Sonny Barger Brotherhood Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Sonny Barger Brotherhood.

Quotes About Sonny Barger Brotherhood

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Freedom is what we all seek, but it's what we do with that freedom that ultimately defines our character. In the end, a man's character cements his fate, good or bad. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
I don't think drugs should be illegal. I'm not an advocate of everybody running out and using drugs, but I think the drug wars are not working, there's millions and millions of dollars being spent on the drug war that we're never going to win. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
Find your speed, maintain your velocity, keep it up, keep it consistent, and stay in the pocket. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
The ride does not require an explanation, just participants. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
Treat people the way you want to be treated. When they don't treat you back that way, react. React to everything. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
The sun never sets on a Hells Angels' patch. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
I also thought of myself as the Sonny Barger of the film industry. ~ John Milius
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by John Milius
I'm not a deeply religious person and I don't really know if there's a God or not and I don't really even care, but something out there has got to control something. Because people can put a gun in their mouth and pull the trigger and live and someone else can slip on the curb and die. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
Don't ever hit a person first, but if anybody ever puts their hands on you, you hit them right between the eyes. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
Try to remember the reason you started riding a motorcycle in the first place. For me, it was a couple of things but mostly rebellion. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
You can say what you want about all the guns in the country [the USA], all the drugs, all the crime, but we all know 400,000 people a year die of cigarette-related deaths. How many people died of drugs, guns, automobile accidents? You add them all together it doesn't come anywhere near that. Yet they let me smoke and get cancer, and they put me in jail for having drugs. What's going on? The government don't care. It's all about money and job security. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
My most basic credo is: I never said freedom was cheap. And it ain't. Never will be. It's been the highest priced and most precious commodity in my life. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
You don't see people in prison treating each other the way people do on the outside, and the reason is that if you're rude to somebody in prison, you get killed. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
We've got thousands and thousands of people in jail on minor drug violations and they really don't need to be in jail. They're people whose lives are ruined. If drugs were legal there would be a lot less people using them. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
Treat me good, I'll treat you better, treat me bad and I'll treat you worse. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
There's the difference between hardcore motorcycle riders and people who own motorcycles. Some people ride'em and some people trailer'em. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
You can't lie down when people come on to use you, you have to stand up for your rights too. ~ Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Barger
I'll send you a friend request."
"You do that, sonny. I'm on the Internet every last Friday in the month, from eleven to three. ~ Nina George
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Nina George
Our world today is in need of peace, tolerance and brotherhood. The values of the Olympic Games can deliver these to us. May the Games be held in peace, in the true spirit of the Olympic Truce. Athletes of the 80 national Olympic committees, show us that sport unites by overcoming national, political, religious and language barriers. You can show us a world we all long for. ~ Jacques Rogge
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Jacques Rogge
In 1985 as a teenager in Kenya, I was an adamant member of the Muslim Brotherhood. ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
A timely and incisive look into the history, politics, and future of the Muslim Brotherhood by the foremost expert on Islamism in Egypt. Carrie Rosefsky Wickham has constructed a detailed account of how the Brotherhood confronts the challenges before it, and why and when it embraces change. Everyone concerned with the future of Egypt should read this book. ~ Vali Nasr
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Vali Nasr
The only brotherhood they belonged to was the one that asked that enduring question: How do I get through the next twenty minutes? They feared drys, cops, jailers, bosses, moralists, crazies, truth-tellers, and one another. they loved storytellers, liars, whores, fighters, singers, collie dogs that wagged their tails, and generous bandits. Rudy, thought Francis: he's just a bum, but who ain't? ~ William Kennedy
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by William Kennedy
If talk was money, you'd be a millionaire. If thoughts could kill, there'd be no one here. ~ Sonny Terry
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sonny Terry
What happened, man? Gerry and Ginsberg are cold, and dead, in the ground. Kesey's stoned, and out of town. We've come to the end of the brotherhood song. The children brandish knives upon each other's throats, and their loaded 45's sit snug in lunch boxes nestled safely between Oreo cookies and a ham sandwich. Where are you now, oh ancient hipsters? Raggedy Beats beat down and broken wheel raggedy wheelchairs down ghostly geriatric wards. Where are you now, oh day-glow dreamers? Have you gotten off the bus and into your Mercedes? Did you get that second mortgage, and bear your fattened little babies? Where is that girl with flowers in her hair? Where is the man with revolution in his veins? We ask ourselves "where did we go wrong?" But there is no we. There is you, and then there is I. You do what you need to survive, And I do what I must to stay alive. We stand here Bleeding, slicing each other's wrists With the icy ridges of hardened jagged hearts, Cassandra's ~ Bearl Brooks
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Bearl Brooks
Socialism is and will forever remain to be the only true religion of all the prophets. It's the struggle of brotherhood. ~ Mwanandeke Kindembo
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Mwanandeke Kindembo
He'd rather she killed him than walked out on him. ~ Debra Anastasia
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Debra Anastasia
No - the stars are close and dear and I have joined the brotherhood of the worlds. And everything's holy - everything, even me. ~ John Steinbeck
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by John Steinbeck
Literature is the most noble of professions. In fact, it is about the only one fit for a man. For my own part, there is no seducing me from the path. I shall be a litterateur, at least, all my life; nor would I abandon the hopes which still lead me on for all the gold in California.
FEBRUARY 14, 1849 ~ Andrew Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Andrew Barger
Breathes there a man with soul so dead that it does not glow at the thought of what the men of his blood have done and suffered to make his country what it is? There is room, plenty of room, for proper pride of land and birth. What I inveigh against is a cursed spirit of intolerance, conceived in distrust and bred in ignorance, that makes the mental attitude perennially antagonistic, even bitterly antagonistic, to everything foreign, that subordinates everywhere the race to the nation, forgetting the higher claims of human brotherhood. ~ William Osler
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by William Osler
We are so bound together that no man can labor for himself alone. Each blow he strikes in his own behalf helps to mold the universe. ~ Jerome K. Jerome
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Jerome K. Jerome
We cannot possibly let ourselves get frozen into regarding everyone we do not know as an absolute stranger. ~ Albert Schweitzer
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Albert Schweitzer
I accept this award today with an abiding faith in America and an audacious faith in the future of mankind. I refuse to accept despair as the final response to the ambiguities of history. I refuse to accept the idea that the "isness" of man's present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal "oughtness" that forever confronts him. I refuse to accept the idea that man is mere flotsom and jetsom in the river of life, unable to influence the unfolding events which surround him. I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our greatest currency is our time and we cannot save it. Spend it wisely and never waste another's or your own. ~ Kyle Barger
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Kyle Barger
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shinning sea! ~ Katharine Lee Bates
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Katharine Lee Bates
The crowd did not dream when they laid down their money that they would see a total eclipse of the Sonny! ~ Muhammad Ali
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Muhammad Ali
For Star Trek proves, as faulty as individual episodes could be, is that the much-maligned common man and common woman has an enormous hunger for brotherhood. They are ready for the twenty-third century now, and they are light-years ahead of their petty governments and their visionless leaders. ~ Gene Roddenberry
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Gene Roddenberry
The camaraderie that firefighters have, that brotherhood that forms among them - my father was a part of that, and it came from having a shared sense of purpose. He told me that whatever you do in life, it can't just be about making money. It's important that you work to make the world a better place, that you help improve the lives of the people around you. ~ Mike Massimino
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Mike Massimino
Develop a sense of the brotherhood of man. Look upon each person as your own brother. There is only one caste, the caste of humanity. All of us belong to the human race, so everyone is equal. Therefore, love each one equally. ~ Sathya Sai Baba
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Sathya Sai Baba
I believe that if one person is watching a huge calamity, let's say a conflagration, a fire, there are always three principle options.

1. Run away, as far away and as fast as you can and let those who cannot run burn.

2. Write a very angry letter to the editor of your paper demanding that the responsible people be removed from office with disgrace. Or, for that matter, launch a demonstration.

3. Bring a bucket of water and throw it on the fire, and if you don't have a bucket, bring a glass, and if you don't have a glass, use a teaspoon, everyone has a teaspoon. And yes, I know a teaspoon is little and the fire is huge but there are millions of us and each one of us has a teaspoon. Now I would like to establish the Order of the Teaspoon. People who share my attitude, not the run away attitude, or the letter attitude, but the teaspoon attitude – I would like them to walk around wearing a little teaspoon on the lapel of their jackets, so that we know that we are in the same movement, in the same brotherhood, in the same order, The Order of the Teaspoon. ~ Amos Oz
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Amos Oz
Ten minutes," Butch whispered into Marissa's ear. "Can I have ten minutes with you before you go? Please, baby ... "
V rolled his eyes and was relieved to be annoyed at the lovey-dovey routine. At least all the testosterone in him hadn't dried up.
"Baby ... please?"
V took a pull on his mug. "Marissa, throw the sap bastard a bone, would you? The simpering wears on my nerves."
"Well, we can't have that, can we?" Marissa packed up her papers with a laugh and shot Butch a look. "Ten minutes. And you'd better make them count."
Butch was up out of that chair like the thing was on fire. "Don't I always?"
"Mmm ... yes."
As the two locked lips, V snorted. "Have fun, kiddies. Somewhere else. ~ J.R. Ward
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by J.R. Ward
Memory in these incomparable streets, in mosaics of pain and sweetness, was clear to me now, a unity at last. I remembered small and unimportant things from the past: the whispers of roommates during thunderstorms, the smell of brass polish on my fingertips, the first swim at Folly Beach in April, lightning over the Atlantic, shelling oysters at Bowen's Island during a rare Carolina snowstorm, pigeons strutting across the graveyard at St. Philip's, lawyers moving out of their offices to lunch on Broad Street, the darkness of reveille on cold winter mornings, regattas, the flash of bagpipers' tartans passing in review, blue herons on the marshes, the pressure of the chinstrap on my shako, brotherhood, shad roe at Henry's, camellias floating above water in a porcelain bowl, the scowl of Mark Santoro, and brotherhood again. ~ Pat Conroy
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Pat Conroy
Believe me, Kelley. If I'm not ... it's because I'm already dead." He stroked her hair, and she could feel his breath warm on her forehead, like a kiss. "Because anyone that would seek to hurt you would have to kill me first. ~ Lesley Livingston
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Lesley Livingston
This is our festival and on this day we are all Indians. We celebrate the festival by maintaining the spirit of brotherhood. ~ Brinda Karat
Sonny Barger Brotherhood quotes by Brinda Karat
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