Global Elite Quotes

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Quotes About Global Elite

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she enjoyed her continued glimpses into the inner workings of world affairs. She often would sit back in the middle of some long meeting and wonder how it was that these men and women had risen to the top of the global elite. They weren't marked by exceptional genius. The did not have extraordinarily deep knowledge or creative opinions. If there was one trait the best of them possessed, it was a talent for simplification. They had the ability to take a complex situation and capture the heart of the matter in simple terms. A second after they located the core fact of any problem, their observation seemed blindingly obvious, but somehow nobody had simplified the issue in quite those terms beforehand. They took reality and made it manageable for busy people. p338 ~ David Brooks
Global Elite quotes by David Brooks
What is interesting to me, as I travel, is that exactly the same agenda is being implemented in every country I travel to. Because people from different countries don't talk to each other and the international media are being used to bring about the changes desired by the global elite, nobody realizes this. ~ David Icke
Global Elite quotes by David Icke
It has enriched a tiny global elite that has no loyalty to the nation-state. These corporations, if we use the language of patriotism, are traitors. ~ Chris Hedges
Global Elite quotes by Chris Hedges
The privileged individuals and families who comprise the global elite will happily bankrupt their own countrymen, decimate their own community and evict their neighbors from houses in their desperate bid to increase their wealth. ~ James Morcan
Global Elite quotes by James Morcan
Fletcher Von Pein was one of the twelve founders of the Omega Agency. He was also a powerful banker and a majority shareholder in the US Federal Reserve which, despite its misleading name, had zero government ownership and was actually a private corporation owned by the global elite. ~ James Morcan
Global Elite quotes by James Morcan
Contrary to what we, the people, have been told, we are the power; we have supreme authority because we are the masses and true power always resides with the masses, never with the global elite who, by their very nature, have always been a vulnerable minority and will always continue to be ... As long as the masses realize that, of course. ~ James Morcan
Global Elite quotes by James Morcan
Divide and conquer. That's the global elite's proven strategy when it comes to its treatment of Third World countries in Africa and indeed throughout the world. Or, to put it another way, order out of chaos is the global elite's favored tactic. They engineer chaos by financing both sides of revolutions, movements and civil wars then create order by providing solutions to governments and citizens in these war-torn countries. ~ James Morcan
Global Elite quotes by James Morcan
The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. ~ Bill Gates
Global Elite quotes by Bill Gates
If the anti-gravity flying machines witnessed by so many in and around Area 51's airspace are manmade then that confirms the Splinter Civilization are almost light years ahead of known science – and they have technologies the common man could scarcely comprehend.
If on the other hand UFO's are of alien origin, that implies the global elite are collaborating with an ET civilization – and this may explain why classified technology has progressed at such a rapid rate since around the time of Roswell. ~ James Morcan
Global Elite quotes by James Morcan
The root cause, simply put, is globalization, and the resulting monopolization of wealth by a global elite. ~ Paul Mason
Global Elite quotes by Paul Mason
The free enterprise concept inherent in the economic model of capitalism should mean common people, or lower and middle class wage-earners, have greater potential to rise up and gain financial independence. In reality, however, free enterprise all too often leads to an almost total lack of government regulation that in turn allows the global elite to run amuck in Gordon Gecko-style financial coups. ~ James Morcan
Global Elite quotes by James Morcan
To whom is an international corporation answerable? Often they do not employ workers. They outsource manufacturing to places far away. If wages rise in one place, they can, almost instantly, transfer production to somewhere else. If a tax regime in one country becomes burdensome, they can relocate to another. To whom, then, are they accountable? By whom are they controllable? For whom are they responsible? To which group of people other than shareholders do they owe loyalty? The extreme mobility, not only of capital but also of manufacturing and servicing, is in danger of creating institutions that have power without responsibility, as well as a social class, the global elite, that has no organic connection with any group except itself. ~ Jonathan Sacks
Global Elite quotes by Jonathan Sacks
If wars create vast sums of money for the global elite, is it possible the Soviets, the Viet Cong and Muslim extremists were, or are, also fabricated enemies of the West along with North Korea? Or at least exaggerated threats? ~ James Morcan
Global Elite quotes by James Morcan
Book I wrote this book because I believe there is still hope to prevent the catastrophic events planned by the global elite ruling class. In a desperate attempt to protect their monopoly on the global financial system, they are willing to start World War III. It is their intention to use ISIS to ignite a massive conflict in the Middle East, a conflict designed to draw Russia and China in so they can start a global war. ~ James Garcia
Global Elite quotes by James Garcia
The problem is you cannot have free global trade with highly restrictive, regulated domestic markets. ~ Alan Greenspan
Global Elite quotes by Alan Greenspan
I feel a deep need to listen to the remnants of history's saddest songs, to keep their mournful melody alive on my lips and in my heart. My psyche craves the lessons humanity's blood-rusted fissures have to carve into my soul, and maybe, just maybe, if I soak up enough of them, one day I will begin to make sense of today's ongoing global hostilities. ~ Randy Blythe
Global Elite quotes by Randy Blythe
To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy. ~ Jon Huntsman, Jr.
Global Elite quotes by Jon Huntsman, Jr.
The more deeply I search for the roots of the global environmental crisis, the more I am convinced that it is an outer manifestation of an inner crisis that is, for lack of a better word, spiritual ... what other word describes the collection of values and assumptions that determine our basic understanding of how we fit into the universe? ~ Al Gore
Global Elite quotes by Al Gore
A utopian future for the Internet could be secured if the heavy-duty influencers - and the grassroots influencers tweeting along - can create a new global organization peopled with defenders of Internet freedom. ~ Naomi Wolf
Global Elite quotes by Naomi Wolf
Global sports tournaments have a range of benefits that go far beyond the games themselves. They can transform the image of a country or a region. They bring people together and reveal new possibilities to a nation's youth. ~ Richard Attias
Global Elite quotes by Richard Attias
The common law does not proceed by legislation, or by imposing directives and decrees on a reluctant population. It proceeds by resolving conflicts, and discovering the rules that are implicit in those conflicts and in the behaviour that gives rise to them. Common law is discovered law, and its principles are not imposed from above but extracted from below, by judges whose aim is to do justice in the individual case, rather than to reform the conduct of mankind. Its rights are not stated but implied, and they encapsulate a vision of individual freedom rather than a politics of collective conformity. The rights dreamed up in the European Courts, by judges who do not pay the cost of imposing them, are experiments in social engineering, rather than recognitions of individual sovereignty, and this is in no matter more evident than in those clauses that have imposed the mores of the elite on a reluctant residue of Christian believers, and which are now ubiquitous in our statutory law. ~ Roger Scruton
Global Elite quotes by Roger Scruton
There is no substantive basis for predictions of sizeable global warming due to observed increases in minor greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons. ~ Richard Lindzen
Global Elite quotes by Richard Lindzen
The first step in becoming a global citizen is stripping away the preconceptions of how things should be in order to see things for what they are. ~ Colleen Mariotti
Global Elite quotes by Colleen Mariotti
The whole system is under tremendous strain. Although the increasing pace of change is essential for developing new solutions, it is also pushing society to its limits. In global structures, it all comes to a head in the form of sudden crises. This leads to tipping point situations in which the seemingly impossible becomes possible. ~ Franz Josef Radermacher
Global Elite quotes by Franz Josef Radermacher
Listen, global warming is a real problem, but it' s not the end of the world. A 30-centimetre sea level rise is just not going to bring the world to a standstill, just like it didn't over the last 150 years. ~ Bjorn Lomborg
Global Elite quotes by Bjorn Lomborg
The 2010 global gender gap report by the World Economic Forum shows that countries with better gender equality have faster-growing, more competitive economies. ~ Michelle Bachelet
Global Elite quotes by Michelle Bachelet
The bleak truth is that, under normal conditions, most of North America and Europe are buried under about 1.5km of ice. This bitterly frigid climate is interrupted occasionally by brief warm interglacials, typically lasting less than 10,000 years. The interglacial we have enjoyed throughout recorded human history, called the Holocene, began 11,000 years ago, so the ice is overdue, Chapman wrote. All those urging action to curb global warming need to take off the blinkers and give some thought to what we should do if we are facing global cooling instead. ~ Philip K. Chapman
Global Elite quotes by Philip K. Chapman
There is a strong sentiment within the Tea Party that favors a stronger America on the global stage, and with that comes a strong alliance with the State of Israel. ~ Adam Hasner
Global Elite quotes by Adam Hasner
DREAM PREDICTION ELITE is the realization of true amazement in your audiences reactions. This is PURE GOLD - A REAL WINNER ~ Banachek
Global Elite quotes by Banachek
If global oil prices or commodity prices are high, then it is bound to create inflation. So, we should not be too worried if the inflation is created by global commodity prices. When they come down, inflation will automatically come down. ~ Adi Godrej
Global Elite quotes by Adi Godrej
Is it weird that when I see a cool t shirt or pick up a toothbrush or see a new car I don't think about the product itself? I think about the thousands of people and dollars to make it.

I think about how the retailer that took the risk to buy and resell it. Then I work backwards to the store costs, the distributer who got it there, the shipping company that brought it over from China, the factory workers that made it, the people that sourced the materials and the people that harvested the raw materials, and on and on..
The global economy is amazing. Your $20 t-shirt is a freaking miracle. ~ Richie Norton
Global Elite quotes by Richie Norton
Your Holiness, elite education makes us arrogant, conceited. It makes us think we are the answers to everything. You know what this expensive education does to us? It destroys us. ~ Dalai Lama XIV
Global Elite quotes by Dalai Lama XIV
My husband, Andrew Shue, is the co-founder of Do Something, and we both speak and present at awards ceremonies. It's absolutely amazing and humbling to see all the work so many young people are contributing to better their communities on both a local and global front. ~ Amy Robach
Global Elite quotes by Amy Robach
Most people are under exposed to global assets, including foreign stocks, bonds and currencies. ~ Mohamed El-Erian
Global Elite quotes by Mohamed El-Erian
For at this juncture, the West has cut itself off from its own Jewish and Christian roots - the faith, the ideas, the ethics and the way of life that made it the West. It now stands deeply divided, uncertain of its post-Christian identity, and with its dominance waning in the global era. ~ Os Guinness
Global Elite quotes by Os Guinness
In Transylvania it was memories of the Romanian revolt that stalked the Hungarian aristocratic imagination.. In Galicia it was memories of Tarnow that performed a similar service for the surviving Polish noble families. Both societies shared something of the brittle, sports-obsessed cheerfulness of the British in India - or indeed of Southerners in the pre-1861 United States. These were societies which could resort to any level of violence in support of racial supremacy. Indeed, an interesting global history could be written about the ferocity of a period which seems, very superficially, to be so 'civilized'. Southern white responses to Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion in 1831, with Turner himself flayed, beheaded and quartered, can be linked to the British blowing rebel Indians to pieces from the mouths of cannons in 1857. ~ Simon Winder
Global Elite quotes by Simon Winder
What sets the The Next Web apart is a focus on the internet as a key driver for a global market. Their international view is unique, making their blogs a must read and their conferences a must attend for professionals like me who do business around the globe ~ Werner Vogels
Global Elite quotes by Werner Vogels
The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Global Elite quotes by Thomas Jefferson
Nevertheless, there is another threat on the horizon. I see this threat in environmentalism which is becoming a new dominant ideology, if not a religion. Its main weapon is raising the alarm and predicting the human life endangering climate change based on man-made global warming. ~ Vaclav Klaus
Global Elite quotes by Vaclav Klaus
I am bullish on the global development. I am bullish on billions of people getting out of poverty. ~ Marc Andreesen
Global Elite quotes by Marc Andreesen
If climate change drove the megafauna extinct, then this presents yet another reason to worry about what we are doing to global temperatures. If, on the other hand, people were to blame - and it seems increasingly likely that they were - then the import is almost more disturbing. It would mean that the current extinction event began all the way back in the middle of the last ice age. It would mean that man was a killer - to use the term of art an "overkiller" - pretty much right from the start. ~ Elizabeth Kolbert
Global Elite quotes by Elizabeth Kolbert
Past, present and future CO2 emissions will have a cumulative impact on both global warming and ocean acidification. The laws of physics are non-negotiable. ~ Anonymous
Global Elite quotes by Anonymous
The combination of population growth and the growth in consumption is a danger that we are not prepared for and something we will need global co-operation on. ~ Maurice Strong
Global Elite quotes by Maurice Strong
Scott goes to the computer and loads a chart that says something about global warming. Scott says, "See?" Judy says, "I don't think global warming is important, people shouldn't need to use global warming as an excuse to stop being wasteful." Scott says, "How can you not believe this?" Judy says, "There has been golf ball-sized hail storms and hurricanes for a long time, it didn't just start all of the sudden. In the movie Al Gore drives in an SUV." Scott leaves to have a cigarette. Cory says, "Al Gore owns his own farm." Judy stares at the TV. Judy thinks, "No one in this room cares about global warming, this is ridiculous, we are all smoking cigarettes and eating cheese, how can any one of us care about voting? No one in this room cares about anything. ~ Ellen Kennedy
Global Elite quotes by Ellen Kennedy
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