Apsa Citation Quotes

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Quotes About Apsa Citation

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I keep bumping into that silly quotation attributed to me that says 640K of memory is enough. There's never a citation; the quotation just floats like a rumor, repeated again and again. ~ Bill Gates
Apsa Citation quotes by Bill Gates
Of course, relative citation frequencies are no measure of relative importance. Who has not aspired to write a paper so fundamental that very soon it is known to everyone and cited by no one? ~ Abraham Pais
Apsa Citation quotes by Abraham Pais
Tagore claims that the first time he experienced the thrill of poetry was when he encountered the children's rhyme 'Jal pare/pata nare' ('Rain falls / The leaf trembles) n Iswrchandra Vidyasagar's Bengali primer Barna Parichay (Introducing the Alphabet). There are at least two revealing things about this citation. The first is that, as Bengali scholars have remarked, Tagore's memory, and predilection, lead him to misquote and rewrite the lines. The actual rhyme is in sadhu bhasha, or 'high' Bengali: 'Jal paritechhe / pata naritechhe' ('Rain falleth / the leaf trembleth'). This is precisely the sort of diction that Tagore chose for the English Gitanjali, which, with its these and thous, has so tried our patience. Yet, as a Bengali poet, Tagore's instinct was to simplify, and to draw language closer to speech. The other reason the lines of the rhyme are noteworthy, especially with regard to Tagore, is – despite their deceptively logical progression – their non-consecutive character. 'Rain falls' and 'the leaf trembles' are two independent, stand-alone observations: they don't necessarily have to follow each other. It's a feature of poetry commented upon by William Empson in Some Versions of Pastoral: that it's a genre that can get away with seamlessly joining two lines which are linked, otherwise, tenuously. ~ Amit Chaudhuri
Apsa Citation quotes by Amit Chaudhuri
Ironically, the more intensive and far-reaching a historian's research, the greater the difficulty of citation. As the mountain of material grows, so does the possibility of error. ~ Doris Kearns Goodwin
Apsa Citation quotes by Doris Kearns Goodwin
I am grateful to be able to participate in the adult citation program where I will complete community service. ~ Jameis Winston
Apsa Citation quotes by Jameis Winston
Spaces again. I guess one citation wasn't enough." Pendergast pulled out the previous ticket. "You mean this?" "That's right." Pendergast neatly tore it in half and tucked the pieces back into his pocket. The chief frowned. ~ Douglas Preston
Apsa Citation quotes by Douglas Preston
Copies have been dethroned; the economic model built on them is collapsing. In a regime of superabundant free copies, copies are no longer the basis of wealth. Now relationships, links, connections, and sharing are. Value has shifted away from a copy toward the many ways to recall, annotate, personalize, edit, authenticate, display, mark, transfer, and engage a work. Art is a conversation, not a patent office. The citation of sources belongs to the realms of journalism and scholarship, not art. Reality can't be copyrighted. ~ David Shields
Apsa Citation quotes by David Shields
Bernard: ... By the way, Valentina, do you want credit? - 'the game book recently discovered by.'?
Valentine: It was never lost, Bernard.
Bernard: 'As recently pointed out by.' I don't normally like giving credit where it's due, but with scholarly articles as with divorce, there is a certain cachet in citing a member of the aristocracy. I'll pop it in ad lib for the lecture, and give you a mention in the press release. How's that?
Valentine: Very kind. ~ Tom Stoppard
Apsa Citation quotes by Tom Stoppard
For all I see, humanity is lost. It's devastatingly sad. ~ Laure Lacornette
Apsa Citation quotes by Laure Lacornette
The more we try to stop others from falling, the more we hurt ourselves. ~ Laure Lacornette
Apsa Citation quotes by Laure Lacornette
And Complicated Grief is a text that announces, from the start, in its citation of influence, dense intertextuality and hybridity, a failure of some apparent or usual protections, and a need to re-examine "identity" in the light of an acknowledgement of our entanglements and interdependence. ~ Laura Mullen
Apsa Citation quotes by Laura Mullen
Never an illness, nor the absence
of grandeur, no,
nothing is able to kill the best in us,
that kindness, dear sir, we are afflicted with:
beautiful is the flower of man, his conduct,
and every door opens on the beautiful truth
and never hides treacherous whispers.
I always gained something from making myself better,
better than I am, better than I was,
that most subtle citation:
to recover some lost petal
of the sadness I inherited:
to search once more for the light that sings
inside of me, the unwavering light. ~ Pablo Neruda
Apsa Citation quotes by Pablo Neruda
The Bluebook is an absurdity, but it endures, in fact thrives, impervious to criticism and ridicule. The judiciary navigates the sea of modernity, slowed, thrown of course, by the barnacles of legal formalism (semantic escapes from reality, impoverished sense of context, fear of math and science, insensitivity to language and culture, mangling of history, superfluous footnotes, verbosity, excessive quotation, reader-unfriendly prose, exaggeration, bluster, obsession with citation form) – an accumulation of many centuries, yet constantly augmented. There is little desire to give the hull a good scraping. There is fear that the naked hull would be unslightly, even unseaworthy. The fear is overblown. A week after all the copies of the Bluebook were burned, their absence would not be noticed. ~ Richard A. Posner
Apsa Citation quotes by Richard A. Posner
In white neighborhoods, only 1 in 41 properties that could have received a nuisance citation actually did receive one. In black neighborhoods, 1 in 16 eligible properties received a citation. A woman reporting domestic violence was far more likely to land her landlord a nuisance citation if she lived in the inner city.

In the vast majority of cases (83 percent), landlords who received a nuisance citation for domestic violence responded by either evicting the tenants or by threatening to evict them for future police calls. Sometimes, this meant evicting a couple, but most of the time landlords evicted women abused by men who did not live with them. ~ Matthew Desmond
Apsa Citation quotes by Matthew Desmond
The first recorded use to date of OMG is from 1917, and reads in full "I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapis - O.M.G. (Oh! My God!) - Shower it on the Admiralty!" The citation comes from a letter by one John Arbuthnot Fisher, who happens to have been the admiral in charge of the British navy (a position known as first sea lord), and was written to Winston Churchill, staunch defender of both the English people and their language. ~ Ammon Shea
Apsa Citation quotes by Ammon Shea
Falling from great heights is dangerous.[citation needed] A balloon could ~ Randall Munroe
Apsa Citation quotes by Randall Munroe
But intersubjectivity in the text occurs through intertextuality, when distinctions between original and citation become blurred. ~ Chris Kraus
Apsa Citation quotes by Chris Kraus
Remember what it says in Matthew: And false prophets shall abound, and they shall deceive many'" "And from the multiplication of lawlessness, love shall grow cold in many," said Pelagia, continuing the apostolic citation. Dolinin started and gave the nun a strange look, as if he had just heard those words for the first time, or perhaps had never really thought about their meaning before. ~ Boris Akunin
Apsa Citation quotes by Boris Akunin
My very first role was with James Earl Jones on 'Gabriel's Fire' on TV. He drove a Chevy Citation, which is the exact same car that I bought from a guy in San Francisco called Sandy Boone. I showed up on set, and James Earl Jones was driving the car I had bought from Sandy for $250. ~ Leland Orser
Apsa Citation quotes by Leland Orser
It was the gift that every girl dreams of, to be dead long enough for your parents to realize how meaningless their lives were without you, how they were suddenly and at once deeply sorrowed at all of the horrible injustices they caused you, how they had truly never appreciated your natural gifts of beauty and grace, being that their beautiful angel would have such a short time on earth and should have spent that time driving the restored 1965 convertible Mustang she had openly AND PUBLICLY desired. But nope, she spent her last, short, fleeting moments driving a 1980 Chevy Citation, every so clearly a GRANDMA car, with fake red-velvet upholstery, a hatchback, and an interior that smelled like spoiled milk and sometimes meat. Being temporarily run over by a car was the best present I had ever received, and I didn't even have to do anything dramatic to get it, like write a note or buy some rope. ~ Laurie Notaro
Apsa Citation quotes by Laurie Notaro
My bones are my unique home. ~ Laure Lacornette
Apsa Citation quotes by Laure Lacornette
I sincerely believe that patience is one of the keys to success. ~ Chris TDL
Apsa Citation quotes by Chris TDL
[An example of misattribution:]

If you don't know the source of a quote,
you can always make it sound better by attributing it to me.

- Mark Twain ~ Jakub Marian
Apsa Citation quotes by Jakub Marian
His supervisor, a well-liked ranger by the name of Dick McLaren, gave Randy a line of advice to which he would adhere for the rest of his career: 'The best way to teach the public isn't with a citation, it's with communication. ~ Eric Blehm
Apsa Citation quotes by Eric Blehm
Speaking one's mind once is more honorable than quoting a thousand men. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Apsa Citation quotes by Mokokoma Mokhonoana
It takes you 5 years to build your reputation, but 5 minutes to ruin it. ~ Chris TDL
Apsa Citation quotes by Chris TDL
Let's turn now to the citation of authors, found in other books and missing in yours. The solution to this is very simple, because all you have to do is find a book that cites them all from A to Z, as you put it. Then you'll put that same alphabet in your book, and though the lie is obvious it doesn't matter, since you'll have little need to use them; perhaps someone will be naive enough to believe you have consulted all of them in your plain and simple history; if it serves no other purpose, at least a lengthy catalogue of authors will give the book an unexpected authority. Furthermore, no one will try to determine if you followed them or did not follow them, having nothing to gain from that. ~ Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
Apsa Citation quotes by Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
The cumulative weight of all mortal sins
past, present, and future
pressed upon that perfect, sinless, and sensitive Soul! All our infirmities and sicknesses were somehow, too, a part of the awful arithmetic of the Atonement. (See Alma 7:11-12; Isa. 53:3-5; Matt. 8:17.) The anguished Jesus not only pled with the Father that the hour and cup might pass from Him, but with this relevant citation. 'And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me.' (Mark 14:35-36.) ~ Neal A. Maxwell
Apsa Citation quotes by Neal A. Maxwell
Literature is the original Internet – every footnote, every citation, every allusion is essentially a hyperlink to another text, to another mind. ~ Maria Popova
Apsa Citation quotes by Maria Popova
Sometimes I believe that in life every promise should be taken with suspicion, disbelief, even as a lie because it features knights in the world without knights can not exist. Increasingly it seems that the people make promises lightly, and even easier to not fulfill. I believe that the main task of each of us to make this world a better position, so that all become knights, the swords do not carry it, but the words behind which we stand. ~ Slavisa Pavlovic
Apsa Citation quotes by Slavisa Pavlovic
If you think you've never lived up to a situation, you have your own story or you will be the hero. ~ Chris TDL
Apsa Citation quotes by Chris TDL
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