It Aint Easy Being Me Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about It Aint Easy Being Me.

Quotes About It Aint Easy Being Me

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So, I asked 'gain, is it better to be savage'n to be Civ'lized?
List'n, savages an' Civ'lizeds ain't divvied by tribes or b'liefs or mountain ranges, nay, ev'ry human is both, yay. Old Uns'd got the Smart o' gods but the savagery o'jackals an' that's what tripped the Fall. Some savages what I knowed got a beautsome Civ'lized heart beatin' in their ribs. Maybe some Kona. Not 'nuff to say so their hole tribe, but who knows one day. One day.
"One day" was only a flea o'hope for us.
Yay, I mem'ry Meronym sayin', but fleas ain't easy to rid. ~ David Mitchell
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by David Mitchell
I am not perfect." It came out in a rush of breath. "See I thought I was. Thank God I ain't. See a perfect thing ain't got a chance. The world kills it, everything perfect. (Listen to him!) Now see a thing that ain't perfect, it grows like a weed. Yeah, like a weed! A thing that ain't perfect gets hand clapping, smiles, takes the wire an easy winner. But the world ain't set up right if you perfect. You lible to run right into a brick wall. Looks like suicide. All the weeds say, looka there, it suicide! ~ Harry Crews
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Harry Crews
Just A Dream Lyrics

I was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
what we gunna be
open my eyes...
it was only just a dream

so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

i was at the top
now its like i'm in the basement
number 1 spot
now shes finding a replacement
i swear now i cant take it
knowing somebodys got my baby

now you wait around, baby i cant think
i should put it down, shoulda got that ring
cuz i can still feel it in the air
see your pretty face
run my fingers through her hair

my love
my life
my shawty
my wife
she left me, i'm tight
cuz i knew that it just aint right

i was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
where we gunna be
open my eyes...
it was only just a dream

so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

and i be ridin
and i swear i see your face and every time
i try to get my usher on but i cant let it burn
and i just hope that she notice she the only one i yearn for
no more sooner will i learn

didn't give her all my love
i guess now i got my payback
now i'm in the club thinking all about my baby
she was so easy to love
but wait, i ~ Nelly
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Nelly
Borrowing money on what's called 'easy terms,' is a one-way ticket to the Poor House. If you think it ain't a Sucker Game, why is your Banker the richest man in your Town? Why is your Bank the biggest and finest building in your Town? Instead of passing Bills to make borrowing easy, if Congress had passed a Bill that no Person could borrow a cent of Money from any other person, they would have gone down in History as committing the greatest bit of Legislation in the World. ~ Will Rogers
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Will Rogers
Sometimes when people work for God, they get the idea that He should make their life all smooth and easy because they're doing His work ... It ain't so. Jesus said life is gonna be hard. Period. He said if you're gonna follow Him, then you're gonna carry a cross, just like He did. this world of ours is under a curse, honey. We need to expect things to be bad. But even if we lose everything, we still have Jesus. ~ Lynn Austin
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Lynn Austin
Hard work - I mean, does anybody use that term anymore? Laziness doesn't fly. It's all in the practice. It does take work and it ain't easy - but man, the rewards! ~ Susan Powter
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Susan Powter
Terrible accident; body parts was everywhere - -fingers, toes, wings, beaks. Ambulance people tried to scoop him all up, but apparently it ain't so easy as you might think - telling a chicken from a Chinaman, I mean. Anyways, they got his weight off his driver's license, picked up a hundred and thirty pounds of pieces and buried 'em. Now his wife come every year 'bout this time to pay her respects. We don't serve chicken while she's here. Hope you ain't got a taste for it. ~ R.J. Leahy
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by R.J. Leahy
I want to be strong."
"You are strong."
"Not really."
Judd exhaled softly. "No, I guess not, but you're stronger than you think. You're stronger than when we met. Hell, you told me no and we both know that couldn't have been easy."
Giving him a little grin, I shrugged again. "Wasn't that hard either."
Grinning wider, I sighed. "I really wanted you."
Judd's smile faded. "I know. I wanted you too."
"That time has passed."
"No. We still want it. That's why you look at me like I'm both your salvation and a death sentence. You still want me and I clearly still want you."
"You walked away."
"I wanted you to do well on your own."
"Then let me."
"Now, I want you to do well on your own with me standing nearby. Also with me frequently inside you."
"Don't be nasty."
"It wouldn't be. Somehow, it'd be better than anything I've known."
Even as my skin flushed at the thought of us alone and naked, I shrugged with disinterest. "That's the Arby's thing talking."
"Stop with the Arby's shit, will you? You're a beautiful chick and I can't get you out of my head. Comparing you to a fucking shit eatery isn't acceptable. It's like comparing the Sistine Chapel to my auntie's house. Ain't even close. ~ Bijou Hunter
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Bijou Hunter
Pa said, "Won't you say a few words? Ain't none of our folks ever been buried without a few words."
Connie led Rose of Sharon to the graveside, she reluctant. "You got to," Connie said. "It ain't decent not to. It'll jus' be a little.
The firelight fell on the grouped people, showing their faces and their eyes, dwindling on their dark clothes.All the hats were off now. The light danced, jerking over the people.
Casy said, It'll be a short one." He bowed his head, and the others followed his lead. Casy said solemnly, "This here ol' man jus' lived a life an' just died out of it. I don't know whether he was good or bad, but that don't matter much. He was alive, an' that's what matters. An' now his dead, an' that don't matter. Heard a fella tell a poem one time, an' he says 'All that lives is holy.' Got to thinkin', an' purty soon it means more than the words says. An' I woundn' pray for a ol' fella that's dead. He's awright. He got a job to do, but it's all laid out for'im an' there's on'y one way to do it. But us, we got a job to do, an' they's a thousan' ways, an' we don' know which one to take. An' if I was to pray, it'd be for the folks that don' know which way to turn. Grampa here, he got the easy straight. An' now cover 'im up and let'im get to his work." He raised his head. ~ John Steinbeck
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by John Steinbeck
"I am not afeard, my Heart's-delight," resumed the Captain. "There's been most uncommon bad weather in them latitudes, there's no denyin', and they have drove and drove and been beat off, may be t'other side the world. But the ship's a good ship, and the lad's a good lad; and it ain't easy, thank the Lord," the Captain made a little bow, "to break up hearts of oak, whether they're in brigs or buzzums." ~ Charles Dickens
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Charles Dickens
I finally understand for a woman it ain't easy trying to raise a man. ~ Tupac Shakur
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Tupac Shakur
Like sadness, frustration, happiness.
They don't much go together.
Sure they do. When you love people, there's always a mix like that. You think lovin's easy? It ain't. It's hart work. Awful hard work. But if you find good folks to love, it's worth all the feelin's you get from it. ~ Jennifer Erin Valent
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Jennifer Erin Valent
Evangeline," he sighed. "It ain't ever goan to be easy with you, is it? ~ Kresley Cole
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Kresley Cole
How can I be so evil? It ain't easy. ~ Edward Abbey
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Edward Abbey
Scared?" he asked a few minutes later.
Willow glanced up in surprise. "Scared of what?"
"Should I be?"
"You're an attractive woman practically alone with a man who's reputation is questionable." When she didn't repsond, he moved out of the shadows to stand over her. He restated his question. "Are you worried?"
His stance and narrow-eyed expression were almost menacing. Was his move meant to intimidate her? The thought miffed her. She abruptly stood and moved closer, staring up at him defiantly. "I don't scare easy. 'Sides, I can take care of myself."
His smile was rueful. "Against a man my size?"
"My brothers taught me tricks to make up for my smaller size-if you'll remember correctly."
Rider scowled. "I was caught off guard that day. What you did wasn't a very ladylike thing to do, you know."
Willow's ire flared. "You got a real thing about this ladylike stuff, don't you, mister?" She punctuated each word with a jab of her finger against his chest. "Well,let me tell you something. When a gentleman forgets to be a gentleman, I reckon a lady can forget to be a lady."
Rider captured her finger in his hand, surprising her with his smile. "You know, you're absolutely right. I can't argue with the truth; it would't be gentlemanly. Shall we call a truce and agree to be friends?""
Willow tried to tug her finger out of his grasp but he held it tight. "Well?" he prodded.
"We can call a truce, but I ain't ready to call y ~ Charlotte McPherren
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Charlotte McPherren
My biggest life lesson is that the past is the past. I do my best not to bring history into my present. It ain't ever easy, but it usually creates more opportunity for joyful experiences. ~ Dash Mihok
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Dash Mihok
The one-eyed man stood helplessly by. "I'll help ya if ya want," he said. "Know what that son-of-a-bitch done? He come by an' he got on white pants. An' he says, 'Come on, le's go out to my yacht.' By God, I'll whang him some day!" He breathed heavily. "I ain't been out with a woman sence I los' my eye. An' he says stuff like that." And big tears cut channels in the dirt beside his nose.

Tom said impatiently, "Whyn't you roll on? Got no guards to keep ya here."

"Yeah, that's easy to say. Ain't so easy to get a job - not for a one-eye' man."

Tom turned on him. "Now look-a-here, fella. You got that eye wide open. An' ya dirty, ya stink. Ya jus' askin' for it. Ya like it. Lets ya feel sorry for yaself. 'Course ya can't get no woman with that empty eye flappin' aroun'. Put somepin over it an' wash ya face. You ain't hittin' nobody with no pipe wrench."

"I tell ya, a one-eye' fella got a hard row," the man said. "Can't see stuff the way other fellas can. Can't see how far off a thing is. Ever'thing's jus' flat."

Tom said, "Ya full of crap. Why, I knowed a one-legged whore one time. Think she was takin' two-bits in a alley? No, by God! She's gettin' half a dollar extra. She says, 'How many one-legged women you slep' with? None!' she says. 'O.K.,' she says. 'You got somepin pretty special here, an it's gonna cos' ya half a buck extry.' An' by God, she was gettin' 'em, too, an' the fellas comin' out thinkin' they're pretty lucky. ~ John Steinbeck
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by John Steinbeck
Rest in peace'. That's not the way these accounts are kept. We don't rest in peace. The life of a good man who has died belongs to the people who cared about him, and ought to, and maybe itself is as much comfort as ought to be asked or offered. And surely the talk of a reunion in Heaven is thin comfort to people who need each other here as much as we do. I ain't saying I don't believe there's a Heaven. I surely hope there is. That surely would pay off a lot of mortgages. But I do say it ain't easy to believe. And even while I hope for it, I've got to admit I'd rather go to Port William. ~ Wendell Berry
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Wendell Berry
Okay... well... learning the two-step is like learning to ride a bull. It ain't easy. You gotta feel the bull's rhythm and move with it. Let the bull lead you. Alright... put your weight on your left foot." I do as he says, knowing without him needing to further illustrate, that I'm the bull rider and he's the bull. ~ Giorge Leedy
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Giorge Leedy
People told me to give up trying to be special and settle down to a regular life. There ain't nothing wrong with a regular life, and that's the Lord's truth ... But it wasn't for me, because I wanted to be something special ... I knew how easy it was for a dream to die. I seen that all around me. You could let it die by just looking the other way - you know, some of those Asian people say they don't kill nothing, but they'll take a fish out of water and lay it on the ground and then say it just died on its own - you can do that with a dream, too. And sometimes you can get so frustrated, you feel so bad about your dream, that you go on and kill it yourself. When you do that, you're killing a piece of yourself, too.
- Mr. Cephus ~ Walter Dean Myers
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Walter Dean Myers
Beneatha: Love him? There is nothing left to love.
Mama: There is always something left to love. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't learned nothing. (Looking at her) Have you cried for that boy today? I don't mean for yourself and for the family 'cause we lost the money. I mean for him: what he been through and what it done to him. Child, when do you think is the time to love somebody the most? When they done good and made things easy for everybody? Well then, you ain't through learning - because that ain't the time at all. It's when he's at his lowest and can't believe in hisself 'cause the world done whipped him so! when you starts measuring somebody, measure him right, child, measure him right. Make sure you done taken into account what hills and valleys he come through before he got to wherever he is. ~ Lorraine Hansberry
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Lorraine Hansberry
I've been readen th Bible an a hunten God fer a long while-off an on- but it ain't so easy as picken up a nickel off the floor. ~ Harriette Simpson Arnow
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Harriette Simpson Arnow
Forgiveness means accepting what is or what has been and becoming willing to see it differently. You cannot un-hear what you have heard or un-see what you have seen. What you can do is stop believing that what occurred has somehow left you broken, damaged and wounded. While forgiveness ain't easy, it's the most important inner work you can do within your mind and heart. ~ Iyanla Vanzant
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Iyanla Vanzant
Crooks stood up from his bunk and faced her. "I had enough," he said coldly. "You got no rights comin' in a colored man's room. You got no rights messing around in here at all. Now you jus' get out, an' get out quick. If you don't, I'm gonna ast the boss not to ever let you come in the barn no more."
She turned on him in scorn. "Listen, Nigger," she said. "You know what I can do to you if you open your trap?"
Crooks stared helplessly at her, and then he sat down on his bunk and drew into himself.
She closed on him. "You know what I could do?"
Crooks seemed to grow smaller, and he pressed himself against the wall. "Yes, ma'am."
"Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny."
Crooks had reduced himself to nothing. There was no personality, no ego--nothing to arouse either like or dislike. He said, "Yes, ma'am," and his voice was toneless.
For a moment she stood over him as though waiting for him to move so that she could whip at him again; but Crooks sat perfectly still, his eyes averted, everything that might be hurt drawn in. She turned at last to the other two. ~ John Steinbeck
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by John Steinbeck
Once your hands get bloody it ain't so easy to get 'em clean. ~ Joe Abercrombie
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Joe Abercrombie
Hard work ain't so easy, strength training is just plain old hard work and it ain't easy. ~ Mike Berry
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Mike Berry
Running is real and relatively simple…but it ain't easy. ~ Mark Will-Weber
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Mark Will-Weber
But it ain't easy, trying to do without God even if you know he ain't there, trying to do without him is a strain ~ Alice Walker
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Alice Walker
Life can be simple, it ain't easy. So don't take the easy option. Challenge the resistance, challenge yourself, become great ~ Tony Curl
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Tony Curl
I thought I could change the world. It took me a hundred years to figure out I can't change the world. I can only change Bessie. And honey, that ain't easy either. ~ A. Elizabeth Delany
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by A. Elizabeth Delany
You've got to care about the music ... You'd better not be doing it for the publicity, the fame or the money. And you'd sure better not be doing it because it's a way to make a living, 'cause that ain't always going to be easy. You got to believe it, believe in the music. You got to mean it. ~ Waylon Jennings
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Waylon Jennings
Well, you keep your place then, nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny." Crooks had reduced himself to nothing. There was no personality, no ego - nothing to arouse either like or dislike. He said, "Yes, ma'am," and his voice was toneless. ~ John Steinbeck
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by John Steinbeck
I'll tell you what I think in general about people who want to make their Broadway debut that are not trained stage actors. Don't they know, Broadway ain't for sissies? It is a tough gig. You are responsible, physically, mentally, emotionally, for eight shows a week, at the top of your game. It's not easy. ~ Patti LuPone
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Patti LuPone
It's very easy to make fun of George W.Bush, but that ain't going to do it. What we have to do is knock on doors and go into communities where there are people who disagree with us on certain issues.And we have to talk to them. They're our friends. They're our allies. They're our co-workers. We can't see them as enemies. ~ Bernie Sanders
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Bernie Sanders
Casting sarcasm ain't easy.. It needs hard work and a big mug of cappuccino! ~ Himmilicious
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Himmilicious
Get off your horse, Jack."
"Why don't you just ride outta here, missy, and I'll forget this ever happened."
Willow's voice trembled with fury. "Get off your horse," she repeated. "Slow and easy."
Still grinning his contempt, he did as he asked.
"That's good. Now, real slow like, take your gunbelt off and toss it my way."
"Like hell!" A shot rang out and nicked a chunk of leather from his boot. Cursing, he unbuckled his gun and tossed it at her mare's feet.
"Now,strip them britches off, underwear, too," she ordered.
"You little shi-" Bang! Jack's hat whizzed off his head. He dropped his pants in a puddle over his boots, trying his best to shelter his privates from her view.
"My,my,Jack." Willow laughed humorlessly. "Is that puny thing you're trying to hide the same thing you were threatening me with?"
If looks could kill, Willow would have been dead and buried ten times over, then and there.
"Take them confounded boots off so's you can get your pants clear off," she ordered in mock exasperation.
He wheeled around, gaining a modicum of privacy while he complied.
"You're puny all over, Jack. You got the boniest bee-hind I ever did see. You sure you ain't picked up a worm somewheres?"
"You're gonna pay for this,you little slut!"
"Shut your filthy mouth and pick them pants off the ground and toss 'em over here at my horse's feet. Then you can put your boots back on."
He gave the pants a toss, put his boots ~ Charlotte McPherren
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Charlotte McPherren
I'll tell you this much. Men think memories are like murals or statues or truth or whatever happened, never changes none. But that ain't so. They can capture the untruth of something, just as easy. They can change, especially as time leads to time.
( ... )
To each man himself, his memories seems as solid and factual as a stone mosaic, an urn he could turn around and heft, a flower he could sniff. But when I go inside another, I don't see it or feel it like that. Everything is shimmery, shifting, like it's bathed in mist and shadow, like ... like walking down the foggiest street you can think of, with everything looking not like itself at all. ~ Jeff Salyards
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Jeff Salyards
Life ain't always easy and it ain't always fair, but there's beauty in every day. You just gotta know where to look. ~ Ellery Adams
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Ellery Adams
I choose all over to keep believin'. All along I know Jesus could maybe be just come fairy tale, and I could be just one big fool. I choose anyway.' He turned away from his inward images and returned to the blackness of the world around him. 'It ain't no easy thing. ~ Karl Marlantes
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Karl Marlantes
Horses calm me. I love being around them. They smell great, they are beautiful to look at, they are loving, demanding, temperamental, and they settle you. ~ Shania Twain
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by Shania Twain
I'd spent five hours that morning trying to write a song that was meaningful and good, and I finally gave up and lay down. Then, "Nowhere Man" came, words and music, the whole damn thing, as I lay down ... Song writing is about getting the demon out of me. It's like being possessed. You try to go to sleep, but the song won't let you. So you have to get up and make it into something, and then you're allowed sleep. ~ John Lennon
It Aint Easy Being Me quotes by John Lennon
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