Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings.

Quotes About Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings

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Dave ignored him and kept right on jogging. When he reached me, he jumped into the passenger seat Dukes of Hazzard style. "Can you drive?"

Well, that was debatable, given my close encounter with the wall but I wasn't going to get into that now. I eyed him warily. "What are you doing here?"

"No time for that. Can you put your foot on the clutch?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. I didn't like what he was implying. I may have just almost hit the wall but I wasn't a complete idiot. "I could put my foot in your crotch if you like?" I suggested.

A slow smile spread across his face and I looked away. God, that was supposed to insult him, not amuse him. Or turn me on. ~ Belinda Williams
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Belinda Williams
At the time, I was driving a 1970 Ford truck that I'd bought for a thousand bucks. In my world, if a vehicle runs and has air in its tires, then it's worth a thousand dollars! The price never changes. I abused that truck for several years, only to sell it for a thousand bucks for an upgrade. It had a rebuilt hot rod engine and was fast! When we cut firewood in the rain, my truck would slide all over dirt roads and occasionally bounce off trees, so both of the truck's sides were badly dented. After a while, I couldn't open either door. It was real-life Dukes of Hazzard!
I remember the first time Missy approached the door and tried to open it. I told her the door wouldn't open, and she started to go around to the other side. I informed her that the other door didn't open, either. As she looked at me with a blank stare, I said, "Rule number one: if you want to go with me, you've got to crawl through the window. ~ Jase Robertson
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Jase Robertson
Shows have a tendency to end when they're over. 'The Dukes of Hazzard' has not ended for the fans, and it has not ended for the cast or the crew, and I'm very proud to be a part of that. ~ John Schneider
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by John Schneider
This weekend on The History Channel, someone digs through old plastic junk ("It's a Dukes of Hazzard wastebasket!"), someone else tries to sell a doll head ("I used to take the heads off the bodies, and I kept the heads") . . . and Larry the Cable Guy taste-tests Tabasco sauce ("I can't feel my dadgum tongue!"). The History Channel. What the hell happened to us? Jimmy Kimmel Live4 ~ Donald R. Prothero
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Donald R. Prothero
I would watch 'The Dukes of Hazzard' on loop. At one point I had 30 televisions in my bedroom and I would watch it over and over. ~ Seann William Scott
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Seann William Scott
As a five-year-old kid, I used to sit in front of the TV - I never missed 'Dukes of Hazzard,' not once. It was me and my dad's show. ~ Christian Kane
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Christian Kane
I'm a big fan of reality shows. I thought the first one, Dukes of Hazzard, captured white people perfectly. ~ George Lopez
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by George Lopez
Down with Dukes of Hazzard! ~ Alec Baldwin
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Alec Baldwin
But it's a strange thing when people judge you because you're not doing some big Hollywood film. Are you suggesting I should be in 'The Dukes of Hazzard?' I mean, hello? ~ Joseph Fiennes
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Joseph Fiennes
"Dukes of Hazzard" or something you could, you know, that your work is going to be made up of that - episodic television shows. Not that I got many of them, but that was where I, but actually oddly enough though, they were teaching camera terminology at the same time in this acting class so I actually was able to understand what rack focus and whip pan and all that stuff meant. ~ Quentin Tarantino
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Quentin Tarantino
I weighed 245 pounds when I was 16 years old. I had a 44-inch waist. And that was two years before 'Dukes of Hazzard' started. ~ John Schneider
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by John Schneider
The art of happy-making begins when we find our happiness within instead of without. ~ Jennifer Dukes Lee
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Jennifer Dukes Lee
was no thought of appointing hereditary dukes - to have done this would have been simply to prepare the way for the king or his posterity to be ousted, as had been the case with the Merovingians, and was also with the Karolings in France. The early dukes were simply regionary, beneficiary, or official. Growth ~ William Stubbs
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by William Stubbs
running to and fro with trays of refreshments. Odo, who knew that his mother lived in the Duke's palace, had vaguely imagined that his father's death must have plunged its huge precincts into silence and mourning; but as he followed the abate up successive flights of stairs and down long corridors full of shadow he heard a sound of dance music below and caught the flash of girandoles through the antechamber doors. The thought that his father's death had made no difference to any one in the palace was to the child so much more astonishing than any of the other impressions crowding his brain, that these were scarcely felt, and he passed as in a dream through rooms where servants were quarrelling over cards and waiting-women rummaged in wardrobes full of perfumed finery, to a bedchamber in which a lady dressed in weeds sat disconsolately at supper. "Mamma! Mamma!" he cried, springing ~ Edith Wharton
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Edith Wharton
Besides that, I felt guilty. I thought for some reason ... I was alive, and Buddy and those boys were dead, and I didn't know how, but somehow I'd caused it. ~ Waylon Jennings
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Waylon Jennings
Don't you be so nice to me; I fall in love so easily. ~ Waylon Jennings
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Waylon Jennings
When the emperor is crowned or the three dukes are appointed, rather than sending a gift of jade carried by four horses, remain still and offer the Way. ~ Laozi
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Laozi
People in Haiti eat dirt because it gives their starving bodies a false sense of satisfaction. But mud pies don't fill. They merely mask real hunger. [...] I saw the mud pies as a metaphor for the life of any Christian who has ever looked to something or someone other than God for fulfillment. ~ Jennifer Dukes Lee
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Jennifer Dukes Lee
It's like Duke Ellington said, there are only two kinds of music - good and bad. And you can tell when something is good. ~ Ray Charles
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Ray Charles
Those neon light nights, couldn't stay out of fights, keeps a-haunting me in memories. There is one in every crowd, for crying out loud, why was is always turning out to be me? ~ Waylon Jennings
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Waylon Jennings
I'm just a man, no more or no less. Bad as the worst, good as the best. ~ Waylon Jennings
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Waylon Jennings
Duke told me of planned...efforts against police response. As soon as possible after such conversations I would call the appropriate law enforcement agency in that city's jurisdictional area and alert them to Duke's information. Several times in follow-up conversations Duke would convey his surprise at how well prepared certain police agencies were to the Klan's presence, almost as if they knew beforehand what was going to happen ~ Ron Stallworth
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Ron Stallworth
The Danes had a great love of sea stories and the old sagas. Snorri provided the former from personal experience and Kara the latter from her vast store of such trivia. I half-thought some of the duke's men would volunteer to join the Undoreth and travel with the Vikings such was the level of worship on display ... ~ Mark Lawrence
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Mark Lawrence
THE SERVANTS CALLED them malenchki, little ghosts, because they were the smallest and the youngest, and because they haunted the Duke's house like giggling phantoms, darting in and out of rooms, hiding in cupboards to eavesdrop, sneaking into the kitchen to steal the last of the summer peaches. ~ Leigh Bardugo
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Leigh Bardugo
Nay, but he prated, And spoke such scurvy and provoking terms Against your honor, That, with the little godliness I have, I did full hard forbear him. But, I pray you, sir, Are you fast married? Be assured of this, That the magnifico is much beloved; And hath, in his effect, a voice potential As double as the duke's: he will divorce you; Or put upon you what restraint and grievance The law, - with all his might to enforce it on, - Will give him cable. ~ William Shakespeare
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by William Shakespeare
Duke Chartres used to boast that no man could have less real value for character than himself, yet he would gladly give twenty thousand pounds for a good one, because he could immediately make double that sum by means of it. ~ Charles Caleb Colton
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Charles Caleb Colton
Svoboda was not a brilliant man. He was a man of what used to be known as average and is now known as above-average intelligence. ~ Shirley Hazzard
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Shirley Hazzard
You've got to care about the music ... You'd better not be doing it for the publicity, the fame or the money. And you'd sure better not be doing it because it's a way to make a living, 'cause that ain't always going to be easy. You got to believe it, believe in the music. You got to mean it. ~ Waylon Jennings
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Waylon Jennings
Counted among those killed in the World Trade Center of September 11, 2001, were forty-three paramedics and EMTs. Godspeed. ~ Kevin Hazzard
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Kevin Hazzard
My need of your words: for such closeness there should be a word beyond love."
Helen, to Leith, in "The Great Fire ~ Shirley Hazzard
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Shirley Hazzard
I'm actually from Mt. Kisco, New York, which is in Westchester County, and when I auditioned for 'Dukes,' I told them I was from Snailville, Georgia, which doesn't exist, and I'd just graduated first in my class from the Georgia School of High Performance Driving, which also doesn't exist. But they bought it. ~ John Schneider
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by John Schneider
Violet pulled a face. "Of course I have great ambition that my children marry well and happily, but I am not the sort who'd marry her daughter off to a seventy-year-old man just because he was a duke!"
"Did the dowager countess do that?" Benedict couldn't recall any seventy-year-old dukes making recent trips to the altar.
"No," Violet admitted, "but she would. Whereas I - "
Benedict bit back a smile as his mother pointed to herself with great flourish.
"I would allow my children to marry paupers if it would bring them happiness."
Benedict raised a brow.
"They would be well-principled and hardworking paupers, of course," Violet explained. "No gamblers need apply."
Benedict didn't want to laugh at his mother, so instead he coughed discreetly into his handkerchief. ~ Julia Quinn
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Julia Quinn
When you're down in Texas, Bob Wills is still the king. ~ Waylon Jennings
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Waylon Jennings
I realized that I could try to sound like Waylon Jennings, or I could try to be like Waylon Jennings ... but it's impossible to do both. ~ Sam Hunt
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Sam Hunt
But Buddy was an upper. He was happy. He loved music, and he was really happy. I don't know ... I don't believe in reincarnation at all, but if all that stuff is true, then he might have been on his last time around. ~ Waylon Jennings
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Waylon Jennings
The sight of the duke taking liberties had made something boil up inside Jackson that he couldn't suppress. He'd uncharacteristically acted on impulse, and already regretted it.
Because the duke now pulled back with the languid motion of all such men of high rank to fix him with a contemptuous stare. "I don't believe we've met, sir."
Jackson fought to rein in the wild emotions careening through him. Lady Celia was glaring at him, and the duke was clearly irritated. But now that Jackson had stuck his nose in this, he would see it out.
"I'm Jackson Pinter of the Bow Street Office. This lady's brother has hired me to...to..." If he said he'd been hired to investigate suitors, Lady Celia would probably murder him on the spot.
"Mr. Pinter is investigating our parents' deaths," she explained in a silky voice that didn't fool Jackson. She was furious. "And apparently he thinks that such a position allows him the right to interfere in more personal matters."
When Jackson met her hot gaze, he couldn't resist baiting her. "Your brother also hired me to protect you from fortune hunters. I'm doing my job."
Outrage filled the duke's face. "Do you know who I am?"
An imminently eligible suitor for her ladyship, damn your eyes. "A man kissing a young, innocent lady without the knowledge or permission of her family."
Lady Celia looked fit to be tied. "Mr. Pinter, this is His Grace, the Duke of Lyons. He is no fortune hunter. And this is none of your con ~ Sabrina Jeffries
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Sabrina Jeffries
The guy you see on the screen isn't really me. I'm Duke Morrison, and I never was and never will be a film personality like JOHN WAYNE . I know him well. I'm one of his closest students. I have to be. I made a living out of him. ~ John Wayne
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by John Wayne
I'm tired of being your best friend. I'm tired of being second best. I won't settle for that anymore. It's all or nothing, Schuyler. You have to decide. Him or me.
- Oliver Hazzard-Perry ~ Melissa De La Cruz
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Melissa De La Cruz
Well, at the very beginning of the Amboy Dukes, I was doing background but I never sang my own songs. I would sing them for the guys to show them how I wanted the songs to go, but I always had lead vocalists. ~ Ted Nugent
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Ted Nugent
We should go," he said gruffly, his face inscrutable.

"Why?" Her heartbeat thundered. She gripped his arms tight to keep herself from twining her own about his neck.

He lowered his mouth to her ear, brushing it with a feather-soft kiss. "It isn't safe."

Her answering shiver had nothing to do with the cold. She had never stood so close to any man, had never fought the urge to press herself even closer.

"What could happen?" she whispered.

He cupped her face in his hands. "Anything. ~ Erica Ridley
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Erica Ridley
In other words, you'll pretend to be someone else in order to snag a husband."
"Oh, for heaven's sake," she said defensively, "it's no different than what half the women in society do to catch a man. I don't want to waste my time in pointless flirtation when a little knowledge will improve my aim on the targets."
He flashed her a condescending smile.
"What is it?" she snapped.
"Only you would approach courtship as a marksman approaches a shooting match." He licked the tip of his pencil. "So who are these hapless targets?"
"The Earl of Devonmont, the Duke of Lyons, and Fernandez Valdez, the Viscount de Basto."
His jaw dropped. "Are you insane?"
"I know they're rather beyond my reach, but they seem to like my company-"
"I daresay they do!" He strode up to her, strangely angry. "The earl is a rakehell with a notorious reputation for trying to get beneath the skirts of every woman he meets. The duke's father was mad, and it's said to run in his family, which is why most women steer clear of him. And Basto is a Portuguese idiot who's too old for you and clearly trawling for some sweet young thing to nurse him in his declining years."
"How can you say such things? The only one you know personally is Lord Devonmont, and you barely know even him."
"I don't have to. Their reputations tell me they're utterly unacceptable."
Unacceptable? Three of the most eligible bachelors in London? Mr. Pinter was mad, not her. "Lord Devonmont is ~ Sabrina Jeffries
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Sabrina Jeffries
Come hither, all ye empty things,
Ye bubbles rais'd by breath of Kings;
Who float upon the tide of state,
Come hither, and behold your fate.
Let pride be taught by this rebuke,
How very mean a thing's a Duke;
From all his ill-got honours flung,
Turn'd to that dirt from whence he sprung. ~ Jonathan Swift
Dukes Of Hazzard Waylon Jennings quotes by Jonathan Swift
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