Quitted Or Quit Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Quitted Or Quit.

Quotes About Quitted Or Quit

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Some people fold after making one timid request. They quit too soon. Keep asking until you find the answers. In sales there are usually four or five "no's" before you get a "yes." ~ Jack Canfield
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Jack Canfield
As an actor I want to do as many takes as I can. I wanna shoot the scene ... or shoot the shot 'til they make me quit. ~ Tommy Lee Jones
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Tommy Lee Jones
Ethan's parents constantly told him how brainy he was. "You're so smart! You can do anything, Ethan. We are so proud of you, they would say every time he sailed through a math test. Or a spelling test. Or any test. With the best of intentions, they consistently tethered Ethan's accomplishment to some innate characteristic of his intellectual prowess. Researchers call this "appealing to fixed mindsets." The parents had no idea that this form of praise was toxic.

  Little Ethan quickly learned that any academic achievement that required no effort was the behavior that defined his gift. When he hit junior high school, he ran into subjects that did require effort. He could no longer sail through, and, for the first time, he started making mistakes. But he did not see these errors as opportunities for improvement. After all, he was smart because he could mysteriously grasp things quickly. And if he could no longer grasp things quickly, what did that imply? That he was no longer smart. Since he didn't know the ingredients making him successful, he didn't know what to do when he failed. You don't have to hit that brick wall very often before you get discouraged, then depressed. Quite simply, Ethan quit trying. His grades collapsed.

What happens when you say, 'You're so smart'

  Research shows that Ethan's unfortunate story is typical of kids regularly praised for some fixed characteristic. If you praise your child this way, three things are sta ~ John Medina
Quitted Or Quit quotes by John Medina
I want to look at the work. I don't care if its white or black. I don't agree that "If you're white, you can't write". I want to see what they can do. I also don't believe that because I am a man, I can't write about women. I had better quit writing, if I can't write about women. Why can't women write about men? It's talent that's important. ~ Leon Forrest
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Leon Forrest
I'd been taught to paint like other people, and I thought, what's the use? I couldn't do any better than they, or even as well. I was just adding to the brushpile. So I quit. ~ Georgia O'Keeffe
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Georgia O'Keeffe
I've always had service-industry jobs, because those were the easiest to quit or take time off from. ~ Wesley Schultz
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Wesley Schultz
I'm not going to lay off or quit just because I'm busy. If I used being busy as an excuse not to run, I'd never run again. I have only a few reasons to keep on running, and a truckload of them to quit. ~ Haruki Murakami
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Haruki Murakami
So whenever that brittle voice of dissatisfaction emerges within me, I can say "Ah, my ego! There you are, old friend!" It's the same thing when I'm being criticized and I notice myself reaching with outrage, heartache, or defensiveness. It's just my ego, flaring up and testing its power. In such circumstances, I have learned to watch my heated emotions carefully, but I try not to take them too seriously, because I know that it's merely my ego that has been wounded--never my soul It is merely my ego that wants revenge, or to win the biggest prize. It is merely my ego that wants to start a Twitter war against a hater, or to sulk at an insult or to quit in righteous indignation because I didn't get the outcome I wanted.

"At such times, I can always steady my life one more by returning to my soul. I ask it, "And what is it that you want, dear one?"

"The answer is always the same: "More wonder, please."

"As long as I'm still moving in that direction---toward wonder--then I know I will always be fine in my soul, which is where it counts. And since creativity is still the most effective way for me to access wonder, I choose it. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert
The opportunity of a lifetime is to pick yourself. Quit waiting to get picked; quit waiting for someone to give you permission; quit waiting for someone to say you are officially qualified and pick yourself. It doesn't mean you have to be an entrepreneur or a freelancer, but it does mean you stand up and say, "I have something to say. I know how to do something. I'm doing it. If you want me to do it with you, raise your hand. ~ Jennifer Sneeden
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Jennifer Sneeden
Disappointment will come when your effort does not give you the expected return. If things don't go as planned or if you face failure. Failure is extremely difficult to handle, but those that do come out stronger. What did this failure teach me? is the question you will need to ask. You will feel miserable. You will want to quit, like I wanted to when nine publishers rejected my first book. Some IITians kill themselves over low grades – how silly is that? But that is how much failure can hurt you. But it's life. If challenges could always be overcome, they would cease to be a challenge. And remember – if you are failing at something, that means you are at your limit or potential. And that's where you want to be.
Disappointment' s cousin is Frustration, the second storm. Have you ever been frustrated? It happens when things are stuck. This is especially relevant in India. From traffic jams to getting that job you deserve, sometimes things take so long that you don't know if you chose the right goal. After books, I set the goal of writing for Bollywood, as I thought they needed writers. I am called extremely lucky, but it took me five years to get close to a release. Frustration saps excitement, and turns your initial energy into something negative, making you a bitter person. How did I deal with it? A realistic assessment of the time involved – movies take a long time to make even though they are watched quickly, seeking a certain enjoyment in the process rather than the ~ Chetan Bhagat
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Chetan Bhagat
Right now, it hasn't affected my music other than the fact that I don't have time to write any of it. That's no different from when I first started and I lived at home. I would play the guitar in the afternoon and then my mom or my dad would come home and I'd have to quit. ~ Paul Westerberg
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Paul Westerberg
You either stick or you quit. And I wouldnt quit you I dont care what you done. ~ Cormac McCarthy
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Cormac McCarthy
If you don't have an emotional connection to why you are trying to accomplish your goals, the odds are you won't reach them or will quit trying. ~ Brett Hoebel
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Brett Hoebel
Why are you making that face?" he asked suddenly.

I blinked up at him, caught off guard. I raised my eyebrows, trying to play dumb. "What face?"

It didn't work.

With a fork hanging out of his mouth, he narrowed his dark eyes just the slightest bit. "That one." He gestured toward me with his chin.

I shrugged in an 'I don't know what you're talking about' expression.

"Is there something you want to say?"

There were a hundred things I wanted to tell him on a regular basis, but I knew him too well. He didn't really care if there was something I wanted to say or not. He didn't care if my opinion was different from his or if I thought he should do something differently. He was just reminding me who the boss was.

AKA not me.


"Me?" I blinked. "Nope."

He gave me a lazy glare before his eyes lowered to focus on the hand I had hidden on the other side of the kitchen island. "Then quit flipping me off. I'm not changing my mind about the signing," he said in a deceptively casual voice.

I pressed my lips together as I dropped my hand. He was a goddamn witch. I swear on my life, he was a freaking witch. A wizard. An oracle. A person with a third eye. Every single time I had ever flipped him off, he'd been aware of it. I didn't think I was that obvious about it either. ~ Mariana Zapata
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Mariana Zapata
Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. That surrender, even the smallest act of giving up, stays with me. So when I feel like quitting, I ask myself, which would I rather live with? ~ Lance Armstrong
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Lance Armstrong
Don't be afraid of making mistakes or failing. You never really fail anyway unless you actually give up and quit! ~ John Newman
Quitted Or Quit quotes by John Newman
Why you runnin' away?"
"The question is, why aren't you?" she asked, biting her lip.
"Do you want to be a Taggerson, Millie?" I whispered, freeing her lip with my teeth and kissing it better.
"A what?" she breathed.
"Or maybe an Andert?" I brushed my mouth over hers again, and her lips opened slightly, waiting for me to apply a little pressure.
"Henry seems to think we should merge our names," I explained.
Millie groaned, and I could feel the embarrassment coming off her in waves.
"Henry really needs to quit asking grown men to marry him," she complained.
"Yeah . . . he's a little young for that kind of commitment. ~ Amy Harmon
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Amy Harmon
JUST FOR TODAY, I will live through this day only. I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow. I will not set far-reaching goals or try to overcome all of my problems at once.

I know that I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will be happy. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will accept what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things that I can correct and accept those I cannot.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will improve my mind. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will not be a mental loafer.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will be kind and courteous to those who cross my path, and I'll not speak ill of others. I will improve my appearance, speak softly, and not interrupt when someone else is talking. Just for today, I will refrain from improving anybody but myself.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will do something positive to improve my health. If I'm a smoker, I'll quit. If I'm overweight, I will eat healthfully -- if only for today. And not only that, I will get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it's only around the block.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will gather the courage to do what is right and take the responsibility for my own actions. ~ Abigail Van Buren
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Abigail Van Buren
Even Roosevelt, with his singular disciplined drive, managed to quit work early four or five afternoons each week for a game of tennis or jog through Rock Creek Park before heading ~ Doris Kearns Goodwin
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Doris Kearns Goodwin
Career counselor Shoya Zichy told me the story of one of her clients, an introverted financial analyst who worked in an environment where she was either presenting to clients or talking to colleagues who continually cycled in and out of her office. She was so burned out that she planned to quit her job - until Zichy suggested that she negotiate for downtime. ~ Susan Cain
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Susan Cain
enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own even if she never wants
to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her
dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black
lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who
lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone
else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a
recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored...
a feeling of control over her destiny...
how to fall in love without losing herself..
when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of ~ Pamela Redmond Satran
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Pamela Redmond Satran
We didn't try to force God's hand or do the "I just heard a sermon about David and Goliath so I need to quit my job right this second" leap of faith that's so popular in Christian circles. We took our time with the decision, like another guy in the Bible, named Jesus. He spent thirty years in obscurity before he started his adventure. Often, we're not willing to spend thirty minutes in preparation, never mind thirty years, especially when we come home from a conference and find our day jobs waiting for us on Monday morning. I'm not sure why Christians sometimes think the maturation of our own missions will be radically shorter than that of Jesus. But it happens and in the past I've certainly wanted to take wild, unplanned, possibly-not-inspired-by-God leaps of faith. ~ Jon Acuff
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Jon Acuff
This is a stamina game, so don't despair if you run down a blind alley and have to start over, or if you get another rejection letter. Every successful writer has gone through that, but they kept writing and didn't quit until they made it happen. ~ Tim Maleeny
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Tim Maleeny
When husbands work fifty or more hours per week, wives with children are 44 percent more likely to quit their jobs than wives with children whose husbands work less.11 Many of these mothers are those with the highest levels of education. A 2007 survey of Harvard Business School alumni found that while men's rates of full-time employment never fell below 91 percent, only 81 percent of women who graduated in the early 2000s and 49 percent of women who graduated in the early 1990s were working full-time.12 ~ Sheryl Sandberg
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Sheryl Sandberg
You got no fuckin idea how bad it gets. I'm not you. I can't make it on a couple a high-altitude fucks once or twice a year. You're too much for me, Ennis, you son of a whoreson bitch. I wish I knew how to quit you. ~ Annie Proulx
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Annie Proulx
How much courage does it take to fire up your tractor and plow under a crop you spent six or seven years growing? How much courage to go on and do that after you've spent all that time finding out how to prepare the soil and when to plant and how much to water and when to reap? How much to just say, I have to quit these peas. Peas are no good for me, I better try corn or beans. ~ Stephen King
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Stephen King
The past is over. Quit beating yourself up over what you should have or could have done differently, It's a waste of time. ~ Zena Wynn
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Zena Wynn
Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers. God isn't offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers. He is offended by anything less. If your prayers aren't impossible to you, they are insulting to God.

Prayers are prophecies. They are the best predictors of your spiritual future. Who you become is determined by how you pray. Ultimately, the transcript of your prayers becomes the script of your life.

The greatest tragedy in life is the prayers that go unanswered because they go unasked.

God does not answer vague prayers. The more specific your prayers are, the more glory God receives.

Most of us don't get what we want because we quit praying. We give up too easily. We give up too soon. We quit praying right before the miracle happens.

If you don't take the risk, you forfeit the miracle.

Take a step of faith when God gives you a vision because you trust that the One who gave you the vision is going to make provision. And for the record, if the vision is from God, it will most definitely be beyond your means.

We shouldn't seek answers as much as we should seek God. If you seek answers you won't find them, but if you seek God, the answers will find you.

If your plans aren't birthed in prayer and bathed in prayer, they won't succeed.

Are your problems bigger than God, or is God bigger than your problems? Our biggest problem is our small view of God. That is the cause o ~ Mark Batterson
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Mark Batterson
I'm going to keep making films I believe in. Whether I am successful or not is besides the point. ~ Ajay Devgan
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Ajay Devgan
I've realized that a lot of people go to see film or theater with a different expectation. I have a friend who's an actor and I can't stand watching movies with him because he never quite allows himself to just watch the story. He'll comment on the lighting, he'll comment on the [camera] angle. I'm not saying there's a wrong way to watch it - maybe that's helpful to him - but to me, you're getting way too caught up in the technical aspects. ~ Condola Rashad
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Condola Rashad
My alcoholism is in no way any sort of excuse for any of my past behaviors. Just because I quit drinking, my life was not suddenly transformed into a tabula rasa-if I have wronged someone, drunk or not, then the responsibility for this lies squarely with me. And I must do my best to set things square with that person. ...
....And just because I am sober now does not mean anyone else should care. I do not deserve a cookie for finally trying to act like a decent human being. ~ D. Randall Blythe
Quitted Or Quit quotes by D. Randall Blythe
Wherever, therefore, any number of men so unite into one society, as to quit everyone his executive power of the law of Nature, and to resign it to the public, there, and there only, is a political or civil society. [ ... ] Hence it is evident that absolute monarchy, which by some men [e.g., Hobbes] is counted the only government in the world, is indeed inconsistent with civil society, and so can be no form of civil government at all. ~ John Locke
Quitted Or Quit quotes by John Locke
Growing up is a process that never ends. It isn't a point you attain so you can say, Hooray, I'm grown up. Some people never grow up. And nobody ever finishes growing. Or shouldn't. If you stop you might as well quit. What I have to tell you is that it never gets any easier. It goes right on being rough forever. But nothing that's easy is worth anything. You ought to have learned that by now. What happens as you keep on growing is that all of a sudden you realize that it's more exciting and beautiful than scary and awful. ~ Madeleine L'Engle
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Madeleine L'Engle
Nothing is impossible until you quit or die trying. ~ Wes Fesler
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Wes Fesler
We've all got scars. Words that were said to you when you were young... Things you saw that you should never have seen... Lifelong consequences from stupid decisions, whether ours or someone else's...
Men, make sure that they are SCARS not WOUNDS.
If you keep finding that you are sensitive about certain things, held back by the same unreasonable fears, or that you keep making the same bad decisions repeatedly, or that you have habits you just can't quit.... chances are good that you have a wound that never healed right. It's not a scar, it's a wound or an infection.
Get it cleaned out and get it healed. If that means you need to get some professional help, to talk to a trusted friend about it, or whatever - the only person that can make the decision to get that part of your life healed is you.
A scar shows you've been through the process.
An overly sensitive attitude, a destructive habit, a fearful mindset just show that you have a wound you need to work on. ~ Josh Hatcher
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Josh Hatcher
The majority of men is composed of two classes, for neither of which would this be at all a befitting resolution: in the first place, of those who with more than a due confidence in their own powers, are precipitate in their judgments and want the patience requisite for orderly and circumspect thinking; whence it happens, that if men of this class once take the liberty to doubt of their accustomed opinions, and quit the beaten highway, they will never be able to thread the byway that would lead them by a shorter course, and will lose themselves and continue to wander for life; in the second place, of those who, possessed of sufficient sense or modesty to determine that there are others who excel them in the power of discriminating between truth and error, and by whom they may be instructed, ought rather to content themselves with the opinions of such than trust for more correct to their own reason. ~ Rene Descartes
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Rene Descartes
Quit while there is still time - at about 12 or 13 years of age! ~ Gilles Gratton
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Gilles Gratton
I began writing eight or ten words of my own on a sheet of paper, in very large letters that I could read without any trouble. I did that for over a month, filling a couple of small, dime-store writing tablets. Then suddenly I quit. For no particular reason. Chiefly, I was saddened by my own ignorance, I think. Then, too, I was a little afraid I was going blind. There's never just one reason for anything. But, anyway, I quit. ~ J.D. Salinger
Quitted Or Quit quotes by J.D. Salinger
And in the past few years, we've been able to propagate this lie even further via social media. You may have seen images like this one: "The only disability in life is a bad attitude." Or this one: "Your excuse is invalid." Indeed. Or this one: "Before you quit, try!" These are just a couple of examples, but there are a lot of these images out there. You know, you might have seen the one, the little girl with no hands drawing a picture with a pencil held in her mouth. You might have seen a child running on carbon fiber prosthetic legs. And these images, there are lots of them out there, they are what we call inspiration porn. (Laughter) And I use the term porn deliberately, because they objectify one group of people for the benefit of another group of people. So in this case, we're objectifying disabled people for the benefit of nondisabled people. The purpose of these images is to inspire you, to motivate you, so that we can look at them and think, "Well, however bad my life is, it could be worse. I could be that person."

But what if you are that person? ~ Stella Young
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Stella  Young
We ended up our talk by my asking Dennis his feelings now about the Marines. Any regrets for all those wounds? Or about having been sent to and having to fight an unpopular war?
"No. The Marine Corps meant a tremendous amount to me. And even today I gain momentum from it. The Corps is one of the prime reasons Marines are so successful in whatever we do - because we refuse to quit. ~ James Brady
Quitted Or Quit quotes by James Brady
You're annoying. You always act as if everything is so easy. 'Well, Oliver, it seems to me that your choice is either to quit or continue,'" he mimicked, remembering his father's advice when he'd been on the verge of leaving school. The other man only smiled. "I'm your father. It's my job to annoy you. ~ Courtney Milan
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Courtney Milan
Fine. You win. I quit. You two deal with this. I'm going home. Packing up all my personal items, and when you, Caleb, end up dead because the coach has your jockstrap or something else I didn't steal but someone else did, don't call me. I'm done and I'm going to hide in a bunker until all of this is over with." – Nick
"I hate you, Nick." – Caleb
"Feels mutual, Demon." – Nick ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
And quit saying my name like that!"
"Like what, Jillian?" He sounded genuinely curious.
"Like . . . like . . . a prayer or something."
"As you wish." He paused the length of two heartbeats--during which she was astonished he'd capitulated to her will, because he certainly never had before--then he added with such husky resonance that it slipped inside her heart without her consent, "Jillian."
Perish the man! "Guards. Guards!"
Her guards arrived on a run, then halted abruptly, studying the man standing before their mistress.
"Milady, you summoned?" Hatchard inquired.
"Remove this iniquitous scoundrel from Caithness before he breeds . . . bring"--she corrected herself hastily--"his depravity and wicked insolence into my home," she sputtered to a finish.
The guards looked from her to Grimm and didn't move.
"Now. Remove him from the estate at once!"
When the guards still didn't move, her temper rose a notch. "Hatchard, I said make him leave. By the sweet saints, toss him out of my life. Banish him from the country. Och! Just remove him from this world, will you, now?"
The flank of guards stared at Jillian with openmouthed astonishment. "Are you feeling well, milady?" Hatchard asked. "Should we fetch Kaley to see if you've a touch of the fever?"
"I don't have a touch of anything. There's a degenerate knave on my estate and I want him off it," Jillian said through gritted teeth.
"Did you just grit?" Hatchard gaped.
Karen Marie Moning
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Karen Marie Moning
I marched and I protested against the war in Vietnam, along with many, many thousands of others. But I never quite understood the bombs that were placed in science labs or office buildings. ~ Don DeLillo
Quitted Or Quit quotes by Don DeLillo
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