Heeringa Case Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Heeringa Case.

Quotes About Heeringa Case

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The final relationship that cannot be ignored is with disrupters:
They are individuals who cause trouble for sport - inciting opposition
to management for a variety of reasons, most of them petty.
Usually these people have good performance - that's their cover - and so
they are endured or appeased.
A company that manages people well takes disrupters head-on.
First they give them very tough evaluations, naming their bad behaviour
and demanding it change.
Usually it won't. Disrupters are a personality type.
If that's the case, get them out of the way of people trying to do their
They're poison. ~ Jack Welch
Heeringa Case quotes by Jack Welch
She's not a demon, she's a woman," my mother said sadly. "In this case, that's worse. ~ Alice Hoffman
Heeringa Case quotes by Alice Hoffman
Mom's note on the dining room table to me and Faith read:
Daughters of mine,
In case you haven't noticed, no one has seen the top of our dining room table in months. I seem to recall it is oak, but as the days dwindle by, I'm less and less sure. Perhaps this is because your school books, files, papers, magazines, letters, underwear, etc., are shielding it from normal use. My goal for you, dear offspring, to be accomplished in twenty-four hours (no excuses), is the clearing/exhuming of this space so that we may gather around it once again and spend quality time. Even though I am working the night shift, I will still be watching. Do it or die.
Your loving mother ~ Joan Bauer
Heeringa Case quotes by Joan Bauer
The idea behind the tuxedo is the woman's point of view that men are all the same; so we might as well dress them that way. That's why a wedding is like the joining together of a beautiful, glowing bride and some guy. The tuxedo is a wedding safety device, created by women because they know that men are undependable. So in case the groom chickens out, everybody just takes one step over, and she marries the next guy. ~ Jerry Seinfeld
Heeringa Case quotes by Jerry Seinfeld
We're all in the race game, so to speak, either consciously or unconsciously. We can overtly support white-supremacist racial projects. We can reject white supremacy and support racial projects aimed at a democratic distibution of power and a just distribution of resources. Or we can claim to not be interested in race, in which case we almost certainly will end up tacitly supporting white supremacy by virtue of our unwillingness to confront it. In a society in which white supremacy has structured every aspect of our world, there can be no claim to neutrality. ~ Robert Jensen
Heeringa Case quotes by Robert Jensen
I think 'Family Guy' and 'American Dad' have definitely staked out their own style and territory, and now the accusations are coming that 'The Simpsons' is taking jokes from 'Family Guy.' And I can tell you, that ain't the case. ~ Matt Groening
Heeringa Case quotes by Matt Groening
A great professor considers his student's success as a reflection of his own. He will not remain indifferent in the case of continuous poor exam results, but will do as much as possible to overcome such a situation. ~ Eraldo Banovac
Heeringa Case quotes by Eraldo Banovac
Even today many educated people think that the victory of Christianity over Greek philosophy is a proof of the superior truth of the former - although in this case it was only the coarser and more violent that conquered the more spiritual and delicate. So far as superior truth is concerned, it is enough to observe that the awakening sciences have allied themselves point by point with the philosophy of Epicurus, but point by point rejected Christianity. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Heeringa Case quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche
Once upon a time, a monk along with his disciples was traveling on a road, and they saw a large pile of bricks. The monk asked the disciples, "What is this?" The disciples said, "It is a pile of bricks." After sometime, they came across a house. The monk asked the disciples, "What is this?" The disciples said, "It is a house." The monk asked, "How is it different from the pile of bricks that we saw earlier?" The disciples thought for a while but could not answer the question. Then the monk enlightened the disciples, "In the first case, the pile of bricks was just a pile of bricks. In the second case, the pile of bricks was a house. A house is more than the sum of the pile of bricks that make it." A team succeeds where an individual fails. ~ Rajen Jani
Heeringa Case quotes by Rajen Jani
Cigarettes and Whiskey and Wild, Wild Women"

Perhaps I was born kneeling,
born coughing on the long winter,
born expecting the kiss of mercy,
born with a passion for quickness
and yet, as things progressed,
I learned early about the stockade
or taken out, the fume of the enema.
By two or three I learned not to kneel,
not to expect, to plant my fires underground
where none but the dolls, perfect and awful,
could be whispered to or laid down to die.

Now that I have written many words,
and let out so many loves, for so many,
and been altogether what I always was -
a woman of excess, of zeal and greed,
I find the effort useless.
Do I not look in the mirror,
these days,
and see a drunken rat avert her eyes?
Do I not feel the hunger so acutely
that I would rather die than look
into its face?
I kneel once more,
in case mercy should come
in the nick of time. ~ Anne Sexton
Heeringa Case quotes by Anne Sexton
In case, I would prefer to say, that some circumstances should strike me in a different light to the one in which it struck you. Human reactions vary and so does human experience.

~Hercule Poirot ~ Agatha Christie
Heeringa Case quotes by Agatha Christie
Never looking anyone in the eye when you're traveling on public transport, in case it's interpreted as a sign that you're trying to get off with them. ~ Paulo Coelho
Heeringa Case quotes by Paulo Coelho
I win virtually every case I should win, and I win a number of cases that people think I shouldn't. ~ David Boies
Heeringa Case quotes by David Boies
In the classroom, it was almost certainly the case that the women were managing a double bind that we face constantly: conform to traditional gender expectations, stay quiet and be liked, or violate those expectations and risk the penalties, including the penalty of being called puritanical, aggressive, and"humorless. ~ Soraya Chemaly
Heeringa Case quotes by Soraya Chemaly
Now, as the party reached the royal hall the brothers shared, Tolners produced a note and held it up for Kell to read. "This isn't funny."
Apparently Rhy had had the grace to pin the note to his door, in case anyone in the palace should worry. "Not kidnapped. Out for a drink with Kell. Sit tight. ~ Victoria Schwab
Heeringa Case quotes by Victoria Schwab
The 'hard swallow' built into science is this business about the Big Bang ... This is the notion that the universe, for no reason, sprang from nothing in a single instant ... Notice that this is the limit test for credulity ... It's the limit case for likelihood. ~ Terence McKenna
Heeringa Case quotes by Terence McKenna
When a worrier acts bravery and face death in a battle, rest assured that he/she is knows that the case fought for has its values. ~ Sameh Elsayed
Heeringa Case quotes by Sameh Elsayed
In any case, the bayonet isn't as important as it used to be. It's more usual now to go into the attack with hand-grenades and your entrenching tool. The sharpened spade is a lighter and more versatile weapon - not only can you get a man under the chin, but more to the point, you can strike a blow with a lot more force behind it. That's especially true if you can bring it down diagonally between the neck and the shoulder, because then you can split down as far as the chest. When you put a bayonet in, it can stick, and you have to give the other man a hefty kick in the guts to get it out. ~ Erich Maria Remarque
Heeringa Case quotes by Erich Maria Remarque
Never build a case against yourself." ~ Les Brown
Heeringa Case quotes by Les Brown
It's possible that I shall make an ass of myself. But in that case one can always get out of it with a little dialectic. I have, of course, so worded my proposition as to be right either way. ~ Karl Marx
Heeringa Case quotes by Karl Marx
If you listen to one of my albums, you can tell I do a lot of different things. In the case of 'Vincent', I thought of his picture 'Starry Night.' It was a beautiful road-map for a song. I used a lot of imagery from that painting. ~ Don McLean
Heeringa Case quotes by Don McLean
Compared to other parents, remarried parents seem more desirous of their child's approval, more alert to the child's emotional state, and more sensitive in their parent-child relations. Perhaps this is the result of heightened empathy for the child's suffering, perhaps it is a guilt reaction; in either case, it gives the child a potent weapon
the power to disrupt the new household and come between parent and the new spouse. ~ Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Heeringa Case quotes by Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Each life is yet another chance given to humanity, but it was not even a half a chance in Coinman's case. ~ Pawan Mishra
Heeringa Case quotes by Pawan Mishra
Nothing provokes more cynicism than a great love that was not shared, but nothing produces more modesty either; I was utterly surprised to feel loved. The truth is: a passion that fully preoccupies a man draws women to him when he least wants them. Even if he is sentimental and tender by nature, when he is obsessed with another he becomes indifferent and almost brutal. Because he is unhappy, he sometimes allows himself to be temped by the offer of affection. As soon as he has tasted this affection, he tires of it and does not disguise the fact. Without wishing to and without even realizing it, he plays the most appalling game. He becomes dangerous and conquers because he himself has been vanquished. This was the case with me. I had never been more convinced of my own inability to attract women, I had never felt less desire to attract them, and I had never received so much clear proof of devotion and love. ~ Andre Maurois
Heeringa Case quotes by Andre Maurois
So you're like… living in the margins, making your case in the margins, trying to make a difference maybe, from the margins...but nobody really wants to listen to you. To see you.
'Cause you're not the story they want to tell. ~ Andrea Portes
Heeringa Case quotes by Andrea Portes
I snorted a surprised laugh and then covered my mouth with the hand that wasn't currently touching his hip.
His answering laugh - a shocked bark likely caused by the sound of my inelegant snort - made me laugh even harder.
"What is that sound? Are you snorting?" He squeezed my shoulders as we crossed the street, his voice thick with amusement.
I snorted again - because when I laugh, I snort like the love child of a pig and an alligator unless I hold my nose, in which case I sound like I've got a terrible case of the hiccups - which made him laugh even harder. ~ L. H. Cosway
Heeringa Case quotes by L. H. Cosway
In any case, Maya's efficiency of speech was extremely helpful in the maintenance of a relationship that I was subconsciously keeping on the knife-edge between casual and serious. She was capable of talking with her eyes and her body, but she mostly chose to use her mouth. I didn't mind this. ~ Hank Green
Heeringa Case quotes by Hank Green
From Zachary Blake? Not a chance in hell. All his cases are high-profile. And these days, he's got a Midas touch. Every case he touches turns to gold. Blake is on a personal crusade for civil justice and safety - truth, justice, and the American way, don't you know? Guns are an excellent target issue for someone like him. ~ Mark M. Bello
Heeringa Case quotes by Mark M. Bello
Self-respect is a discipline, a habit of mind that can never be faked but can be developed, trained, coaxed forth. It was once suggested to me that, as an antidote to crying, I put my head in a paper bag. As it happens, there is a sound physiological reason, something to do with oxygen, for doing exactly that, but the psychological effect alone is incalculable: it is difficult in the extreme to continue fancying oneself Cathy in Wuthering Heights with one's head in a Food Fair bag. There is a similar case for all the small disciplines, unimportant in themselves; imagine maintaining any kind of swoon, commiserative or carnal, in a cold shower. ~ Joan Didion
Heeringa Case quotes by Joan Didion
A strong case can be made for religious leaders to speak out on political issues. ~ Tony Campolo
Heeringa Case quotes by Tony Campolo
I looked from face to face, exaggerating flaws and reminding myself that these boys did not like me. The hope was that I might crush any surviving atom attraction, but as has been the case for my entire life, the more someone dislikes me the more attractive he becomes. ~ David Sedaris
Heeringa Case quotes by David Sedaris
I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case, full stop, period. ~ Barack Obama
Heeringa Case quotes by Barack Obama
Was it Aristotle who said the human soul is composed of reason, will, and desire?"
"No, that was Plato. Aristotle and Plato were as different as Mel Tormé and Bing Crosby. In any case, things were a lot simpler in the old days," Komatsu said. "Wouldn't it be fun to imagine reason, will, and desire engaged in a fierce debate around a table? ~ Haruki Murakami
Heeringa Case quotes by Haruki Murakami
The Rosenberg case had been orchestrated to an anti-Communist frenzy that matched the exuberant hysteria of the Nazi horror. ~ Howard Fast
Heeringa Case quotes by Howard Fast
So, do you have to send The Piano Man the secret code word to come down?"
"Did you just call Josh The Piano Man?"
"Well, I thought we should have a code name for him in case anyone's listening when we talk about you, and your mom said he plays the piano. ~ Jennifer Comeaux
Heeringa Case quotes by Jennifer Comeaux
You're so cute."
Dex let out a laugh. "And you're such a dork."
"Says the guy who owns Star Wars Lightsaber chopsticks."
"Sushi tastes better when you use the Force."
"You're only strenghtening my case. ~ Charlie Cochet
Heeringa Case quotes by Charlie Cochet
The social psychologist Tom Gilovich studies the cognitive mechanisms of strange beliefs. His simple formulation is that when we want to believe something, we ask ourselves, "Can I believe it?"28 Then (as Kuhn and Perkins found), we search for supporting evidence, and if we find even a single piece of pseudo-evidence, we can stop thinking. We now have permission to believe. We have a justification, in case anyone asks. In contrast, when we don't want to believe something, we ask ourselves, "Must I believe it?" Then we search for contrary evidence, and if we find a single reason to doubt the claim, we can dismiss it. ~ Jonathan Haidt
Heeringa Case quotes by Jonathan Haidt
The phrase was so simple and for most women, so generic. Any other female would have laughed off such a question from a boy she had no interest in. But in my case, it was a landmark moment in my life. Number 23 had gone where no other man had gone before.
Until then, my history with men had been volatile. Instead of a boyfriend or even a drunken prom date, my virginity was forfeited to a very disturbed, grown man while I was unconscious on a bathroom floor. The remnants of what could be considered high school relationships were blurry and drug infused. Even the one long-lasting courtship I held with Number 3 went without traditional dating rituals like Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversary gifts, or even dinner.
Into young adulthood, I was never the girl who men asked on dates. I was asked on many fucks. I was a pair of tits to cum on, a mouth to force a cock down, and even a playmate to spice up a marriage.
At twenty-four, I had slept with twenty-two men, gotten lustfully heated with countless more, but had never once been given flowers. With less than a handful of dates in my past, romance was something I accepted as not being in the cards for me. My personality was too strong, my language too foul, and my opinions too outspoken. No, I was not the girl who got asked out on dates and though that made me sad at times, I buried myself too deeply in productivity to dwell on it.
But, that day, Number 23 sparked a fuse. That question showed a glimmer of ~ Maggie Georgiana Young
Heeringa Case quotes by Maggie Georgiana Young
Faith doesn't wait until it understands; in that case it wouldn't be faith. ~ Vance Havner
Heeringa Case quotes by Vance Havner
Uncle Bob answered, his tone brusque. "What have you got?"
"Besides great boobs?" I asked.
"On the case."
He was so testy. ~ Darynda Jones
Heeringa Case quotes by Darynda Jones
One of the things that I've always felt missing from funerals and services is the voice of the man or woman who was the deceased's partner in life. I've always wanted to hear from the person who'd loved them more than anyone. Biblically, the two become one flesh--the spouse is their other half. It has always seemed to me that his or her voice was critical to truly understanding who the deceased was in life.
I also felt that American Sniper had told only part of Chris's story--an angry part in much of it. There was so much more to him that I wanted the world to know.
People said Chris was blessed that I hung in there during his service to our country; in fact, I was the one who was blessed. I wanted everyone to hear me say that.
Beforehand, a friend suggested I have a backup in case I couldn't finish reading my speech--a "highway option," as Chris used to call it: the way out if things didn't go as planned.
I refused.
I didn't want a way out. It wasn't supposed to be easy. Knowing that I had to go through with it, that I had to finish--that was my motivator. That was my guarantee that I would finish, that I would keep moving into the future, as painful as it surely would be.

When you think you cannot do something, think again. Chris always said, "The body will do whatever the mind tells it to." I am counting on that now.
I stand before you a broken woman, but I am now and always will be the wife of a man who is a warrior both on the ba ~ Taya Kyle
Heeringa Case quotes by Taya Kyle
In either case, ugly or beautiful, people derive a significant part of their identity, be it negative or positive, from their body. To be more precise, they derive their identity from the I-thought that they erroneously attach to the mental image or concept of their body.
Equating the physical sense-perceived body that is destined to grow old, wither and die with 'I' always leads to suffering sooner or later. ~ Eckhart Tolle
Heeringa Case quotes by Eckhart Tolle
Every so often in life, you encounter a brilliant idea. Usually, at least in my case, it's somebody else's idea. ~ Jean Hanff Korelitz
Heeringa Case quotes by Jean Hanff Korelitz
Rainer Maria Rilke sacrificed everything
For his art he dedicated himself
To the Great Work

I admired his single-mindedness
All through my twenties
I argued his case

Now I think he was a jerk
For skipping his daughter's wedding
For fear of losing his focus

He believed in the ancient enmity
Between daily life and the highest work
Or Ruth and the Duino Elegies

It is probably a middle-class prejudice
Of mine to think that Anna Akhmatova
Should have raised her son Lev

Instead of dumping him on her husband's mom
Motherhood is a bright torture she confessed
I was not worthy of it

Lev never considered it sufficient
For her to stand outside his prison
Month after month clutching packages

And composing Requiem for the masses ~ Edward Hirsch
Heeringa Case quotes by Edward Hirsch
Davis looked Priscilla up and down. "You're going with insanity?" He frowned. "In this case, I think it might work." "I'm not insane!" Priscilla protested. "Mason is mine. He doesn't want me, so he has to die," she stated plainly. "The other man was in the way. I didn't mean to shoot him." She wiped at her tears with her manacled hands. "Just Mason. ~ Hayden Braeburn
Heeringa Case quotes by Hayden Braeburn
Fred whispered, "Okay. If I don't come back, and say they don't got my body, like if Justin eats me or somethin', tell everybody you don't know what happened. Make it mysterious. And then a year later spread rumors that you've seen me wanderin' around town. That way I'll be like fuckin' Bigfoot, everybody claiming to have seen me here and there. Legend of Fred Chu." John nodded, as if he were committing this to memory. He lit his own firebombs, glanced up at me and asked,"You got any final requests, in case this don't end well?" "Yeah. Avenge my death. ~ David Wong
Heeringa Case quotes by David Wong
What first comes across our minds
About the stocky Mexican

Pushing a mower across the lawn
At 7 a.m. on a Saturday

As the roar of the cutter wakes us?
Let me take a guess.

Why do they have to come so damn early?
What do we make of his flannel

Shirt missing buttons at the cuffs,
Threadbare at the shoulders,

The grass stains around his knees,
The dirt like roadmaps to nowhere,

Between the wrinkles of his neck?
Let me take a shot. Dirty Mexican.

Would his appearance lead us to believe
He is a border jumper or wetback

Who hits the bar top with an empty shot glass
For the twelfth time then goes home

To kick his wife around like fallen grapefruit
Lying on the ground?

First, the stocky Mexican isn't mowing the lawn
At 7 a.m. on a Saturday.

He doesn't work weekends anymore ever since
He lost one-third of his route

To laborers willing to work for next to nothing.
Second, he knows better than to kneel

On the wet grass because, well, the knees
Of his pants will become grass-stained

And pants don't grow on trees, even here,
Close to Palm Springs.

Instead, after 25 years of the same blue collar work,
Two sons out and one going to college,

Rather than jail, and a small but modest savings
In case he loses the remaining two-thirds
John Olivares Espinoza
Heeringa Case quotes by John Olivares Espinoza
You'll feel the sting even more poignantly if you buy into the system's credo that the more you have, and the more you own, the happier you will be. If this is the case, then you're ~ Joe Barnes
Heeringa Case quotes by Joe Barnes
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