Durling Farms Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Durling Farms.

Quotes About Durling Farms

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We're setting up an urban farm for kids on more than 20 acres in New Orleans. We want to make this a world-class educational center for the community. ~ Emeril Lagasse
Durling Farms quotes by Emeril Lagasse
I came upon a child of god, He was walking along the road And I asked him, where are you going And this he told me: I'm going on down to Yasgur's farm I'm going to join in a rock 'n' roll band I'm going to camp out on the land, I'm going to try an' get my soul free. ~ Joni Mitchell
Durling Farms quotes by Joni Mitchell
My house borders horse farms, and I can look out my window and see the horses and the new colts. It's really peaceful. ~ Queen Latifah
Durling Farms quotes by Queen Latifah
I am on this account not displeased that the Figure is not known as a Bald Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America ... He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on. ~ Benjamin Franklin
Durling Farms quotes by Benjamin Franklin
Golf is to me what his Sabine farm was to the poet Horace - a solace and an inspiration. ~ Ramsay MacDonald
Durling Farms quotes by Ramsay MacDonald
I take it your revolt is not engineered for the benefit of your fellow-nobles, or as an attempt to reestablish your mother's blood claim through the Calahanras family. Wherefore is it, then?"
I looked up in surprise. "There ought to be no mystery obscuring our reasons. Did you not trouble to read the letter we sent to Galdran Merindar before he sent Debegri against us? It was addressed to the entire Court, and our reasons were stated as plainly as we could write them--and all our names signed to it."
"Assume that the letter was somehow suppressed," he said dryly. "Can you summarize its message?"
"Easy," I said promptly. "We went to war on behalf of the Hill Folk, whose Covenant Galdran wants to break. But not just for them. We also want to better the lives of the people of Remalna: the ordinary folk who've been taxed into poverty, or driven from their farms, or sent into hastily constructed mines, all for Galdran's personal glory. And I guess for the rest of yours as well, for whose money are you spending on those fabulous Court clothes you never wear twice? Your father still holds the Renselaeus principality--or has he ceded it to Galdran at last? Isn't it, too, taxed and farmed to the bone so that you can outshine all the rest of those fools at Court?"
All the humor had gone out of his face, leaving it impossible to read. He said, "Since the kind of rumor about Court life that you seem to regard as truth also depicts us as inveterate liars, I will not wa ~ Sherwood Smith
Durling Farms quotes by Sherwood Smith
One of the central memories of my childhood is of hunting - not well; I am a terrible shot - quail and dove and grouse on a farm on the Tennessee River. ~ Jon Meacham
Durling Farms quotes by Jon Meacham
The public should know that the liability issues here have yet to be resolved, or even raised. If you're a farmer and you're growing a genetically engineering food crop, those genes are going to flow to the other farm. ~ Jeremy Rifkin
Durling Farms quotes by Jeremy Rifkin
The factory farm has succeeded by divorcing people from their food, eliminating farmers, and ruling agriculture by corporate fiat. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer
Durling Farms quotes by Jonathan Safran Foer
It was hard to get jobs on farms doing wool-classing, but I got them. They had to learn to like a female wool-classer. ~ Theresa Sjoquist
Durling Farms quotes by Theresa Sjoquist
Why do we remember the Boys of Summer? We remember because we were young when they were, of course. But more, we remember because we feel the ache of guilt and regret. While they were running, jumping, leaping, we were slouched behind typewriters, smoking and drinking, pretending to some mystic communion with men we didn't really know or like. Men from ghettos we didn't dare visit, or rural farms we passed at sixty miles an hour. Loving what they did on the field, we could forget how superior we felt towards them the rest of the time. By cheering them on we proved we had nothing to do with the injustices that kept their lives separate from ours. There's nothing sordid or false about the Boys of Summer. Only our memories smell like sweaty jockstraps. ~ Roger Kahn
Durling Farms quotes by Roger Kahn
All cultures have things to learn from all other cultures. Don't get stuck in your culture! Go beyond it! Get out of your aquarium; get out of your farm; get out of your castle; break your bell jar! Give chance to other cultures and to other opinions! This is the best way for you to see the insufficiencies, absurdities and stupidities in your culture! ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan
Durling Farms quotes by Mehmet Murat Ildan
A concrete embodiment of the jubilee commandment was evidenced in a rural church in Iowa during the "farm crisis." The banker in the town held mortgages on many farms. The banker and the farmers belonged to the same church. The banker could have foreclosed. He did not because, he said, "These are my neighbors and I want to live here a long time." He extended the loans and did not collect the interest that was rightly his. The pastor concluded, "He was practicing the law of the Jubilee year, and he did not even know it." The pastor might also have noted that the reason the banker could take such action is that his bank was a rare exception. It was locally and independently owned, not controlled by a larger Chicago banking system. ~ Walter Brueggemann
Durling Farms quotes by Walter Brueggemann
People lucky enough to live in the vicinity of an industrial hog farm are, with each breath, made keenly aware of the cause of their declining property values. ~ Al Franken
Durling Farms quotes by Al Franken
The most insistent and formidable concern of agriculture, wherever it is taken seriously, is the distinct individuality of every farm, every field on every farm, every farm family, and every creature on every farm. ~ Wendell Berry
Durling Farms quotes by Wendell Berry
I lived on a farm with cows, and I lived in the city with rats. My family stayed in Colorado for a while, then went from Los Angeles to Arizona. People would ask me where I'm from, and I would have to say, 'I don't have a clear answer for you.' ~ Jason Behr
Durling Farms quotes by Jason Behr
I rationalize out, well, how much help could you really be, you know? And maybe if people saw this, they'd realize the brutality of war and figure out there's got to be some better way than killing human beings who are just trying to farm a field. ~ Haskell Wexler
Durling Farms quotes by Haskell Wexler
With the help of folks like you and me, Heifer International tackles the problem of hunger one family at a time with gifts of renewable resources - farm animals that are ongoing sources of food and income. ~ Susan Sarandon
Durling Farms quotes by Susan Sarandon
I work like a labourer on a farm or in a vineyard. Things come to me slowly. My vocabulary of forms, for instance, has not been the discovery of a day. It took shape in spite of myself ... That is why I am always working on a hundred different things at the same time. ~ Joan Miro
Durling Farms quotes by Joan Miro
As a result of listening to Aberhart, my father decided to leave the farm in 1927 to study at Calgary Prophetic Bible Institute, Aberhart's training school. ~ Preston Manning
Durling Farms quotes by Preston Manning
THE BOTTOMS" succeeded to "Hell Row". Hell Row was a block of thatched, bulging cottages that stood by the brookside on Greenhill Lane. There lived the colliers who worked in the little gin-pits two fields away. The brook ran under the alder trees, scarcely soiled by these small mines, whose coal was drawn to the surface by donkeys that plodded wearily in a circle round a gin. And all over the countryside were these same pits, some of which had been worked in the time of Charles II, the few colliers and the donkeys burrowing down like ants into the earth, making queer mounds and little black places among the corn-fields and the meadows. And the cottages of these coal-miners, in blocks and pairs here and there, together with odd farms and homes of the stockingers, straying over the parish, formed the village of Bestwood. ~ D.H. Lawrence
Durling Farms quotes by D.H. Lawrence
I think one thing that kids who grow up on farms really have going for them is they have exposure to death and birth in a totally different way. I think it takes away a little bit of the mystery and a little bit of the fear, and I do wish I had that. And I wish I was able to grow my own food. ~ Rachel McAdams
Durling Farms quotes by Rachel McAdams
Every unwanted animal ends up on my farm: alpacas and horses and dogs and cats and chickens and ducks and parrots and fish and guinea pigs. ~ Salma Hayek
Durling Farms quotes by Salma Hayek
Let it please thee to keep in order a moderate-sized farm, that so thy garners may be full of fruits in their season. ~ Hesiod
Durling Farms quotes by Hesiod
I remember we all cried like the Missouri
when my Uncle Sol's coffin lurched because
somebody pressed a button
(and down went
my uncle
and started a worm farm) ~ E. E. Cummings
Durling Farms quotes by E. E. Cummings
In other words, Foxx represented what Sarah Palin (speaking at a campaign fundraiser in Greensboro three weeks before the election) called "the real America," by which she did not mean fallow farms and disability checks and crack. ~ George Packer
Durling Farms quotes by George Packer
The approaching exhaustion of domestic reserves of petroleum and the rapid depletion of world reserves will have a profound effect on Americans in the cities and on the farms. ~ Richard Lamm
Durling Farms quotes by Richard Lamm
Shrimp farms are a scourge on the earth, frankly, from an environmental point of view. They pour huge amounts of pollutants into the ocean. They also pollute their next-door neighbors. ~ Jane Poynter
Durling Farms quotes by Jane Poynter
I really do love being outdoors - I mean, you'd never think it in my high heels and pencil skirt! But I really do miss the smell of hay and farms, and I like milking a cow. ~ Christina Hendricks
Durling Farms quotes by Christina Hendricks
Not far away lay the big cannons that had held Ulysses Grant at bay for fifty siege days while the citizens of the town ate rat flesh and clung to their long-cherished beliefs. How many had died in that lost cause? Dr. Tarver wondered. Fifty thousand casualties at Gettysburg alone, and for what? To free the slaves who built this house? To preserve the Union? Had Stonewall Jackson died to create a nation of couch potatoes ignorant of their own history and incapable of simple mathematics? If those brave soldiers in blue and gray had seen what lay in the future, they would have laid down their muskets and walked home to their farms. ~ Greg Iles
Durling Farms quotes by Greg Iles
Being born not long after the war meant that money was tight. I grew up in a rural corner of Lincolnshire and my father worked on local farms. Being one of nine kids meant we didn't have much. ~ Geoff Capes
Durling Farms quotes by Geoff Capes
There is a complete disconnect really or should be a disconnect between the retail price of the milk and what's actually going on in the marketplace, and what influences the farm gate price is the export market. ~ Ian McLeod
Durling Farms quotes by Ian McLeod
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