Spaghetti Westerns Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Spaghetti Westerns.

Quotes About Spaghetti Westerns

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Spaghetti Westerns are really brutal and operatic with a surreal quality to the violence. ~ Quentin Tarantino
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Quentin Tarantino
Sergio Leone was a big influence on me because of the spaghetti westerns. ~ Quentin Tarantino
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Quentin Tarantino
I was always a fan of the great old spaghetti Westerns, the Sergio Leone films. But the one that always sticks with me, that I just thought was brilliant and perfect is "Cat Ballou." Lee Marvin in "Cat Ballou." ~ Johnny Depp
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Johnny Depp
I always knew I wanted to do a Western. And trying to think of what that would be, I always figured that if I did a Western, it would have a lot of the aesthetics of Spaghetti Westerns, because I really like them. ~ Quentin Tarantino
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Quentin Tarantino
As a child, I was subjected to a lot of spaghetti Westerns and hated them. I wanted the Indians to win - or just not be so sad! ~ Kara Walker
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Kara Walker
We talked to Sergei Bodrov who did "Mongel" who I thought was incredible. There was a lot of people who've done a lot of things that I really appreciate and then you go back to the Italian spaghetti westerns that our spaghetti westerns were based off of so I've seen everything. ~ Josh Brolin
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Josh Brolin
Hollywood cools, and when it cools you have to go to where the work is. I ran off to Italy to do spaghetti westerns. ~ Tab Hunter
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Tab Hunter
In all good westerns, the good guy is always a little bit questionable because he kind-of has to make moral judgments. ~ Daniel Craig
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Daniel Craig
Studios, because they are investing a great deal of money in movies, they want a guarantee that when they hire somebody that person can deliver for them. Everything is fear based, so they pigeonhole people. But I've written everything, from Westerns to sci-fi to dramedy, I've done it all. ~ Melissa Rosenberg
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Melissa Rosenberg
'3:10 to Yuma' was one that I just kept on talking and thinking about after reading it. And I think the reason is because, like in most Westerns, you have the very clear-cut bad-guy/good-guy, however, as the movie progresses, you kind of see that it's a very fine line that divides these two. ~ Christian Bale
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Christian Bale
Spaghetti ... I can't eat spaghetti, there's too many of them. No matter how hungry I am, 1,000 of something is too many. I'll have 1,000 pieces of noodles. ~ Mitch Hedberg
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Mitch Hedberg
We danced in the handkerchief-big space between the speak-easy tables, in which stood the plates of half-eaten spaghetti or chicken bones and the bottles of Dago red. For about five minutes the dancing had some value in itself, then it became very much like acting out some complicated and portentous business in a dream which seems to have a meaning but whose meaning you can't figure out. Then the music was over, and stopping dancing was like waking up from the dream, being glad to wake up and escape and yet distressed because now you won't ever know what it had been all about. ~ Robert Penn Warren
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Robert Penn Warren
She was in a coma, and had been unresponsive for years. Every Tuesday I'd visit her and read to her, and as I'd leave I'd always say, "I love you," as I'd kiss her on her forehead.

One day as I was leaving, I said my normal I love you and kissed her, when her eyes popped open, she looked directly into my eyes, smiled, and then she said, "Spaghetti for brains albino idea weasel."

And that was when I stabbed her with a piece of garlic toast. It seemed like the most appropriate response. The police didn't seem to agree, and I could tell by the way they bagged the evidence in a To Go box that they thought I was the lowest of the low, lower perhaps than even a politician.

Well, not quite that low, but certainly with the cockroaches, vultures, and aids-infested vampires. ~ Jarod Kintz
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Jarod Kintz
Anyway, a bunch of penguins were living in a ceramic bowl of cold spaghetti noodles. There was no tomato sauce because it didn't exist yet, but that was okay. As the spaghetti was cold, moisture condensed upon it. This kept the spaghetti from sticking, or from sticking to the penguins, or the bowl. It also kept the penguins from sticking to the bowl, and from sticking to each other.
As I mentioned, tomato sauce did not exist yet. You should realize since this was a beginning, the moisture didn't either. Neither did the bowl. I think you can guess about the penguins. How could there be penguins if nothing existed yet? ~ David S. Atkinson
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by David S. Atkinson
It came to him that he had turned away from the buffalo not because of a womanish nausea at blood and stench and spilling gut; it came to him that he had sickened and turned away because of his shock at seeing the buffalo, a few moments before proud and noble and full of the dignity of life, now stark and helpless, a length of inert meat, divested of itself, or his notion of its self, swinging grotesquely, mockingly, before him. It was not itself; or it was not that self that he had imagined it to be. That self was murdered; and in that murder he had felt the destruction of something within him, and he had not been able to face it. So he had turned away. ~ John Edward Williams
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by John Edward Williams
Run to the local bookshop and buy a copy of How to Learn Mind Control in Ten Minutes by Professor Stephen Haste and very quickly hypnotise Miss Spite into thinking he had already given her his homework. Disguise himself as a plate of spaghetti Bolognese. Bribe the school nurse into telling Miss Spite he had died. ~ David Walliams
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by David Walliams
Sci-fi films are as dead as westerns. ~ Ridley Scott
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Ridley Scott
What the fuck is wrong with Westerns? Westerns are the shit." "Oh yeah, tell me, why are westerns THE SHIT?" Ti said, air quoting around THE SHIT. "Because back in the old west, the men were real men. They took charge of the situation. They handled their business by earning respect and gunning down anyone who stood in their way. Cowboys were the first guys to have the balls to be lawless and say fuck-all to society. ~ T.M. Frazier
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by T.M. Frazier
In the John Wayne movies, the Indians were savages that were trying to scalp you. That culture has really suffered because of the stereotype you see in those westerns. ~ Ricky Schroder
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Ricky Schroder
Even your breakfast burrito plays a role; Lieberman's investigations had revealed that as our diet shifted over the centuries from chewy stuff like raw roots and wild game and gave way to mushy cooked staples like spaghetti and ground beef, our faces began to shrink. Ben Franklin's face was chunkier than yours; Caesar's was bigger than his. ~ Christopher McDougall
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Christopher McDougall
Sea spaghetti looks like dark fettuccine and has a similar texture - you can get it in health food stores or online. ~ Yotam Ottolenghi
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Yotam Ottolenghi
An Ebola particle is only around eighty nanometres wide and a thousand nanometres long. If it were the size of a piece of spaghetti, then a human hair would be about twelve feet in diameter and would resemble the trunk of a giant redwood tree. ~ Richard Preston
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Richard Preston
Why westerns get segregated into a genre in Hollywood, I don't know ... It's just good entertainment. ~ Tom Selleck
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Tom Selleck
There's something great about terrible westerns. They look like gay dancers and bad, overwrought dialogue and overacting, black and white sped up horses. ~ Alec Sulkin
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Alec Sulkin
Spaghetti is my favorite spaghetti that I like to spaghetti ~ Hamburglar
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Hamburglar
I've thought about doing other dramatic roles besides westerns, but I grew up in the West and I know the West. ~ Ken Curtis
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Ken Curtis
People are always asking me why they don't make Westerns like they used to. ~ Roy Rogers
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Roy Rogers
I kept pushing the old noga through the floorboards near, and the Durango 95 ate up the road like spaghetti. ~ Anthony Burgess
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Anthony Burgess
I decided to make spaghetti for lunch again. Not that I was the least bit hungry. But I couldn't just go on sitting on the sofa, waiting for the phone to ring. I had to move my body, to begin working toward some goal. I put water in a pot, turned on the gas, and until it boiled I would make tomato sauce while listening to an FM broadcast. The radio was playing an unaccompanied violin sonata by Bach. The performance itself was excellent, but there was something annoying about it. I didn't know whether this was the fault of the violinist or of my own present state of mind, but I turned off the music and went on cooking in silence. I heated the olive oil, put garlic in the pan, and added minced onions. When these began to brown, I added the tomatoes that I had chopped and strained. It was good to be cutting things and frying things like this. It gave me a sense of accomplishment that I could feel in my hands. I liked the sounds and the smells. ~ Haruki Murakami
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Haruki Murakami
I'd like to do a number of films. Westerns. Genre pieces. Maybe another film about Italian Americans where they're not gangsters, just to prove that not all Italians are gangsters. ~ Martin Scorsese
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Martin Scorsese
I like spaghetti because you don't have to take your eyes off the book to pick about among it, it's all the same. ~ Philip Larkin
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Philip Larkin
I love spaghetti. And I like to cook spaghetti. And I used to eat it every day. I weighed thirty pounds more than I do now. You can't - you can't do that. ~ Christopher Walken
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Christopher Walken
The spaghetti sauce is a good thing to think about. Morning, noon, and night, think about the spaghetti sauce. Think about hustling other people to buy the spaghetti sauce. ~ Paul Newman
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Paul Newman
I can't go to bed with John Wayne, so I do the next best thing: I go to bed with my girlfriend, who once met the great man. That's how much I love westerns. ~ Clive Sinclair
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Clive Sinclair
Nothing mitigates the throes of depression like a steaming plate of spaghetti and meatballs with marinara sauce and grated parmasan cheese, with a good fresh bread to wipe up. ~ Paul Clayton
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Paul Clayton
I would very much like to make Westerns. I love Westerns. I've worked on many Westerns in my youth, in Spain and here, and I love working on them. ~ John Landis
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by John Landis
There's a level where the themes of a film are very relevant to me and also the idea of finding out how relevant one genre is to another. I think that westerns and samurai films and superhero films have a lot in common. It's just that the scale of the visuals in tentpole films can sometimes overwhelm the drama. ~ James Mangold
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by James Mangold
We're talking about... a lot... of spaghetti, here. ~ Michael Makai
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Michael Makai
God help me, I'm gonna make sure we get out of this alive and I'm going to kill that son of a bitch ... I'm gonna make him wish he never stepped foot in this town -Emerson Shaw ~ Justin Bienvenue
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Justin Bienvenue
I've always read broadly: literary fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, chick lit, historical, dystopian, nonfiction, memoir. I've even read Westerns. I prefer female protagonists. ~ Sandra Cisneros
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Sandra Cisneros
I love westerns, I'd love to make more of them. ~ Jeff Bridges
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Jeff Bridges
I'm a big fan of Clint Eastwood, but the Westerns I draw from most directly come from an earlier period in Hollywood. I actually look back at movies like 'Rio Bravo' and others I've liked over the years, and I capture pictures from the movies and use them as a reference for the scenes I create. ~ Steve Sheinkin
Spaghetti Westerns quotes by Steve Sheinkin
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