Ghassani Tailors Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Ghassani Tailors.

Quotes About Ghassani Tailors

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My only explanation for our cheeky ambition is this: Being surrounded by pet-supply e-tailors worth more than IBM has a way of getting your sense of what's possible all out of whack. The old millennium was dying; a better one was on its way. We were in our mid-twenties, and we had no idea what we were doing. But we knew we loved books. And so we set out to write them. ~ Chris Baty
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Chris Baty
I like to dress up in a tailored suit from time to time, and there's a tailor I go to in Naples who's fantastic. But if I told anyone his name, I'd have to kill them. ~ Hugh Jackman
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Hugh Jackman
The fact of shame is significant. We feel spontaneously ashamed of the body and its activities. That's a sign of the body's absolute and natural inferiority.' 'Absolute and natural rubbish!' said Rampion indignantly.'shame isn't spontaneous, to begin with. It's artificial, it's acquired. You can make people ashamed of anything. Agonizingly ashamed of wearing brown boots with a black coat, or speaking with the wrong sort of accent, or having a drop at the end of their noses. Of absolutely anything, including the body and its functions. But that particular shame's just as artificial as any other. The Christians invented it, just as the tailors in Savile Row invented the shame of wearing brown boots with a black coat. There was precious little of it before Christian times. Look at the Greeks, the Etruscans. ~ Aldous Huxley
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Aldous Huxley
I feel like Twitter was tailor-made for me, because I can do short spurts all day long. I loved my blog, but doing daily, then thrice weekly entries was really time consuming. 140 characters is perfect. ~ Sarah Dessen
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Sarah Dessen
Carpenters don't make their saws and hammers, tailors don't make their scissors and needles, and plumbers don't make their wrenches, but blacksmiths can make their hammers, tongs, anvils, and chisels ~ Daniel C. Dennett
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Daniel C. Dennett
This is a brave night to cool a courtezan.
I'll speak a prophecy ere I go:
When priests are more in word than matter;
When brewers mar their malt with water;
When nobles are their tailors' tutors;
No heretics burn'd, but wenches' suitors;
When every case in law is right;
No squire in debt, nor no poor knight;
When slanders do not live in tongues;
Nor cutpurses come not to throngs;
When usurers tell their gold i' the field;
And bawds and whores do churches build;
Then shall the realm of Albion
Come to great confusion:
Then comes the time, who lives to see't,
That going shall be used with feet.
This prophecy Merlin shall make; for I live before his time. ~ William Shakespeare
Ghassani Tailors quotes by William Shakespeare
If you're wearing suits and you want to create your own sense of style, get to the tailor. ~ Matt Bomer
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Matt Bomer
Options allow a woman to tailor her role to her personality, but if a man expects to provide well, he expects to wear a suit, not to wear what suits him. ~ Warren Farrell
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Warren Farrell
This feminine billboard of Middle-Eastern fashion stopped me on the street last month. She ran her hand over the seam of my jilbab, admiring the color and fabric. She only said a few words. 'We are living in a gender-quake, a modern sexodus. We have a duty to project dis female revolution in da way we dress. Come visit me at the Monkey Bar and tell me who tailors your outfits.' She's been my fashion role model ever since. ~ Michael Ben Zehabe
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Michael Ben Zehabe
I start casting early in the writing process, so I can tailor the script to the gifts of the actors. ~ Judd Apatow
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Judd Apatow
Though this is my first trip to the United Kingdom, I am a proud Anglophile. I admire the practical temperament of the people. I love the artful details of daily life: a hand-stitched tea cozy in the shape of a Victorian mansion, the Wellie boots, the sheep's wool stockings, and the best tailors in the world. ~ Adriana Trigiani
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Adriana Trigiani
The poorest of the sex have still an itch To know their fortunes, equal to the rich. The dairy-maid inquires, if she shall take The trusty tailor, and the cook forsake. ~ John Dryden
Ghassani Tailors quotes by John Dryden
I'd say that the No. 1 attribute you need as an actor is to be malleable. You need to be able to change and tailor what you're doing to what the situation dictates. ~ Jay Baruchel
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Jay Baruchel
A gentleman never talks about his tailor. ~ Nick Cave
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Nick Cave
She leads me to a parlor room, where tailors are pinning up a white, lacy gown, with long sleeves and a layered skirt, made in the style of the year 1917. The same year the Romanov Empire fell. At their request, I slip it on and step on a stool in the middle of the room. My throat clenches when I gaze into the golden mirror. I'm a living impression of Empress Alexandra, wife of Nicholas II. I look like I've stepped out of the black-and-white pictures and transported myself to another time. ~ Megan Linski
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Megan Linski
What I think tailors the creativity of most people are the rules that we learn from the age we are very small - in school, our parents. ~ Philippe Petit
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Philippe Petit
I travel a lot, and I hunt for fabrics, then I have the tailor make me something. ~ Waris Ahluwalia
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Waris Ahluwalia
It takes nine tailors to make a man. ~ John Heywood
Ghassani Tailors quotes by John Heywood
The only sensible person is my tailor. He measures me anew each time he sees me. ~ George Bernard Shaw
Ghassani Tailors quotes by George Bernard Shaw
If you tailor your news viewing so that you only get one point of view, well of course you're going to think somebody else has got a different point of view, and it may be wrong. ~ Peter Jennings
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Peter Jennings
I am sure the man who powders most, perfumes most, embroiders most, and talks most nonsense, is most admired. Though to be candid, there are some who have too much good sense to esteem such monkey-like animals as these, in whose formation, as the saying is, the tailors and barbers go halves with God Almighty. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Thomas Jefferson
I'll be at charges for a looking-glass And entertain a score or two of tailors To study fashions to adorn my body: Since I am crept in favor with myself, I will maintain it with some little cost. ~ William Shakespeare
Ghassani Tailors quotes by William Shakespeare
Tailor gang they rolling up those paper planes. ~ Wiz Khalifa
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Wiz Khalifa
I help people with not just the 'what' but the 'how' and tailor for individual needs ~ Matt Prior
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Matt Prior
I think there's a possibility that comic book movies are getting a tiny bit better on the one hand because they're no longer made by executives, who are, you know, ninety-year-old bald tailors with cigars, going, 'The kids love this!' ~ Joss Whedon
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Joss Whedon
Those who sit at their work and are therefore called 'chair workers,' such as cobblers and tailors, suffer from their own particular diseases ... [T]hese workers ... suffer from general ill-health and an excessive accumulation of unwholesome humors caused by their sedentary life ... so to some extent counteract the harm done by many days of sedentary life. On the association between chronic inactivity and poor health. Ramazzini urged that workers should at least exercise on holidays ~ Bernardino Ramazzini
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Bernardino Ramazzini
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, who said to his tailor Irving, Forget the slacks - please work on the blazer! Never got a dinner! ~ Red Buttons
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Red Buttons
You're being cast for your acting ability. It's not based on the way your body functions. If you're playing a lead in a movie, it's for that character and they'll tailor it to you. In a dance company, you have to fit in a definite mold. ~ Neve Campbell
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Neve Campbell
My diminished girth, in tailor phraseology, was hardly conceivable even by my own friends, or my respected medical adviser, until I put on my former clothing, over what I now wear, which is a thoroughly convincing proof of the remarkable change. ~ William Banting
Ghassani Tailors quotes by William Banting
Since his time, and largely thanks to him, the Ego has steadily tended to efface itself, and, for purposes of model, to become a manikin on which the toilet of education is to be draped in order to show the fit or misfit of the clothes. The object of study is the garment, not the figure. The tailor adapts the manikin as well as the clothes to his patron's wants. The tailor's object, in this volume, is to fit young men, in universities or elsewhere, to be men of the world, equipped for any emergency ; and the garment offered to them is meant to show the faults of the patchwork fitted on their fathers. ~ Henry Adams
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Henry Adams
The only person who acts sensibly is my tailor. He takes my measure anew every time he sees me. Everyone else goes by their old measurements. ~ George Bernard Shaw
Ghassani Tailors quotes by George Bernard Shaw
Now the melancholy God protect thee, and the tailor make thy garments of changeable taffeta, for thy mind is opal. ~ William Shakespeare
Ghassani Tailors quotes by William Shakespeare
Allah has tailor made the test for each and every one of us and none of us will be given something which we can't bear. I am given something that I can bear and you are given something that YOU can bear. The tests won't be the same for you and me. This is why suicide is the a great wrong because by suicide you're basically declaring, 'Oh Allah this is too much, I can't take it anymore! ~ Bilal Philips
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Bilal Philips
There is no room for pride in any man. There is no room for unkindness. There is no room for wit at the expense of others. All men are born the same, and equal. As you saw to-day, so come the Captains and the Kings and the Tinkers and the Tailors. ~ Richard Llewellyn
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Richard Llewellyn
Perhaps I should go back a few years earlier. My parents, who travelled from Odessa, the Russian city on the Black Sea, shortly before the 1914 war, were part of a vast migration of Jews fleeing Tsarist oppression to the dream of America that obsessed poor men all over Europe. The tailors thought of it as a place where people had, maybe, three, four different suits to wear. Glaziers grew dizzy with excitement reckoning up the number of windows in even one little skyscraper. Cobblers counted twelve million feet, a shoe on each. There was gold in the streets for all trades; a meat dinner every single day. And Freedom. That was not something to be sneezed at, either.

But my parents never got to America. ~ Emanuel Litvinoff
Ghassani Tailors quotes by Emanuel Litvinoff
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