Bolnica Adonis Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Bolnica Adonis.

Quotes About Bolnica Adonis

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Life can never be perfect. Don't let anyone fool you into believing that it will be. ~ Dennis Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis Adonis
Adonis watched her walk way. More specifically the hypnotic sway of her hips. The skirt hugged the round shapeliness of her ass. She would definitely be keeping that on with the heels later on tonight. He wasn't the only one who'd noticed her sensual departure. Jealousy stabbed through him like a red-hot poker at the perverts panting after his girl. He balled his fists to prevent himself from doing something stupid. Like tearing out their balls and cramming them down their throats. Chew on that assholes. ~ Em Wolf
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Em Wolf
She'd hardly describe Trent as "cute." Adonis, stud-like, hottie McHot Hot, even pulchritudinous - all acceptable descriptions. Hardly just cute. ~ Jennifer Shirk
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Jennifer Shirk
Marlboro Man and I walked together to our vehicles--symbolically parked side by side in the hotel lot under a cluster of redbud trees. Sleepiness had definitely set in; my head fell on his shoulder as we walked. His ample arms gripped my waist reassuringly. And the second we reached my silver Camry, the temperature began to rise.
"I can't wait till tomorrow," he said, backing me against the door of my car, his lips moving toward my neck. Every nerve receptor in my body simultaneously fired as his strong hands gripped the small of my back; my hands pulled him closer and closer.
We kissed and kissed some more in the hotel parking lot, flirting dangerously with taking it a step--or five--further. Out-of-control prairie fires were breaking out inside my body; even my knees felt hot. I couldn't believe this man, this Adonis who held me so completely and passionately in his arms, was actually mine. That in a mere twenty-four hours, I'd have him all to myself. It's too good to be true, I thought as my right leg wrapped around his left and my fingers squeezed his chiseled bicep. It was as if I'd been locked inside a chocolate shop that also sold delicious chardonnay and french fries…and played Gone With the Wind and Joan Crawford movies all day long--and had been told "Have fun." He was going to be my own private playground for the rest of my life. I almost felt guilty, like I was taking something away from the world.
It was so dark outside, I forgot where I was. I had ~ Ree Drummond
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Ree Drummond
A prisoner's shackles would always be a lawyers joy. ~ Dennis E. Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis E. Adonis
The worship of Adonis is united with that of Christ . ~ Claude Debussy
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Claude Debussy
Voting is not a right. It is a method used to determine which politician was most able to brainwash you. ~ Dennis E. Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis E. Adonis
Saving a worthy relationship is easier than trying to start a new one. ~ Dennis E. Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis E. Adonis
What do you think of Lord St. Vincent?" Pandora asked eagerly.
West's gaze moved to a man who appeared to be a younger version of his sire, with bronze-gold hair that gleamed like new-minted coins. Princely handsome. A cross between Adonis and the Royal Coronation Coach.
With deliberate casualness, West said, "He's not as tall as I expected."
Pandora looked affronted. "He's every bit as tall as you!"
"I'll eat my hat if he's an inch over four foot seven." West clicked his tongue in a few disapproving tsk-tsks. "And still in short trousers."
Half annoyed, half amused, Pandora gave him a little shove. "That's his younger brother Ivo, who is eleven. The one next to him is my fiancé."
"Aah. Well, I can see why you'd want to marry that one. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Lisa Kleypas
Rachel returned to the circle of his arms and thought she might possibly combust. Even the summer night breeze that moved the silk against her torso couldn't cool her. Braced against her car in the moonlight with his shirt fully open this time, Hawke posed as her own personal Adonis, poised for her touch. ~ Mia Dymond
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Mia Dymond
It wasn't Adonis that she didn't trust. She did. It was these skank hoes she had to keep an eye on. ~ Em Wolf
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Em Wolf
The sight of a castle does not necessarily means that there is a king. ~ Dennis Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis Adonis
I can't wait till tomorrow," he said, backing me against the door of my car, his lips moving toward my neck. Every nerve receptor in my body simultaneously fired as his strong hands gripped the small of my back; my hands pulled him closer and closer.
We kissed and kissed some more in the hotel parking lot, flirting dangerously with taking it a step--or five--further. Out-of-control prairie fires were breaking out inside my body; even my knees felt hot. I couldn't believe this man, this Adonis who held me so completely and passionately in his arms, was actually mine. That in a mere twenty-four hours, I'd have him all to myself. ~ Ree Drummond
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Ree Drummond
It is better to believe an obvious lie, than to swallow a deceitful truth. ~ Dennis E. Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis E. Adonis
I love, I love beauty
and in it I worship my follies,
the ones I found on my own,
and the ones to which I was led ~ Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Adonis
Yes, that. Would you care to explain where the money is going, Madam President?"
Letty laughed up at him with warm, loving eyes. "Certainly, Mr. Blackstone. Do you want to hear the explanation before or after I tell you that I have
every reason to believe I'm pregnant?"
That very morning Joel had decided that it was probably not possible for him to be any happier than he was already. Now he realized he was
wrong. He forgot about the little matter of a fifty thousand dollar cost overrun and started to grin like an idiot.
"You're pregnant?" Joel ignored the embarrassed expression on the face of the blond Adonis. "You're going to have our baby?"
"It would appear so." Letty pushed her glasses up onto her nose and smiled demurely. "What do you say to that, Mr. Blackstone?"
Joel tossed the file over his left shoulder. The data on the ad budget was sent flying into the air.
Eyes gleaming, he walked over to Letty and lifted her carefully into his arms. "I say the hell with the fifty thousand dollars. What's a few bucks
between a president and her CEO?"
"I knew you'd be reasonable about it, Joel."
Joel carried her out the door and down the hall. "Let's go back to my office, Mrs. Blackstone, and discuss something far more important than ad
budget overruns."
"Yes, of course, Mr. Blackstone." Letty glowed up at him. "And this time we must remember to lock the door before we start our discussions."
Joel's laughter echoe ~ Jayne Ann Krentz
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Jayne Ann Krentz
Listen, I didn't ask for a face and body girls find attractive. But thanks to the mixture of my parents' DNA, I've got them, and I'm not ashamed to use 'em. Having a face Adonis would admire is one of the few advantages I've been given in life, and I use it to it's full potential whether it's for good or evil. ~ Simone Elkeles
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Simone Elkeles
He pulled her toward him and gathered her in his arms as his hand lovingly cradled the back of her neck. She stopped breathing as he leaned down - ohmigod, the Adonis was about to kiss her - and planted the softest, most sensual kiss on her lips.
Time stood still on the busy Chicago street. ~ Jennifer Lane
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Jennifer Lane
Never restart a journey and use the same road that failed you before. ~ Dennis E. Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis E. Adonis
I love you
as if all hearts were a mirror of mine ~ Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Adonis
Adonis watched her strut away, friend in tow, like a peacock with a stick wedged up its ass. Tessandra Scarlatti. He'd hoped in his absence, she'd fallen off the planet or died. Preferably both. ~ Em Wolf
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Em Wolf
Stay away from any minute of joy that can bring you a lifetime of sorrow. ~ Dennis E. Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis E. Adonis
He looked up. "Is it time already?" She nodded.

He rose and waited as she gathered her things. The dog followed them out the door, but then he bounded down the stairs to the drive. The animal sniffed intently at something on the ground and then rolled, happily rubbing his head and neck in whatever it was.

Lord Swartingham sighed. "I'll have one of the stable boys wash him before he enters the Abbey again."

"Mmm," Anna murmured thoughtfully. "What do you think of 'Adonis'?"

He gave her a look so full of incredulous horror that she was hard-pressed not to laugh. "No, I suppose not," she murmured. ~ Elizabeth Hoyt
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Elizabeth Hoyt
This Adonis in loveliness was a corpulent man of fifty. ~ H. L. Hunt
Bolnica Adonis quotes by H. L. Hunt
If you touch me, neither of us is going to that party.
What party?
Adonis, don't you dare put a finger on her! Both of you get down here so we can take shots and go!
What the fuck is she, a psychic cockblock? ~ Em Wolf
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Em Wolf
Sometimes in order to appreciate your future, you must remember the past. ~ Dennis E. Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis E. Adonis
Which brings us to a little book that may provide a clue to the cure. My wife got it as a gift from a friend. It is titled Porn for Women. It's a picture book of hunks, photographed in all their chiseled, muscle-bound, testosterone-marinated, PG-rated glory. Lots of naked chests and low-cut jeans, complete with tousled hair and beckoning eyes. And they are ALL doing housework. There's a picture of a well-cut Adonis, and he's loading the washing machine. The caption reads: "As soon as I finish the laundry, I'll do the grocery shopping. And I'll take the kids with me so you can relax." There's another hunk, the cover guy, vacuuming the floor. A particularly athletic-looking man peers up from the sports section and declares, "Ooh, look, the NFL playoffs are today. I bet we'll have no trouble parking at the crafts fair". Porn for Women. Available at a marriage near you. ~ Anonymous
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Anonymous
But they don't deserve to be winning!"
"And who does in this world, Roland? Only the gifted and the beautiful and the brave? What about the rest of us, Champ? What about the wretched, for example? What about the weak and the lowly and the desperate and the fearful and the deprived, to name but a few who come to mind? What about losers? What about failures? What about the ordinary fucking outcasts of this world - who happen to comprise ninety percent of the human race! Don't they have dreams, Agni? Don't they have hopes? Just who told you clean-cut bastards own the world anyway? Who put you clean-cut bastards in charge, that's what I'd like to know! Oh, let me tell you something. All-American Adonis : you fair-haired sons of bitches have had your day. It's all over, Agni. We're not playing according to your clean-cut rules anymore - we're playing according to our own! The Revolution has begun! Henceforth the Mundys are the master race! Long live Glorious Mundy! ~ Philip Roth
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Philip Roth
He didn't believe in keeping leashes on pussy and expected the same courtesy in return. That was then. This was now. ~ Em Wolf
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Em Wolf
Adonis is now treating her like a Princess. I think he might even propose marriage, since his wife has just divorced him!" Phyllis explained, & added conversationally,"Do you know why his wife divorced Adonis? For "impotence"! Or what they prefer to call "incompatibility"! Adonis had been giving all his sperm to Vicky at the massage parlour, & had nothing left for his wife. Whenever he had some, he would look for Vicky- so his wife found him incompatible! Don`t you find it funny? He! He! He!" she laughed.[MMT] ~ Nicholas Chong
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Nicholas Chong
He's not your type."
Peabody's face clouded exactly as it had when Eve had rejected the perfume. "How come - I like looking at his type."
"Sure, but try to have a conversation with him." Eve dipped her hands in her pockets and rocked back on her heels. "Guy's in love with himself and figures every woman who gets a load of him has to go moony eyed - just like you're doing. He'd bore you to death in ten minutes because all he'd talk about is himself - how he looks, what he does, what he likes. You'd just be his latest accessory."
Peabody considered, watching as the gold-tipped Adonis posed at the check-in counter. "Okay, so we won't bother to talk. We'll just have sex."
"He'd be a lousy lay - wouldn't give a damn if you got off or not."
"I'm getting off just looking at him." But she sighed when he took out a small silver-backed mirror and examined his face with obvious delight. "It's times like this I hate it when you're right. ~ J.D. Robb
Bolnica Adonis quotes by J.D. Robb
After dinner, as we had so many times during our months and months together, Marlboro Man and I adjourned to his porch. It was dark--we'd eaten late--and despite my silent five-minute battle with the reality of my reproductive system, there was definitely something special about the night. I stood at the railing, breathing in the dewy night air and taking in all the sounds of the countryside that would one day be my home. The pumping of a distant oil well, the symphony of crickets, the occasional moo of a mama cow, the manic yipping of coyotes…the din of country life was as present and reassuring as the cacophony of car horns, traffic sounds, and sirens had been in L.A. I loved everything about it.
He appeared behind me; his strong arms wrapped around my waist. Oh, it was real, all right--he was real. As I touched his forearms and ran the palms of my hands from his elbows down to his wrists, I'd never been more sure of how very real he was. Here, grasping me in his arms, was the Adonis of all the romance-novel fantasies I clearly never realized I'd been having; they'd been playing themselves out in steamy detail under the surface of my consciousness, and I never even knew I'd been missing it. I closed my eyes and rested my head back on his chest, just as his impossibly soft lips and subtle whiskers rested on my neck. Romancewise, it was perfection--the night air was still--almost imperceptible. Physically, viscerally, it was almost more than I could stand. Six babies? Su ~ Ree Drummond
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Ree Drummond
Dealing with jackasses on every front today. Good thing I have tiger blood and Adonis DNA. (Charlie Sheen Reference) ~ Greg Campbell
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Greg Campbell
Listen. I know he looks like a damn Adonis and probably fucks like a stallion, but, sweetie, if he's what you want, then it's time to make him sweat a little. ~ K. Bromberg
Bolnica Adonis quotes by K. Bromberg
Half-French, half-Greek, one hundred percent grade A asshole. ~ Em Wolf
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Em Wolf
A rich man who robs from the poor is really a pauper in the land of morality. ~ Dennis Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis Adonis
My type is really young, short, athletic, and smart. I know, you want to be with someone who's going to be your friend - yeah, yeah, yeah. I want the Adonis line, the two down the hips to the waist. And a guy has to be able to accept criticism about his clothing. I can be very particular about what I like and don't like. ~ Rachel Nichols
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Rachel Nichols
I escape to my bedroom and feed my pet eels some chopped boiled eggs. Aphrodite and Adonis perform a graceful dance, entwining their bodies, capturing the food as it floats down like they're lovers catching snowflakes on their tongues. ~ A.G. Howard
Bolnica Adonis quotes by A.G. Howard
Life is a journey that gives you the liberty to draw your own map, and choose your own route. ~ Dennis E. Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis E. Adonis
It is a moral travesty to give a woefully thirsty man a drink of water in a measuring cup. ~ Dennis Adonis
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Dennis Adonis
I've missed that mouth of yours. ~ Em Wolf
Bolnica Adonis quotes by Em Wolf
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