Nuzhat Hussain Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Nuzhat Hussain.

Quotes About Nuzhat Hussain

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To me , death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants nothing but living in a hell. ~ Imam Hussein Ibn Ali Al-Shaheed Tohaf-al- Uqoul
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Imam Hussein Ibn Ali Al-Shaheed Tohaf-al- Uqoul
I learned from Hussain how to be wronged and be a winner, I learnt from Hussain how to attain victory while being oppressed. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Mahatma Gandhi
Life isn't in our brain // It flows through our veins.
Just a little cut to drain out the galaxies that keep me up tonight.
Just a little cut and all this goes away. Just a little cut and no more thoughts. No memories. No pain. I mean screw nostalgia.
I don't want it. Take it back! ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
When you can't believe what is going on around you, you should just leave and wait for next day. Don't bother and face it. ~ Hussain Alghamdi
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Hussain Alghamdi
Imam Hussein Ibn Ali al-Shaheed was once asked: what is affluence? He said : Decreasing your wishes , and being satisfied with what is enough for you. ~ Allama Majlisi Biharol Anwar Vol. 78 P. 102
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Allama Majlisi Biharol Anwar Vol. 78 P. 102
Deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem. ~ Imam Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Imam Hussain
Sometimes we have to lose somthing precious not necessarilly to gain something priceless; sometimes, just losing is priceless ~ Shahid Hussain Raja
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Shahid Hussain Raja
Without love breathing is difficult but without freinds breathing is impossible. ~ Hussain Rasheed
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Hussain Rasheed
Confusion is a stairway to clarity, in a way.
Sometimes, we cross it quickly & other times we make it our home.
It just takes a little patience & retracing of steps to be back on the way. ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
From a tiny seed to dispersed pollen grains hoping to bloom someday – everything holds a story within it. We just need to observe a little more. ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
your voice is a place i want to take shelter in, a place that makes me feel safe and soft. ~ Zaeema J. Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Zaeema J. Hussain
Live for yourself and you will live one life
Live for your family and you will live a few life's
Live for the humans of the world and you will live millions of life's
Infact you may live for ever ~ Khalid Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Khalid Hussain
What is stupidity? "Hostility to one's powerful and efficient commander, or to someone who can harm you or benefit you ~ Imam Hussein Ibn Ali Al-Shaheed
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Imam Hussein Ibn Ali Al-Shaheed
Life is like defusing a bomb, once you cut the wrong wire your whole life is ruined. ~ Mohamed Zahy Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Mohamed Zahy Hussain
I was the whore
I was bound to bore ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
But destiny has an indelible memory. ~ S. Hussain Zaidi
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by S. Hussain Zaidi
The WORST thing you can do is to slip in 'little' white lies just to save yourself from confrontations & emotional conversations. ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
Unleash your mind; for sometimes it's so much better than being quiet. ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
I can't give you feather to fly but, I can give you a book which helps you to fly ~ Abid Hussain Library Officer
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Abid Hussain Library Officer
I couldn't help but think of Al's pre-ordained betrothal to Billo and of how hard the match-makers had worked to find the girl beautiful enough to match this extraordinary man - this extraordinary man of mine. ~ Ruth Ahmed
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Ruth Ahmed
Man of trust always stays in safety. ~ Imam Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Imam Hussain
One of the reasons for this cataclysmic change of destinies was the inherent weakness of a decaying agricultural empire of the Mughals which after more than two hundred years of rule over vast areas of India, was at its terminal stage and needed a small push to crumble like a house of cards.That push was given by six East India Companies of different European countries which had extracted rights to trade with India from the Mughals but transformed themselves as the arbiters and protectors of several Indian states. In this process they not only became rich but also militarily strong because in the twilight years of the Mughal empire, deteriorating security environment necessitated to arm themselves to protect their economic interests. Because of their inherent superiority as representatives of rising industrial powers, they had access to modern techniques and technology of warfare, which turned out to be the decisive factor in capturing vast territories in India. ~ Shahid Hussain Raja
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Shahid Hussain Raja
Hard work and dedications may lead a person towards better tomorrow. ~ Abid Hussain Library Officer
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Abid Hussain Library Officer
We do not have to dig deep into history to understand the reality. The examples of Saddam Hussain, who was executed after a sham trial and the case of Muammar Gaddafi, who killed after surrendering in broad daylight, have given enough factual reality to understand the painful truth. ~ Nilantha Ilangamuwa
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Nilantha Ilangamuwa
Succumbed together, Suppressed below the layers of skin & blood vessels turned black
'tis a story of a heart burnt to rot! ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
You burn like hell, pure red and stormy and I fly like smoke, pure black and gloomy. ~ Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh
We are like clocks! Always ticking to the tocks. When the pieces of our soul are torn away or broken – we can't be sent to the mending shop, however. ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
The technological man is limited as his tools. The man without technologies is limitless. ~ Bilal Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Bilal Hussain
It's the memories that we yearn for & cherish – not the relationship or person when sadness engulfs our heart and makes us go through the whole storyline again and again and again and again. Those memories are not even real. They are an idea of the memory formed that day – gorgeous and heartwarming – but it wasn't always that. Was it? ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
The wounds on the body can be healed by medicine but the wounds in heart can only be healed by love. ~ Hussain Rasheed
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Hussain Rasheed
A bath is not enough to remove all your dirt if you are dirty from inside. ~ Hussain Rasheed
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Hussain Rasheed
One can speak best through stories. Things only come alive in this way. This is because such things are the children of our experiences. They are conceived during big events in our lives, born when we begin to reflect on those incidents and then grow with us as our appreciation for the memories that brought them into being also lives and thrives. ~ Ali Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Ali  Hussain
Open your mouth and let the spiders out! ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
Decay is as inevitable as death, as nothing lives in this temporary world for eternity ~ Usama Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Usama Hussain
The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Karbala is that Husain and his companions were rigid believers in God. They illustrated that the numerical superiority does not count when it comes to the truth and the falsehood. The victory of Husain, despite his minority, marvels me! ~ Thomas Carlyle
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Thomas Carlyle
Take it from glass,
take it from goblet,
else take it from my eyes,
the intoxication, you will never come out from ~ Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh
Me and my pain
You & your vain ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
is equals to
FREINDS. ~ Hussain Rasheed
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Hussain Rasheed
Making me think I am a worthy crown
When all I really was … just brown ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
This is the part of anguish grey curtains blue & wallpapers yellow. This is the part where I learn to lose you & try to gain me back. This is a part where the end is my start! ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
Like the roots stay forever with trees, help them grow and make them strong, will you stay with me just a bit long(er)? ~ Sijdah Hussain
Nuzhat Hussain quotes by Sijdah Hussain
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