Glaive Warrior Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Glaive Warrior.

Quotes About Glaive Warrior

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The truth was I knew, after all those flat January days, that I deserved better. I deserved I love yous and kiwi fruits and warriors coming to my door, besotted with love. I deserved pictures of my face in a thousand expressions, and the warmth of a baby's kick beneath my hand. I deserved to grow, and to change, to become all the girls I could be over the course of my life, each one better than the last. ~ Sarah Dessen
Glaive Warrior quotes by Sarah Dessen
It's natural to feel fear. All great warriors are afraid. Only the stupid and the delusional are not ... ~ Rick Riordan
Glaive Warrior quotes by Rick Riordan
She may, in fact, love you; she may want you, but she will rarely admit to ever needing you. ~ Michael Makai
Glaive Warrior quotes by Michael Makai
It was part of the dichotomy of Alec that had caught Magnus unaware and left him fascinated - that Alec seemed old for his age, serious and responsible, and yet that he approached the world with a tender wonder that made all things new. Alec was a warrior who brought Magnus peace. ~ Cassandra Clare
Glaive Warrior quotes by Cassandra Clare
And he always checks that he carries three things with him: faith, hope, and love. ~ Paulo Coelho
Glaive Warrior quotes by Paulo Coelho
The strength of a warrior is not defined by the wars he wins; but the times he seeks for peace. ~ Aniket S. Sharma
Glaive Warrior quotes by Aniket S. Sharma
To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to care for the earth, raise them to be kind, compassionate and honest. If you do these things you are raising a leader-- someone that will affect the lives of countless people with their morality. Their future wife and children will thank you, but most of all Heavenly Father...for anyone can raise a son, but only a faithful Daughter of God can raise a warrior. ~ Shannon L. Alder
Glaive Warrior quotes by Shannon L. Alder
After years of research, depth psychologists and others argue that each sex carries both the psychological and physical traits of the other. No man is purely masculine, just as there is no purely feminine woman. Jungian psychologists call the feminine characteristics of the male psyche the Anima; the female psyche's masculine characteristics they the Animus.
Both the Animus and Anima develop in complex fashion as the personality grows to maturity. Neither men nor women can reach psychological maturity without integrating their respective contrasexual other. A man's female elements enhance his manhood, just as a woman's male aspects enhance her womanhood. ~ Douglas Gillette
Glaive Warrior quotes by Douglas Gillette
Within every woman exists a warrior. Really. ~ Jessica Bennett
Glaive Warrior quotes by Jessica Bennett
The universe is going to help the Warrior. ~ Paulo Coelho
Glaive Warrior quotes by Paulo Coelho
It's what made her the warrior she is. She hates all humans for their cruelty, just as I do. They are all animals fit for nothing but slaughter, and I enjoy wholeheartedly playing the butcher. (Zephyra) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Glaive Warrior quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Kneeling before him, Regin murmured, "Don't let that Fegley worm get to you." Still staring ahead, the kid slowed his banging. "There's a good ... male of indeterminate species. ~ Kresley Cole
Glaive Warrior quotes by Kresley Cole
Ian and Joseph returned at dawn, alive but battered, and the entire village welcomed them as men. One minute I was puffed up wi' pride that they had earned their warrior marks, then next all but daft wi' envy that I was still but a lad in their eyes." He chuckled at the memory. "I struck Ian ere the day was out. ~ Pamela Clare
Glaive Warrior quotes by Pamela Clare
I think one challenge is that having few women in your work environment makes you feel a little isolated and alone. I'm an extrovert; I like talking to people, and I make friends easily, but if your personality is somewhat different, I think you would struggle to connect with people. ~ Padmasree Warrior
Glaive Warrior quotes by Padmasree Warrior
The phallic dignity, of a powerhouse of a warrior prince, is how the great imaginative literature of Europe begins, ~ Philip Roth
Glaive Warrior quotes by Philip Roth
Untrained warriors are soon killed on the battlefield; so also persons untrained in the art of preserving their inner peace are quickly riddled by the bullets of worry and restlessness in active life. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Glaive Warrior quotes by Paramahansa Yogananda
If you are a warrior, the nature and scale of your enemies will determine the nature and scale of your actions. In this sense, it is even more important to choose your enemies more wisely than your friends. ~ CrimethInc.
Glaive Warrior quotes by CrimethInc.
I am the Ultimate Warrior, you are the Ultimate Warrior fans and the spirit of the Ultimate Warrior will run forever. ~ The Ultimate Warrior
Glaive Warrior quotes by The Ultimate Warrior
It is the unemotional, reserved, calm, detached warrior who wins, not the hothead seeking vengeance and not the ambitious seeker of fortune. ~ Sun Tzu
Glaive Warrior quotes by Sun Tzu
I can tell about one who didn't win. And it didn't matter.Because his destiny was battle, Not the victory. He was born to travel, Not to find destination. He lived to live, Not to make a home. ~ Abdur-Rehman Qadeer
Glaive Warrior quotes by Abdur-Rehman Qadeer
Rise up and lift your sword, peaceful warrior. Keep it strong and steady. You've already lived and fought a thousand battles, and you're not here - again - to cower in fear and pain. ~ Anne Clendening
Glaive Warrior quotes by Anne Clendening
The painful warrior famous for fight, After a thousand victories, once foil'd, Is from the books of honor razed quite, And all the rest forgot for which he toil'd ~ William Shakespeare
Glaive Warrior quotes by William Shakespeare
Can you by humble faith look to Jesus, and say, "My substitute, thou art my rock, my trust"? Then, beloved, be not afraid of God's power; for by faith you have fled to Christ for refuge, the power of God need no more terrify you, than the shield and sword of the warrior need terrify those whom he loves. Rather ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Glaive Warrior quotes by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Above all else, be true to yourself. Do what YOU want to do. Walk alone and be your own judge. It'll be a bumpy road sometimes, but you'll carry yourself a little taller at the end of each and every journey. In the end nobody except you cares whether you run your life at the beck and call of everyone else or whether you choose to be a Warrior-Sage, living your own life.
And that's the way it should be. ~ Karl Wiggins
Glaive Warrior quotes by Karl Wiggins
Are you going to suggest I kiss you for good luck or strength or whatever it is your sex demon needs?" - William
That earned the warrior a two-fingered salute.
"So that's a no?" William asked.
Paris worked his jaw. "Here, let me help you off the cliff to the drawbridge." With no more warning, he shoved William over the ledge. He thought he heard a fading, "So not cool," from the bastard as he fell ... fell..
Paris worked ~ Gena Showalter
Glaive Warrior quotes by Gena Showalter
I wasn't mean; I wasn't evil. I was nice. And let me tell you, a hesitant man is the last thing in the world a woman needs. She needs a lover and a warrior, not a Really Nice Guy. ~ John Eldredge
Glaive Warrior quotes by John Eldredge
There are 2 kinds of fighters: those who fight because they hate, and those who fight because they love. ~ Criss Jami
Glaive Warrior quotes by Criss Jami
While her knight doesn't necessarily have to be fighting on the same side as the Warrior Princess Submissive, he does need to be a fighter, and he had better be damn good at it. ~ Michael Makai
Glaive Warrior quotes by Michael Makai
I had to trick people into giving me money for my first film. Making a romantic comedy is easier and more expected from a woman than it is to make a drama about a Japanese warrior. ~ Julie Delpy
Glaive Warrior quotes by Julie Delpy
A Masai warrior on a cellphone in the middle of Kenya has better mobile comm than President Reagan did 25 years ago. ~ Peter Diamandis
Glaive Warrior quotes by Peter Diamandis
The warrior is Here, Now. ~ Dan Millman
Glaive Warrior quotes by Dan Millman
1. Who is a Death Warrior?
Anyone can be a Death Warrior, not just someone who is terminally ill. We are all terminally ill. A Death Warrior accepts death and makes a commitment to live a certain way, whether it be for one year or thirty years.
2. When does one become a Death Warrior?
There is a specific moment during which you can decide to become a Death Warrior. That moment is when death shows you that you will die.
3. How do you become a Death Warrior?
Once you accept that life will end, you can become a Death Warrior by choosing to love life at all times and in all circumstances. You choose to love life by loving.
4. What are the qualities of a Death Warrior?
A Death Warrior is grateful for every second of time given and is aware of how precious each second is. Every second not spent loving is wasted. The Death Warrior's enemy is time that is wasted by not loving.
5. Why should you become a Death Warrior?
So you can live and die with truth and courage, and because life is too painful when you're wasteful with the time given to you.
--The Death Warrior Manifesto, by DQ ~ Francisco X. Stork
Glaive Warrior quotes by Francisco X. Stork
Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems, and do not complain about problems. Rich people are financial warriors. ~ T. Harv Eker
Glaive Warrior quotes by T. Harv Eker
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