Iniquities Crossword Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Iniquities Crossword.

Quotes About Iniquities Crossword

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The human mind is stimulated by change, motivated by meeting the challenge of novelty or threat or pleasure, rewarded with the sensations of being instrumental in altering environments, and will persevere in this as long as there is some degree of perceivable progress. People turn to knitting baby booties, doing crossword puzzles, collecting rare coins; they may even make an effort to understand E=mc2 or to study the genetic adaptations of cacti, but in all cases, they need to see some fruit of their labors. ~ Michael D. O'Brien
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Michael D. O'Brien
Revolutionists are accused of sowing fear abroad. Every barricade seems a crime. Their theories are incriminated, their aim suspected, their ulterior motive is feared, their conscience denounced. They are reproached with raising, erecting, and heaping up, against the reigning social state, a mass of miseries, of griefs, of iniquities, of wrongs, of despairs, and of tearing from the lowest depths blocks of shadow in order therein to embattle themselves and to combat. People shout to them: "You are tearing up the pavements of hell!" They might reply: "That is because our barricade is made of good intentions. ~ Victor Hugo
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Victor Hugo
Introverts feel "just right" with less stimulation, as when they sip wine with a close friend, solve a crossword puzzle, or read a book. Extroverts enjoy the extra bang that comes from activities like meeting new people, skiing slippery slopes, and cranking up the stereo. ~ Susan Cain
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Susan Cain
I love words. Sudoku I don't get into, I'm not into numbers that much, and there are people who are hooked on that. But crossword puzzles, I just can't - if I get a puppy and I paper train him and I put the - if all of a sudden I'd open the paper and there's a crossword puzzle - 'No, no, you can't go on that, honey. I'll take it.' ~ Betty White
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Betty White
Some grow very attached to a modern diversion known as the 'Crossword Puzzle.' We've had several come ~ Brandon Sanderson
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Brandon Sanderson
Beloved, no sin of a believer can now be an arrow mortally to wound him, no condemnation can now be a sword to kill him, for the punishment of our sin was borne by Christ, a full atonement was made for all our iniquities by our blessed Substitute and Surety. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
One thing that I do find really sexy is a girl who's good at crossword puzzles. ~ Chris Pine
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Chris Pine
The nice thing about doing a crossword puzzle is, you know there is a solution. ~ Stephen Sondheim
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Stephen Sondheim
She's holding a crossword magazine in her hand. Britt-Marie likes crosswords very much because there are very clear rules about how to do them, She only ever does them in pencil, though - Granny always said Britt-Marie was the sort of woman who would have to drink two glasses of wine and feel really wild and crazy to be able to fantasise about solving a crossword in ink. ~ Fredrik Backman
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Fredrik Backman
I'm patient with crossword puzzles and the most impatient golfer. ~ Brett Hull
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Brett Hull
Jesus is not directing the angelic choir, taking long naps, or doing crossword puzzles. He is completely focused on building his church, the hope of the world. ~ Bill Hybels
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Bill Hybels
I enjoy walking my dog and completing crossword puzzles. ~ Brian Jacques
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Brian Jacques
My being a writer and playing Scrabble are connected. If I have a good writing day, I'll take a break and play online Scrabble. My favorite word as a child was 'carrion,' before I knew what it meant. I later created crossword puzzles, which was a lot about puns, and how words would create these strange, strange things. ~ Meg Wolitzer
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Meg Wolitzer
There seem to be two main types of people in the world, crosswords and sudokus. ~ Rebecca McKinsey
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Rebecca McKinsey
I could not help weeping with him - not over my own fate which, however clearly laid out, was just as sad as his, but over the injustices, the iniquities, and the crimes to which the exploited poor are always and everywhere subjected to, by a mob of scoundrels and trash who deck themselves out in many-colored robes, in helmet and plumed hats, in gold and silver embroideries, and take themselves titles of majesty, holiness, eminence, lordship, in order to fleece, bleed, and slaughter the poor. ~ Jean-Marie Deguignet
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Jean-Marie Deguignet
Looking at the sky, he suddenly saw that it had become black. Then white again, but with great rippling circles. The circles were vultures wheeling around the sun. The vultures disappeared, to be replaced by checkers squares ready to be played on. On the board, the pieces moved around incredibly rapidly, winning dozens of games every minute. They were scarcely lined up before they started rushing at each other again, banging into each other, forming fighting combinations, wiping the other side out in the wink of an eye. Then the squares scattered, giving way to the grille of a crossword puzzle, and here, too, words flashed, drove each other away, clustered, were erased. They were all very long words, like Catalepsy, Thunderbird, Superrequeteriquísímo and Anticonstitutionally. The grille faded away, and suddenly the whole sky was covered with linked words, long sentences full of semicolons and inverted commas. For the space of a few seconds, there was this gigantic sheet of paper on which were written sentences that moved forward jerkily, changing their meaning, modifying their construction, altering completely as they advanced. It was beautiful, so beautiful that nothing like that had ever been read anywhere, and yet it was impossible to decipher the writing. It was all about death, or pity, or the incredible secrets that are hidden somewhere, at one of the farthest points of time. It was about water, too, about vast lakes floating just above the mountains, lakes shimmering u ~ J M G Le Clezio
Iniquities Crossword quotes by J M G Le Clezio
So I just live with my insomnia. I do crossword puzzles, or wander out to the music room and fool around on the piano, or read. Those late hours when the world is completely still, when the only sound is the rustle of the air in the vents and the wind visiting the trees outside, when the darkness is tucked tight around the house and you feel as life itself the movements of your own consciousness-these are wonderful hours to read. There is no interruption. ~ Stephen Goodwin
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Stephen Goodwin
I don't understand people's constant
need to pretend that as a species we are good on a primary level, when in fact we've had prisons and punishments for thousands of years and people still do whatever the fuck they want, that should clue us in that we are all wired with evil and malevolent intent. Then I realize as long as you don't get caught in your iniquities, it really doesn't matter to anyone. ~ J.C. Wickhart
Iniquities Crossword quotes by J.C. Wickhart
Despite the many iniquities that have found entrance into the practices of image-worship as it is in vogue now, I do not condemn it. Ay, where would I have been if I had not been blessed with the dust of the holy feet of that orthodox, image-worshipping Brahmin! ~ Swami Vivekananda
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Swami Vivekananda
Yes, I was a twenty-nine year old woman who lived with her mother. One who didn't do drugs, party, or have sex. I read books, drank the occasional beer on a hot afternoon, and did the Times crossword puzzle on Sunday afternoons. I hadn't attended college, I wasn't particularly gorgeous, and I often forgot to shave my legs. On the upside, I could cook some mean dumplings and bring myself to orgasm within five minutes. Not at the same time, mind you. I wasn't that talented. ~ Alessandra Torre
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Alessandra Torre
He was still there when, having seen history now as a place rich in whims and incomprehensible plots for Reasons of State, he learned from Saint-Savin how treacherous was the great machine of the world, plagued by the iniquities of Chance. ~ Umberto Eco
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Umberto Eco
It's the boredom that kills you. You read until you're tired of that. You do crossword puzzles until you're tired of that. This is torture. This is mental torture. ~ Jack Kevorkian
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Jack Kevorkian
It's not as if I'm trying to write crossword puzzles to which one might find an answer at the back of the book or anything like that. ~ Paul Muldoon
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Paul Muldoon
I would prefer to live forever in perfect health, but if I must at some time leave this life, I would like to do so ensconced on a chaise longue, perfumed, wearing a velvet robe and pearl earrings, with a flute of champagne beside me and having just discovered the answer to the last problem in a British cryptic crossword. ~ Olivia De Havilland
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Olivia De Havilland
You're never quite sure where the song is going, because you might not find the word to rhyme with the end of the line. You have to find associative meaning to get you there. So it's rather like doing a crossword puzzle backwards. A kind of strange, three-dimensional, abstract crossword puzzle. ~ Annie Lennox
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Annie Lennox
I get up, go and get a coffee, and go do the crossword - I'm loyal to one particular paper, the 'Guardian' - and that's my idea of a perfect morning. ~ Laura Marling
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Laura Marling
Turn your obstacles to your advantage. If you can find a plus out of a negative, then it cannot weigh you down. I like to think I have a superpower called dyslexia. I am creative, intuitive, and empathetic. I am great with problem-solving, and I can think outside the box. Just the other day, I was helping my daughter with a crossword puzzle, and she said, "Dad, how do you find the answers so fast? And I said, "I have dyslexia, and it helps me see things differently. To which she replied, "Aw, I want that." If we can see our differences or unique qualities as gifts, we can bypass the stigmas that come with them and impress upon ourselves and society we can do anything any other person can do, just differently, and sometimes better. ~ Lorin Morgan-Richards
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Lorin Morgan-Richards
But are you glad you went to college? Was it a good experience?"
I suppose it was. Althought I can't remember a single thing I learned. Except for Latin, and that's only because the nuns literally beat it into us and I use it sometimes for the crossword."
There were nuns at Radcliffe?"
Yes, it was all nuns."
Are you sure? At Radcliffe?"
Maybe it was high school."
But you aren't Catholic," I said. "I don't think you ever went to a parochial school."
Well, I distinctly remember nuns with sticks walking up and down the aisles as we recited Latin. Maybe it was a show I was in, but I doubt it because nuns don't beat children in musicals. ~ Peter Cameron
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Peter Cameron
ACT3.26 Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. ~ Anonymous
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Anonymous
About 35-40% of the time, a player wants to create a word ending in a specific letter. This, however, is not the way we traditionally think, and, not to mention, this is not the way dictionaries are sorted. In other words, in many situations, conventional dictionaries are not arranged in an easy to use manner. This dictionary solves that problem by sorting on the last letter of the word. ~ Richard D. Ekstrom
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Richard D. Ekstrom
Not "Forgive us for our sins" but "Smite us for our iniquities" should be the prayer of man to a most just God. ~ Oscar Wilde
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Oscar Wilde
Christianity ... has produced the iniquities of the Inquisition, the egotism and celibacy of the monasteries, the fury of religious wars, the ferocity of the Hussite, of the Catholic, of the Puritan, of the Spaniard, of the Irish Orangeman and of the Irish Papist; it has divided families, alienated friends, lighted the torch of civil war, and borne the virgin and the greybeard to the burning pile, broken delicate limbs upon the wheel and wrung the souls and bodies of innocent creatures on the rack; all this it has done, and done in the name of God. ~ Ouida
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Ouida
A thin ungracious drink is the well-spring, a drink for queasy-stomached skipjacks: for sand-levericks, not for men. And like it is the dayspring: an ungrateful sapless hour, an hour for stab-i'-the-backs and cold-blooded betrayers. Ah, give me wine, and noon-day vices, and brazen-browed iniquities. ~ E.R. Eddison
Iniquities Crossword quotes by E.R. Eddison
Sorry, it's all those crossword puzzles I do. I love words ... ~ Dakota Cassidy
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Dakota Cassidy
There's this moment sometimes, when you do a crossword puzzle and you have the one really long word. And once you get that, the whole thing kind of comes into focus. Sometimes it's just working things over in your mind and then finding that one line that kind of ties the song together, and now it works. It's a puzzle of sorts. ~ Craig Finn
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Craig Finn
I think that, at the end of the day, I'm drawn to a certain level of ambiguous storytelling that requires hard thought and work in the same way that the 'New York Times' crossword puzzle does: Sometimes you just want to put it down or throw it out the window, but there's a real rewarding sense if you feel like you've cracked it. ~ Damon Lindelof
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Damon Lindelof
She became a question mark. An unfinished puzzle. An intricate crossword. An impervious shooting star yet to determine her course. ~ Neetha Joseph
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Neetha Joseph
As the psalmist prayed so many centuries ago, "If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?" (Ps. 130:3). The answer is obvious: no one. The bad news is that the Lord does mark iniquities. The blessed person is the one to whom the Lord does not impute guilt. This is the core of the gospel. ~ R.C. Sproul
Iniquities Crossword quotes by R.C. Sproul
Egotism, n: Doing the New York Times crossword puzzle with a pen. ~ Ambrose Bierce
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Ambrose Bierce
I don't want to retire. I'm not that good at crossword puzzles ~ Norman Mailer
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Norman Mailer
Within the same hour as the murder took place, Isabel Trumbo sat in her armchair dozing, the Alaskan Outdoor magazine on her lap. Her kid sister Alma fidgeted in the other armchair, from time to time picking up her newspaper folded over to the day's crossword puzzle. ~ Ed Lynskey
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Ed Lynskey
In the Israelite encampment, even though there were iniquities, sins, and wickedness, God did not see any of them because the blood of bulls and goats, which they offered up to the Lord daily, covered the children of Israel. How much more true that is for us today, we who are washed clean forever by the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, our beautiful Savior. ~ Joseph Prince
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Joseph Prince
The universe takes care of iniquities, of people who have been wronged, of injustices that the world can't right. ~ Courtney Cole
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Courtney Cole
I do the 'New York Times' crossword puzzle every morning to keep the old grey matter ticking. ~ Carol Burnett
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Carol Burnett
Some people like doing crossword puzzles or Sudoku. I love auditioning. On camera, I hated auditioning. But voiceovers I like trying to figure it out, then getting in there and seeing how close you can get. ~ Tom Kenny
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Tom Kenny
The ignorant mass looks upon the man who makes a violent protest against our social and economic iniquities as upon a wild beast, a cruel, heartless monster, whose joy it is to destroy life and bathe in blood; or at best, as upon an irresponsible lunatic. Yet nothing is further from the truth. As a matter of fact, those who have studied the character and personality of these men, or who have come in close contact with them, are agreed that it is their super-sensitiveness to the wrong and injustice surrounding them which compels them to pay the toll of our social crimes. The most noted writers and poets, discussing the psychology of political offenders, have paid them the highest tribute. Could anyone assume that these men had advised violence, or even approved of the acts? Certainly not. Theirs was the attitude of the social student, of the man who knows that beyond every violent act there is a vital cause. ~ Emma Goldman
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Emma Goldman
Because I can't help doing it," he said with a shrug. "And hey, if I keep loving you, maybe you'll eventually crack and love me too. Hell, I'm pretty sure you're already half in love with me."
"I am not! And everything you just said is ridiculous. That's terrible logic."
Adrian returned to his crossword puzzle. "Well, you can think what you want, so long as you remember-no matter how ordinary things seem between us-I'm still here, still in love with you, and care about you more than any other guy, evil or otherwise, ever will."
"I don't think you're evil."
"See? Things are already looking promising. ~ Richelle Mead
Iniquities Crossword quotes by Richelle Mead
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