Independent Vote Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Independent Vote.

Quotes About Independent Vote

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You should aim to be independent of any one vote, of any one fashion, of any one century. ~ Baltasar Gracian
Independent Vote quotes by Baltasar Gracian
I hear of a convention to be held at Baltimore, or elsewhere, for the selection of a candidate for the Presidency, made up chiefly of editors, and men who are politicians by profession; but I think, what is it to any independent, intellegent, and respectable man what decision they may come to? Shall we not have the advantage of his wisdom and honesty, nevertheless? Can we not count upon some independent votes? Are there not many individuals in the country who do not attend conventions? But no: I find that the respectable man, so called, has immediately drifted from his position, and despairs of his country, when his country has more reason to despair of him. He forthwith adopts one of the candidates thus selected as his only AVAILABLE one, thus proving that he is himself AVAILABLE for any purposes of the demagogue. His vote is of no more worth than that of any unprincipled foreigner or hireling native, who may have been bought. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Independent Vote quotes by Henry David Thoreau
I don't think that the flesh is necessarily treacherous, evil, bad. It is cantankerous, and it is independent. The idea of independence is the key. It really is like colonialism. The colonies suddenly decide that they can and should exist with their own personality and should detach from the control of the mother country. At first the colony is perceived as being treacherous. It's a betrayal. Ultimately, it can be seen as the separation of a partner that could be very valuable as an equal rather than as something you dominate. ~ David Cronenberg
Independent Vote quotes by David Cronenberg
I knew nothing about the independent film industry. I didn't know much about the industry itself. All I knew was how to watch movies, how to enjoy them, how to hate them, how not to like them. ~ Michelle Rodriguez
Independent Vote quotes by Michelle Rodriguez
Little boy crying. "My daddy has been dead for 10 yrs, but he came to town to vote for Lyndon Johnson, and didn't come to see me. ~ Robert Cato
Independent Vote quotes by Robert Cato
By the end of the eighteenth century it had become clear that none of the estates or classes in the various countries was willing or able to become the new ruling class, that is to identify itself with the government as the nobility had done for centuries.8 The failure of the absolute monarchy to find a substitute within society led to the full development of the nation-state and its claim to be above all classes, completely independent of society and its particular interests, the true and only representative of the nation as a whole. ~ Hannah Arendt
Independent Vote quotes by Hannah Arendt
We do believe that freedom, the right to choose, the right to vote, respect and justice is the fundamental right of all people. All people must obtain these rights. ~ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Independent Vote quotes by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
THE WORLD IS increasingly designed to depress us. Happiness isn't very good for the economy. If we were happy with what we had, why would we need more? How do you sell an anti-ageing moisturiser? You make someone worry about ageing. How do you get people to vote for a political party? You make them worry about immigration. How do you get them to buy insurance? By making them worry about everything. How do you get them to have plastic surgery? By highlighting their physical flaws. How do you get them to watch a TV show? By making them worry about missing out. How do you get them to buy a new smartphone? By making them feel like they are being left behind. To be calm becomes a kind of revolutionary act. To be happy with your own non-upgraded existence. To be comfortable with our messy, human selves, would not be good for business. ~ Matt Haig
Independent Vote quotes by Matt Haig
I vote. People died for our right to vote and I can't let that go. ~ Chris Bosh
Independent Vote quotes by Chris Bosh
It's my job as president and Congress's job to make sure that there's some rules of the road that people are gonna abide by, and that we've got transparency and accountability. But this stuff is being posted. And one of the things that we're gonna do is put together an independent board on the recovery package. ~ Barack Obama
Independent Vote quotes by Barack Obama
Reason sits firm and holds the reins, and she will not let the feelings burst away and hurry her to wild chasms. The passions may rage furiously, like true heathens, as they are; and the desires may imagine all sorts of vain things: but judgment shall still have the last word in every argument, and the casting vote in every decision. Strong wind, earthquake-shock, and fire may pass by: but I shall follow the guiding of that still small voice which interprets the dictates of conscience. ~ Charlotte Bronte
Independent Vote quotes by Charlotte Bronte
One hundred thirty years after Abe Lincoln, re Republicans have got the anti-black vote and it's bigger than any Democratic Presidential candidate can cope with. ~ John Updike
Independent Vote quotes by John Updike
Every country should be tired of going to war. War is a terrible thing. If I had been in Congress, as much as I would be inclined naturally to be supportive of a president, any president, I would have voted no, had the issue come to a vote. ~ Donald Rumsfeld
Independent Vote quotes by Donald Rumsfeld
I'm not really easy to live with! There needs to be unlimited patience and unconditional love. Men I've known before loved my independent spirit and were proud of my success, to the point that they'd become jealous of the time I devote to my career. ~ Milla Jovovich
Independent Vote quotes by Milla Jovovich
We pride ourselves on our democratic traditions, but in Canada, women couldn't vote until 1918, Asians until 1948, and First Nations people living on reserves until 1960. ~ David Suzuki
Independent Vote quotes by David Suzuki
The ideal of the rule of law, along with equality under the law, is one of the bases of tolerance. It means that, one way or another, governments themselves must act in accordance with the law- a responsibility they sometimes try to evade. The treatment of asylum seekers in Australia is an example, where successive Commonwealth governments have produced a series of changes to the law. In a liberal-democratic society the rule of law also means that there must be open discussion about those laws and how they are being upheld in the courts. It also means predictability- known rules about the relationship between people and governments, and in certain matters, between individuals. It is intended to mean fairness - no one should be condemned unheard, and hearings must be carried out openly by courts or tribunals as independent of governments as possible. (In their wars against asylum seekers, governments have shuffled procedures around as if they were fairground illusionists.) ~ Donald Horne
Independent Vote quotes by Donald Horne
The biggest problem with the independent film sector in Toronto is that they find themselves having to make that budget show on screen. ~ Atom Egoyan
Independent Vote quotes by Atom Egoyan
Until Americans can overcome this idealization of law, until they begin to see that law is, like other institutions and actions, to be measured against moral principles, against human needs, we will remain a static society in a world of change, a society deaf to the rising cries for justice- and therefore,a society in serious trouble."
Added a quotation: "The realities of american politics, it turns out, are different than as described in old civic textbooks, which tell us how fortunate we are to have the ballot. The major nominees for president are not chosen by the ballot, but are picked for us by a quadrennial political convention which is half farce, half circus, most of whose delegates have not been instructed by popular vote. For months before the convention, the public has been conditioned by the mass media on who is who, so that it will not be temped to think beyond that list which the party regulars have approved."
Added a quotation: "I do not think civil disobedience is enough; it is a way of protest, but in itself it does not construct a new society. There are many other things that citizens should do to begin to build a new way of life in the midst of the old, to live the way human beings should live- enjoying the fruits of the earth, the warmth of nature and of one another-without hostility, without the artificial separation of religion, or race, or nationalism. Further, not all forms of civil disobedience are moral; not all are effective."
Added a ~ Howard Zinn
Independent Vote quotes by Howard Zinn
Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth. ~ Albert Einstein
Independent Vote quotes by Albert Einstein
I can't change the world, I can only change how I choose to live in it. ~ Charlotte Eriksson
Independent Vote quotes by Charlotte Eriksson
She saw that they felt themselves alone in that crowded room. And Vronsky's face, always so firm and independent, held that look that had struck her, of bewilderment and humble submissiveness, like the expression of an intelligent dog when it has done wrong.
Anna smiled, and her smile was reflected by him. She grew thoughtful, and he became serious. Some supernatural force drew Kitty's eyes to Anna's face. She was enchanting in her simple black dress, enchanting were her round arms with their bracelets, enchanting was her firm neck with its thread of pearls, fascinating the straying curls of her loose hair, enchanting the graceful, light movements of her little feet and hands, enchanting was that lovely face in its animation, but there was something terrible and cruel about her charm. ~ Leo Tolstoy
Independent Vote quotes by Leo Tolstoy
The reason so many believers are struggling is that we have voted in the past asking God to bless our plans rather than casting our votes based on seeking His agenda. We want God to sign off on our decisions rather than us following His. ~ Tony Evans
Independent Vote quotes by Tony Evans
I think we are entitled to at least three provisional conclusions. The first is that religion and the churches are manufactured, and that this salient fact is too obvious to ignore. The second is that ethics and morality are quite independent of faith, and cannot be derived from it. The third is that religion is - because it claims a special divine exemption for its practices and beliefs - not just amoral but immoral. The ignorant psychopath and or brute who mistreats his children must be punished but can be understood. Those who claim a heavenly warrant for the cruelty have been tainted by evil, and also constitute far more danger. ~ Christopher Hitchens
Independent Vote quotes by Christopher Hitchens
Marx immediately goes on to say that it is out of this very contradiction between the interest of the individual and the community that the state develops as an independent entity. So an understanding of how this contradiction can be overcome should enable us to understand the famous Marxist doctrine that under communism the state will be superseded. ~ Anonymous
Independent Vote quotes by Anonymous
Once Christianity is no longer seen as part and parcel of patriotism, the church must offer more than "What would Jesus do?" moralism and the "I vote values" populism to which we've grown accustomed. ~ Russell D. Moore
Independent Vote quotes by Russell D. Moore
There's a vast class - the poor, the underprivileged, the people least likely to vote - who are not represented any more. ~ Austin Mitchell
Independent Vote quotes by Austin Mitchell
We are not wedded to anyone in Syria. We are not concerned with any personality. We are concerned with keeping Syria in one piece, territorially integral, sovereign, independent and secular, where the rights of all groups, ethnic and others, are fully respected. ~ Sergei Lavrov
Independent Vote quotes by Sergei Lavrov
The great thing about America is everybody should vote. ~ George W. Bush
Independent Vote quotes by George W. Bush
I am Not independent But I am dependent to Christ. ~ Dariush Youkhaneh
Independent Vote quotes by Dariush Youkhaneh
Orthodoxy is a relaxation of the mind accompanied by a stiffening of the heart. ~ Edward Abbey
Independent Vote quotes by Edward Abbey
I hate that bookstores are closing. Hate it! What's better than hanging out a bookstore, be it independent or chain, and talking books with people who love books? ~ Lisa Jackson
Independent Vote quotes by Lisa Jackson
Nathan "N.R." Gaddis did not say ::

2109 fellow Goodreaders [can't be wrong] gave [King Lear] 1 star. Many call it boring. Some even say it is predictable and has no moral lesson. That these people have the right to vote and to procreate is frightening to me. ~ Nathan "N.R." Gaddis
Independent Vote quotes by Nathan
I was raised by a single black deaf woman, so I am as independent as they come. ~ Grace Gealey
Independent Vote quotes by Grace Gealey
When you need to make a decision, don't let your emotions vote. ~ Joyce Meyer
Independent Vote quotes by Joyce Meyer
Susan B. Anthony said that the bicycle did more to emancipate women than any other single thing. The bicycle was linked in the psyches of women at that time as a symbol of practical emancipation. Women could go places, wear their skirts shorter to manage the bicycle, and be independent. ~ Susan Vreeland
Independent Vote quotes by Susan Vreeland
Voting is not a right. It is a method used to determine which politician was most able to brainwash you. ~ Dennis E. Adonis
Independent Vote quotes by Dennis E. Adonis
An encouraged person will eventually get his drive from encouragement; he becomes more dependent. A person that never really receives encouragement learns to move out of spite; he becomes more independent. ~ Criss Jami
Independent Vote quotes by Criss Jami
In the very next election, the American people elected 63 new Republicans to the House of Representatives - the largest sweep of Congress for any party since 1948. Even liberal Massachusetts elected a Republican senator solely because of his vow to vote against Obamacare. ~ Ann Coulter
Independent Vote quotes by Ann Coulter
The margin is narrow, but the responsibility is clear. ~ John F. Kennedy
Independent Vote quotes by John F. Kennedy
If I were a Catholic, I'd be asking what's going on here. I really would. "The pope also broke with his predecessors by suggesting that Catholic lawmakers are free to vote for same-sex marriage and civil unions." ~ Rush Limbaugh
Independent Vote quotes by Rush Limbaugh
I want to step up our voter-registration activities. Not every branch does it, and not all the time. I want them to go back and get out the vote because I want us to have a big impact on the Congressional elections this year. ~ Julian Bond
Independent Vote quotes by Julian Bond
How many votes does it take to get the United States of America firmly into the legal nightmare described in Gabriel's Stand? Sixty seven plus five. That is two-thirds of the US Senate (the House need not be consulted) and a five vote majority on the Supreme Court.

If we ever do something so suicidally foolish we will not have lost a war - it will just feel like it. ~ Jay B. Gaskill
Independent Vote quotes by Jay B. Gaskill
What is the use of fighting for a vote if we have not got a country to vote in? ~ Emmeline Pankhurst
Independent Vote quotes by Emmeline Pankhurst
The economy is still substantially that of the fur trade, still based on the same general kinds of commercial items: technology, weapons, ornaments, novelties, and drugs. The one great difference is that by now the revolution has deprived the mass of consumers of any independent access to the staples of life: clothing, shelter, food, even water. Air access remains the only necessity that the average user can still get for himself, and the revolution has imposed a heavy tax on that by way of pollution. Commercial conquest is far more thorough and final than military defeat. ~ Wendell Berry
Independent Vote quotes by Wendell Berry
I'm an Angus King independent. ~ Jesse Ventura
Independent Vote quotes by Jesse Ventura
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