Unnecessary War Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Unnecessary War.

Quotes About Unnecessary War

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The war ... was an unnecessary condition of affairs, and might have been avoided if forebearance and wisdom had been practiced on both sides. ~ Robert E.Lee
Unnecessary War quotes by Robert E.Lee
Tis a common observation here that our cause is the cause of all mankind, and that we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own. ~ Benjamin Franklin
Unnecessary War quotes by Benjamin Franklin
We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
Unnecessary War quotes by Dwight D. Eisenhower
The man who in times of popular excitement boldly and unflinchingly resists hot-tempered clamor for an unnecessary war, and thus exposes himself to the opprobrious imputation of a lack of patriotism or of courage, to the end of saving his country from a great calamity, is, as to 'loving and faithfully serving his country,' at least as good a patriot as the hero of the most daring feat of arms," Schurz ~ Stephen Kinzer
Unnecessary War quotes by Stephen Kinzer
I never justify, sustain, or in any way or to any extent uphold this cruel, heartless, aimless unnecessary war. ~ Franklin Pierce
Unnecessary War quotes by Franklin Pierce
Selfishness is unnecessary. War is obsolete. ~ R. Buckminster Fuller
Unnecessary War quotes by R. Buckminster Fuller
Ferguson argued that British involvement in World War I was unnecessary, far too costly in lives and money for any advantage gained, and a Pyrrhic victory that in many ways contributed to the end of the Empire. ~ David Harsanyi
Unnecessary War quotes by David Harsanyi
It is said by Bush men and women that we fought (the Iraq War) to strike against terrorism - except that Iraq had no documented role in the Sept. 11 attacks. It is said that we fought from a moral objection to tyranny - except that we don't seem all that troubled by tyrants in nations that lack huge oil reserves. Everything is said except the truth: that we rushed into an unnecessary war on a half-baked mission. And that the repercussions of our hubris will shadow us for years. ~ Leonard Pitts
Unnecessary War quotes by Leonard Pitts
Waging an unnecessary war is a grave mistake. ~ Scott McClellan
Unnecessary War quotes by Scott McClellan
One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once 'The Unnecessary War'. ~ Winston S. Churchill
Unnecessary War quotes by Winston S. Churchill
I am mistakes and victories and death and life. I am competent and powerful and strong, and whatever this war brings my way --even death-- I will face it like the queen I am. ~ Sara Raasch
Unnecessary War quotes by Sara Raasch
You can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man,'Laina said, ...
'You know that song?'
'Of course. People used to recite it in the war. I didn't know it was a song. For the longest time I thought it was from the Qur'an. ~ Anthony Marra
Unnecessary War quotes by Anthony Marra
I invite all to trust in the merits and in the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Through His atoning sacrifice, we can gain the courage to win all the wars of our time, even in the midst of our difficulties, challenges, and temptations. Let us trust in His # love and power to save. ~ Ulisses Soares
Unnecessary War quotes by Ulisses Soares
We study the glory of God, and the honour and liberty of parliament, for which we unanimously fight, without seeking our own interests ... I profess I could never satisfy myself on the justness of this war, but from the authority of the parliament to maintain itself in its rights; and in this cause I hope to prove myself an honest man and single-hearted. ~ Oliver Cromwell
Unnecessary War quotes by Oliver Cromwell
When war comes, reason is regarded as treason. ~ I. F. Stone
Unnecessary War quotes by I. F. Stone
Walk me, foreign valley
Hear us wail, know our call,
Kill me, the troubled nomad, war torn and hungry
Quell the sun and all its tyranny.
Break the day, so to say and slay,
the snow and all we know,
Let come the horror we've been counting on.
Be it the fault together, of our catalyst and our progeny. ~ Rosca Marx
Unnecessary War quotes by Rosca Marx
Teach him to deny himself. ~ Robert E.Lee
Unnecessary War quotes by Robert E.Lee
The works of mercy are the opposite of the works of war, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, nursing the sick, visiting the prisoner. But we are destroying crops, setting fire to entire villages and to the people in them. We are not performing the works of mercy but the works of war. ~ Dorothy Day
Unnecessary War quotes by Dorothy Day
….two slate-colored gravestones settled at a slant into the lower corner of the field beside the lane. She could not read the names engraved on them, but she knew what they were. Joseph Watson, 1820-1891, and James Watson, son of Joseph and Hannah Watson, 1844-1863. The grave of Hannah Watson lay beside her husband's and because she had died last, she had no marker, unless the pine tree growing there might count as one. To-morrow two men would drive up and leave a basket of flowers and a flag for Joseph because he had fought in the Civil War, and for James because he had died on his way home from it, but they would not have anything for Hannah because she had only identified her son James one hot summer day on the platform of North Derwich Station, and raised all the food her husband ate for twenty years as he sat in a chair in her kitchen, and done washings for Mrs. Hale to buy monuments for them at the end. But the flowers would die in the boxes; even if Jen found time to go down and set out the pansy plants in the ground, stray cows were sure to eat them off before the summer was over; and the Forrest children would take the flags to play with. Nothing would interfere with the tree. ~ Gladys Hasty Carroll
Unnecessary War quotes by Gladys Hasty Carroll
Stupas protect beings from 5 major disasters: war, epidemic diseases, famine, pollution, n poverty. ~ Akong Rinpoche
Unnecessary War quotes by Akong Rinpoche
To be a good reporter, writing about war, you have to write about the people. It's not about the tanks or the RPGs or military strategy. It's always about the effect war has on civilians, on society, and how it disrupts and destroys lives. ~ Janine Di Giovanni
Unnecessary War quotes by Janine Di Giovanni
If the question is 'How do we stop enormous evils in the world?' the answer is, unfortunately, quite frequently 'War.' Nazi and Japanese racist genocide were ended by soldiers shooting people, and by bombers bombing people, not by people who believed 'war is not the answer. ~ Dennis Prager
Unnecessary War quotes by Dennis Prager
In seven days God had created the Earth. In a single day mankind had turned it upside down. ~ Kristina McMorris
Unnecessary War quotes by Kristina McMorris
War is elective. It is not an inevitable state of affairs. War is not the weather. ~ Susan Sontag
Unnecessary War quotes by Susan Sontag
Others may fashion more smoothly images of bronze (I for one believe it), evoke living faces from marble, plead causes better, trace with a wand the wanderings of the heavens and foretell the rising of stars. But you, Roman, remember to rule the peoples with power (these will be your arts); impose the habit of peace, spare the vanquished and war down the proud! ~ Virgil
Unnecessary War quotes by Virgil
It is your duty,' he said, 'to recover your country not by gold but by the sword. You will be fighting with all you love before your eyes: the temples of the gods, your wives and children, the soil of your native land scarred with the ravages of war, and everything which honor and truth call upon you to defend, or recover, or avenge. ~ Livy
Unnecessary War quotes by Livy
Nuclear threats and nuclear weapons are the last argument of weak, stressed and irresponsible politicians. People must act very quicky to stop the movement to nuclear war. ~ Alla Yaroshinskaya
Unnecessary War quotes by Alla Yaroshinskaya
If there was ever a candidate to be patron saint of computers then it would be Alan Turing. Mathematician, war hero and tragic victim of homophobia. ~ Ben Aaronovitch
Unnecessary War quotes by Ben Aaronovitch
So great are the psychological restistances to war in modern nations, that every war must appear to be a war of defence against a menacing, murderous aggressor. There must be no ambiguity about whom the public is to hate. Guilt and guilelessness must be assessed geographically and all the guilt must be on the other side of the frontier. ~ Harold Lasswell
Unnecessary War quotes by Harold Lasswell
I suppose we ought to be getting home, in any case."

"Oh god, is it wartime already?"

"Look on the bright side: it'll be dinner when we get back. ~ Chris Cleave
Unnecessary War quotes by Chris Cleave
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate ~ Marvin Gaye
Unnecessary War quotes by Marvin Gaye
Heart of the heartless world,
Dear heart, the thought of you
Is the pain at my side,
The shadow that chills my view.
The wind rises in the evening,
Reminds that autumn is near.
I am afraid to lose you,
I am afraid of my fear.
On the last mile to Huesca,
The last fence for our pride,
Think so kindly, dear, that I
Sense you at my side.
And if bad luck should lay my strength
Into the shallow grave,
Remember all the good you can;
Don't forget my love. ~ John Cornford
Unnecessary War quotes by John Cornford
For Americans war is almost all of the time a nuisance, and military skill is a luxury like Mah-Jongg. But when the issue is brought home to them, war becomes as important, for the necessary period, as business or sport. And it is hard to decide which is likely to be the more ominous for the Axis
an American decision that this is sport, or that it is business. ~ D. W Brogan
Unnecessary War quotes by D. W Brogan
The war ... must go on till the last man of this generation falls in his tracks ... unless you acknowledge our right to self-government. We are not fighting for slavery. We are fighting for Independence,and that, or extermination, we WILL have. ~ Jefferson Davis
Unnecessary War quotes by Jefferson Davis
When I think of war, I see blood. Pain and suffering. Nothing good comes from war.
But there is good. There will be an outcome. One side will find peace, solace. While the other will end in bitter loss.
There are two sides to the coin of war. ~ Hafsah Faizal
Unnecessary War quotes by Hafsah Faizal
To a degree, the West is reaping what it sowed from a major strategic blunder in the aftermath of 9/11 - the entire concept of a war on technique, that is, terrorism. Defining the enemy when fighting a concept was impossible. ~ Kurt Eichenwald
Unnecessary War quotes by Kurt Eichenwald
Listen, I'm 41 years old. I've got two kids. I've got a career. The last thing I need to be doing is having a beef with A Tribe Called Quest. It's silly and it was unnecessary. It ain't the first time that a director hasn't seen eye to eye with a subject and it ain't going to be the last time. ~ Michael Rapaport
Unnecessary War quotes by Michael Rapaport
The war had remade her. Reshaped her purpose. Why couldn't she unmake it again? ~ Kameron Hurley
Unnecessary War quotes by Kameron Hurley
War is the only game in which both sides lose. ~ Walter Scott
Unnecessary War quotes by Walter Scott
There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy ~ George Washington
Unnecessary War quotes by George Washington
War has traditionally been a man's work, although we know that often women were the cause of violence. ~ Betty Williams
Unnecessary War quotes by Betty Williams
Iraq is in a civil war. There is no road in that country that is safe. ~ Mark Shields
Unnecessary War quotes by Mark Shields
'The Man in the High Castle' was not the first alternative history novel, nor even the first Nazis-win-the-war novel, but it is still probably the most influential book in the genre. ~ Adrian McKinty
Unnecessary War quotes by Adrian McKinty
Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a face. ~ Jacques Chirac
Unnecessary War quotes by Jacques Chirac
But I would not say a word until I could set aside all I know or believe about nations, war, leaders, the governed and the ungovernable; all I suspect about armor and entrails. First I would freshen my tongue, abandon sentences crafted to know evil--wanton or studied; explosive or quietly sinister; whether born of a sated appetite or hunger; of vengeance or the simple compulsion to stand up before falling down. I would purge my language of hyperbole, of its eagerness to analyze the levels of wickedness; ranking them, calculating their higher or lower status among others of its kind.
Speaking to the broken and the dead is too difficult for a mouth full of blood. Too holy an act for impure thoughts. ... I must be steady and I must be clear, knowing all the time that I have nothing to say--no words stronger than steel that pressed you into itself; no scripture older or more elegant than the ancient atoms you have become.
And I have nothing to give either--except this gesture, this thread thrown between your humanity and mine: I want to hold you in my arms and as your soul got shot out of its box of flesh to understand as you have done, the wit of eternity; it's gift of unhinged release through the darkness of its knell. ~ Toni Morrison
Unnecessary War quotes by Toni Morrison
I couldn t help but say to Mr. Gorbachev just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another planet. We d find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this earth together ~ Ronald Reagan
Unnecessary War quotes by Ronald Reagan
Lysistrata: To seize the treasury; no more money, no more war. ~ Aristophanes
Unnecessary War quotes by Aristophanes
Time to employ some anti-distraction techniques in this war for our meanings. ~ K.A. Gunn
Unnecessary War quotes by K.A. Gunn
In the Crusades, getting the Holy Land back was the goal, and any means could be used to achieve it. World War II was a crusade. The firebombing of Tokyo by Doolittle and the carpet bombing in Germany, especially by the British, showed that. ~ Stanley Hauerwas
Unnecessary War quotes by Stanley Hauerwas
Post World War II America draws a great deal of interest, but the students also seem to know quite a bit about American exceptionalism and its historical roots. ~ Mohammad Marandi
Unnecessary War quotes by Mohammad Marandi
One didn't understand, until one had seen a great many bodies, the unconscious effort that one must be making every minute simply to keep one's hands and face and clothes clean. The world's surfaces were so filthy that the living touched them only with the tips of their fingers and the soles of their shoes. How grubby it was to die, to give up making that effort. ~ Chris Cleave
Unnecessary War quotes by Chris Cleave
The author likens crisis, and particularly war, to stop motion photography in its capacity to make changes plain that are ordinarily too gradual to be seen. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Unnecessary War quotes by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Until they feel what we feel, they will never fully understand the own hell they caused. ~ Shannon A. Thompson
Unnecessary War quotes by Shannon A. Thompson
My mother was a product of World War II. My grandfather was on leave in Edinburgh when he met my grandmother. ~ Martin Henderson
Unnecessary War quotes by Martin Henderson
War! When I but think of this word, I feel bewildered, as though they were speaking to me of sorcery, of the Inquisition, of a distant, finished, abominable, monstrous, unnatural thing. When they speak to us of cannibals, we smile proudly, as we proclaim our superiority to these savages. Who are the real savages? Those who struggle in order to eat those whom they vanquish, or those who struggle merely to kill? ~ Guy De Maupassant
Unnecessary War quotes by Guy De Maupassant
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