John Pierpont Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about John Pierpont.

Quotes About John Pierpont

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To morrow to fresh Woods, and Pastures new. ~ John Milton
John Pierpont quotes by John Milton
America may be in a dour condition, but it is not going to elect a dour president. ~ John Podhoretz
John Pierpont quotes by John Podhoretz
And he couldn't know because he hadn't been left with an unkeepable promise, because he wasn't me. ~ John Green
John Pierpont quotes by John Green
Let me just suggest to everybody, and I hear - last February [2015], I said we needed to have people on the ground in a coalition with Europe and our allies. This is not going to get done just by working with the Sunnis. And it is not going to get done if we just embed a few people. ~ John Kasich
John Pierpont quotes by John Kasich
The American Congress votes through the Declaration of Independence, with John Adams proclaiming the date to stand in history as the founding of America in freedom. Nobody actually signs anything on 4 July, which was instead the date the printers finished the broadsheet versions for publication and so dated their work. ~ Graeme Donald
John Pierpont quotes by Graeme Donald
God is our father, but even more is God our mother. ~ Pope John Paul I
John Pierpont quotes by Pope John Paul I
Believe in yourself, know yourself, deny yourself, and be humble. ~ John Treacy
John Pierpont quotes by John Treacy
Let me write not for fame and laurel, but from the mere yearning and fondness I have for the beautiful even if my night's labors be burnt each morning and no eye ever shine upon them. ~ John Keats
John Pierpont quotes by John Keats
Proud parents to two children
Grandparents to five more
Who visit the "Harper Bakery"
It's Gran's cooking they all adore ~ John Walter Bratton
John Pierpont quotes by John Walter Bratton
I wrote every day throughout my twenties. For a while, I had a boyfriend who was a musician, and he practiced every day. He played scales; I wrote small fictional scenes. It was the same idea - to keep your hand in your craft, to stay close to it. On bad days, when I felt no inspiration at all, I would set the kitchen timer for thirty minutes and make myself sit there and scribble something, anything. I had read an interview with John Updike where he said that some of the best novels you've ever read were written in an hour a day; I figured I could always carve out at least thirty minutes somewhere to dedicate myself to my work, no matter what else was going on or how badly I believed the work was going. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
John Pierpont quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert
I write in expectation that readers want to participate in a kind of two-sided game: They are trying to guess what I am up to - what the story's up to - and I'm giving them clues and matter to keep them interested without giving everything away at the start. Even the rules, if any, of the game are for the reader to discover. ~ John Crowley
John Pierpont quotes by John Crowley
And soon afterwards this manuscript will appear, my final book ... There will be outrage and disgust and people will turn on me at the last, they will hate me, my reputation will for ever be destroyed, my punishment earned, self-inflicted like this gunshot wound, and the world will finally know that I was the greatest feather man of them all. ~ John Boyne
John Pierpont quotes by John Boyne
I've always said winning's the great deodorant, and conversely, when you have a bad record, everything stinks, and everything starts to unravel, and everything falls apart. ~ John Madden
John Pierpont quotes by John Madden
Economic activity, especially the activity of a market economy, cannot be conducted in an institutional, juridical or political vacuum. On the contrary, it presupposes sure guarantees of individual freedom and private property, as well as a stable currency and efficient public services. ~ Pope John Paul II
John Pierpont quotes by Pope John Paul II
When we read the right book generously, it can change the way think about the world around us. ~ John Green
John Pierpont quotes by John Green
I grew up with 'The Denver Post' and the 'Golden Transcript.' There was never a moment that I thought I'd work at the 'New York Times.' My goal, starting out, was just to see if I could be a journalist. ~ John Branch
John Pierpont quotes by John Branch
The Bible interprets life from its particular perspective; it does not record in a factual way the human journey through history. ~ John Shelby Spong
John Pierpont quotes by John Shelby Spong
I mean I never feel I feel what I ought to feel. ~ John Fowles
John Pierpont quotes by John Fowles
I left drama school and went straight into a 10-week film for which I was paid $75 I might say, which for 1962 was one heck of a lot of money. ~ John Hurt
John Pierpont quotes by John Hurt
We are not only observers. We are participators. In some strange sense this is aparticipatory universe. ~ John Archibald Wheeler
John Pierpont quotes by John Archibald Wheeler
Jokes are a lot about meaning. I think if we understand what jokes mean and why they work, we'd understand everything else. Genuinely I do. ~ John Lloyd
John Pierpont quotes by John Lloyd
Temptation gains power by persistent solicitations that beget thoughts that make evil less serious ~ John Owen
John Pierpont quotes by John Owen
That's how you should be. Accept your burden and carry it, with joy. ~ John Ajvide Lindqvist
John Pierpont quotes by John Ajvide Lindqvist
And God accepted Abel and rejected Cain. I never thought that was a just thing. I never understood it. Do you?" "Maybe we think out of a different background," said Lee. "I remember that this story was written by and for a shepherd people. They were not farmers. Wouldn't the god of shepherds find a fat lamb more valuable than a sheaf of barley? A sacrifice must be the best and most ~ John Steinbeck
John Pierpont quotes by John Steinbeck
God didn't create the fear,
fear created the God.
God didn't create humans,
Humans created the God because of their fear. ~ John Art
John Pierpont quotes by John Art
Revenge proves itself to be its own executioner. ~ John Ford
John Pierpont quotes by John Ford
If children do not understand the Constitution, they cannot understand how our government functions, or what their rights and responsibilities are as citizens of the United States. ~ John Roberts
John Pierpont quotes by John Roberts
There are two sides, two players. One is light, the other is dark. ~ John Locke
John Pierpont quotes by John Locke
You never display your character more clearly than when you speak about the character of others. ~ John C. Maxwell
John Pierpont quotes by John C. Maxwell
Green-tech could be the largest economic opportunity of the 21st Century. ~ John Doerr
John Pierpont quotes by John Doerr
Gaby's expression doesn't change. "I didn't," she says. "I took a chance. It's rare; I don't know what the odds are of it happening like that. Once in - " She lifts her hands. "In a blue moon? ~ John Leslie
John Pierpont quotes by John Leslie
Inez and I had been in the same book club for a while. She once told me that literary theory was reading without imagination, and I've loved her ever since. ~ John Dufresne
John Pierpont quotes by John Dufresne
player hummed for a second, then sweet sad acoustic guitar filled the air, arpeggiated cascades that transformed the cramped space of the room. The voice that followed was smoky and haunting, filled with loss: ~ John Skipp
John Pierpont quotes by John Skipp
I'm taken,' Gus said. ~ John Green
John Pierpont quotes by John Green
Let guilty men remember, their black deeds
Do lean on crutches made of slender reeds. ~ John Webster
John Pierpont quotes by John Webster
In your own case, from all that you have told me, it seems obvious that your faculty of observation and your peculiar facility for deduction are due to your own systematic training."

-John. Watson- ~ Arthur Conan Doyle
John Pierpont quotes by Arthur Conan Doyle
I was really raised by three women - my mom, and I have two older sisters, one nine years and one 11 years older - so I'm happy to have that many women in the house. ~ John Tesh
John Pierpont quotes by John Tesh
I was eight years old when I joined the Church, I preached my first sermon when I was fourteen, and yet I was a missionary for twenty years before I had a full vision of Christ as an ever-present Savior from sin. This vision of Christ is absolutely necessary for success. ~ Griffith John
John Pierpont quotes by Griffith John
A lot of ideas don't translate very well into art. To say, "Oh my god, the grass is green ... " You're going to end up with a big green painting. ~ John Baldessari
John Pierpont quotes by John Baldessari
Oh for a book and a shady nook, Either indoors or out, with the green leaves whispering overhead, or the street cries all about. Where I may read at all my ease both of the new and old, For a jolly good book whereon to look is better to me than gold ~ John Wilson
John Pierpont quotes by John Wilson
The horror of Hell is an echo of the infinite worth of God's glory. ~ John Piper
John Pierpont quotes by John Piper
The moon is made of a green cheese. ~ John Heywood
John Pierpont quotes by John Heywood
I've just been fortunate to havehad a lot of hit records, though Human Wheels doesn't qualify as a hit record-but it's really the best single I've ever had. ~ John Mellencamp
John Pierpont quotes by John Mellencamp
I know that our country is strongest when we lead the world, when we lead strong alliances. And that's the way Eisenhower and Reagan and Kennedy and others did it. ~ John F. Kerry
John Pierpont quotes by John F. Kerry
And Father said, "There are no happy endings." "Right!" cried Iowa Bob – an odd mixture of exuberance and stoicism in his cracked voice. "Death is horrible, final, and frequently premature," Coach Bob declared. "So what?" my father said. "Right!" cried Iowa Bob. "That's the point: So what?" Thus the family maxim was that an unhappy ending did not undermine a rich and energetic life. This was based on the belief that there were no happy endings. ~ John Irving
John Pierpont quotes by John Irving
He could never be anything more than what he was: the inheritor of weakness and unbridled emotion, a creature possessed by the past, and carrying its curse forever into the future
~ John Jakes
John Pierpont quotes by John Jakes
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