Sturgess Anstey Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Sturgess Anstey.

Quotes About Sturgess Anstey

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I worked as an actor for a few years before anything happened, so I'm used to going up for auditions, and then not getting the role. But sometimes I don't read the book of the film, in case I just totally fall in love with it, and then it just becomes an obsession and you want to do it so much because you've completely fallen in love with the story and the characters. And then, if the part doesn't go your way, it's heartbreaking. So, there's a certain amount of distance you have to keep before you can throw yourself in 100%. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
She was now overburdened with thoughts of tardiness and broken wheels while her solicitor's emissary thought nothing of being mysterious. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
The films that I really liked and the ones that really blew my mind when I was younger were independent films. They're like great records to me. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
You could pick another two people and you'd have a whole other story and that's why films about love get made and made and made - because there's a million ways to tell it and no two stories are the same. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
To spend time with Ed Harris ... he's an acting hero of mine, so that's a big deal for me. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
This whole state of affairs was nothing short of a disaster.
"Frowning, Lydia plopped--very unladylike--onto the firm morning room settee.
Disaster. Her father would not appreciate the word's use--too much emotion, smacked of an indecent amount of sensibility. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Out of every 10 scripts I get sent, seven are fairly generic about an American guy who gets the girl and is involved in underground espionage activity. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Spencer's brows furrowed and his gaze went from her hand to her mouth. The singular way in which he was staring made Juliana feel rather heady, as if she were about to float away. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
She would create such a to-do that Mr. Pyebald would be required to explain, or slink off to hide in a deep dark hole, infested with snakes and rats … maybe a spider or two … knee deep in sheep and pig slop … cold and miserable. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Definitely River Phoenix is somebody that I thought, 'This guy is very cool.' I wanted to be like him when I was a kid. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Love is such a powerful subject matter because it comes in so many different shapes and sizes. It's about timing, fate, failure, redemption. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
I was quite badly behaved at school - I remember cutting class - and acting was a way of channelling energy. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
I'd always been quite wary of doing a romantic comedy. They all seem the same to me. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
I didn't want the words 'Spider-Man' attached to my name in any shape or form. Especially a singing one. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
In the world of independent filmmaking, you're never quite sure what's happening when and where. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Juliana shut her eyes again. She squeezed them so tightly that colors danced inside her head. Or was that because she wasn't breathing? It could be either one. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Please, I do not wish to be rescued by a gentleman. Could you find a farmer or a shopkeep - anyone not of the gentry - and then do me a great favor of forgetting you saw me? ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
British actors come at acting from a slightly different angle. Because a lot of the films are cast out there, they are so used to the angle from which the Americans, and certainly the young guys from L.A., are coming at it, that I think it's interesting for them to find these English actors who maybe approach acting from a different place. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
It kind of sounds pretentious, but a film I find deeply romantic is 'Buffalo '66,' which is a film by Vincent Gallo. It's about how you break down all those barriers and expose yourself and open yourself up to ultimately being hurt. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
As you wake up to sort of Morocco coming to life, and you drive a two hour journey through the desert as the sun is rising over the sand dunes ... I saw landscapes and visual stuff that I'll never forget. It was special. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
I really don't like the idea of people knowing what I am doing. I find telling everybody what you had for breakfast is really uninspiring. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Robert crossed Pulteney Bridge with a light step. He grinned at the boy raking odiferous horse manure to the curb and tipped him well for his service. He nodded - with a grin - to the puzzled driver of a hack heading into the city. And he bowed - with a grin - as he stepped aside to allow the weary-looking woman with two toddlers to pass.
None to see him would realize that Robert had fallen under the hooves of a racing carriage and risen from the other side unscathed - metaphorically speaking, of course. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
'Upside Down' is a fantasy love story. It's about love at first sight - when you just fall in love instantly and will battle any obstacle to be with that girl. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Come on, you can't do a film about an upside-down world and not have an upside-down kiss! ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
I shall be considered completely beyond the pale if I am dashed upon the rocks. Aunt will be so uncomfortable. Most inconsiderate of me. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Prudent and practical, rational and restrained - all excellent sentiments. Though discreet and careful could be another approach. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Home is here in London and always has been. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
When I was younger, I looked to actors like they were from another planet. You couldn't believe you could be anywhere near that world. It was exciting. I kind of like that. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
She quite enjoyed the intensity of the stranger's gaze whenever their eyes met, and her sudden shortness of breath was not in the least alarming. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Robert." It was a sigh and a call at the same time. She ignored the lump in her throat and called again.

In an instant, her view was obscured. "Lydia!"
They were eye-to-eye, and neither said anything for a moment or two.
Finally, after an audible gulp, Robert spoke in a whisper. "Are you all right?"
"I've had better days," she said in seriousness, and then realized the absurdity of her words and chuckled. "I'm covered in dirt, cuts, and bruises and sporting a lovely goose egg above my ear. One of my favorite gowns is nothing but a ruin, but other than that, I am fine. And now that you are here, I am better."
"Thank the Lord. I cannot tell you how relieved I am to hear you say so. I have been imagining all sorts … well, let's talk about this later."
"Yes, when we don't have to whisper through a wall."
"So what is the plan?"
"Hmm … well, plans are a little lacking at this moment. I had expected to rush in and simply grab you, but there are three guards by the door. I procured a thick stick, but three to one … well, not good odds. My second idea was to loosen some of these boards and pull you out. I have also acquired a horse. So once out, we can sneak or run, whichever is the most prudent."
"Yes, but the getting-out part seems to be the problem. For, if I am not mistaken, none of the boards on this side of the barn are loose, and the other sides are too close to the villains."
"There does seem to be a decide ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
You find most of the interesting stories are the ones that are slightly harder to get made. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
I moved to Manchester to join a band and ended up getting into acting, and I moved back to London to become an actor and ended up joining a band. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Most of my friends are from the music scene. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Sometimes you read a script, and you just think, 'Wow, I would love to go and tell that story, and I don't even care what happens to the film, I would just love that experience.' And often, that mentality makes a great film. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Still, most fathers would want to see their child happily settled."

"Yes, indeed. He would be one of the first to wish me well … but…"


"Change is not his ally. Father doesn't realize it, of course, but he falls into a decline whenever there is the slightest deviation of his routine. He leans on it most heavily and would tumble if the prop disappeared. Even my summer away will be detrimental to his well-being."


"Yes, indeed, most heartily. I have reports that he has not been eating as he should. Needs my cajoling, I suspect."

"Still, your papa would not want to see you sacrifice your happiness for his."

"No more than I would want to sacrifice his happiness for mine."

"Dear me, that is quite the quandary."

"Yes, quite."

"He might be more adaptable than you think."

Juliana held up her hand to stop his continuing protest. "Do not believe it is in any way a hardship on my part. I have other interests that keep me well occupied." She could safely allude to her research without actually tipping her hand.

"Such as watercolor and arranging flowers."

"Not to mention walking around with a tome on my head."

"Yes, I can see how that would keep you busy." He paused and glanced at her bonnet, as if the imaginary book were sitting on it. "Would you read said tome?"

"Of course, especially if were something truly f ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
After 'The Way Back,' which was so epic and so rich, it was like, 'What will I do now?' ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
I never met Paul McCartney. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Next time she flew off a cliff, she would try to remember to wear her worsted skirts. Perhaps then, ouch, she would not have to suffer additional bruising. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Juliana was momentarily at a loss for words, a strange condition for her. It didn't last long. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Don't you agree?"
"Indeed," Robert answered without thought, and then sharply shook his head. "I beg your pardon. You were saying?"
"That Mr. Warner is a thorough investigator, and despite his doubts, I believe he will succeed in ferreting out our master criminal." She stared up at him from the settee, looking quite at ease.
"Master criminal?"
"Yes, Les and Morley could hardly be accused of the cleverness needed for such a planned endeavor."
"Yes … no…" With a frown, Robert scanned the room. "Indeed, a master … Where is Mr. Warner?"
Lydia laughed, a delightful carillon. "Robert, my dear friend, you were woolgathering. I thought as much; your expression was rather blank."
"Was it?" Robert was very glad to know that he did not look the lovesick calf he felt. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Well met, my boy." Uncle James's voice still boomed despite the close proximity. "Sorry we were tardy; last-minute papers to deal with, you know. But never you mind, we are here now. And what a trail of happy gossips you have left meandering through the Gardens. You were easy to find. We simply followed the blathering nonsense and listened for the indignant harrumphs ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
I'm not an outdoors person by instinct or nature. I'm more of a city person. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
It's always interesting to me to tell stories that come from difficult political climates. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Kemble turned the full force of his pique on Robert, scowling and pointing. He was rather like an overexcited basset hound - all bark, no bite … and droopy ears. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Certainly after '21' I was getting the opportunity to make a lot of money. ~ Jim Sturgess
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Jim Sturgess
Cora's weak smile disappeared entirely, and she eyed Lydia in such a way that Lydia began to regret her approach. But the die was cast - the deed was done, in for a penny, in for a pound. Might as well take the bull by the horns. Lydia was fully aware that in her anxiety she had overused her metaphors. ~ Cindy Anstey
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Cindy Anstey
Mr. Sturgess ran the classes with iron, ex-military discipline. We each had spots on the floor, denoting where we should stand rigidly to attention, awaiting our next task. And he pushed us hard. It felt like Mr. Sturgess had forgotten that we were only age six--but as kids, we loved it.
It made us feel special.
We would line up in rows beneath a metal bar, some seven feet off the ground, then one by one we would say: "Up, please, Mr. Sturgess," and he would lift us up and leave us hanging, as he continued down the line.
The rules were simple: you were not allowed to ask permission to drop off until the whole row was up and hanging, like dead pheasants in a game larder. And even then you had to request: "Down, please, Mr. Sturgess." If you buckled and dropped off prematurely, you were sent back in shame to your spot.
I found I loved these sessions and took great pride in determining to be the last man hanging. Mum would say that she couldn't bear to watch as my little skinny body hung there, my face purple and contorted in blind determination to stick it out until the bitter end.
One by one the other boys would drop off the bar, and I would be left hanging there, battling to endure until the point where even Mr. Sturgess would decide it was time to call it.
I would then scuttle back to my mark, grinning from ear to ear.
"Down, please, Mr. Sturgess," became a family phrase for us, as an example of hard physical exercise, strict discipline, an ~ Bear Grylls
Sturgess Anstey quotes by Bear Grylls
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