Emmanuel Kahn Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Emmanuel Kahn.

Quotes About Emmanuel Kahn

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After a decade in a club it's quite normal and necessary that you seek and take a new challenge. ~ Oliver Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Oliver Kahn
You have to grow the same way that you're seeing your own kids grow. ~ Emmanuel Petit
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Petit
In Brussels, you are able to have a lot of appointments in a day. In Paris, you can have one, two, maybe three, but you spend all your time on the road, in the car or in the suburbs. In Brussels, everything is easy. It's not a very big city, and the people are very quiet and warm. ~ Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
We are Bayern Munich and English teams always have trouble as soon as they leave the island. ~ Oliver Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Oliver Kahn
You want to know, companions of my youth,
How much has changed the wild but shy young poet
Forever writing last poem after last poem;
You hear he's dark as earth, barefoot,
A turban round his head, a bolo at his side,
His ballpen blown up to a long-barreled gun:
Deeper still the struggling change inside. ~ Emmanuel F. Lacaba
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel F. Lacaba
Disabilities are not Liabilities but true test of abilities ~ Emmanuel Shola Ayeni
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Shola Ayeni
The Kahn spoke to his disfigured expert. Mal-Greb, confused at first, listened, nodded and bowed his head like the slave he was. Jani Beg momentarily seized with energy grabbed the smaller man by the shoulders and breathed into his face "Hurl them back to Hell!"
The wild look in the Kahn's eyes was something that Mal-Greb understood.
And so they began. ~ Karl P.T. Walsh
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Karl P.T. Walsh
You have to really use your imagination to refresh your daily life. ~ Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
The requirements of life still dictate that we spend our time in a way that is not that different from the African baboons. Give and take a few hours, most people sleep one-third of the day, and use the remainder to work, travel, and rest in more or less the same proportions as the baboons do. And as the historian Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie has shown, in thirteenth century French villages-which were among the most advanced in the world at the time-the most common leisure pursuit was still that of picking lice out of each other's hair. ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Where's Kahn?"
"In bed. You don't mind if I pet your little pink kitty? Do you?"
I chuckled, "You mean my HOT DIGGITY DOG. ~ Giorge Leedy
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Giorge Leedy
I rarely saw people sitting at computers producing real code wearing ties. ~ Philippe Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Philippe Kahn
Deterrence itself is not a preeminent value; the primary values are safety and morality. ~ Herman Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Herman Kahn
My guess is that nuclear weapons will be used sometime in the next hundred years, but that their use is much more likely to be small and limited than widespread and unconstrained. ~ Herman Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Herman Kahn
Every day I practise my flute. I've been doing it for decades and every day I find something new that inspires me for all the rest that I do in my days. ~ Philippe Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Philippe Kahn
Music is powerful. It is the only thing that can speak into your mind, your heart and your soul without your permission. ~ Emmanuel Jal
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Jal
Great fit and synergism for both companies and excellent outcome for employees, customers and shareholders. ~ Philippe Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Philippe Kahn

It has been said many times, but it is true: Steve Carell is a very nice guy. His niceness manifests itself mostly in the fact that he never complains. You could screw up a handful of takes outside in 104-degree smog-choked Panorama City heat, and Steve Carell's final words before collapsing of heat stroke would be a friendly and hopeful "Hey, you think you have that shot yet?"
I've always found Steve gentlemanly and private, like a Jane Austen character. The one notable thing about Steve's niceness is that he is also very smart, and that kind of niceness has always made me nervous. When smart people are nice, it's always terrifying, because I know they're taking in everything and thinking all kinds of smart and potentially judgmental things. Steve could never be as funny as he is, or as darkly observational an actor, without having an extremely acute sense of human flaws. As a result, I'm always trying to impress him, in the hope that he'll go home and tell his wife, Nancy, "Mindy was so funny and cool on set today. She just gets it."
Getting Steve to talk shit was one of the most difficult seven-year challenges, but I was determined to do it. A circle of actors could be in a fun, excoriating conversation about, say, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and you'd shoot Steve an encouraging look that said, "Hey, come over here; we've made a space for you! We're trashing Dominique Strauss-Kahn to build cast rapport!" and the best ~ Mindy Kaling
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Mindy Kaling
One day [Kahn] walked into a classroom and began a lecture with the words: "Light ... is." There followed a pause that seemed seven days long, just long enough to re-create the world. ~ Tom Wolfe
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Tom Wolfe
Instead of trying to modify what nature brought us, we embraced it, ~ Emmanuel Lubezki
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Lubezki
I consider that all Jews in the Diaspora, and thus it is true in France, should everywhere they can lend their support to Israel. This is why it is also important that Jews take political responsabilities ... In sum, in my functions and in my everyday life, through the whole of my actions, I try to make so that my modest stone is brought to the construction of the land of Israel. ~ Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Projecting a persuasive image of a desirable and practical future is extremely important to high morale, to dynamism, to consensus, and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly. ~ Herman Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Herman Kahn
In Africa, music is for everything, Music was originally used for community. That was what music was for. ~ Emmanuel Jal
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Jal
Watching It Happen

I laze about, deranged and unafraid
to godly kiss you, kiss the pharmacist
that whipped you, undilute, to dilate high
your animus of lime and lye.

I know of an upstairs hell.
A creamy, vascular thump
through bonus years of things that pass
and things that do not move.
Your cellular mouth. Your mess
of inattention. Now that none
of us are good looking I think
that/they are right.

Strokes of light you taped across my nipple.
Patterns staked to fake the love
we cannot feel so slick the miser
of your hand through my bad heart.
Genius, you are blond enough.
Once in a while.

And in the end, when I sweep coolly up
and will not be drawn back,
then I will tell you of it. How I can.
In writing, I am making an attempt
to depict my beautiful nose
through imagery.

I will tell you of it. Once in a while.
I will miss you. And the tape.
To be flung down,
petals from a balcony. ~ Elaine Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Elaine Kahn
What could an entirely rational being speak of with another entirely rational being? ~ Emmanuel Levinas
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Levinas
I had lots of posters on my bedroom wall of players like Zico, many Brazilian and Italian players, not many players in particular but I loved football so much and I especially loved skilful players. ~ Emmanuel Petit
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Petit
Be very careful. We suggest getting a book on HTML to avoid becoming a real legend in the hacker world. Putting up a web page before you know how to put up a web page is generally a very bad idea. The .gov sites are an exception. ~ Emmanuel Goldstein
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Goldstein
I would love to do more work in the States, but I like working at home in the U.K., so to work here and there would be the plan. ~ Nathalie Emmanuel
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Nathalie Emmanuel
Art is a product of the intuitive - the most powerful instrument within us. The intuitive is the most accurate sense we have. ~ Louis I. Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Louis I. Kahn
No amount of virtuosic skill and choice of subject matter can be a substitute for depth and poetry. ~ Scott Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Scott Kahn
The widespread diffusion of nuclear weapons would make many nations able, and in some cases also create the pressure, to aggravate an on-going crisis, or even touch off a war between two other powers for purposes of their own. ~ Herman Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Herman Kahn
When the Prince of Piedmont [later Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia] was seven years old, his preceptor instructing him in mythology told him all the vices were enclosed in Pandora's box. "What! all!" said the Prince. "Yes, all." "No," said the Prince; "curiosity must have been without. ~ Horace Walpole
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Horace Walpole
How accidental our existences are, really, and how full of influence by circumstance. ~ Louis Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Louis Kahn
I'm who i wasn't yesterday and who i won't be tomorrow. ~ Emmanuel Aghado
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Aghado
It's sometimes difficult living in France. People are more open minded in England, and of course I'm missing England in terms of football and the passion that the fans show, they're really passionate. ~ Emmanuel Petit
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Emmanuel Petit
I've never really seen myself in the role of the victim. ~ Oliver Kahn
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Oliver Kahn
I told my agent which women I aspire to have a career like: Frances McDormand, Kate Winslet, Laura Linney and Emma Thompson - character actresses who have something to say. I also said that I loved Madeline Kahn and Jessica Lange. ~ Rachael Harris
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Rachael Harris
So we had the whole fight right then - because we had to, time running out and all. Because what if we didn't have the whole glorious fight, and he went off to Santa Fe, and I regretted not being given this one dramatic scene that I was owed? I yelled and slammed drawers and flung myself around the room, but the whole time I knew in some kind of creepy way that I was acting out of some historical outrage rather than anything generated right there in the present catastrophe. If I had done what I really felt like doing, I would have been sitting in the corner sucking my thumb. Instead, I had to fight, I had to be madder than I felt. He sat on the side of the bed and tried to look guiltier than he felt. ~ Sandi Kahn Shelton
Emmanuel Kahn quotes by Sandi Kahn Shelton
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