Drumbeat Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Drumbeat.

Quotes About Drumbeat

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Really rejoice in being yourself. Have your own drumbeat. ~ Kim Cattrall
Drumbeat quotes by Kim Cattrall
He is tangled in Isabelle's arms, he is curtained by Isabelle's hair, he is touching Isabelle's body, he is lost in Isabelle, in her smell and her taste and the silk of her skin.
He is onstage, the music pounding, the floor shaking, the audience cheering, his heart beating beating beating in time with the drumbeat.
He is laughing with Clary, dancing with Clary, eating with Clary, running through the streets of Brooklyn with Clary, they are children together, they are one half of a whole, they hold hands and squeeze tight and pledge never to let go.
He is going cold, stiff, the life draining out of him, he is below, in the dark, clawing his way to the light, fingernails scraping dirt, mouth filled with dirt, eyes clogged with dirt, he is straining, reaching, dragging himself up toward the sky, and when he reaches it, he opens his mouth wide but does not breathe, for he no longer needs to breathe, only to feed. And he is so very hungry.
He is sinking his teeth into the neck of an angel's child, he is drinking the light.
He is bearing a Mark, and it burns.
He is raising his face to meet the gaze of an angel, he is flayed by the fury of angel fire, and yet still, impudent and bloodless, he lives.
He is in a cage.
He is in hell.
He is bent over the broken body of a beautiful girl, he is praying to whatever god that will listen, please let her live, anything to let her live.
He is giving away that which is most precious to him, ~ Cassandra Clare
Drumbeat quotes by Cassandra Clare
This album is moments that I haven't done before, like just my voice and drums. What people call a rant - but put it next to just a drumbeat, and it cuts to the level of, like, Run-D.M.C. or KRS-One. ~ Kanye West
Drumbeat quotes by Kanye West
Genetics and beats? I feel like the drumbeat is a natural thing. Our heartbeat moves at a certain BPM. The drumbeat, being the first instrument, the platform for us, being that we all kind of come from that - it's all beats. ~ Q-Tip
Drumbeat quotes by Q-Tip
This is what songs do, even dumb pop songs: they remind us that emotions are not an inconvenient and vaguely embarrassing aspect of the human enterprise but its central purpose. They make us feel specific things we might never have felt otherwise. Every time I listen to "Sunday Bloody Sunday," for instance, I feel a pugnacious righteousness about the fate of the Irish people. I hear that thwacking military drumbeat and Bono starts wailing about the news he heard today and I'm basically ready to enlist in the IRA and stomp some British Protestant Imperialist Ass, hell yes, bring on the fucking bangers and mash and let's get this McJihad started. ~ Steve Almond
Drumbeat quotes by Steve Almond
Everyone's [ me, Iain Cook and Martin Doherty] equally involved in all the writing. Normally we'll start with a sample or a drumbeat, or a synth sound or something like that, and that will spark the initial idea. And then we'll write an instrumental sketch of a song, and then we put on a nonsense vocal melody, which is always my favourite bit because it obviously sounds amazing. ~ Lauren Mayberry
Drumbeat quotes by Lauren Mayberry
If you hear him beat that drum he will reveal something of himself to you, for what is a drumbeat, after all, other than the sound of a great hollowness, like death amplified ? ~ Kei Miller
Drumbeat quotes by Kei Miller
I know an American family that spent several years living in England. They had one son, who was an average student: not great, but not terrible. When the family returned home to the United States, the parents enrolled him in the local public school. Mom was startled by the continual drumbeat from teachers and other parents: "Maybe your son has ADHD. Have you considered trying a medication?" She told me, "It was weird, like everybody was in on this conspiracy to medicate my son. In England, none of the kids is on medication. Or if they are, it's a secret. But I really don't think many are. Here it seems like almost all the kids are on medication. Especially the boys. ~ Leonard Sax
Drumbeat quotes by Leonard Sax
Today, the drumbeat has become a cacophony. The generation that has experiences more peace, freedom, leisure time, education, medicine, travel, movies, mobile phones, and massages than any generation in history is lapping up gloom at every opportunity. ~ Matt Ridley
Drumbeat quotes by Matt Ridley
The same song can have drastically different feels and personalities just by changing some minor things. A different drumbeat or some vocal overdub could completely transform the song. ~ Matt Berninger
Drumbeat quotes by Matt Berninger
A faint, high pitched scream came from Etienne's pocket, accompanied by a drumbeat. "There are squirrels in my pants!" a girl cried as Phineas and Ferb's "Squirrels in My Pants"song began blaring from his phone.
Every immortal in the room turned to look at him.
Etienne scowled at his brother.
Laughing, Richart closed his cell phone and put it away. "I didn't change it. I just wanted to know what it was."
"Asshole. ~ Dianne Duvall
Drumbeat quotes by Dianne Duvall
can change the
mood in a
drumbeat. ~ Lisa Schroeder
Drumbeat quotes by Lisa Schroeder
The silence was suddenly too much. He hit the CD button on the car's radio. Brian Jones's sitar riff opened for Charlie Watts tribal-like drumbeat thundering from the speakers. Keith Richards' jangly guitar joined in, followed by Mick singing about seeing a red door that he wanted to paint black. ~ Glenn Rolfe
Drumbeat quotes by Glenn Rolfe
Soon the mercilessly even drumbeat fill'd the Day, replacing the accustom'd rhythms of country People with the controlling Pulse of military Clock-Time, announcing that all events would now occur at the army's Pleasure, upon the army's schedule. ~ Thomas Pynchon
Drumbeat quotes by Thomas Pynchon
War provides some people with a sense of purposefulness. The drumbeat of war quickens the pulse of neighbors, relatives, tribes, and nations. Hostile nations amass weapons of destruction claiming that they seek peace through deterrence. When war comes, advocates of arms galvanize the citizenry by proclaiming the inevitability of conflict. Each side's propaganda machine cast the campaign of present war as the next Great War. Generals brashly promote armed conflict as the war to end all other wars. Saber-rattlers proclaim that the opposition's militant disciples instituted this ordeal of conquest and destruction. ~ Kilroy J. Oldster
Drumbeat quotes by Kilroy J. Oldster
Okay, how's this? Margery O'Hare, I solemnly promise never to marry you."
"And I won't talk about marrying you. Or sing songs about it. Or even think about marrying you."
H glanced around him, then lowered his voice, placing his mouth beside her ear so that she squirmed a little. "But I will stop by and do sinful things to that fine body of yours. If you'll allow me."
"How sinful?" She whispered.
"Oh. Bad. Ungodly."
She slid her hand inside his overalls, feeling the faint sheen of sweat on his warm skin. For a moment it was just the two of them. The sounds and scents of the mine receded, and all she could feel was the thumping of her heart, the pulse of his skin against hers, the ever-present drumbeat of her need for him. "God loves a sinner, Sven." She reached up and kissed him, then delivered a swift bite to his lower lip.
"But not as much as I do. ~ Jojo Moyes
Drumbeat quotes by Jojo Moyes
The Sucking [of the blood] mesmerized me; the warm struggling of the man was soothing to the tension of my hands; and there came the beating of the drum again, which was the drumbeat of his heart - only this time it beat in perfect rhythm with the drumbeat of my own heart, the two resounding in every fiber of my being, until the bet began to grow slower and slower, so that each was a soft rumble that that threatened to go on without end.I was drowsing, falling into weightlessness; ~ Anne Rice
Drumbeat quotes by Anne Rice
I also worry about the incessant drumbeat of self-objectification: the pressure on young women to reduce their worth to their bodies and to see those bodies as a collection of parts that exist for others' pleasure; to continuously monitor their appearance; to perform rather than to feel sensuality. ~ Peggy Orenstein
Drumbeat quotes by Peggy Orenstein
Her life these days held a constant underlying drumbeat of worry. ~ Jojo Moyes
Drumbeat quotes by Jojo Moyes
The reservation doesn't sing anymore but the songs still hang in the air. Every molecule waits for a drumbeat; every element dreams lyrics. Today I am walking between water, two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen, and the energy expelled is named Forgiveness. ~ Sherman Alexie
Drumbeat quotes by Sherman Alexie
This is not just a simple story of "money can't buy happiness." Or maybe that's just what it is. And if it is, why shouldn't it be? Because if this is something we are already supposed to know, then why don't we know it? Why do we chase and scrabble and fight for things to flaunt, why? Why do we reach for power over other people, and through the thin superiority of our possessions, believe we have it? Why do we let money make people bigger, and allow those without it to be made smaller? How did we lose the truth in the frantic, tribal drumbeat of more, more, more? ~ Deb Caletti
Drumbeat quotes by Deb Caletti
So I think that life is sort of like a drumbeat. It has a rhythm and sometimes it's fast and sometimes it's slower, and maybe what's happening is this drumbeat is just accelerating and it's gotten to the point where I can't hear between the beats anymore and it's just a hum. ~ Steven Soderbergh
Drumbeat quotes by Steven Soderbergh
Most days Lily is the steady drumbeat. The rhythm of my heart. The repeating melody of the music in my head. But not today. ~ Emily McKay
Drumbeat quotes by Emily McKay
I'm not one of those guys who can hear a band and immediately cite their influences and probable heroes. There are guys like that out there. Play them the first drumbeat and they'll start banging on about Led Zeppelin or Limp Bizkit or how everything can be traced back to the man who wrote the Birdie Song. Dev can do it with videogames. He can take one look at a game and tell you what it's trying to be, where it got the idea, what it's been crossed with and how well it's done, but I just can't. Because I'm the other sort of person. A Type 2. One that judges everything on its own merits. Not because it's the right and just and fair thing to do, but because there's something about me that doesn't quite have that passion. That need for peripheral knowledge. I like a little of everything; I don't need it all. It can make conversations with the Type 1s a little strained. A Type 1 will have all his opinions ready to go and probably alphabetised before he even gets near you. A Type 2 will then shrink behind his sandwich. ~ Danny Wallace
Drumbeat quotes by Danny Wallace
It wasn't a passing shower but a steady drumbeat of water, the kind of rain that settles in, puts its feet up and makes it clear that it's not going to leave. ~ Benedict Jacka
Drumbeat quotes by Benedict Jacka
A woman's voice ululated on the sound system, somewhere between an Islamic call to prayer and orgasm with a drumbeat. ~ James S.A. Corey
Drumbeat quotes by James S.A. Corey
Abruptly the drumbeat softens into heartbeat. The camera becomes his eye. This was what had summoned him - a human heart beating from within a ripped-off, rolled-up tiny piece of cloth. A discarded newborn. Black. A useless, half-dead, famished, thrown-away boy. The madwoman's? No, she's beyond childbearing years. He approaches, his steps making no sound at all. When he reaches down to turn it over, the thing quivers. Suddenly Milo's brain fills with a soft cascade of men and women's voices from the past in French and English, German and Dutch, Cree and Gaelic. They gurgle and babble and blend as he stares at the unwanted infant. Is it breathing? Yes, ~ Nancy Huston
Drumbeat quotes by Nancy Huston
The Earth spins once a day. It goes around the sun once a year. The moon goes round the earth every 28 days. Your heart beats in a rhythm particular only to you. Everything has its drumbeat and everything contributes to the dance. You've just got to know when to lead and when to follow. ~ William Meikle
Drumbeat quotes by William Meikle
I talk to a lot of librarians, and there's always a steady drumbeat of how libraries are places of community. But a lot of them have also recently - and just in the nick of time - refurbished, because during this economic downturn, people have a tendency to borrow instead of buy. ~ Paula Poundstone
Drumbeat quotes by Paula Poundstone
I said we are in a mental recession. We keep getting the steady drumbeat of bad news ... it's become a mental recession. We don't have measured negative growth. That's a fact, that's not a commentary. ~ Phil Gramm
Drumbeat quotes by Phil Gramm
The drumbeat of American accusations against Chinese Internet device manufacturers was unrelenting. In 2012, for example, a report from the House Intelligence Committee, headed by Mike Rogers, claimed that Huawei and ZTE, the top two Chinese telecommunications equipment companies, "may be violating United States laws" and have "not followed United States legal obligations or international standards of business behavior." The committee recommended that "the ~ Glenn Greenwald
Drumbeat quotes by Glenn Greenwald
Progress is unstoppable. It is a drumbeat to which we must all march. Technology helps and good ideas spread – these are two lows of nature. If you don't let technology help you, if you resist good ideas, you condemn yourself to dinosaurhood! I am utterly convinced of this. ~ Yann Martel
Drumbeat quotes by Yann Martel
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