Vw Hatchback Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Vw Hatchback.

Quotes About Vw Hatchback

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It's all based around the idea that basically VW cars are space age. They're the worst cars to use in action movie, because all the things you want to traditionally do in an action movie they won't allow you to do, because they make you drive safely if you want to or not. ~ Paul W. S. Anderson
Vw Hatchback quotes by Paul W. S. Anderson
It was the gift that every girl dreams of, to be dead long enough for your parents to realize how meaningless their lives were without you, how they were suddenly and at once deeply sorrowed at all of the horrible injustices they caused you, how they had truly never appreciated your natural gifts of beauty and grace, being that their beautiful angel would have such a short time on earth and should have spent that time driving the restored 1965 convertible Mustang she had openly AND PUBLICLY desired. But nope, she spent her last, short, fleeting moments driving a 1980 Chevy Citation, every so clearly a GRANDMA car, with fake red-velvet upholstery, a hatchback, and an interior that smelled like spoiled milk and sometimes meat. Being temporarily run over by a car was the best present I had ever received, and I didn't even have to do anything dramatic to get it, like write a note or buy some rope. ~ Laurie Notaro
Vw Hatchback quotes by Laurie Notaro
No, I don't work here, I'm taking pictures of messy bathrooms for a photo essay on the American West. But I'm always up for clean, so if you want to pitch in, I've got Pine Sol and a sponge in my car ... It's that VW microbus parked next to the dumpster, and you don't need a key, just pull hard. ~ Pansy Schneider-Horst
Vw Hatchback quotes by Pansy Schneider-Horst
The United States will remain one of the most important markets for VW. ~ Martin Winterkorn
Vw Hatchback quotes by Martin Winterkorn
Forty-seven years old, tired, but none the worse for wear. In a little more than thirteen months, he had discovered, analyzed, and packed tens of thousands of pieces of artwork, including eighty truckloads from Altaussee alone. He had organized the MFAA field officers at Normandy, pushed SHAEF to expand and support the monuments effort, mentored the other Monuments Men across France and Germany, interrogated many of the important Nazi art officials, and inspected most of the Nazi repositories south of Berlin and east of the Rhine. It would be no exaggeration to guess he put 50,000 miles on his old captured VW and visited nearly every area of action in U.S. Twelfth Army Group territory. And during his entire tour of duty on the continent, he had taken exactly one and a half days off. ~ Robert M. Edsel
Vw Hatchback quotes by Robert M. Edsel
VW has held a beloved place in American culture. When I graduated from college, many of my friends drove across the country, and most hit the road in a VW van or Bug. Through the years, these cars have represented youth, freedom and quirkiness. ~ Frances Beinecke
Vw Hatchback quotes by Frances Beinecke
I drove across country in my yellow 1970 VW bug (which I drove until 1986) to Los Angeles, having had enough cold weather in 5 years in Ann Arbor, and found a job within a few days. ~ W. Richard Stevens
Vw Hatchback quotes by W. Richard Stevens
It was done with respect for both tradition and the full array of Nazi panoply. The mood was jovial at the May 1938 laying of the VW factory's cornerstone as Hitler tried his Beetle's rear seating. Robert Ley and Ferdinand Porsche were the most prominent of those behind him. ~ Karl Ludvigsen
Vw Hatchback quotes by Karl Ludvigsen
This is not your standard "How to restore" your VW Beetle book. It's also not a workshop manual. Aside from a basic rundown on the differences between various bug models through the years, there is a section on some things you can do to preserve your bug. Mostly however, what I've done is reviewed all the things I did to my bugs
and put those ideas together as cheap, skillful, cheap, d.i.y, cheap means of enhancing your grocery getter's performance and handling. ~ Christina Engela
Vw Hatchback quotes by Christina Engela
I believe that the main thing in beginning a novel is to feel, not that you can write it, but that it exists on the far side of a gulf, which words can't cross; that its to be pulled through only in a breathless anguish. [VW] ~ Vita Sackville-West
Vw Hatchback quotes by Vita Sackville-West
The heart of the engine is the one part that I can't help you find, unfortunately. There is just no way for me to document its location; it's different in every car. I could barely find the heart of my VW-it was too confusing, and there were too many routes. Every time I thought I'd reach the center point I realized I was lost, not where I thought I was, following the wrong sunrise yet again. I wonder: Does the heart move around or something? The geographic arrangement of the engine compartment doesn't make things any easier- some of the mechanical parts are underground, nestled in the hills, and others are hidden behind the hustle and lathe of small mechanical cities. But don't cloudy-day! We'll find the heart eventually- I don't care if we need to tear the engine down to every bolt and moment to do so. ~ Christopher Boucher
Vw Hatchback quotes by Christopher Boucher
What are they doing?" he whispered.
The pinball machine's scoreboard was full, the bank's windows fogged. They were so involved- so cofaithed- that they didn't know we were there.
The VW's face joined, "Are they hurting each other?"
I took a breath. "There's risk involved, because of what they can't see. Plus the risk of trust. But no-they're not hurting each other."
The bank whispered something in the pinball machine's ear and the pinball machine giggled.
"What are they saying to each other?" the VW said.
"They're expressing their faith, VW-sharing it."
Just then I heard a rustle, soft at first, then louder…Distracted by other things-the VW, the faith in the trees- I had forgotten to keep the mountain straight in my mind. I had let it go, and now it was changing, reversing itself, growing young: the leaves were turning from brown back to green… THIS was western Massachusetts-unpredictable; a changing moving bitch; a switcher of faces…how could I have many any progress here when mountains were mountains one moment and something else the next; when people were here one day and then GONE? ~ Christopher Boucher
Vw Hatchback quotes by Christopher Boucher
VW used to mean FAHRVERGNUGEN and now it's FARFROMUNION!

Birgit Von Schondorf ~ Birgit Von Schondorf
Vw Hatchback quotes by Birgit Von Schondorf
These commercials, I directed them all from inside the tracking vehicle, so I was traveling about 85mph most of the time, so there wasn't really anyone sitting beside me other than the driver. But, you know, yeah the agency is there and VW is there, which is- they're paying for it all and also because the agency created the boards, they want to make sure that you're not going off the rails in executing it. And also they can help, because they- it's a very different thing to cinema. ~ Paul W. S. Anderson
Vw Hatchback quotes by Paul W. S. Anderson
Off to California in that tired old VW with the disintegrating fuel pump like a family of dustbowl Okies? ~ Stephen King
Vw Hatchback quotes by Stephen King
I look at everyone in their Honda CR-Vs and their BMW X3s and their Audi Q3s and I think, Are you all mad? An ordinary estate or hatchback costs less to buy and less to run and is nicer to drive, more comfortable and just as practical. But it doesn't take up so much bloody space. ~ Jeremy Clarkson
Vw Hatchback quotes by Jeremy Clarkson
LOVE is measured in GAUGE TWENTY- specifically, love pressure in the surrounding area. If it drops below four percent, though, you may have trouble-the VW might get sad, slow down, or even stop altogether. If this occurs, you have to immediately find/write a story that somehow convinces him that there is more love, caring or compassion in the area than he thinks there is. I can't tell you how many times this has been a problem for us- how many trips were interrupted because I had to head into the nearest populated town to see if we could find examples of kindness. ~ Christopher Boucher
Vw Hatchback quotes by Christopher Boucher
Andrews threw the convertible in gear, and I trailed a hand over the bright red finish. Probably fresh off the lot - unlike my little hatchback, which had been factory assembled in the same decade witches came out of the broom closet. ~ Kalayna Price
Vw Hatchback quotes by Kalayna Price
I'm a very collaborative person, so that's not the way I work any way. Once VW got over the idea that I was going to blow their cars up, then we shot the thing really fast and it came out really good. Like I said, it won a bunch of awards and that really was the start of working in commercials. ~ Paul W. S. Anderson
Vw Hatchback quotes by Paul W. S. Anderson
VW Valley is one of the final mountains one climbs on Selection--but it's among the worst.
VW stands for Voluntary Withdrawal, and when you see the mountain you can understand why people have often quit here.
Steep, windswept, and boggy--and at mile thirty it is the point where many recruits quit and remove themselves from the course--broken by the sheer distance, weight, and speed.
But not me. Not now.
On my backside, I slid down the first steep reentrant leading into the bowl of the valley. I was using the butt of my weapon to steer me as I glissaded down the snow, and I finally slowed at the bottom, near an iced-over stream.
I crossed it and started straight up the face with Trucker behind me.
On and on and on--until finally at the crest I collapsed and waited for him.
Trux's feet were both badly swollen. Later on he discovered that he'd broken both of his big toes somewhere around this point. It was purely from the incessant pounding his feet were taking. He was in agony.
I heard him muttering under his breath. He was mumbling Bible verses to himself.
We had often both quietly prayed together before the big marches. Now we needed that help more than ever.
"I am holding you by your right hand…Do not be afraid. I am here to help you." Isaiah, 41:13.
If ever I needed to hear such words it was now.
It is easy to be cynical and to think you do not need help when all is going your way; but if Selection taught me anyth ~ Bear Grylls
Vw Hatchback quotes by Bear Grylls
We drove out of New Paltz heading due north. Squeezed into my tiny hatchback, among our boxes and bags, were my dog, Nico, the hens, and the humming hive of bees, its openings covered over with tape. The dog eyed the hive, the chickens eyed the dog, and if the bees weren't nervous they were the only ones. ~ Kristin Kimball
Vw Hatchback quotes by Kristin Kimball
Dana daydreamed of one day being able to set her agenda at B.Altman with the same courage and tenacity as the woman who was now driving the VW while speaking animatedly about her travel plans for the near future. She would be journeying to India in search of exotic merchandise for the store's Indian extravaganza, a lavish event planned by Ira Neimark and Dawn Mello to compete with Bloomingdale's Retailing as Theater movement. The movement was the brainchild of Bloomingdale's Marvin Traub, who staged elaborate presentations such as China: Heralding the Dawn of a New Era. Typical extravaganzas featured fashion, clothing, food, and art from various regions of the world.
"I'll bring back enough items to make Bloomingdale's blush!" Nina said confidently. "And I'm not just talking sweaters, hats, and walking sticks. I'll stop first in the Himalayas and prowl the Landour Bazaar."
Lynn Steward ~ A Very Good Life ~ Lynn Steward
Vw Hatchback quotes by Lynn Steward
In Europe, you would almost never have people with large amounts of income being happy with a two-volume vehicle like a hatchback or a minivan. They want to structurally show their societal position, which is why three volumes are so popular. They show 'I'm part of that hierarchy.' ~ Chris Bangle
Vw Hatchback quotes by Chris Bangle
For some reason, she didn't want to take the motorcycle, so that left my car, the ever trusty (almost always) Blue Beetle, in old-school VW Bug that had seen me through one nasty scrape after another. More than once, it had been pounded badly, but always it had risen to do battle once more – if by battle one means driving somewhere at a sedate speed, without much acceleration and only middling gas mileage. ~ Jim Butcher
Vw Hatchback quotes by Jim Butcher
Bad thing upon bad thing upon bad thing until you can't take anymore, and then it's off to the nearest multistory car park in the family hatchback with a length of rubber tubing. Surely that's fair enough? Surely the coroner's report should read, He took his own life after sober and careful contemplation of the fucking shambles it had become. ~ Nick Hornby
Vw Hatchback quotes by Nick Hornby
Eventually a guy behind the hog farmer broke ranks, and stepped forward. A pragmatist, clearly. He walked to the car and lifted the hatchback and put the bags inside, one by one, first Keever's, then Chang's. ~ Lee Child
Vw Hatchback quotes by Lee Child
VW grows with the challenges. We continue to do, even when times are tough. ~ Martin Winterkorn
Vw Hatchback quotes by Martin Winterkorn
Don't mind being as miserable as you like with me - I have a great turn that way myself - [VW] ~ Vita Sackville-West
Vw Hatchback quotes by Vita Sackville-West
All my parents wanted was the open road and a VW camper van. That was enough escape for them. The ocean, the night sky, some acoustic guitar.. what more could you ask? Well, actually, you could ask to go soaring off the side of a mountain on a snowboard, feeling as if, for one moment you are riding the clouds instead of the snow. You could scour Southeast Asia, like the world weary twenty somethings in Alex Garland's novel The Beach, looking for the one corner of the globe uncharted by the Lonely Planet to start your own private utopia. You could, for the matter, join a new age cult and dream of alien abduction. From the occult to raves to riots it seems that the eternal urge for escape has never enjoyed such niche marketing. ~ Naomi Klein
Vw Hatchback quotes by Naomi Klein
It looks like my grandma's old VW Rabbit after the Berlin Wall fell on it. Twice. ~ Cecily White
Vw Hatchback quotes by Cecily White
Yep. It's basically the same car as a VW Touareg, ~ Nick Alexander
Vw Hatchback quotes by Nick Alexander
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