God Does Exist Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about God Does Exist.

Quotes About God Does Exist

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Well, let me leave it at this: if God does exist, He would have a great deal be sad about. And if He doesn't exist, then that too would make Him quite sad, I imagine. So to answer your question, God must be sad. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer
God Does Exist quotes by Jonathan Safran Foer
Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light. ~ Albert Einstein
God Does Exist quotes by Albert Einstein
Whether you say that a god does exist, or that none do, it is a claim
to know (or at least believe in) something. Once you claim to know
something, you can't call that a lack of belief in the opposite view
and then say it's the place that you started. ~ Lewis N. Roe
God Does Exist quotes by Lewis N. Roe
who is GOD and what is it? The existence of GOD is just a feeling. No one has ever seen the GOD we all think that the god does exist and pray Him. ~ G. Venkatesh
God Does Exist quotes by G. Venkatesh
If God does exist, it's in music and in art, I think there's more spiritually in what I do than in a lot of religious groups judging, especially in the way they've treated me in the past couple of years. I've grown tired of talking about religion. It's time for me to move on. I'm trying to redefine the idea of spirituality and make it now such a bad word for myself, because I find that I sound really stupid saying it sometimes ~ Marilyn Manson
God Does Exist quotes by Marilyn Manson
If you place [your bet] with God, you lose nothing, even if it turns out that God does not exist. But if you place it against God, and you are wrong and God does exist, you lose everything. ~ Peter Kreeft
God Does Exist quotes by Peter Kreeft
Our only hope rests on the off-chance that God does exist. ~ Alice Thomas Ellis
God Does Exist quotes by Alice Thomas Ellis
Then this God does exist according to you?"
"He does not exist, but He is. In the stone there is no pain, but in the fear of the stone is the pain. God is the pain of the fear of death. He who will conquer pain and terror will become himself a god. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
God Does Exist quotes by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Yet God does exist in the idea of good, which watches over the birth of every being and leaves in the soul embodied in that being one pure tear. Good is God, and the tear the source of eternal feeling. ~ Jose Marti
God Does Exist quotes by Jose Marti
Evil is the most difficult problem in the world. It is also the strongest objection to God's existence. If God does exist, it is also the most problematic challenge to his nature and power. As a Christian, it is my greatest temptation for doubt and unbelief. ~ Jon Morrison
God Does Exist quotes by Jon Morrison
So, according to you, the other God does exist after all?'
'He doesn't exist, but He is. There's no pain in a stone, but there's pain in the fear of a stone. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
God Does Exist quotes by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The grand difference between a human being and a Supreme being is precisely this: Apart from God I cannot exist; apart from me God does exist. God does not need me in order for Him to be. I do need God in order for me to be. We are dependent. We are fragile. This is how we differ from God. ~ R.C. Sproul
God Does Exist quotes by R.C. Sproul
And so will I here state just plainly and briefly that I accept God. But I must point out one thing: if God does exist and really created the world, as we well know, he created it according to the principles of Euclidean geometry and made the human brain capable of grasping only three dimensions of space. Yet there have been and still are mathematicians and philosophers-among them some of the most outstanding-who doubt that the whole universe or, to put it more generally, all existence was created to fit Euclidean geometry; they even dare to conceive that two parallel lines that, according to Euclid, never do meet on earth do, in fact, meet somewhere in infinity. And so my dear boy, I've decided that I am incapable of understanding of even that much, I cannot possibly understand about God. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
God Does Exist quotes by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I don't know what I believe anymore. If God does exist, then He's just an asshole, creating this world full of human suffering and letting all these terrible things happen to good people, and sitting there and doing nothing about it. At June's memorial service, a few people came up to me and said some really stupid things, like how everything happens for a reason, and God never gives us more than we can handle. All I could think was, does that mean if I was a weaker person, this never would've happened? Am I seriously supposed to buy that June's death was part of some stupid divine plan? I don't believe that. I can't. It just doesn't make sense. ~ Hannah Harrington
God Does Exist quotes by Hannah Harrington
If God does not exist, we will lose nothing by believing in him; but if God does exist, we will lose everything by not believing. ~ Anonymous
God Does Exist quotes by Anonymous
Now life is given in exchange for pain and fear, and that's the basis of the whole deception. Now man is still not what he should be. There will e a new man, happy and proud. Whoever doesn't care whether he lives or doesn't live, he himself will be God. And that other God will no longer be.'
'So, that other God does exist, in your opinion?'
'He doesn't exist, but he does exist. In the stone there' no pain, but in the fear of the stone there is pain. God is the pain of the fear of death. Whoever conquers pain and fear will himself become God. ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
God Does Exist quotes by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Either god exists or it doesn't exist. If a god does exist, it either interacts with the universe in some detectable way or it doesn't. If it doesn't, that god is indistinguishable from a non-existent god. That only leaves a god who interacts with the universe in some detectable way. But if science, which is the greatest realization of the use of our senses to, you know, detect things, hasn't found this god, that doesn't say much for individuals.
In short, the god you've created is, in fact, undetectable by science. The limits of science are not the province of religious knowledge. Where science is ignorant, so is religion. The only difference is that religion lacks the integrity of science. ~ Matt Dillahunty
God Does Exist quotes by Matt Dillahunty
In North Korea, journalism, the job of telling the stories power and money do not want told, of giving a voice to the voiceless, does not exist. ~ John Sweeney
God Does Exist quotes by John Sweeney
God will punish the wicked. And before He does, we will. ~ John Green
God Does Exist quotes by John Green
Do you believe in God?
Why does one love a certain person one day and discover the next day that the love is gone? Feelings, alas, disappear without justification, and often without a trace.
If you don't believe in God, then why have you written at such great length about religion?
Because I do believe in religion. Human beings are religious animals, and such a characteristic feature of human behavior cannot be ignored or dismissed. ~ Umberto Eco
God Does Exist quotes by Umberto Eco
In an article offering a law enforcement perspective on allegations of ritual abuse, Lanning (1992, A law-enforcement perspective on allegations of ritual abuse) fails to give a precise definition of the term. Although he is quoted as having conducted a seven-year study FBI study that gives evidence that ritual abuse does not exist, when Noblitt and Perskin (2000, Cult and ritual abuse) requested a copy of his study from the FBI, "the bureau responded in writing that no such study existed." (p. 179). ~ David A. Sakheim, Susan E. Devine
God Does Exist quotes by David A. Sakheim, Susan E. Devine
If there are meta-beings, a god or gods who did not create the world, then they can tell us what to do the same way bullies can, though they have no jurisdiction. They can run our countries like Italian neighborhoods and along the same principles. Do it or get whacked. Bend your knees, slaughter bulls, lick dirt, give us your milk money. But might, even above the human level, does not make right.
But a creative God, a God without whom none of this would be, a God who spoke reality into being and shapes it even now, He has authority. The world is His. You are His the way my words are mine. We are dust spoken from nothing, shaped with the moisture of His breath, named and now-living. ~ N.D. Wilson
God Does Exist quotes by N.D. Wilson
We fear loneliness, Annie, but loneliness itself does not exist. It has no form. It is merely a shadow that falls over us. And Just as shadows die when light changes, the sadness can depart once we see the truth."

"What's the truth?" Annie asked.

"That the end of loneliness is when someone needs you." The old woman smiled. "And the world is so full of need. ~ Mitch Albom
God Does Exist quotes by Mitch Albom
Atheist's denial of God's existence needs just as much substantiation as does the theist's claim; the atheist must give plausible reasons for rejecting God's existence. ~ Paul Copan
God Does Exist quotes by Paul Copan
Guess what?" Maggie said as soon as I walked into Celmentine's.
She clapped her hands. "I have a date to the prom!"
"Guess what?" I replied.
"I don't." Her mouth dropped open. "Oh, and," I added, "I bought a bike."
.... "Okay, let's just slow down." She held up her hands, palms facing me. "First things first. What do you mean, you don't have a date?"
"Just that," I said, sitting down at the desk. "Jason bailed on me."
I nodded.
"About twenty minutes ago."
"Oh, my God." She put her hand over her mouth: her expression was so horrified, like someone had died. "That's the worst thing ever."
"No," I said, swallowing. "It's actually not."
I shook my head. "The worst thing is that right afterward, I marched right into the bike shop and asked Eli to go with me, and he said no."
She threw up her other hand, clapping it over the one already covering her mouth. "Holy crap," she said, her voice muffled. "Where does the bike come in?"
"I don't know," I said, waving my hand. "That part's kind of a blur. ~ Sarah Dessen
God Does Exist quotes by Sarah Dessen
A good lie does not exist. ~ Duop Chak Wuol
God Does Exist quotes by Duop Chak Wuol
You can be saved without suffering, but you cannot be sanctified without suffering. That doesn't mean you seek it out, but it does mean you see it for what it is. It's an opportunity to glorify God. ~ Mark Batterson
God Does Exist quotes by Mark Batterson
Wherefore is this? Because our common enemy, the Devil, endeavours with all his might to oppose the intentions of the God-man, Christ. He endeavours to do everything in opposition to what Christ did and does. ~ John Of Kronstadt
God Does Exist quotes by John Of Kronstadt
No buts, Bertie. If you don't keep your promise then you'll get into serious trouble. Big time. You could go to prison, and then what? And there's God too. God watches these things and if he sees you breaking promises he can really get you. He does it all the time. ~ Alexander McCall Smith
God Does Exist quotes by Alexander McCall Smith
Every conversation does not have to be blatantly spiritual for God to make it positively effectual. Sometimes God gives us favor with people who are touched or impressed with how we express ourselves because God empowered our words even when the listener couldn't distinguish the difference. ~ Beth Moore
God Does Exist quotes by Beth Moore
God does not demand that I be succesful. God demands that I be faithful. When facing God, results are not important. Faithfulness is what is important. ~ Mother Teresa
God Does Exist quotes by Mother Teresa
Our vision is so limited we can hardly imagine a love that does not show itself in protection from suffering. The love of God is of a different nature altogether. It does not hate tragedy. It never denies reality. It stands in the very teeth of suffering. The love of God did not protect His own Son. The cross was the proof of His love – that He gave that Son, that He let Him go to Calvary's cross, though "legions of angels" might have rescued Him. He will not necessarily protect us - not from anything it takes to make us like His Son. A lot of hammering and chiseling and purifying by fire will have to go into the process. ~ Elisabeth Elliot
God Does Exist quotes by Elisabeth Elliot
Oftentimes people expect Christians to be perfect but the reality is ... Spiritual perfection is imperfection! God then does His best work. ~ Sanjo Jendayi
God Does Exist quotes by Sanjo Jendayi
Brain: You don't want this.
Hormones: Dude, this is EXACTLY what I want.
B: No, not like this - she's wasted.
H: What's your point?
B: She won't remember this, and if she does, she'll be angry.
H: Do you see where her hand is? God, that feels good. Can't you feel that?
B: She's drunk. You can't do this. It's wrong
H: I want to do this.
B: Really? You want to go to school and say you scored with Bethany Milbury when she was so drunk she barely knew her name?
H: You're an asshole. I hate you.
B: She needs to eat something and drink some water. Don't let her drink anymore beer.
H: Yeah, I know
B: She'll love you for taking care of her. She'll love that you respected her.
H: Five more minutes? Just five?
B: Now.
H: I can't believe you're making me do this. ~ Laurie Halse Anderson
God Does Exist quotes by Laurie Halse Anderson
When God seems distant, you may feel that he is angry with you or is disciplining you for some sin. In fact, sin does disconnect us from intimate fellowship with God. We grieve God's Spirit and quench our fellowship with him by disobedience, conflict with others, busyness, friendship with the world, and other sins.10 ~ Rick Warren
God Does Exist quotes by Rick Warren
There are parts of a woman's heart that are reserved for certain types of love. Experiencing the love of a father figure in an appropriate way is essential in paving the way for the love of a man to be experienced in the right way.

The love of a father is vital in ensuring that a woman's heart is kept open in this area. If this area is not kept open, it produces problems later on in a woman's life, for that area is also reserved for the romantic love that comes in the form of a marriage relationship.

This is an extremely sensitive area of the heart for a woman, and has plenty of opportunity to be easily bruised. When that does occur, she will put up a protective barrier to try and avoid any such pain occurring again. If this barrier isn't dismantled fairly soon, a woman's heart becomes accustomed to its protective barrier, and the heart shielded inside gradually becomes hardened. As women, we may be able to function like this for awhile. But there will come a time in your life where God will begin to peel away those hard layers surrounding your heart, and you probably won't like that sensation. But you have to fight your natural instinct to run away.

This is where many Christian women may get stuck. They view every man through the lens of what their father was to them, or what he was not. Their perception of men is shaded, and often damaged, by the very people who should have been modeling the world of adult relationships to their daughters. ~ Corallie Buchanan
God Does Exist quotes by Corallie Buchanan
The sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil. 12Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know that it will be well with those who fear God, because they fear before him. 13But it will not be well with the wicked, neither will he prolong his days like a shadow, because he does not fear before God. ~ Anonymous
God Does Exist quotes by Anonymous
The further a soul advances in grace the more spiritual and divine are its longings: an outward walk does not content the gracious soul, nor even the treasured testimonies; it reaches out in due time after God himself, and when it in a measure finds him, still yearns for more of him, and seeks him still. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon
God Does Exist quotes by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Fr. Amphilochios, the geronta or elder on the island of Patmos when I first stayed there, would have been in full agreement. Do you know, he said, that God gave us one more commandment, which is not recorded in Scripture? It is the commandment love the trees. Whoever does not love trees, so he believed, does not love God. When you plant a tree, he insisted, you plant hope, you plant peace, you plant love, and you will receive God's blessing. ~ Kallistos Ware
God Does Exist quotes by Kallistos Ware
The infallibility and inerrancy of biblical teaching does not, however, guarantee the infallibility and inerrancy of any interpretation or interpreter of that teaching; nor does the recognition of its qualities as the Word of God in any way prejudge the issue as to what Scripture does, in fact, assert. This can be determined only by careful Bible study. ~ J.I. Packer
God Does Exist quotes by J.I. Packer
I do not believe the homosexual community deserves minority status. One's misbehavior does not qualify him or her for minority status. Blacks, Hispanics, women, etc., are God-ordained minorities who do indeed deserve minority status. ~ Jerry Falwell
God Does Exist quotes by Jerry Falwell
Let me tell you the truth: You are enough. You are more than enough. God made you, and God does not make junk. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." (Ps. 139:13) You are not just a body; you are a body and a soul. You have an inmost being that does not come from your parents, from the physical DNA that they gave you, but from God Almighty who breathed life specially and intentionally into your very self. Not only did God create you, He continues to care for you and watch over you. "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid." (Luke 12:7) ~ Leah Darrow
God Does Exist quotes by Leah Darrow
It does matter where you go to church, it does matter where you worship, it does matter where you lift your head, it does matter where you cry out to God. There is something about the atmosphere. I might be lame, but put me in the atmosphere. I may be drunk, but put me in the atmosphere. I may be weak, but put me in the atmosphere. ~ T.D. Jakes
God Does Exist quotes by T.D. Jakes
I want you to understand something. That man? He's not some boyfriend in a line of them. He is my alpha and omega. He is the sky over me. Without him, I'm lost. There's no one else, no one whose soul balances mine the way his does. I've waited my life for him, and when he came, I didn't recognize him. Not until recently. If I lose him, I swear, as God is my witness, I will be alone. No man can match him. ~ C.D. Reiss
God Does Exist quotes by C.D. Reiss
Hope doesn't exist."
"It does. It comes to us in all sorts of forms. You just have to keep your eyes open to it. ~ Adrienne Woods
God Does Exist quotes by Adrienne Woods
Objectivity does not exist. The word is a hypocrisy which is sustained by the lie that the truth stays in the middle. No, sir: Sometimes truth stays on one side only. ~ Oriana Fallaci
God Does Exist quotes by Oriana Fallaci
God disguised as myriad things, and playing a game of tag has kissed you and said, "You're it. I mean you're really it. Now it does not matter what you believe or feel. For something wonderful, something major-league wonderful, is someday going to happen." ~ Hafez
God Does Exist quotes by Hafez
Here's what I like about God: Trees are crooked, mountains are lumpy, a lot of his creatures are funny-looking, and he made it all anyway. He didn't let the aardvark convince him he had no business designing creatures. He didn't make a puffer fish and get discouraged. No, the maker made things - and still does. European film directors often enjoy creative careers, during which their films mature from the manifestos of angry young men to the rueful wisdom of great works by creative masters. Is an afternoon siesta the secret? Is their vita just a little more dolce? We've taken espresso to our American hearts, but we haven't quite taken to the "break" in our coffee breaks. Worried about playing the fool, we forget how to simply play. We try to make our creativity linear and goal oriented. We want our "work" to lead somewhere. We forget that diversions do more than merely divert us. ~ Julia Cameron
God Does Exist quotes by Julia Cameron
Thinking ecologically does not mean reverting to a natural state... Such a state does not exist and never has. In [this] view, ecology should therefore distance itself from a naive belief in an originary natural situation. Dark Ecology thinks outside the modern divide between culture and nature. ~ Arie Altena
God Does Exist quotes by Arie Altena
God does not seek the opinions of others about your life. ~ Bryant McGill
God Does Exist quotes by Bryant McGill
In no way does God's absence call His existence into question. To the contrary, His absence calls into question my unwillingness to surrender to His existence. ~ Craig D. Lounsbrough
God Does Exist quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough
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