El Comando Exclusivo Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about El Comando Exclusivo.

Quotes About El Comando Exclusivo

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Truth Is. All Else, Is Belief. ~ Infinity Ra El
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Infinity Ra El
They would make this war, she thinks, if there were not a war already made for them to make. ~ Amal El-Mohtar
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Amal El-Mohtar
Smile whenever you can, cry whenever necessary ~ El Chojin
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El Chojin
What is love?, love is you and those who choose to stick with you ~ Miguel El Portugues
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Miguel El Portugues
Tears are supposed to relieve the pain, but sometimes, they do worsen the pain, particularly the physical pain, the pain of the hurt pride, and the psychological pain that is accompanied by the continual waves of tears. ~ Noha Alaa El-Din
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Noha Alaa El-Din
Because hurting someone is not teaching them a lesson, Davian. As you pointed out earlier-we can hate what they do, but we should never hate them." He shifted. " And I'm not 'better' than you. That's not how this works. Believing in El, trying to follow His rules, doesn't make you in some way superior. If anything, it makes you more aware that none of us can claim to be truly good. That's why forgiveness is so important." He saw Davian's dubious expression and shook his head. " I'm not suggesting that enemies should suddenly be friends, but I am choosing to forgive. Because if I don't, Im nothing more than empty words. ~ James Islington
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by James Islington
When the first contingents of U.S. troops were being sent to Saudi Arabia, in August of 1990, Corporal Jeff Patterson, a twenty-two-year-old Marine stationed in Hawaii, sat down on the runway of the airfield and refused to board a plane bound to Saudi Arabia. He asked to be discharged from the Marine Corps:
I have come to believe that there are no justified wars. . . . I began to question exactly what I was doing in the Marine Corps about the time I began to read about history. I began to read up on America's support for the murderous regimes of Guatemala, Iran, under the Shah, and El Salvador. . . . I object to the military use of force against any people, anywhere, any time. ~ Howard Zinn
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Howard Zinn
I made a date with her for the following week. Mid-week, I went for a ride in a T-28. The engine failed, the pilot slid the plane into the sand of the Mojave out near El Centro, and I slid into a hospital bed for about ten days at North Island Naval Air Station. While I was in the hospital, the CARDIV left for WestPac. I called Marguerite and told her what happened and that I wanted to see her again. I'm not sure she believed me, but agreed to another date. Unfortunately it had to be a short date because I had to head for Norton Air Force base to catch a flight for Hawaii, to meet up with the CARDIV. ~ W.R. Spicer
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by W.R. Spicer
When I was a younger man and had a life, I owned an El Camino pickup in the '70s. It was a real sort of Southern deal. I had Astroturf in the back. ~ William J. Clinton
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by William J. Clinton
Paraphrased: Among the degrees of the universal Manifestation, each sentient creature typically experiences an illusory sense of autonomy. At the same time, with or without the creature's awareness, the creature subsists eternally as an "immutable prototype" in the divine Knowledge. ~ Abdelkader El Djezairi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Abdelkader El Djezairi
Investors have to ask themselves two questions. How much can we grow our investments? And, can we afford our mistakes? ~ Mohamed El-Erian
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Mohamed El-Erian
Occasionally, the light seemed to arrive from a distinct direction, like the sun slanting through a gap in a curtain, but often it simply infused whatever aches or traumas afflicted people. At such times, it had the appearance of a strange luminescent paint layered directly over their skin. They might have been angels in an El Greco painting. ~ Kevin Brockmeier
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Kevin Brockmeier
I'm not really one of these people who's been known for particularly hopeful sentiments. ~ El-P
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El-P
There are people you meet that light the darkest corners of your mind. They don't ask you questions. They don't intimidate you. They just look at you and they smile. They smile because they know what it feels like to have been where you are or because they have this inner ability to understand where you are coming from. They don't hold your hand. They don't hug you. They don't tell you it's going to be okay or shower you with words of love. They give you some of their time and a bit of their presence. And something only few people really master:
To listen genuinely to what you have to say. ~ Malak El Halabi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Malak El Halabi
Bravery is believing in yourself, and that thing nobody can teach you. ~ El Cordobes
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El Cordobes
If you undertake projects in mind, never leave for tomorrow. ~ Miguel El Portugues
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Miguel El Portugues
Sarat thought about how easy it would be to fix the mistake, to simply redraw the stars properly. But she knew that even broken history is history. The stars, cast wrong, must remain that way. It would be more wrong to change them. ~ Omar El Akkad
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Omar El Akkad
The great trains howling from track to track all night. The taut and telegraphic murmur of ten thousand city wires, drawn most cruelly against a city sky. The rush of city waters, beneath the city streets. The passionate passing of the night's last El. ~ Nelson Algren
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Nelson Algren
When I think about that first DeBarge album, I remember being so green ... just pristine. Nothing mattered to me but writing songs. I remember staying locked up in a room with my piano and just singing and writing songs all day long. I remember being a perfectionist about it ... wanting to change this and fix that. ~ El DeBarge
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El DeBarge
Our mornings were never "rise and shine." They were "rise and fight." They were loud and ravaging. They were heavy and unnerving, like the after-math of a war, with unresolved territorial disputes.
They were never serene, but they were beautiful. More beautiful than the smile you wear when you step out of the shower, more tempting than the sight of you brewing coffee from across the kitchen bar, more promising than a glorious victory, bigger than all our tumultuous past. Bigger than you. Bigger than I. ~ Malak El Halabi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Malak El Halabi
Words are abstraction, break off from the green; words are patterns in the way fences and trenches are. Words hurt. ~ Amal El-Mohtar
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Amal El-Mohtar
I don't remember well, and in fact I know nothing absolutely nothing at all, about the women I have loved.'

Papan answered: That simply means that you have never loved. You simply have no idea of love as an absolute concept. Loving is knowing. It is also like a crime since it involves death, burial, and resurrection. Love is something very serious. Today it is completely forgotten.

Love in fact is a strange and secret chemistry, in which the androgynous is born. This is true and complete love; everything else is different. Have you ever noticed how impossible it was to fuse yourself with the person you thought you loved, even though sleeping in the same bed? There is always something separating you, a thread of air, a different dream. Can the lovers be truly united if each one dreams a different dream? If you ever begin to dream the same dreams as your love, then you will be able to create the new star, the star of Him-Her, El-Ella. ~ Miguel Serrano
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Miguel Serrano
Fearing servility, people become servile. ~ Nawal El Saadawi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Nawal El Saadawi
Perhaps it is time for humanity to realize that noble ends can only be attained through ethical means. ~ Sahar El-Nadi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Sahar El-Nadi
BET, I'll never, never, ever forget them for this wonderful blessing they gave to me, to be on the 10th annual BET awards for my comeback. ~ El DeBarge
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El DeBarge
I'm a fan of some of the hyphy stuff. Hyphy has been going on a lot longer than the press has been recognizing it. ~ El-P
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El-P
But, in conformity to His wisdom it was right that afterwards the Prophet should be sent back from the vision of pure Unity and that he should return ... toward the separative vision. For, He created man and jinn only that they should worship Him and know Him - and, if they remained at the degree of pure Unity, there would be none to worship Him. In this separative vision, the Worshipped and the worshipper, the Lord and the servant, the Creator and the creature are again perceived. ~ Abdelkader El Djezairi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Abdelkader El Djezairi
It was the moment I heard your laughter. The moment I heard us laughing, two cascades in the middle of a desert, careless and uninhibited. ~ Malak El Halabi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Malak El Halabi
I'm not trying to change the face of hip-hop music. I'm trying to make my records and always take the next step for me. ~ El-P
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El-P
When understanding goes a walking, real faith begins talking! EL ~ Evinda Lepins
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Evinda Lepins
Our love of beauty is merely a trick produced by the way we look, and the broader the vision grows the clearer the wrinkles are seen ~ Alaa Al Aswany
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Alaa Al Aswany
Tomorrow, a thought not in mind of most intimates
Not in vain, not in every censure, not a scarf on a tree
Tomorrow, is a clock, nothing more,
A cup of tea or something smaller, maybe
It's something we forgot about with further bills and other memories ~ Yehya El Kouzi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Yehya El Kouzi
Differences don't necessarily mean conflict, diversity is beautiful! ~ Sahar El-Nadi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Sahar El-Nadi
Your legs feel like fried bacon after a day of climbing and descending. It's a roller coaster ride, but no one is pulling you up the mountain. You're headed toward Yosemite more than 4,000 feet of pounding the pedals. You are aware of every movement because your thighs feel tender with a sensation of pain. You push on, toward the final ascent into the valley. In front of you is a monster mountain-El Capitan. Your eyes grow wide. You take a deep breath. Suddenly, you feel only wonder. ~ Frosty Wooldridge
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Frosty Wooldridge
There is only one El Hombre and that is Stan Musial. ~ Albert Pujols
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Albert Pujols
There was warmth in his large piercing brown eyes. The kind of warmth that tucks a child into bed. The same kind of warmth that dries your wet hair on a rainy December afternoon. ~ Malak El Halabi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Malak El Halabi
I believe we have reached a point where those of us who belong to this culture of la frontera in Ysleta and El Paso are not content to sit back and watch others tell us who we are. We know who we are, and we ourselves can tell others about what we love and what we fear and what we hate and what can save us. I believe our community has developed that confidence to step forward and start taking responsibility for the many images that are projected in the name of Ysleta and El Paso. ~ Sergio Troncoso
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Sergio Troncoso
When u are small, u can choose which way to grow. If you are kind and decent, you grow into a kind and decent man. And if you are like El Patron . . . Just think about it." – Tam Lin ~ Nancy Farmer
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Nancy Farmer
In a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is the side opposite the right angle". A sentence that later flabbergasted the inhabitants of el Idilio, who took it to be a wird tongue twister or a mysterious incantation". ~ Luis Sepulveda
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Luis Sepulveda
Memory is never complete. There are always parts of it that time has amputated. Writing is a way of retrieving them, of bringing the missing parts back to it, of making it more holistic. ~ Nawal El Saadawi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Nawal El Saadawi
To tell the truth is a super avantguarde creative act ~ El Roto
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El Roto
Noah's ark is on the tombstone of drowning desire and I am walking furiously on water. ~ Malak El Halabi
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Malak El Halabi
I think that every record label has its trials and tribulations, its ups and downs. The only thing you can do is hope to recognize what it is that makes you great, and to try and continue to capture it. ~ El-P
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El-P
Red, I love you. Red, I will send you letters from everywhen telling you so. Letters of only one word. Letters that will brush your cheek and grip your hair. Letters that will bite you. Letters that will mark you. I'll write you by bullet ant and spider wasp. I'll write you by shark's tooth and scallop shell. ~ Amal El-Mohtar
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Amal El-Mohtar
Only dead fish go with the flow .. I'm not dead yet, and I'm not fish either.. !! ~ Ahmad El Esseily
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Ahmad El Esseily
Most people are under exposed to global assets, including foreign stocks, bonds and currencies. ~ Mohamed El-Erian
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Mohamed El-Erian
The language of art is celestial in origin and can only be understood by the chosen. ~ El Greco
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by El Greco
¡No metáis en la cabeza lo que os quepa en el bolsillo! ¡No metáis en el bolsillo lo que os quepa en la cabeza!"

"No ye may thrust your head in what I fit in your pocket! No ye may thrust in his pocket that you fit on the head!"

"Cebinize sığanı kafanıza sokmayın! Kafanıza sığanı cebinize tıkmayın! ~ Miguel De Unamuno
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by Miguel De Unamuno
The bigger things get the smaller and duller or flatter the globe gets. It is getting to be all one blasted little provincial suburb. When they have introduced American sanitation, morale-pep, feminism, and mass production throughout the Near East, Middle East, Far East, U.S.S.R., the Pampas, el Gran Chaco, the Danubian Basin, Equatorial Africa, Hirther Further and Inner Mumbo-land, Gondhwannaland, Lhasas, and the villages of darkest Berkshire, how happy we shall be . At any rate it out to cut down travel. There will be nowhere to go. So people will (I opine) go all the faster. (leter 53) ~ J.R.R. Tolkien
El Comando Exclusivo quotes by J.R.R. Tolkien
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