Post Apocalyptic Movies Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Post Apocalyptic Movies.

Quotes About Post Apocalyptic Movies

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Who would want to be the prey in a world full of hunters? ~ Alexia Purdy
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Alexia Purdy
I write pre-apocalyptic fiction. In other words, I'm not interested in a future where everything is blown to hell, I'd rather write something that helps to prevent it from happening. ~ James Rozoff
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by James Rozoff
She hugs me. It's tentative at first, a little scared, and yes, a little repulsed, but then she melts into it. She rests her head against my cold neck and embraces me. Unable to believer what's happening, I put my arm around her and just hold her.
I almost swear I can feel my heart thumping. But it must just be hers, pressed tightly against my chest. ~ Isaac Marion
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Isaac Marion
The world was already a miserable place in the spring of that cursed year. The New Depression was at its height. Stocks fell, jobs were lost, and consumer consumption fell in a corporate death spiral as the aging technoczars were revealed to have feet of clay. Financial institutions underreacted, the government overreacted, and a society living on borrowed time paid for with borrowed dollars failed. Hard times and hunger came to the Western world, which was all the more of a shock because the generation that survived the last financial collapse had virtually died out. ~ E.E. Knight
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by E.E. Knight
'The Hunger Games' takes place in Panem, a country which is part of America. It's post-apocalyptic. There's been a global war. The Panem country is what remains of this hugely destructive war. ~ Liam Hemsworth
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Liam Hemsworth
In my own life many bad things was done to me, and that is how I know that when it happens sometimes you think something is wrong with you. Whoever did those things to you? It's them it's wrong with. It's not your fault. ~ Carola Dibbell
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Carola Dibbell
You bastard, he thought, almost affectionately, watching the minuscule protoplasm fluttering on the slide. You dirty little bastard. ~ Richard Matheson
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Richard Matheson
I think she likes post-apocalyptic fiction so much because she's genuinely happy at the thought that the world might end. ~ Cath Crowley
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Cath Crowley
If the only option you leave poor people with is to resort to violence in order to survive, they'll do just that. And there are lots more poor people in this world than there are rich ones. ~ Michael Monroe
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Michael Monroe
... there are certain questions that must never be asked. Of anyone. Even oneself. ~ Jenny Lynne
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Jenny Lynne
The main element crucial for the survival of life is also a demon in disguise; it will snatch your life away as quickly as you were given it. ~ Scott A. Butler
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Scott A. Butler
Surrounded by what was once everything we could ever need, we now saw just how little we all possessed.

--Bil Carlson's thoughts ~ E.A. Lake
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by E.A. Lake
All the trauma terrorized her feelings. She sensed them harden. Fade. Vanish. Her emotions decayed and disintegrated like a waning timeworn woman would forget her own name and everything she loved. No, she thought. I won't let this happen. I will never stop feeling. No matter what. This is the bad news, she said. I must be insanely strong to survive this. This is the good news: I am insanely strong. She put on the protective suit. She will go outside. ~ C.J. Anderson
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by C.J. Anderson
That's what you people do, isn't it? Make assumptions and sell them to impressionable idiots. ~ Michael Monroe
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Michael Monroe
I sent a silent prayer up to the Phoenix to keep her safe a little longer, because I would tear the shifters limb for limb until I got my baby sister back. ~ Katherine McIntyre
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Katherine McIntyre
I haven't been this high-functioning since last century." - Chief Morray, The City Center ~ Simone Pond
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Simone Pond
I think it worked two ways. One, a lot of people writing about the movie used that as shorthand and it could either be a good thing or they could use it to dismiss the movie like we were a copycat movie or something like that. It's very much its own story. It is a young woman in a post-apocalyptic society, but after that it's just a whole different kind of story and a different journey that she goes through. ~ Neil Burger
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Neil Burger
Then why are you still here?" I ask. I stand up and her gun follows me. I welcome its bullets just to see if I could survive.
"I don't know what that means."
"It means I like my own pain."
"That doesn't make sense."
"I'm human. You think we ever make sense? ~ Tessa Maurer
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Tessa Maurer
Behind every great hatred is a love story. For I am a man who has known and tasted love. I say "a man" because that is how I know myself. Look at me, and what do you see? Do I not take the form of a man? Do I not feel as you do, suffer as you do, love as you do, mourn as you do? What is the essence of a man, if not these things? ~ Justin Cronin
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Justin Cronin
In 'Falling Skies,' I was playing a soldier and a fighter, and then, when I was taken captive, you're still in this post-apocalyptic world. ~ Jessy Schram
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Jessy Schram
There wasn't much to coo at when driving along a post-apocalyptic motorway. A stalled vehicle here, a mini pile-up there. ~ Wayne Simmons
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Wayne Simmons
apocalyptic statuary of the post-Hegira expansionist period. I ~ Dan Simmons
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Dan Simmons
You're going to castrate them if they give me a sideways glance?"
He looked at the ground. "I'm not bringing you to the safest place and you're beautiful, so I needed to warn them."
"I'm beautiful?" I repeated trying not to smile.
"Don't let it go to your head, darling." He said holding his hand out for me.
"You're not too bad yourself."
"I know. I saw the way you stared at me when I took my shirt off." Hunter said. ~ Cassandra Giovanni
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Cassandra Giovanni
Well, for one, you walk around like you're so much better than everyone else. We're all a bunch of soulless animals or somethin' in your eyes, I guess. You're the high and mighty one and I ain't fit to drink your piss. ~ Michael Monroe
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Michael Monroe
Money is a tool we use to reach certain ends. Nothing more, nothing less. It's hard to come by, though, so when opportunities arise, we need to make the most of them. ~ Michael Monroe
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Michael Monroe
Memories trickled through the pain as Onyx's eyes travelled down the tar road he knelt on. Its black, sour surface melted into the erratic horizon. ~ Ronel Van Tonder
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Ronel Van Tonder
We sat in silence, staring out into the street, listening to the creak of the porch swing, the crickets, and the occasional gunshot. ~ Will McIntosh
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Will McIntosh
Machineries of reason, machineries of conduct, machineries of virtue. The machine that regulates instinct, keeps one's hands free of another man's throat, free of one's own. These machines have all, as someone said, gone too long in the elements. Gummed now, rusted, bloodless.
I forget who said it and I no longer care. ~ Ben Marcus
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Ben Marcus
You've never had someone you love snatched," I shot back, annoyed by her ignorance. "Any sense of safety kind of bites it after that. You watch your back because no one else can. ~ Katherine McIntyre
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Katherine McIntyre
She lived in the dream world of unreality, or else she would not admit reality; he did not know. In any case, he loved her as she was. It might never be used, but it would give her pleasure to have it. ~ Nevil Shute
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Nevil Shute
Her eyes flashed, hot and angry, like lightening cutting through a red sunset. ~ Tyffani Clark Kemp
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Tyffani Clark Kemp
This is the legacy of a compassionate bunch. Our fate now rests on the whims of men. ~ Leot Felton
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Leot Felton
I guess I was lucky I didn't drown, or smother in the thick, black, icy mud that the river left behind in its slow withdrawal back within its banks.

I didn't feel lucky.

When I regained consciousness, my head and ribs winning the battle with the rest of my body for sharp, almost unbearable pain, my first thought was Chrissy. Chrissy, pulled away from me by the merciless power of the water. Chrissy, lost somewhere, maybe injured, calling for me and I wasn't there for her. Chrissy, beautiful, wonderful Chrissy, quite probably lying in the mud, dead!

My scream of anguish, of pain and loss, echoed through the empty Liverpool streets. There was no shame or embarrassment in that shout, that bellow of emotion. I had lost the woman I loved. Nothing I'd ever felt compared to the agony, the gut-wrenching loss of that moment.

I cried. I sat there in the middle of a street I didn't recognise, not knowing how far the wave had carried me, and cried. ~ Neil Davies
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Neil Davies
I am like the water that runs over me, immune to permanence, recycling endlessly. I am water; I am life. The form may change, but the substance stays the same. Strike me down and I will rise again. Vincit qui patitur. ~ Rick Yancey
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Rick Yancey
Is this how humanity waves good-bye?
Hell no. ~ Rick Yancey
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Rick Yancey
My dad had always said to not trust something unless it's taken a tumble in the dirt. He'd meant it for people, and for things. Shiny and new didn't exist for humankind any more. ~ Katherine McIntyre
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Katherine McIntyre
Colour began staining the sky, breathing life into the deathly shadows of dawn. ~ Ronel Van Tonder
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Ronel Van Tonder
Social conservatives do have a pretty decent predictive track record, including in many cases where their fears were dismissed as wild and apocalyptic, their projections as sky-is-falling nonsense, their theories of how society and human nature works as evidence-free fantasies. . . . If you look at the post-1960s trend data - whether it's on family structure and social capital, fertility and marriage rates, patterns of sexual behavior and their links to flourishing relationships, or just trends in marital contentment and personal happiness more generally - the basic social conservative analysis has turned out to have more predictive power than my rigorously empirical liberal friends are inclined to admit. . . .
In the late 1960s and early '70s, the pro-choice side of the abortion debate frequently predicted that legal abortion would reduce single parenthood and make marriages more stable, while the pro-life side made the allegedly-counterintuitive claim that it would have roughly the opposite effect; overall, it's fair to say that post-Roe trends were considerably kinder to Roe's critics than to the "every child a wanted child" conceit. Conservatives (and not only conservatives) also made various "dystopian" predictions about eugenics and the commodification of human life as reproductive science advanced in the '70s, while many liberals argued that these fears were overblown; today, from "selective reduction" to the culling of Down's Syndrome fetuses to worldwide tr ~ Ross Douthat
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Ross Douthat
Laika says I'm not middle of the road. One time she said that I was the road. She said I was her post-apocalyptic highway. ~ Stefan Mohamed
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Stefan Mohamed
My novel Who Fears Death is a post-apocalyptic novel set in a future Sudan. ~ Nnedi Okorafor
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Nnedi Okorafor
What did you do for them, Bone? Teach them to read and write? Help them rebuild, give the, Christ, help restore a culture? Did you remember to warn the, that it could never be Eden? ~ Walter M. Miller Jr.
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Walter M. Miller Jr.
You know how sometimes you tell yourself that you have a choice, but really you don't have a choice? Just because there are alternatives doesn't mean they apply to you. ~ Rick Yancey
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Rick Yancey
My hands trembled, so I took a deep drag to calm my frayed nerves. I just wanted to forget that terrible sight, but questions multiplied in my mind as the smoke furled. ~ Katherine McIntyre
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Katherine McIntyre
The day Mother Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? killed Father The Outlaw Josey Wales, they were arguing again about the Pre-Reddening game of Major League Baseball. ~ Nick DiChario
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Nick DiChario
He kind of hit on me in that stoned state." I put down the bowl. "Said he and I were gonna be some sort of post apocalyptic hook up buddies." "He was high." "What if I told you, not now, but down the road I was thinking about it?" "I would tell you that you are grief stricken and not thinking clearly." "Okay." I extended the pint to him. "And if I said I was thinking that way about ... you down the road." "I would say you are being very wise and thinking of the future." He smiled. ~ Jacqueline Druga
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Jacqueline Druga
If I think about music in the future, I imagine it often as not involving electricity, in some dystopian, post-apocalyptic future. And that's what I get from Penderecki: people making music by taking these instruments out of boxes and playing them. That's a very bizarre and modern thing. ~ Jonny Greenwood
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Jonny Greenwood
Keisuke: "It's alright for you to kill someone?"
Akira: "As long as they have tags. According to the rules, if there's three people present, it's an official battle. I'm not sure how you're supposed to start it, though."
Keisuke: "So killing people is just a game, huh?"
Akira: "It's the only way to survive. ~ Suguro Chayamachi
Post Apocalyptic Movies quotes by Suguro Chayamachi
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