Donna Christensen Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Donna Christensen.

Quotes About Donna Christensen

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The most beautiful women I have known had one thing in common apart from beauty: humility. It's a shame that those with less to boast about do it the most. ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
In the first stage of insight-building, all that researchers can do is observe phenomena. Second, they classify the phenomena in a way that helps them simplify the apparent complexities of the world so they can ignore the meaningless differences and draw connections between the things that really seem to matter. Third, based on the classification system, they propose a theory. The theory is a statement of what causes what and why, and under what circumstances. ~ Clayton Christensen
Donna Christensen quotes by Clayton Christensen
You are - all your experience just kind of accumulates, and the novel takes a richness of its own simply because it has the weight of all those years that one's put into it. ~ Donna Tartt
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Tartt
If you work with only your body, all you'll do is work for enough to eat. ~ Donna Leon
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Leon
Our mantra was simplicity. ~ Donna Dubinsky
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Dubinsky
It's hard to part the curtains when the dark holds such familiarity. ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
I always thought what you wore underneath was as important as what you wear on top. ~ Donna Karan
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Karan
I love playing around with vintage fabrics and lace. ~ Helena Christensen
Donna Christensen quotes by Helena Christensen
It seemed the best thing was just to come right out and say it. 'You know,' I said, 'I'm really not attracted to you. I mean, not that -'
'Isn't that interesting,' he said coolly. 'I'm really not attracted to you, either.'
'But -'
'You were there. ~ Donna Tartt
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Tartt
She is playing a game that she doesn't want to play, but can't seem to quit. As a player she wishes to see how the game concludes, but she also wishes the other player would retreat. She wants to win after-all and she makes for a sore loser, but her combatant uses his moves to keep her off-guard and primed for his advance. Should she block him, outmaneuver him, or just play dead until his back is turned? Isn't the last the way of the female? ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
I have to admit, in January and February I was in an absolute fuzz. I had no one on board. It wasn't that I didn't know what I was doing, but we didn't have all the pieces put together. ~ Donna Shalala
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Shalala
Even in some smoky post-catastrophe Manhattan you could imagine him swaying genially at the door in the rags of his former uniform, the Barbours up in the apartment burning old National Geographics for warmth, living off gin and tinned crabmeat. ~ Donna Tartt
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Tartt
How quick, brutal, and fragile is life. You are born, you live a few years in wild hope, then you are dragged back into the night. You might have breathed on a little longer, had you not dared think yourself a human creature instead of an engine of muscle and bone. ~ Donna Gillespie
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Gillespie
Everyone has their own approach to how they work. ~ Hayden Christensen
Donna Christensen quotes by Hayden Christensen
It is warmer here. Can you see the light? Trust it. It is safe. It has lived a long time. It has seen much more than you. You fight a demon that you once knew but the demon is already slain. And from the corner of your eye you will see the scattered, sacred fire reform again. Settle, settle. Peace, peace ~ Donna Goddard
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Goddard
When the frail black cat who had lived through abuse and abandonment entered her equally arduous life, she smiled at her and said, "What a journey you took to find your way to me." And when the frail black cat who had offered nothing but comfort and companionship died in her arms just a few years later, she smiled at her through hurtful tears and said, "only a journey like that could lead to a love as pure and enduring as this ... " She then leaned down and bestowed upon her the breadth of her grace. ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
It was evenings like that when beneath dim light and relaxing in a sultry bath that she missed him the most. A flicker of candlelight, wind breathing snow against the window and the soothing scent of creme caramel – all were a comfort to her as she closed her eyes, summoned memories and many a tender thought. She didn't feel deserving of the devotion bestowed upon her, but she had finally learned to accept its wondrous gift, knowing that love was the source of existence and its only end. ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
Please come out so I can see your face," Darcy said.
There was a smile in Thorn's voice when he said, "I gave my jeans to Warrick. I'm no' shy, lass, but I doona want to embarrass Warrick. ~ Donna Grant
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Grant
You will know who the enemy is intimidated by because they're the ones he targets and keeps beating down. ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
Scarlett O'Hara didn't think she was manipulating. That's just the way she got what she wanted. ~ Donna Mills
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Mills
Some people want it all and expect it all; always looking outward, so often proclaiming what they deserve, even more saying what they want, and all thinking another should provide it for them. Do they ever bother to be the person they think someone else would love to have? ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
Fagan laughed. "See what ye have to look forward to, Munro? Ye better get used to that. Our women donna hesitate to put us in our place, and rightfully so."
"As long as that place is by Elizabeth's side, I donna mind. ~ Victoria Roberts
Donna Christensen quotes by Victoria Roberts
Courage is often associated with aggression, but instead should be seen as a willingness to act from the heart. ~ Donna Quesada
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Quesada
There's a point when he realizes the poor thing is so wounded it can no longer be fixed. ~ Donna Cooner
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Cooner
Galen glanced at the peregrine circling them. He couldn't shake the feeling that the falcon and Logan's need to uncover who was behind the magic controlling the bird just might be the tipping point that caused Logan to succumb to the darkness. ~ Donna Grant
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Grant
He would deny this is confronted, citing evasively his affection for Dante and Giotto, but anything overtly religious filled him with a pagan alarm; and I believe that like Pliny, whom he resembled in so many respects, he secretly thought it to be a degenerate cult carried to extravagant lengths. ~ Donna Tartt
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Tartt
Well, I'll say I have an incredible ability to fantasize - I really do. I don't have to have things tangible to be able to see them, and therefore I enjoy so many things, because they're in my mind. ~ Donna Summer
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Summer
Evil spawns mayhem while benevolence repairs; doing good comforts the living while prayers are extended to the one who attends to the dead. ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
Sophie had survived on her own for a long time. She knew she didn't need a man, not even Darius.
But she wanted him.
That made all the difference in the end. ~ Donna Grant
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Grant
At the rate the Kings were finding mates, they were going to have to take turns eating supper because not everyone would fit at the table. ~ Donna Grant
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Grant
Where she ended, he began. ~ Donna Grant
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Grant
I'd rather be befriended as an aimless lost soul than be befriended for adornment, gain or goal. ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
The happier people become the more I noticed my sadness. ~ Donna Freitas
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Freitas
Maybe that's why I tend to equate physical beauty with qualities with which it has absolutely nothing to do. I see a pretty mouth or a moody pair of eyes and imagine all sorts of deep affinities, private kinships. Never mind that half a dozen jerks are clustered round the same person, just because they've been duped by the same pair of eyes. ~ Donna Tartt
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Tartt
I don't envy "busy." Busy means having a schedule, not living life. What I really covet is leisure and peace of mind. Those who have both, have it all. ~ Donna Lynn Hope
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Lynn Hope
A long time ago, in a country not so far away, I was eight years old, doing my best Darth Vader imitation. ~ Hayden Christensen
Donna Christensen quotes by Hayden Christensen
I was so overwhelmed by India when I first came - it still inspires me because I still go for the culture, I still go for the colors. ~ Donna Karan
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Karan
We all jumped - a cab with its light on skidded across the lane to us, throwing up a fan of sewer-smelling water. "Watch it!" said Goldie, leaping aside as the taxi plowed to a stop - and then observing that my mother had no umbrella. "Wait," he said, starting into the lobby, to the collection of lost and forgotten umbrellas that he saved in a brass can by the fireplace and re-distributed on rainy days. "No," my mother called, fishing in her bag for her tiny candy-striped collapsible, "don't bother, Goldie, I'm all set - " Goldie sprang back to the curb and shut the taxi door after her. Then he leaned down and knocked on the window. "You have a blessed day," he said. iii. I LIKE TO THINK of myself as a perceptive person (as ~ Donna Tartt
Donna Christensen quotes by Donna Tartt
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