Repellent Synonym Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Repellent Synonym.

Quotes About Repellent Synonym

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Everything one used to take for granted, with so much certainty that one never even bothered to enquire about it, now turns out to be illusion. Your certainties are proven lies. And what happens if you start probing? Must you learn a wholly new language first?
'Humanity'. Normally one uses it as a synonym for compassion; charity; decency; integrity. 'He is such a human person.' Must one now go in search of an entirely different set of synonyms: cruelty; exploitation; unscrupulousness; or whatever? ~ Andre Brink
Repellent Synonym quotes by Andre Brink
His appearance was that of the typical denizen of the Catskill Mountain region; one of those strange, repellent scions of a primitive colonial peasant stock whose isolation for nearly three centuries in the hilly fastnesses of a little-travelled countryside has caused them to sink to a kind of barbaric degeneracy, rather than advance with their more fortunately placed brethren of the thickly settled districts. ~ H.P. Lovecraft
Repellent Synonym quotes by H.P. Lovecraft
No synonym for God is so perfect as Beauty. Whether as seen carving the lines of the mountains with glaciers, or gathering matter into stars, or planning the movements of water, or gardening - still all is Beauty! ~ John Muir
Repellent Synonym quotes by John Muir
How obvious can it be? ... The purpose of makeup is to defy the degradations of time, and time is just a synonym for death. ~ Dean Koontz
Repellent Synonym quotes by Dean Koontz
But why would anyone on a joyous occasion rake over past unpleasantness and dwell on painful events horrible to experience and repellent to recall? Silence is mightier than words. It clothes the wreckage that befalls us in the deep folds of forgetfulness unless someone stirs up the painful memories for the sole purpose of edifying us by example and, as with illnesses, of helping us avoid the causes that led us to them. ~ Gregory Of Nazianzus
Repellent Synonym quotes by Gregory Of Nazianzus
Concealment is equated, unknowingly to ourselves, with individuality; the more we conceal the more it seems we are asserting our very personality, resisting a somewhat repellent, unwelcome intrusion of other things into ourselves. ~ Eli Siegel
Repellent Synonym quotes by Eli Siegel
Renouncing false beliefs will not usher in the millennium. Few things about the strategy of contemporary apologists are more repellent than their frequent recourse to spurious alternatives. The lesser lights inform us that the alternative to Christianity is materialism, thus showing how little they have read, while the greater lights talk as if the alternative were bound to be a shallow and inane optimism. I don't believe that man will turn this earth into a bed of roses either with the aid of God or without it. Nor does life among the roses strike me as a dream from which one would not care to wake up after a very short time. ~ Walter Kaufmann
Repellent Synonym quotes by Walter Kaufmann
Ideation is not a synonym for innovation, conformity is not its simple antonym, and innovation is not the automatic consequence of "creative thinking.". ~ Theodore Levitt
Repellent Synonym quotes by Theodore Levitt
Tolerance is not a synonym of Weakness ~ Satyendra Singh 'Shyamal'
Repellent Synonym quotes by Satyendra Singh 'Shyamal'
Her gingerbread keeps and keeps. It outlasts all daintier gifts. Flowers wilt and shed mottled petals, mold blooms greenish-white on chocolate truffles, and Harriet's gingerbread hunkers down in its tin, no more attractive than the day it arrived, but no more repellent either. ~ Helen Oyeyemi
Repellent Synonym quotes by Helen Oyeyemi
A brick could be used to say hello in a foreign language. Like most great words, it'd also have synonyms. One such synonym would be the word "Duck!" Not a Feathery Quack Maker, but Get down! ~ Jarod Kintz
Repellent Synonym quotes by Jarod Kintz
But she brooded not only about how to tackle her father, but also about what, precisely, she was setting out to do. Test the fire-repellent properties of her discovery. Toward killing dragons. Did she really want to kill dragons? Yes. Why? Pause. To be doing something. To be doing something better than anyone else was doing it. ~ Robin McKinley
Repellent Synonym quotes by Robin McKinley
In fact, among the people I met, the term soviet served essentially as a synonym for 'fucked up'. I'd been in the country about three days when a car that was sent to take me to an interview failed to start. After several attempts to get it going, the driver turned to me, smiled wearily and explained: 'Soviet car'. By that time, that was all the explanation I needed. ~ Anthony DeCurtis
Repellent Synonym quotes by Anthony DeCurtis
There had stood a great house in the centre of the gardens, where now was left only that fragment of ruin. This house had been empty for a great while; years before his - the ancient man's - birth. It was a place shunned by the people of the village, as it had been shunned by their fathers before them. There were many things said about it, and all were of evil. No one ever went near it, either by day or night. In the village it was a synonym of all that is unholy and dreadful. ~ William Hope Hodgson
Repellent Synonym quotes by William Hope Hodgson
love is just a synonym for absinthe.
absinthe is a synonym for 'i don't
know what i'm doing anymore. ~ Salma Deera
Repellent Synonym quotes by Salma Deera
The first objection to Darwinism is that it is only a guess and was never anything more. It is called a 'hypothesis,' but the word 'hypothesis,' though euphonious, dignified and high-sounding, is merely a scientific synonym for the old-fashioned word 'guess.' If Darwin had advanced his views as a guess they would not have survived for a year, but they have floated for half a century, buoyed up by the inflated word 'hypothesis.' When it is understood that "hypothesis" means 'guess,' people will inspect it more carefully before accepting it. ~ William Jennings Bryan
Repellent Synonym quotes by William Jennings Bryan
People use democracy as a free-floating abstraction disconnected from reality. Democracy in and of itself is not necessarily good. Gang rape, after all, is democracy in action.
All men have the right to live their own life. Democracy must be rooted in a rational philosophy that first and foremost recognizes the right of an individual. A few million Imperial Order men screaming for the lives of a much smaller number of people in the New World may win a democratic vote, but it does not give them the right to those lives, or make their calls for such killing right.
Democracy is not a synonym for justice or for freedom. Democracy is not a sacred right sanctifying mob rule. Democracy is a principle that is subordinate to the inalienable rights of the individual. ~ Terry Goodkind
Repellent Synonym quotes by Terry Goodkind
Empathy has become a misused buzz-word. It is transformed into a catch all term for everything good as a synonym of the morality, kindness and compassion. It is frequently mistaken for sympathy, which means aligning yourself with someone suffering, not inhabiting it. ~ Pandora Sykes
Repellent Synonym quotes by Pandora Sykes
In Sri Lanka, the people you lived amongst, the people you went to school with, the people in whose houses you ate, whose jokes you shared: these were not the people you married. Quite possibly they were not your religion. More to the point they were probably not your caste. This word with its fearsome connotations was never, hardly ever used. But it was ever present: it muddied the waters of Sri Lanka's politics, it perfumed the air of her bed-chambers; it lurked, like a particularly noxious relative, behind the poruwa of every wedding ceremony. It was the c-word. People used its synonym, its acronym, its antonym-indeed any other nym that came to mind - in the vain hope its meaning would somehow go away. It didn't. But if the people you chose to associate with were the very ones you could not marry, then the ones you did marry were quite often people you wouldn't dream of associating with if you had any choice in the matter. ~ Ashok Ferrey
Repellent Synonym quotes by Ashok Ferrey
The swathe of misfortune is a twisted repellent cloth, one we turn our nose at, as we mutter, no thanks. But is hardship ever warranted? The question - why me, slides off every tongue. Does anyone ask - why should it not be me? We believe tragedy should strike faceless strangers. Yet every face is familiar, and treasured by someone. ~ Nancy-Gail Burns
Repellent Synonym quotes by Nancy-Gail Burns
We used to have a family game, invented by my sister and a friend of hers - it was called 'Agatha's Husbands'. The idea was that they picked out two or at the most three of the most repellent looking strangers in a room, and it was then put to me that i had to choose one of them as a husband, on pain of death or slow torture by the Chinese.
'now then, Agatha, which will you have - the fat young one with pimples, and the scurfy head, or that black one like a gorilla with the bulging eyes?'
'Oh I can't - they're so awful.'
'You must - it's got to be one of them. Or else red hot needles and water torture.'
'Oh dear, then the gorilla. ~ Agatha Christie
Repellent Synonym quotes by Agatha Christie
'Unicorn Island' is the synonym for my happy place. It's a really beautiful message: that happiness is one of the hardest things you'll ever fight for, but it's the only thing worth fighting for. ~ Lilly Singh
Repellent Synonym quotes by Lilly Singh
The mental sciences? A strange synonym for magic. ~ Lindsay Buroker
Repellent Synonym quotes by Lindsay Buroker
HANNAH: You had a vision.
PRIOR: A vision. Thank you, Maria Ouspenskaya. I'm not so far gone I can be assuaged by pity and lies.
HANNAH: I don't have pity. It's just not something I have.
(Little pause)
One hundred and seventy years ago, which is recent, an angel of God appeared to Joseph Smith in upstate
New York, not far from here. People have visions.
PRIOR: But that's preposterous, that's ...
HANNAH: It's not polite to call other people's beliefs preposterous.
He had great need of understanding. Our Prophet. His desire made prayer. His prayer made an angel. The angel was real. I believe that.
PRIOR: I don't. And I'm sorry but it's repellent to me. So much of what you believe.
HANNAH: What do I believe?
PRIOR: I'm a homosexual. With AIDS. I can just imagine what you ...
HANNAH: No you can't. Imagine. The things in my head.
You don't make assumptions about me, mister; I won't make them about you. ~ Tony Kushner
Repellent Synonym quotes by Tony Kushner
Everything turned on the word "we", a synonym for love, the thing that saves us all. ~ Marisa De Los Santos
Repellent Synonym quotes by Marisa De Los Santos
The power of imagination makes us infinite. ~ John Muir
Repellent Synonym quotes by John Muir
A few things introverts are not: The word introvert is not a synonym for hermit or misanthrope. Introverts can be these things, but most are perfectly friendly. ~ Susan Cain
Repellent Synonym quotes by Susan Cain
It is permissible with certain precautions to speak in print of coitus, but it is not permissible to employ the monosyllabic synonym for this word. ~ Bertrand Russell
Repellent Synonym quotes by Bertrand Russell
He could almost taste the tang of that swampy air right here in his own desert parking lot and hear the calls of the heavily beating flock, sorrowing and apologizing and making plans for some other time. Time. He realized that crows had always reminded him of time, dark time. He gazed at the backs of his hands, at the plummy dark repellent veins. ~ Joy Williams
Repellent Synonym quotes by Joy Williams
Her personality was charming to those she loved, and repellent to those she didn't ~ Jamie McGuire
Repellent Synonym quotes by Jamie McGuire
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