Dijelovi New York Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Dijelovi New York.

Quotes About Dijelovi New York

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I started writing plays in around 1967, and at a certain point, I thought, 'I'm writing plays, I should learn about acting and what it is.' So I went to the HB Studio in New York, and I was there for about nine months. ~ Wallace Shawn
Dijelovi New York quotes by Wallace Shawn
When the typewriter stops in a New York office everybody's embarrassed; men start to quarrel or to make love to the stenographer or drop lighted cigarettes in the wastebasket. ~ John Dos Passos
Dijelovi New York quotes by John Dos Passos
If you can't write like New York, you have no business living in New York and making New York the locale of your stories. ~ James M. Cain
Dijelovi New York quotes by James M. Cain
You always feel like your 18-year-old self in some sense. And that's what walking through New York on a June evening feels like - you feel like it's Friday, and you're 17 years old. ~ John Darnielle
Dijelovi New York quotes by John Darnielle
I've lived in New York City for over twenty years now, and every single day is like a new adventure. At this point, there are many places I'd love to visit, but I can't imagine living anywhere else on the planet. ~ Kevin Kwan
Dijelovi New York quotes by Kevin Kwan
Everything is so convenient in New York. ~ Matthew Modine
Dijelovi New York quotes by Matthew Modine
People in New York are surprised when I open my mouth. ~ Stephen Graham
Dijelovi New York quotes by Stephen Graham
I got to go to New York Comic-Con. I've never been and I've heard it's crazy, so I'd love to see it. To be quite honest, I'd like for people to want us to be there, too. I'm hoping. I'm knocking on wood, so we'll see. ~ Steven Yeun
Dijelovi New York quotes by Steven Yeun
A friend of mine from New York asked me what I want to do, and I responded with, 'I want to make movies.' He responded with, 'Guess what? They're not making movies on Martha's Vineyard.' Literally ten minutes later, I was packing my bags. ~ Austin Stowell
Dijelovi New York quotes by Austin Stowell
The day after we had pitched a game, it was our duty to stand at the gate, and afterwards to count the tickets. I remember counting 30,000 tickets one day at the Polo Grounds in New York. ~ Kid Nichols
Dijelovi New York quotes by Kid Nichols
Few authors have captivated the American penchant for curiosity like Samuel Longhorne Clemens. Many have called his cantankerous alter ego, Mark Twain, the greatest American humorist-philosopher of his age-if not of all times. With his wry observations and forthright humor-unleashed in his particularly pithy paragraphs-Mark Twain became one of the most prolific satirists in American literature.
The New York Times editorial, reporting of his death on April 22, 1910, said. " He has been quoted in common conversation oftener, perhaps, than any of his fellow-countrymen, including Benjamin Franklin and Lincoln.
In 1909, Mark Twain is quoted as saying, " I came in with Haley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Haley's Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: 'Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together."
His prediction was accurate-Mark Twain died of a heart attack on April 21, 1910, one day after the comet's closest approach to earth.
In Mark Twain's Guide to Audacious Sarcasm-volume 1,
Lowell Smith has assembled twenty of the classic cantankerous tales and wry observations of Mark Twain's celestial career. ~ Lowell Smith
Dijelovi New York quotes by Lowell Smith
He's in a rut. Gehringer goes two for five on opening day and stays that way all season. ~ Lefty Gomez
Dijelovi New York quotes by Lefty Gomez
The first black borough presidents of Manhattan were West Indians. As late as 1970, the highest ranking blacks in New York's police department were West Indians, as were all the black federal judges in the city. The 1970 census showed that black West Indian families in the New York metropolitan area had 28 percent higher incomes than the families of American blacks. The incomes of second-generation West Indian families living in the same area exceeded that of black families by 58 percent. Neither race nor racism can explain such differences. Nor can slavery, since native-born blacks and West Indian blacks both had a history of slavery. ~ Thomas Sowell
Dijelovi New York quotes by Thomas Sowell
It is important to me that people believe in me as a model, trust in me as a model - which they do in London and New York - which is why sometimes I think I'm an Anglo-Saxon woman at heart. ~ Noemie Lenoir
Dijelovi New York quotes by Noemie Lenoir
I began to consider, upon the thought of "permanently" relocating, everything New York had made me. When I arrived, I was like a half-carved sculpture, my personality still and undefined image. But the city wears you down, chisels away at everything you don't need, streamlines your emotions and character until you are hard cut, fully defined, and perfect like a Rodin sculpture. That is something truly wonderful, the kind of self-crystallyzation not available in any other city. But then, if you stay too long, it keeps on wearing you down, chipping away at traits you cherish, character that you've earned. Stay forever, and it will grind you down to nothing. ~ Jacob Tomsky
Dijelovi New York quotes by Jacob Tomsky
The only dream I ever had was the dream of New York itself, and for me, from the minute I touched down in this city, that was enough. It became the best teacher I ever had. If your mother is anything like mine, after all, there are a lot of important things she probably didn't teach you: how to use a vibrator; how to go to a loan shark and pull a loan at 17 percent that's due in thirty days; how to hire your first divorce attorney; what to look for in a doula (a birth coach) should you find yourself alone and pregnant. My mother never taught me how to date three people at the same time or how to interview a nanny or what to wear in an ashram in India or how to meditate. She also failed to mention crotchless underwear, how to make my first down payment on an apartment, the benefits of renting verses owning, and the difference between a slant-6 engine and a V-8 (in case I wanted to get a muscle car), not to mention how to employ a team of people to help me with my life, from trainers to hair colorists to nutritionists to shrinks. (Luckily, New York became one of many other moms I am to have in my lifetime.) So many mothers say they want their daughters to be independent, but what they really hope is that they'll find a well-compensated banker or lawyer and settle down between the ages of twenty-five and twenty-eight in Greenwich, Darien, or That Town, USA, to raise babies, do the grocery shopping, and work out in relative comfort for the rest of their lives. I know this because ~ Kelly Cutrone
Dijelovi New York quotes by Kelly Cutrone
I've played some gangster roles, but that's obviously not me. When you're an Italian-American New York actor, it's just an easy way to get cast. ~ Michael Imperioli
Dijelovi New York quotes by Michael Imperioli
The big weekend rush is on. The big city emptying itself out at once. Just a skeleton crew left to keep it going until Monday morning. Everybody getting out - everybody but me, everybody but those who are coming here for me tonight. We're going to have the whole damned town to ourselves.
("New York Blues") ~ Cornell Woolrich
Dijelovi New York quotes by Cornell Woolrich
Not even a cat was out. The rain surged down with a steady drone. It meant to harm New York and everyone there. The gutters could not contain it. Long ago they had despaired of the job and surrendered. But the rain paid no attention to them ... New York people never lived in houses or even in burrows. They inhabited cells in stone cliffs. They timed the cooking of their eggs by the nearest traffic light. If the light went wrong, so did the eggs ... ~ Barbara Newhall Follett
Dijelovi New York quotes by Barbara Newhall Follett
One of the beauties of B2B is that there is a finite number of customers. So the marketing costs are much different. You don't have to take out Super Bowl ads or plaster the New York subway system. ~ William Fung
Dijelovi New York quotes by William Fung
New York city, the incomparable, the brilliant star city of cities, the forty-ninth state, a law unto itself, the Cyclopean Paradox, the inferno with no-out-of bounds, the supreme expression of both the miseries and the splendors of contemporary civilization, the Macedonia of the United States. It meets the most severe test that may be applied to definition of a metropolis - it stays up all night. But also it becomes a small town when it rains. ~ John Gunther
Dijelovi New York quotes by John Gunther
There seems to be less obvious corruption in city government and New York politicians, they aren't Republican or Democrat, they're New Yorkers. ~ Malachy McCourt
Dijelovi New York quotes by Malachy McCourt
As a chef, I had started working with groups like Share Our Strength and various local food banks in New York, raising money for hunger-related issues. And not only me, but the entire restaurant industry has been very focused on this issue. ~ Tom Colicchio
Dijelovi New York quotes by Tom Colicchio
The commentary track became a lot like the movie and there are some funny, long, awkward pauses that you can tell we're just trying to find stuff to say. None of us had gotten to really talk about the movie until that moment and they were in New York and we were in L.A. ~ Jay Roach
Dijelovi New York quotes by Jay Roach
I had a fantasy as a child that I might be a writer someday. I always thought that meant you went to New York or Paris. But after that intense summer, I never thought that I wanted to live any place but Chicago. It also made me see what the stakes were in the civil rights movement. And it made me see what real hatred was like and the forms that it took. But it also made me understand how powerless ordinary people feel in their lives. ~ Sara Paretsky
Dijelovi New York quotes by Sara Paretsky
By working and living in New York, you are breathing Western civilization, continuously reminded of its benefits and its values. ~ Ibn Warraq
Dijelovi New York quotes by Ibn Warraq
I like New York because you're kind of forced to smell everybody else's funk. So it keeps you biologically attached to the world around you. ~ Jeffrey Wright
Dijelovi New York quotes by Jeffrey Wright
My childhood is completely ... when I look back, it was '50s in New York, upper-middle class, it was completely idyllic and golden and wonderful - sweet in every way. ~ Peter Jurasik
Dijelovi New York quotes by Peter Jurasik
I grew up in Oregon, and then I lived in San Francisco and New York. ~ Rachel Kushner
Dijelovi New York quotes by Rachel Kushner
When you're researching something for a movie, you get a very different kind of reaction than when you're researching something for an article for 'The New York Times.' ~ Peter Landesman
Dijelovi New York quotes by Peter Landesman
If you're gay and live in New York and don't go to gym, eventually they come for you. ~ Augusten Burroughs
Dijelovi New York quotes by Augusten Burroughs
We were like farm animals compared to today's players who are treated like thoroughbreds. ~ Jim Bouton
Dijelovi New York quotes by Jim Bouton
All sorts of creative communities are withering in New York because it's too hard to live here. It's ridiculous how expensive it is. ~ Susan Choi
Dijelovi New York quotes by Susan Choi
The quality self-confidence is not bad in youth. We rather like to see it, for it indicates usually the possession or the motive power which makes a man aggressive and enterprising. He works more vigorously if he is sure that he is nearer right than other people, and has no misgivings as to his ability to accomplish his ends. The self distrustful, self-critical young man, who is always looking for direction from somebody else is pretty sure to be left behind in the race. ~ The New York Sun
Dijelovi New York quotes by The New York Sun
Do you know who takes weekday shuttle flights between Washington and New York? People who think they are too important for the train, let alone the bus. ~ Alex Pareene
Dijelovi New York quotes by Alex Pareene
A man who uses a woman for his own sexual gratification, but belittles her into thinking she is no good in bed, is not a dominant personality, but a submissive one. ~ Diana Hunter
Dijelovi New York quotes by Diana Hunter
I'm in New York, land of the free and home of the brave, but I'm supposed to behave as if I were in Limerick at all times. ~ Frank McCourt
Dijelovi New York quotes by Frank McCourt
New York is the thing that seduced me. ~ Patti Smith
Dijelovi New York quotes by Patti Smith
I was coming to be an adult, the AIDS epidemic happened. Moving to New York, watching that unfold, and watching the activism around that ... it was complete chaos of life, and then this horrific non-response from the powers that be. There was a lot of misery and sadness tied up in that. ~ Kelly Reichardt
Dijelovi New York quotes by Kelly Reichardt
If you have ever been tempted to look up an old girlfriend or boyfriend, you will sympathize with Frederico. If you have doubts about revealing yourself to someone from your past, you'll understand Emma. Did you ever have the urge to open a bookstore? You'll love Dreams & Desires, Emma's bookstore in Milan that specializes in romance. ~ Vera Marie Badertscher
Dijelovi New York quotes by Vera Marie Badertscher
I love all types of music. Jazz, classical, blues, rock, hip-hop. I often write scripts to instrumentals like a hip-hop artist. Music inspires me to write. It's either music playing or completely silent. Sometimes distant sound fuels you. In New York there's always a buzzing beneath you. ~ Chadwick Boseman
Dijelovi New York quotes by Chadwick Boseman
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