marry me, they said."
"To marry you?" Jessamine was openly scornful. "That's ridiculous. They were probably going to blood sacrifice you and didn't want you to panic."
(page 78) ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
Charlotte, darling," Henry said to his wife, who was staring at him in gape-mouthed horror. Jessamine, beside her, was wide eyed. "Sorry I'm late. You know, I think I might nearly have the Sensor working-"
Will interrupted. "Henry," he said, "You're on fire. You do know that don't you? ~ Cassandra Clare
Jessamine quotes by Cassandra Clare
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