Back Talk Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Back Talk.

Quotes About Back Talk

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And if the computer gives you any back talk, pour some well-sugared office coffee into its evil little silicon brain. ~ Edward Abbey
Back Talk quotes by Edward Abbey
What is your plan with these things anyway?" Adam asked.
Ronan smiled his lizard smile. "Ramp. BMW. The goddamn moon."
This was so like Ronan. His room inside Monmouth was filled with expensive toys, but, like a spoiled child, he ended up playing outside with sticks.
"The trajectory you're building doesn't suggest the moon," Adam replied. "It suggests the end of your suspension."
"I don't need your back talk, science guy. ~ Maggie Stiefvater
Back Talk quotes by Maggie Stiefvater
My arse contemplates those who talk behind my back. ~ Francis Picabia
Back Talk quotes by Francis Picabia
Welcome the back talk, because it's completely natural and normal. It's actually a sign that the new idea you've planted in your mind is taking root. ~ Gay Hendricks
Back Talk quotes by Gay Hendricks
In Chinese culture, it wouldn't occur to kids to question or talk back to their parents. In American culture, kids in books, TV shows and movies constantly score points with their snappy back talk. Typically, it's the parents who need to be taught a life lesson - by their children. ~ Amy Chua
Back Talk quotes by Amy Chua
Don't I know? Not like I haven't done this." He picked up the plant and lugged it with him, muttering, "Stand there, Shamus. Don't bother the new girl, Shamus. Don't back-talk me when I'm teaching, Shamus." Maeve raised her eyebrows. "Don't back-talk me even when I'm not teaching, Shamus," she said. ~ Devon Monk
Back Talk quotes by Devon Monk
I talk to millions of people every day. I just like it when they can't talk back. ~ Don Imus
Back Talk quotes by Don Imus
You are a rebellion, a useless retaliation against a ghost. And when the novelty of his vulgar bride wears thin, the earl will come to despise you as I do. But by then it will be too late. The lineage will be ruined."
Lillian remained expressionless, though she felt the color drain from her face. No one, she realized, had ever looked at her with real hatred until now. It was clear that the countess wished every ill upon her short of death- perhaps not even barring that. Rather than shrink, cry, or protest, however, Lillian found herself launching a counterattack. "Maybe he wants to marry me as a retaliation against you, my lady. In which case I am delighted to serve as the means of reprisal. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Back Talk quotes by Lisa Kleypas
..and if you're reckless enough to back talk me, you're reckless enough to think you understand girls like June Watermark, and you don't understand her because she's crazy and crazy people-they're misunderstood. It's why they are called crazy. And you probably think you're in love with her-it's what Boystar told me you said in the Office, and that's a fine thing to say to a girl, but if you think you mean it, it's a different story. Because what's love without understanding Gurion? A fucken lie it is. ~ Adam Levin
Back Talk quotes by Adam Levin
The occasional new ploy such as the For the Public Good talk, or the March of Progress talk, the They Knocked My House Down Once You Know, Never Looked Back talk and various other cajoleries and threats; and it was the bulldozer drivers' accepted role to sit around drinking coffee and experimenting with union regulations to see how they could turn the situation to their financial advantage. ~ Douglas Adams
Back Talk quotes by Douglas Adams
I was born in Bradford, a city in the north of England that God forgot about. A place where most people never leave, but if they do, they certainly never go back. ~ Natalia Kills
Back Talk quotes by Natalia Kills
We can talk about courage and love and compassion until we sound like a greeting card store, but unless we're willing to have an honest conversation about what gets in the way of putting these into practice in our daily lives, we will never change. Never, ever. ~ Brene Brown
Back Talk quotes by Brene Brown
Well, we have to realize the truth about the person who is a hip-hop insider. Most of these people are not really insiders. They are people who are chosen to do an interview and they will make a statement and say that they are a part of the hip-hop culture, but from an intellectual standpoint, they are not very sharp, because back in '1990..'91 one would criticize somebody for doing one type of commercial and say that's not real hip-hop and then another rapper turns around and sell them malt liquor and say that's real hip hop. ~ MC Hammer
Back Talk quotes by MC Hammer
What do you want most in life, Miss Willow?"

"For my mother to be well."

"Imagine you had that." His fingers rested on the nape of her neck. "What do you want for yourself?"

"Peace on earth?"

"Come, Miss Willow. I want a serious answer from you. Better yet, a selfish one." Though she stood inches from him, she seemed not to notice their proximity. As a grown man, he could control his base urges. He'd done so for years. He would do better by her than his father and brothers. Slowly, he lifted his fingers from the back of her neck. His palm took their place.

Head tilted, she considered him. "You'll laugh."

"Try me."

"A family. Children."

"What? Not thousands of pounds at your disposal? A mansion? Jewels to dazzle you? Servants at your beck and call?"

She rested the side of her head against the doorway and looked at him from beneath her thick red lashes. "I always thought I'd be married one day with half a dozen children at my knees." Her eyes danced again, and for a moment, the space of a breath, he was caught like a fly in a web. "I was right about the children at least, though I was sure they'd be mine."

"Are you sorry?" What soft skin she had, such a tender nape.

"That I'm not a wife and mother?"

"Mm." He imagined her with a husband, with children. His children. He saw her gravid by his doing, and him cradling an infant in his arms, the one he'd ~ Carolyn Jewel
Back Talk quotes by Carolyn Jewel
Personally, I get uneasy when people, especially theoretical physicists, talk about consciousness.
Consciousness is not a quality that one can measure from the outside. If a little green man were to appear on our doorstep tomorrow, we do not have a way of telling if he was conscious and self-aware or was just a robot. ~ Stephen Hawking
Back Talk quotes by Stephen Hawking
I'm not in love with Eiadh because she's the most beautiful young woman in Basilica and therefore quite probably in the entire world. I'm in love with her because we can talk together, because of the way she thinks, the sound of her voice, the way she cocks her head to listen to an idea she doesn't agree with, the way she rests her hand on mine when she's trying to persuade me. ~ Orson Scott Card
Back Talk quotes by Orson Scott Card
Just take it from me," Donovan said. "Stay well clear of the warden. Some here think he's the devil. I don't, I don't believe in that religious talk, but I know evil when I see it. He's something rotten they dragged from the bowels of the earth, something they patched together from darkness and filth. He'll be the death of us all, every single one of us here in Furnace. Only question is when."
"I know one thing," I added. "The warden certainly brings out peoples dramatic sides."
Zee and Donovan both laughed through their noses. ~ Alexander Gordon Smith
Back Talk quotes by Alexander Gordon Smith
I crossed the room at a run, barreled through the door to take the stairs, and crashed into Ranger. We lost balance and rolled tangled together to the fourth-floor landing. We lay there for a moment, stunned and breathless. Ranger was flat on his back, and I was on top of him. ~ Janet Evanovich
Back Talk quotes by Janet Evanovich
When I went back to modeling, nobody knew how to deal with a 46-year-old model! ~ Lauren Hutton
Back Talk quotes by Lauren Hutton
The future is there ... looking back at us. Trying to make sense of the fiction we will have become. ~ William Gibson
Back Talk quotes by William Gibson
Later I check Instagram, and this clown Tanya is posting a photo of some deer. Too busy to write me back, but she has time to post a photo of some deer she saw on a hike? ~ Aziz Ansari
Back Talk quotes by Aziz Ansari
If I'm interrupted, it's just a minor inconvenience, but not a disaster, because it's easy to get back where I was: that is, the paint has not changed consistency; the light has not moved. ~ Buffy Sainte-Marie
Back Talk quotes by Buffy Sainte-Marie
You know, if I had your morals, I could solve all my problems."
He shrugged one shoulder and slipped the watch back into his pocket. "If I had your problems, I could afford to have better morals. ~ Heidi Heilig
Back Talk quotes by Heidi Heilig
Mr. Severin, may I ask something personal?"
"Of course."
"Why did you offer to be my oyster?" A hot blush climbed her face. "Is it because I'm pretty?"
His head lifted. "Partly," he admitted without a hint of shame. "But I also liked what you said- that you never nag or slam doors, and you're not looking for love. I'm not either." He paused, his vibrant gaze holding hers. "I think we would be a good match."
"I didn't mean I don't want love," Cassandra protested. "I only meant I'd be willing to let love grow in time. To be clear, I want a husband who could also love me back."
Mr. Severin took his time about replying. "What if you had a husband who, although not handsome, was not altogether bad-looking and happened to be very rich? What if he were kind and considerate, and gave you whatever you asked for- mansions, jewels, trips abroad, your own private yacht and luxury railway carriage? What if he were exceptionally good at..." He paused, appearing to think better of what he'd been about to say. "What if he were your protector and friend? Would it really matter so much if he couldn't love you?"
"Why couldn't he?" Cassandra asked, intrigued and perturbed. "Is he missing a heart altogether?"
"No, he has one, but it's never worked that way. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Back Talk quotes by Lisa Kleypas
I'm grateful I had the strength to fight. It takes courage to believe the best is yet to come, especially when you are flat on your back and don't know if you're going to see tomorrow. I'm no Pollyanna, but I believe optimism is a choice - a muscle that gets stronger with use. Right foot, left foot ... just keep moving. ~ Robin Roberts
Back Talk quotes by Robin Roberts
Don't deny you feel it too. There's no goin' back for us, Liberty. ~ Lorelei James
Back Talk quotes by Lorelei James
I'm always very happy to talk to people. I relate to people, and the guy on stage is very much the guy that's off stage. People know when it's fake. ~ Gabriel Iglesias
Back Talk quotes by Gabriel Iglesias
Tragedy is the driver of innovation, forcing man to move on and overcome the bonds which hold us back through the ever-present fear. ~ Benjamin M. Strozykowski
Back Talk quotes by Benjamin M. Strozykowski
As delightful as Dr. Gibson is, she doesn't have the makings of a farmwife."
Ethan's brows lifted. "Are you thinking about taking a wife?"
West shrugged. "The nights can be long and quiet in the country," he admitted. "If I found a woman who was an interesting companion and attractive enough to bed... yes, I'd consider marrying her." He paused. "Better yet if she were educated. A sense of humor would be icing on the cake. Red hair isn't a requirement, but I do have a fatal weakness for it." West's mouth twisted with a self-mocking grin. "Of course, she'd have to be willing to overlook the fact that I was an undisciplined and obnoxious swill-tub until about three years ago." A nearly imperceptible look of bitterness flashed across his face before he masked it.
"Who is she?" Ethan asked softly.
"No one. An imaginary woman." Averting his gaze, West used the toe of his boot to flick a loose pebble to the side of the drive. "Who happens to despise me," he muttered.
Ethan regarded him with sympathetic amusement. "You might be able to change her opinion."
"Only if I could travel back in time and beat my former self to a pulp. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Back Talk quotes by Lisa Kleypas
By being an actor, one can explore various personalities of a human being, be that person, behave and live that person's life, and then you are back to your normal life. ~ Terence Lewis
Back Talk quotes by Terence Lewis
Sup, man," said Rico Vega, joining me in the back of Spanish class. "'Sup," I answered. "How can they let you take Spanish when that's what you speak half the damn time?" "Why they let a bunch of gueros take English? You gringos gotta be stupid if you ain't got it down in eighteen years. ~ Katie McGarry
Back Talk quotes by Katie McGarry
As Indian women, we are always balancing work, life, home, etc. It's important to know that while juggling rubber balls and glass balls, the former may bounce back when you miss, but the glass balls will crack if you let them fall. So prioritise, prioritise, prioritise. ~ Nita Ambani
Back Talk quotes by Nita Ambani
Once I can talk to people, I switch them over on my side. ~ Joe Arpaio
Back Talk quotes by Joe Arpaio
It was an easy decision for me which books to self-publish as ebooks. I got the rights back to two Avon books that I wrote at the start of my career. I paid to have these two books, 'Bold Conquest' and 'Wild Hearts,' scanned. When I got them back as documents, I had to clean them up and correct all the typos, etc. ~ Virginia Henley
Back Talk quotes by Virginia Henley
I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I moved to L.A. when I was about eleven years old. I always go back to Milwaukee whenever I can. Just chill with my grandpa and my grandmother and just be with family, be with people that were there before I got a million views on YouTube because of my music video. ~ Jacob Latimore
Back Talk quotes by Jacob Latimore
Her fingers flew, her fiddle was an entire orchestra, and every note beautifully brought into being struck a chord of satisfaction within her. She wondered at the unfamiliar lightness in her chest and realised she was laughing.
So great was her focus, it took her a while to register the strange expression that crept to Brocker's face as he listened, finger tapping the armrest of his chair. His eyes were fixed behind Fire and to the right, in the direction of Archer's back doorway. Fire comprehended that someone must be standing in Archer's entrance, someone Brocker watched with startled eyes.
And then everything happened at once. Fire recognised the mind in the doorway; she spun around, fiddle and bow screeching apart; she stared at Prince Brigan leaning against the door frame. ~ Kristin Cashore
Back Talk quotes by Kristin Cashore
Most people hammer your mind with Thesis>Antithesis>Synthesis or as my old friend, the late Robert Anton Wilson, said: "Here's what it is, here's what it isn't, now here's why you need to go tell everyone how smart I am." I can't tell you how much that tired old formula skeeves me. When I do see people brave enough to (god forbid!) put the onus of drawing a conclusion back on the reader (heresy!), I am not only relived (what, me have to think?), my faith in humanity has it's execution stayed another day. ~ Joseph Matheny
Back Talk quotes by Joseph Matheny
If something happened to Suzanne I don't think I would want to go through with finding somebody else either. I'd feel quite lost without her. It would be like separating Siamese twins, as we've been through everything together. Which can also be handy, as my memory isn't what it used to be, so I use hers as my back-up memory drive. Meeting someone new would be like getting a new phone. You have to start again, input all of your information into them while trying to get to know their functions. ~ Karl Pilkington
Back Talk quotes by Karl Pilkington
If we really want to have authentic connections with others, then we need to talk about two kinds of psychological baggage we tend to carry around, which make us completely self-conscious about our capacity to connect with people: (1) guilt about how we've let others down, and (2) resentment about being let down by others in the past. ~ Kelsey Crowe
Back Talk quotes by Kelsey Crowe
She smiled, and her eyes started to drift downward.
"Cather ... "
Back up to his eyes.
"You know that I'm falling in love with you, right? ~ Rainbow Rowell
Back Talk quotes by Rainbow Rowell
One last Friday I handed Mrs. Croft eight one-dollar bills in an envelope, brought my suitcase downstairs, and informed her that I was moving. She put my key into her change purse. The last thing she asked me to do was hand her the cane propped against the table, so that she could walk to the door and lock it behind me. "Good-bye, then," she said, and retreated back into the house. I did not expect any display of emotion, but I was disappointed all the same. I was only a boarder, a man who paid her a bit of money and passed in and out of her home for six weeks. Compared to a century, it was no time at all. ~ Anonymous
Back Talk quotes by Anonymous
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