Godand Jesus Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Godand Jesus.

Quotes About Godand Jesus

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Jesus doesn't make up the difference. Jesus makes all the difference. Grace is not about filling gaps. It is about filling us. ~ Brad Wilcox
Godand Jesus quotes by Brad Wilcox
Jesus is not directing the angelic choir, taking long naps, or doing crossword puzzles. He is completely focused on building his church, the hope of the world. ~ Bill Hybels
Godand Jesus quotes by Bill Hybels
I have never been a poster boy for serenity, but I knew I needed to restore some semblance of inner peace. In search of a fix much quicker than my weekly forays into the talking cure, I came upon an ancient and proven practice, one that exists in every culture and religious tradition as a means to attaining calm and an alternate plane of consciousness: an extended fast. Buddha did it, Jesus did it, even Pythagoras and George Bernard Shaw did it. It's like a Cole Porter song from the world's least-fun musical. ~ David Rakoff
Godand Jesus quotes by David Rakoff
The gospel is absurd and the life of Jesus is meaningless unless we believe that He lived, died, and rose again with but one purpose in mind: to make brand-new creation. Not to make people with better morals but to create a community of prophets and professional lovers, men and women who would surrender to the mystery of the fire of the Spirit that burns within, who would live in ever greater fidelity to the omnipresent Word of God, who would enter into the center of it all, the very heart and mystery of Christ, into the center of the flame that consumes, purifies, and sets everything aglow with peace, joy, boldness, and extravagant, furious love. This, my friend, is what it really means to be a Christian. ~ Brennan Manning
Godand Jesus quotes by Brennan Manning
The day we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior is one of the greatest days of our lives. Not only are our sins washed away, but God puts His Spirit inside of us and gives us new desires. ~ Joyce Meyer
Godand Jesus quotes by Joyce Meyer
Not an angel more pure than I shall be, for I shall be able to say, in a double sense, "I am clean," through Jesus' blood, and through the Spirit's work. Oh, how should we extol the power of the Holy Ghost in thus making us fit to stand before our Father in heaven! ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Godand Jesus quotes by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Mary, mother of Jesus, pays for her maternity by giving up her body, almost entirely: she foregoes both (hetero) sexual pleasure (Christ's birth is a virgin and "spiritual" birth) and physical prowess. She has no direct worldly power but, like her crucified son, is easily identified with by many people, especially women, as a powerless figure. Mary symbolizes power achieved through receptivity, compassion, and a uterus. (There's nothing intrinsically wrong with a consciously willed "receptivity" to the universe; on the contrary, it is highly desirable, and should certainly include "receptivity" to many things other than holy sperm and suffering.) ~ Phyllis Chesler
Godand Jesus quotes by Phyllis Chesler
You should really find Jesus, young man." "I've put out a missing person report. The police told me they couldn't get a warrant to search his place. ~ Anonymous
Godand Jesus quotes by Anonymous
Peter must have thought, "Who am I compared to Mr. Faithfulness (John)?" But Jesus clarified the issue. John was responsible for John. Peter was responsible for Peter. And each had only one command to heed: "Follow Me." (John 21:20-22) ~ Charles R. Swindoll
Godand Jesus quotes by Charles R. Swindoll
The problem is that tolerant has changed its meaning. It used to mean 'I may disagree with you completely, but I will treat you with respect. Today, tolerant means - 'you must approve of everything I do.' There's a difference between tolerance and approval. Jesus accepted everyone no matter who they were. He doesn't approve of everything I do, or you do, or anybody else does either. You can be accepting without being approving. ~ Rick Warren
Godand Jesus quotes by Rick Warren
When it comes to Christ, you've got to do the same. Call him crazy, or crown him as king. Dismiss him as a fraud, or declare him to be God. Walk away from him, or bow before him, but don't play games with him. ~ Max Lucado
Godand Jesus quotes by Max Lucado
If you want that splendid power in prayer, you must remain in loving, living, lasting, conscious, practical, abiding union with the Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Charles Spurgeon
Godand Jesus quotes by Charles Spurgeon
5Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes t that Jesus is the Son of God? ~ Anonymous
Godand Jesus quotes by Anonymous
Who you are is not defined by what you do, but it is defined according to who Jesus is to you ~ Carl Lentz
Godand Jesus quotes by Carl Lentz
And now tell me, why is it that you use me words "good people" all the time? Do you call everyone that, or what?
- Everyone, - the prisoner replied. - There are no evil people in the world.

(- А теперь скажи мне, что это ты все время употребляешь слова добрые
люди"? Ты всех, что ли, так называешь?
- Всех, - ответил арестант, - злых людей нет на свете.) ~ Mikhail Bulgakov
Godand Jesus quotes by Mikhail Bulgakov
Doing nothing was as honourable as any available course of action. Think of Hamlet, think of Job, think of Jesus before Pilate. ~ Johnny Rich
Godand Jesus quotes by Johnny Rich
If Jesus made the sanctuary free and available for all, we should too. If the savior of the world decided that demarkations and hierarchies and power players were no longer necessary to the health of his church, then who are we to reinstate a ranking system after Jesus rendered it obsolete? ~ Jen Hatmaker
Godand Jesus quotes by Jen Hatmaker
We didn't really swallow much of the Jesus thing, but we got the vocab. ~ Kristin Hersh
Godand Jesus quotes by Kristin Hersh
The Christian is the man who no longer seeks his salvation, his deliverance, his justification in himself, but in Jesus Christ alone. He knows that God's Word in Jesus Christ pronounces him guilty, even when he does not feel his guilt, and God's Word in Jesus Christ pronounces him not guilty and righteous, even when he does not feel that he is righteous at all. The Christian no longer lives of himself, by his own claims and his own justification, but by God's claims and God's justification. He lives wholly by God's Word pronounced upon him, whether that Word declares him guilty or innocent. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Godand Jesus quotes by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Jesus the Savior can't do his work unless he's with sinful people. ~ Tim Chester
Godand Jesus quotes by Tim Chester
Words are important. Words shaper our perceptions. When they define, they can also distort. There is a far better way to describe this man whose face is the most human face of all. Jesus is beautiful. ~ John Eldredge
Godand Jesus quotes by John Eldredge
The world sees peace as the absence of conflict or pain, but Jesus offers us solace despite our suffering. ~ David E. Sorensen
Godand Jesus quotes by David E. Sorensen
Jesus. Janet had to turn away. You only had to see a unicorn lay open the side of a centaur once, the ribcage flashing white when the ripped skin flopped down, to swear a mighty oath never to fuck with or even look at another unicorn again. I'm putting down the hearts and fluffy clouds and backing away slowly. Don't want any trouble here. You can have all the rainbows. It ~ Lev Grossman
Godand Jesus quotes by Lev Grossman
For the sake of Christ, God has made peace with the pilgrim, Christian. Christian is justified and is forgiven of all his sins. Christian is stripped of his rags and is given a robe of righteousness, which represents the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. Christian is given a mark on his forehead that sets him apart from the world and marks him as a true child of God who will be preserved from divine judgment. Christian is given a scroll with a seal on it, which represents his temporal assurance of his new life and acceptance into the Celestial City.
4. ~ John Bunyan
Godand Jesus quotes by John Bunyan
Fost. So (said he), I understand: but well, if you will promise to call the people no more together, you shall have your liberty to go home; for my brother is very loath to send you to prison, if you will be but ruled. Bun. Sir (said I), pray what do you mean by calling the people together? my business is not anything among them, when they are come together, but to exhort them to look after the salvation of their souls, that they may be saved, etc. Fost. Saith he, We must not enter into explication, or dispute now; but if you will say you will call the people no more together, you may have your liberty; if not, you must be sent away to prison. Bun. Sir, said I, I shall not force or compel any man to hear me; but yet, if I come into any place where there is a people met together, I should, according to the best of my skill and wisdom, exhort and counsel them to seek out after the Lord Jesus Christ, for the salvation of their souls. ~ John Bunyan
Godand Jesus quotes by John Bunyan
When Jesus Christ utters a word, He opens His mouth so wide that it embraces all Heaven and earth, even though that word be but in a whisper. ~ Martin Luther
Godand Jesus quotes by Martin Luther
Do not consider any act of service as demeaning. Sweeping the streets, for example, is not below your dignity. Do you not sweep the floor of your homes? Do you not scrub and wash off dirt? When you undertake such tasks, the villagers will also gladly share in them. Why feel ashamed to be good? The ridicule that may be cast on you has been the reward of many saints. It will soon fade away. Muhammad was driven out of Mecca by those who could not appreciate his teachings. Jesus was crucified. But their names resound in the heart of millions. ~ Sathya Sai Baba
Godand Jesus quotes by Sathya Sai Baba
I love McNab."
Even as she turned toward Peabody, Eve could feel the muscle under her right eye vibrating toward a twitch. "Oh man. Do you have to do this?"
"Yeah. I love McNab," Peabody repeated. "It took me a while to realize it, or get there, however it works. But he's the one. If you were to drop down dead, and Roarke decided I could comfort him with wild
sex I probably wouldn't do it. Probably. But even if I did, I'd still love McNab."
"At least I'm dead in your sexual fantasy."
"It's only fair. I wouldn't cheat on my partner. So I probably wouldn't have sex with Roarke, should the opportunity arise, unless both you and McNab were killed in a freak accident."
"Thanks, Peabody. I feel a lot better now."
'And we'd probably wait a decent interval. Like two weeks. If we could control ourselves."
"It just gets better and better," Eve remarked.
"In a way, we'd really be celebrating your lives, and our love for you both."
"Maybe you're the ones who die in a freak accident," Eve tossed back. "Then me and McNab... No, Jesus. No." She visibly shuddered. "I don't love you that much."
"Aw, that's not very nice. Too bad for you, because McNab's an airjack in the sack."
"Shut up now. Save yourself. ~ J.D. Robb
Godand Jesus quotes by J.D. Robb
Great spiritual teachers, like Buddha and Jesus, have touched their disciples' hearts by speaking in the language of emotion, teaching in parables, fables, and stories. Indeed, religious symbol and ritual makes little sense from the rational point of view; it is couched in the vernacular of the heart. ~ Daniel Goleman
Godand Jesus quotes by Daniel Goleman
Godand Jesus quotes by Kenneth Adrian Ellis
Jesus was a master of grace: he attracted sinners and moral outcasts even as he offended the religious and responsible people of his day. ~ Philip Yancey
Godand Jesus quotes by Philip Yancey
A man's relationship with the Bible is an exact picture of His relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Len Smith
Godand Jesus quotes by Len Smith
The name of Jesus is as ointment poured forth; It nourishes, and illumines, and stills the anguish of the soul. ~ Angelus Silesius
Godand Jesus quotes by Angelus Silesius
Godand Jesus quotes by Sandra Kristen Moore
Love, its power and authority, always gets there first, comes to believe first, and always waits for the others, especially the leaders, to catch up! This is the reality of what happened among the disciples and the community of the Beloved Disciple, John, and those closest to Jesus, called His friends. They mature and develop differently from other disciples, and the community of the Church has to struggle with the fact that the last one anyone thought would be the leader was the one who betrayed Him and contributed to the dissolution of the disciples when Jesus was arrested and crucified. ~ Megan McKenna
Godand Jesus quotes by Megan McKenna
In John 3:7 Jesus says, "You must be born again," which is generally taken to mean that one must be baptized and/or rededicate oneself to Christianity, but what if Jesus is actually saying that, if you want to get as close as possible to His Father, you have to keep being reborn until you get it right? What if He is talking about reincarnation? ~ Chip Coffey
Godand Jesus quotes by Chip Coffey
A wiseman invests in something that lasts forever; the only investment that meets this criteria is the word of God. Matthew 24:35. ~ Felix Wantang
Godand Jesus quotes by Felix Wantang
People have faith in 'faith' and largely forget that our confidence is not in the power of faith but in the Person and work of the Savior, Jesus Christ. ~ Aiden Wilson Tozer
Godand Jesus quotes by Aiden Wilson Tozer
Did Christ finish His work for us? Then there can be no doubt but He will also finish His work in us. ~ John Flavel
Godand Jesus quotes by John Flavel
I have decided. I want to be about the cause of Jesus. I want to follow Christ, not the crowd. ~ Jennifer Dukes Lee
Godand Jesus quotes by Jennifer Dukes Lee

Woke up in a white veil
The fog sets the silence in my hands
I think back to my thoughts
About the people
I'm thinking
With increasing pain in my head
People who have condemned me
Dark hour
the hours
And I would now complain quietly
But there is no fury
And there is no sadness
The time has melted away like water in the sea
the women
They are covered with clouds
Let my heart bleed to death
Among the thorns
There is no sun in the zenith ~ Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Godand Jesus quotes by Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Being in Hollywood and having a love for Christ is hard. I mean, it's hard anywhere because Jesus is about the Upside Down Kingdom. You know, serve instead of being served, go last and don't try to be first. ~ Shane Harper
Godand Jesus quotes by Shane Harper
I took a step back and appraised the sight of the naked torso in front of me. He'd always had an amazing body, but Christ. Trip had gotten freaking ripped.
I put my hands to my hips and asked, "Are you kidding me? What the hell is this?"
My anger probably missed its mark, considering I was standing there totally nude. It's hard to be taken seriously when you're not wearing any clothes.
He knew exactly what I was talking about and was trying to contain a smile as he asked, "What?"
I rolled my eyes. "When did this happen? Jesus. Look at you! Give a girl a heads up about such a thing, huh?"
That made the smile crack his features. "What? So I've been hitting it a little harder lately. I just came off a gladiator film and I'm starting a hockey flick in a few weeks. Occupational hazard, I guess."
"Yeah. A hazard to me, maybe! Here I am with my saggy ass and you're standing there looking like Michelangelo's David, you jagweed!"
He stepped closer, grabbing my butt and pulling me into direct contact with what was assuredly going to be revealed as his perfect dick. He probably lifted weights with that thing, too. His cock probably possessed its own set of washboard abs. ~ T. Torrest
Godand Jesus quotes by T. Torrest
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