Battle Training Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Battle Training.

Quotes About Battle Training

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We came to realise - first with astonishment, then bitterness, and finally with indifference - that intellect apparently wasn't the most important thing ... not ideas, but the system; not freedom, but drill. We had joined up with enthusiasm and with good will; but they did everything to knock that out of us. ~ Erich Maria Remarque
Battle Training quotes by Erich Maria Remarque
What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises - no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting. ~ Frank Herbert
Battle Training quotes by Frank Herbert
I cannot confuse the 'battle' with the 'war'. For out of my weakness I am bound to lose a battle, but out of God's strength I am guaranteed to win the war. ~ Craig D. Lounsbrough
Battle Training quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough
I wanted to touch on how we look on each other. Good hair, light skin, you must be smart; if you're black, you're dark-skinned, you're ugly. That really happens. This is something that started with slavery, when they divided the house, and it's still a part of today's society and things that we battle with. ~ Rapsody
Battle Training quotes by Rapsody
The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reason why others succeed is because they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came. Anticipate your battles; fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will always have victory. ~ R.A. Torrey
Battle Training quotes by R.A. Torrey
I live a very normal regimented life that focuses on my training and my private life so I squeeze the insane stuff in around that. ~ Gabrielle Reece
Battle Training quotes by Gabrielle Reece
All of us were mischievous at some time or another, I more so than any of the rest. [My brother] Philbert and I kept a battle going ... Even in our fighting, there was a feeling of brotherly union. ~ Malcolm X
Battle Training quotes by Malcolm X
The possible, as it was presented in her Health textbook (a mathematical progression of dating, "career," marriage, and motherhood), did not interest Harriet. Of all the heroes on her list, the greatest of them all was Sherlock Holmes, and he wasn't even a real person. Then there was Harry Houdini. He was the master of the impossible; more importantly, for Harriet, he was a master of escape. No prison in the world could hold him: he escaped from straitjackets, from locked trunks dropped in fast rivers and from coffins buried six feet underground.

And how had he done it? He wasn't afraid. Saint Joan had galloped out with the angels on her side but Houdini had mastered fear on his own. No divine aid for him; he'd taught himself the hard way how to beat back panic, the horror of suffocation and drowning and dark. Handcuffed in a locked trunk in the bottom of a river, he squandered not a heartbeat on being afraid, never buckled to the terror of the chains and the dark and the icy water; if he became lightheaded, for even a moment, if he fumbled at the breathless labor before him– somersaulting along a river-bed, head over heels– he would never come up from the water alive.

A training program. This was Houdini's secret. ~ Donna Tartt
Battle Training quotes by Donna Tartt
When I think about the war, I don't think about the battle, I think about the men. I look at an American flag today, and I see the faces of men I fought with, the ones who lived and the ones who died. ~ William Guarnere
Battle Training quotes by William Guarnere
It's fortunate that I am a writer, because that has helped me understand the properties of words. They are what have made life complex. In the battle for status in the animal kingdom, power and aggressiveness have been all-important. But among humans, once they acquired speech, all that changed. ~ Tom Wolfe
Battle Training quotes by Tom Wolfe
The new mathematics is a sort of supplement to language, affording a means of thought about form and quantity and a means of expression,more exact,compact, and ready than ordinary language. The great body of physical science, a great deal of the essential facts of financial science, and endless social and political problems are only accessible and thinkable to those who have had a sound training in mathematical analysis, and the time may not be very remote when it will be understood that for complete initiation as an efficient citizen of one of the new great complex world wide states that are now developing, it is as necessary to be able to compute, to think in averages and maxima and minima, as it is now to be able to read and write. ~ H.G.Wells
Battle Training quotes by H.G.Wells
There is no such thing as closure for soldiers who have survived a war. They have an obligation, a sacred duty, to remember those who fell in battle beside them all their days and to bear witness to the insanity that is war. ~ Harold G. Moore
Battle Training quotes by Harold G. Moore
You know, on the road, I never miss a meal. I eat five, six, seven times a day, depending on when I wake up and when I got to sleep. I never miss a training day. I always get my four days out of my seven. ~ Warren Cuccurullo
Battle Training quotes by Warren Cuccurullo
Scarcely a general can be found amongst them who admits that he lost a battle by his own bad leadership. ~ Heinz Linge
Battle Training quotes by Heinz Linge
She also told me about the night one of her astrophysics friends went to a bar trivia contest where the final question was "What does Kelvin measure?" The winning answer was "heat," but her friend explained that Kelvin measures temperature, not heat, since heat is energy and is measured in energy units like joules or ergs. The astronomer refused to back down, until the battle had to be settled with a chug-off. These astro people are hard-core. ~ Rob Sheffield
Battle Training quotes by Rob Sheffield
Not everything in life should be a battle." I'm ~ Ellie Wade
Battle Training quotes by Ellie Wade
Now the true soldiers of Christ must always be prepared to do battle for the truth, and must never, so far as lies with them, allow false convictions to creep in. ~ Origen
Battle Training quotes by Origen
She looked up toward the sky, toward the implacable sparkle of good old Ardor, and saw that the two of them - she and the asteroid - were caught up I a battle of wills. In that moment, she stopped being afraid of it, even dared it to come, because she knew thre was mo way it could crave death as much as she craved life. ~ Tommy Wallach
Battle Training quotes by Tommy Wallach
Scientific Religion is compatible with Science and in fact, they enrich each other. That's because scientific religion is simply the realization of divinity within one's heart. Therefore, Science and Scientific Religion smoothen each other's path of progress. While on the contrary, far from being compatible with Science, Theoretical Religion consistently tries to impede the development of human society. Moreover, being rigidly based on bookish doctrines, it keeps making efforts to drag the human society back to the Stone Age.
I am afraid, if you don't act now, the relentless battle between Theoretical Religions will turn this beautiful planet which we call home, into a barren wasteland. ~ Abhijit Naskar
Battle Training quotes by Abhijit Naskar
The Bible says, Be anxious for nothing, and that is a commandment! I took up a battle in this area, fought my way through and avoided having to be anxious! You can agonize over something for ages and plague yourself and those around you. It's much better to fight your way through as soon as it comes up. ~ Esther Smith
Battle Training quotes by Esther Smith
The letter came at a time in his life when the battle inside his soul could have tipped either way. ~ Lora Leigh
Battle Training quotes by Lora Leigh
Again, it does seem like frustration is mounting in interesting ways, but I'm not sure there will be some dramatic tipping point. Then again, looking back on the history of television, you never know. People had to fight and articulate the politics and the rationale for different funding mechanisms. That was a long and drawn-out battle fought in different countries; it's not like BBC and the CBC in Canada just magically appeared out of the ether. People had to organize for it. I'm always willing to be surprised. ~ Astra Taylor
Battle Training quotes by Astra Taylor
For a generous deed lives longer than a great battle or a king's decree of a scholar's essay, because it spreads and leaves its mark on all nature and endures through many generations. ~ L. Frank Baum
Battle Training quotes by L. Frank Baum
People slice up tree trunks, nail the pieces together into boxy shapes, and then go inside to sleep. Trees use the wood in their trunks for a different purpose - namely, they use it to fight with other plants. From dandelions to daffodils, from ferns to figs, from potatoes to pine trees - every plant growing on land is striving toward two prizes: light, which comes from above, and water, which comes from below. Any contest between two plants can be decided in one move, when the winner simultaneously reaches higher and digs deeper than the loser. Consider the tremendous advantage that wood confers to one of the contestants during such a battle: armed with a stiff-yet-flexible, strong-yet-light prop that separates - and connects - leaves and roots, trees have dominated the tournament for more than four hundred million years. ~ Hope Jahren
Battle Training quotes by Hope Jahren
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. ~ Philo Of Alexandria
Battle Training quotes by Philo Of Alexandria
In his fairy dreams of war [Thaddeus] always made conquest the sure end of his battles ... ~ Jane Porter
Battle Training quotes by Jane Porter
The dream is like a river, ever changing as it flows and the dreamer just a vessel that must follow where it goes. We must lean from what's behind us never knowing what's in store keeps each day a contant battle just to stay between the shore ~ Garth Brooks
Battle Training quotes by Garth Brooks
I intend to keep her close by, to keep her next to me at all times. She will drink from my cup and eat from my plate to protect me from your poisons. She will sleep beneath me and hover over me and never leave my side. In fact, I leave in three days for Kilmorda, and she is coming with me. She will ride in front of me, astride my horse, clinging to me as I go into battle, a human shield against those you send against me. ~ Amy Harmon
Battle Training quotes by Amy Harmon
I have a tremendous battle with melancholy and depression. ~ Sebastian Faulks
Battle Training quotes by Sebastian Faulks
We don't see the New Testament church hoarding the feast for themselves, gorging, getting fatter and fatter and asking for more; more bible studies, more sermons, more programs, classes, training, conferences, information, more feasting for us. At some point, the church stopped living the bible and decided just to study it, culling the feast parts and whitewashing the fast parts. We are addicted to the buffet, skillfully discarding the costly discipleship required after consuming. The feast is supposed to sustain the fast, but we go back for seconds and thirds and fourths, stuffed to the brim and fat with inactivity. ~ Jen Hatmaker
Battle Training quotes by Jen Hatmaker
Chomsky also reveals how neoliberalism is hardly a new thing, but merely the current version of the battle for the wealthy few to circumscribe the political rights and civic powers of the many. Chomsky ~ Noam Chomsky
Battle Training quotes by Noam Chomsky
A very little boy stood upon a heap of gravel for the honour of Rum Alley. He was throwing stones at howling urchins from Devil's Row, who were circling madly about the heap and pelting him. His infantile countenance was livid with the fury of battle. His small body was writhing in the delivery of oaths. ~ Stephen Crane
Battle Training quotes by Stephen Crane
The Republicans, with their crazed Reagan fixation, are a last-gasp party, living posthumously, fighting battles on sex, race, immigration and public education long ago won by the other side. They're trying to roll back the clock, but time is passing them by. ~ Maureen Dowd
Battle Training quotes by Maureen Dowd
Morality binds and blinds. It binds us into ideological teams that fight each other as though the fate of the world depended on our side winning each battle. It blinds us to the fact that each team is composed of good people who have something important to say. ~ Jonathan Haidt
Battle Training quotes by Jonathan Haidt
That's the way girls were
they always laughed. Because they were bitches. ~ Robert Bloch
Battle Training quotes by Robert Bloch
Music played at weddings always reminds me of the music played for soldiers before they go into battle. ~ Heinrich Heine
Battle Training quotes by Heinrich Heine
The time of testing, and of playing, was over. This was the final duel for one of them. Now they were fighting for their lives
for the one life that would emerge from this elegant battle ... For the moment the two of them were evenly matched, arm against arm. Michael prayed that it would never stop, that there would always be this moment of utter mastery, beautiful and rare, and no conclusion ever be reached. ~ Ellen Kushner
Battle Training quotes by Ellen Kushner
When a writer develops a story, he is confronted with a poison that is inside him. If you don't have that poison, your story will be boring and uninspired. It's like fugu: The flesh of the pufferfish is extremely tasty, but the roe, the liver, the heart can be lethally toxic. My stories are located in a dark, dangerous part of my consciousness, I feel the poison in my mind, but I can fend off a high dose of it because I have a strong body. When you are young, you are strong; so you can usually conquer the poison even without being in training. But beyond the age of 40 your strength wanes, you can no longer cope with the poison if you lead an unhealthy life. ~ Haruki Murakami
Battle Training quotes by Haruki Murakami
In the storm, like a prophet o'ermaddened, Thou singest and tossest thy branches; Thy heart with the terror is gladdened, Thou forebodest the dread avalanches ... In the calm thou o'erstretchest the valleys With thine arms, as if blessings imploring, Like an old king led forth from his palace, When his people to battle are pouring ... ~ James Russell Lowell
Battle Training quotes by James Russell Lowell
[O]ur segment of the picture consists only of tired and dirty soldiers who are alive and don't want to die; of long darkened convoys in the middle of the night; of shocked silent men wandering back down the hill from battle; of chow lines and atabrine tablets and foxholes and burning tanks and Arabs holding up eggs and the rustle of high-flown shells; of jeeps and petrol dumps and smelly bedding rolls and C rations and cactus patches and blown bridges and dead mules and hospital tenets and shirt collars greasy-black from months of wearing; and of laughter too, and anger and wine and lovely flowers and constant cussing. All these it is composed of; and of graves and graves and graves. ~ Ernie Pyle
Battle Training quotes by Ernie Pyle
A crucial contribution to the ideological argument ... it provides a vital part of the intellectual manifesto on which the battle for a better society can be fought ~ Roy Hattersley
Battle Training quotes by Roy Hattersley
The only real difference between a wise man and a fool, Moore knew, was that the wise man tended to make more serious mistakes - and only because no one trusted a fool with really crucial decisions; only the wise had the opportunity to lose battles, or nations. ~ Tom Clancy
Battle Training quotes by Tom Clancy
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