Faridah Abdullah Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Faridah Abdullah.

Quotes About Faridah Abdullah

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What King Abdullah of Jordan said is essentially the war against ISIS is a war for the soul of Islam. And it must be Muslim troops on the ground that will destroy ISIS, with the support of a coalition of major powers - U.S., U.K., France, Germany and Russia. ~ Hillary Clinton
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Hillary Clinton
The future lies in unity and respect, not division and stereotypes ~ Abdullah II Of Jordan
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah II Of Jordan
I believe it is an important project, it makes the cost of doing business lower and they will make us more competitive at the same time, it will also provide some satisfaction to the people who demand services for them of the quality they want and also quickly. ~ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
How often it is that a small action becomes great by its intention. And how often it is that a great action becomes small by its intention. ~ Abdullah Ibn Mubarak
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ibn Mubarak
Abdullah explained to me the man had not understood the significance of the image on the flag, so Abdullah told him it was a picture of Afghanistan - a picture of his country. At that, the man had shrugged and walked away. That's when I started to understand that our goal of establishing loyalty to a national government was possibly in trouble. ~ Wes Moore
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Wes Moore
It was time for a strong-minded woman to take charge. Abdullah was quite glad that Sophie was one. ~ Diana Wynne Jones
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Diana Wynne Jones
Helpless creatures ought, on the contrary, to be treated as sacred trusts, whether they are orphans, or dependants, or creatures of any kind unable to assert themselves. ~ Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
I welcome the signing by the presidential candidates Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani of an agreement on the formation of a government of national unity in Afghanistan, ~ Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Muslims in the West and those in other intellectually free societies will be in a position to contribute to Islamic thought more so than those who are based in repressive environments where censorship and restriction on freedom still dominate thinking. The future development of Islamic thought may depend to a certain extent on the degree of intellectual freedom in Muslim societies. ~ Abdullah Saeed
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Saeed
If you know bikes at all, you can tell a lot about a man by how he rides. Abdullah rode from reflex rather than concentration. His control of the bike in motion was as natural as his control of his legs in walking. He read the traffic with a mix of skill and intuition. Several times, he slowed before there was an obvious need, and avoided the hard braking that other, less instinctive riders were forced to make. Sometimes he accelerated into an invisible gap that opened magically for us, just when a collision seemed imminent. Although unnerving at first, the technique did soon inspire a kind of grudging confidence in me, and I relaxed in the ride. ~ Gregory David Roberts
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Gregory David Roberts
Every American should own a Koran. There are no excuses. Every day you can switch on the television or the radio or open a newspaper and hear or read pronouncements about what Islam is and"what the Koran says. Most of it is wrong - very wrong. You owe it to yourself, your family, and all the Americans killed on 9/11 and since to know the truth. Do not take anyone's word for it. Find out for yourself by reading the actual Koran. One of the most reliable and recognized versions is the The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and Commentary translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Once you have a Koran and start to read it, take care to note the enormous differences between the half reportedly communicated to Mohammed in the beginning in Mecca, when he was weak and without followers, and the latter half, allegedly written after he returned from Medina with thousands of followers, the leader of a mighty military force. It is the post-Medina chapters of the Koran that are naturally favored by groups like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. They are not in fact perverting religious texts but skillfully applying those alleged revelations that best support their cause. ~ Sebastian Gorka
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Sebastian Gorka
Disappointments are worse when they are caused by the people who should be your role models. ~ Abdullah Abu Snaineh
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Abu Snaineh
I will be happy with certainly when the corruption index improve. ~ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Everything that is decreed for the Muslim is best for him. ~ Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarni
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarni
United States is a great Country and has its effective role on the international arena, so we have to boost our relations with it, in order to achieve peace and stability in our region and the world. ~ Ali Abdullah Saleh
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Ali Abdullah Saleh
Actually, King Abdullah, under his supervision and guidance, has established a dialogue in Saudi Arabia whereby all the population, whether Shiite or Sunnis from north, south, west or east, they can get together and exchange their views. ~ Al-Waleed Bin Talal
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Al-Waleed Bin Talal
We will fight hostage taking like we fight terrorism. ~ Ali Abdullah Saleh
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Ali Abdullah Saleh
Someone who seeks to travel the path of Allah should begin with a sound repentance from all his sins. ~ Abdullah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad
Why was he sent to jail?" I asked before going into the house.

"He broke the law." Martin simply answered. ~ Abdullah Abu Snaineh
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Abu Snaineh
There is no Richter scale to measure pain; it leaves you vulnerable. It's not pain you can get used to, not sorrow that you can tame.It leaves you broken, broken but alive. ~ Emma Abdullah
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Emma Abdullah
Tell me about this Wizard Howl of yours."
"He's the best wizard in Ingary or anywhere else. If he'd only had time, he would have defeated that djinn. And he's sly and selfish and vain as a peacock and cowardly, and you can't pin him down to anything."
"Indeed? Strange that you should speak so proudly such a list of vices, most loving of ladies."
"What do you mean, vices? I was just describing Howl. He comes from another world entirely, you know, called Wales, and I refuse to believe he's dead! ~ Diana Wynne Jones
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Diana Wynne Jones
We are a people in more need of a little character than we are in need of an abundance of knowledge. ~ Abdullah Ibn Mubarak
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ibn Mubarak
Maybe life just wants to be noticed, like a sulking toddler, so it will keep throwing things our way until we finally give it the attention it deserves. ~ Emma Abdullah
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Emma Abdullah
Never make a decision while in the state of anger. ~ Abdullah II Of Jordan
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah II Of Jordan
People usually wish that they had the superpower of being invisible but then I realized that the true superpower was to be noticed. ~ Abdullah Abu Snaineh
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Abu Snaineh
You cannot rob robbers with a kitten in your hat! ~ Diana Wynne Jones
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Diana Wynne Jones
Sheikh Abdullah held an unrivaled place in the history of Kashmir and in the historic transition from tradition to modernity. He left an indelible impact on the political landscape of Kashmir. He was a Charismatic leader having a magnetic quality to change the mood of the public and drove them in the direction he desired. ~ Tarif Naaz
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Tarif Naaz
The beginning of knowledge is the intention, then listening, then understanding, then action, then preservation, and then spreading it. ~ Abdullah Ibn Mubarak
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ibn Mubarak
The idea is that they wouldn't want to deal with militant Islam but an Islam and Muslims who are committed to progress, committed to development, who like peace and are moderate in their ways. So that's what we are doing here. ~ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
I believe that the true value of life lies in work, diligence and innovation. After all, work is the essence of humanity. ~ Sheikh Abdullah
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Sheikh Abdullah
Very old fashioned to say that they will be well behaved but I think it's very important. ~ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians - any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. ~ Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
The situation in the region is flammable and may explode at any moment, because of the crucial events and because of the absence of justice in executing the international legitimacy resolutions, regarding the Israeli Arab cause and the oppression on Palestinians by Israelis. ~ Ali Abdullah Saleh
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Ali Abdullah Saleh
I am quite a spendthrift but just being careful because my family was not rich, was not a rich family. ~ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
The Best Teachers teach from the heart and not from the Book ~ Annonimous
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Annonimous
Dr Ambedkar said, "Mr Abdullah, you want India should defend Kashmir, India should develop Kashmir and Kashmiris should have equal rights as citizens of India, but you don't want India and any citizen of India to have any rights in Kashmir. I am the Law Minister of India. I cannot betray the interest of my country. ~ Anonymous
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Anonymous
We have now recently launched the national integrity plan. ~ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
I just picked up golf, it was good, give me a chance to play golf. ~ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
....if you are too stingy with Allah to give Him some of your time at such an early age, the coming times will prove you to be even stingier.. ~ Abdullah Yusuf Azzam
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Yusuf Azzam
The stage has been reached where our armed forces should withdraw beyond the borders It's not the end. It's the start of a new era. ~ Abdullah Ocalan
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ocalan
I can't hide things from my Maker, so it is better to be honest. ~ Farooq Abdullah
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Farooq Abdullah
I do rather like birds,' Abdullah Unul says. 'They're busy, active little things. They make do. Have you ever thought, if Istanbul were to have an official bird, what would it be? I bet you'd think stork straight away. Maybe a sparrow. Me, the official bird of Istanbul would have to be the seagull. What do you see dancing around the Ramazan lights, what' s following the ships up and down the Bosphorus, what's facing into the wind on the rocks down by the water side. The common or garden gull, that's what. For all those reasons, the seagull for me is Istanbul, but mostly because it practises kleptoparasitism. You may not have heard of that. I'll explain. It's a behaviour when one animal takes prey from another that has the job of catching or killing it. In seagulls it's letting some other bird do all the hard work of catching the fish or a bit of bread and then taking it off them as they're about to eat it. It's the reason they're the success they are. So, I'll have that Koran. Both parts. To be honest, I'd prefer cash, but I imagine there's a market for that gadgetry you have out there in Fenerbahçe. ~ Ian McDonald
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Ian McDonald
The cat Horus shot out from under the table and headed for the door, his ears flattened and his tail straight out. There he encountered Abdullah, who had been waiting for us on the verandah and who had, I supposed, been alarmed by Emerson's shouts and hurried to discover what disaster had prompted them. The cat got entangled in Abdullah's skirts and a brief interval of staggering (by Abdullah), scratching (by Horus) and swearing (by both parties) ensued before Horus freed himself and departed. ~ Elizabeth Peters
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Elizabeth Peters
At first of course everybody had been quiet, fearful. The funeral procession snaked its way through the drab, slushy little city in dead silence. The only sound was the slap-slap-slap of thousands of sockless shoes on the silver-wet road that led to the Mazar-e-Shohadda. Young men carried seventeen coffins on their shoulders. Seventeen plus one, that is, for the re-murdered Usman Abdullah, who obviously could not be entered twice in the books. So, seventeen-plus-one tin coffins wove through the streets, winking back at the winter sun. To someone looking down at the city from the ring of high mountains that surrounded it, the procession would have looked like a column of brown ants carrying seventeen-plus-one sugar crystals to their anthill to feed their queen. Perhaps to a student of history and human conflict, in relative terms that's all the little procession amounted to: a column of ants making off with some crumbs that had fallen from the high table. As wars go, this was only a small one. Nobody paid much attention. So it went on and on. So it folded and unfolded over decades, gathering people into its unhinged embrace. Its cruelties became as natural as the changing seasons, each came with its own unique range of scent and blossom, its own cycle of loss and renewal, disruption and normalcy, uprisings and elections.

Of all the sugar crystals carried by the ants that winter morning, the smallest crystal of course went by the name of Miss Jebeen. ~ Arundhati Roy
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Arundhati Roy
At the same time the Muslims are commanded to exercise self-restraint as much as possible. Force
is a dangerous weapon. It may have to be used for self-defense or self-preservation, but we must
always remember that self-restraint is pleasing in the eyes of Allah. Even when we are fighting, it
should be for a principle not out of passion. ~ Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Education reform doesn't come cheap. But the price of ignorance is far, far greater ~ Rania Al-Abdullah
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Rania Al-Abdullah
When you write something down, it stays forever.It's like a little part of you that you're giving to the universe ~ Emma Abdullah
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Emma Abdullah
The right of self-determination of the peoples includes the right to a state of their own. However, the foundation of a state does not increase the freedom of a people. The system of the United Nations that is based on nation-states has remained inefficient. Meanwhile, nation-states have become serious obstacles for any social development. Democratic confederalism is the contrasting paradigm of the oppressed people. Democratic confederalism is a non-state social paradigm. It is not controlled by a state. At the same time, democratic confederalism is the cultural organizational blueprint of a democratic nation. Democratic confederalism is based on grassroots participation. Its decision-making processes lie with the communities. Higher levels only serve the coordination and implementation of the will of the communities that send their delegates to the general assemblies. For limited space of time they are both mouthpiece and executive institution. However, the basic power of decision rests with the local grassroots institutions. ~ Abdullah Ocalan
Faridah Abdullah quotes by Abdullah Ocalan
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