Downton Abbey Duchess Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Downton Abbey Duchess.

Quotes About Downton Abbey Duchess

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'Downton Abbey' is one of my favourite shows ever - it's just beautifully filmed, and the stories and characters are so wonderful. ~ Amanda Donohoe
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Amanda Donohoe
The Americans think British T.V. shows are amazing, and everybody references 'Downton Abbey', and, in my genre, 'Doctor Who', which everyone is crazy for. People are always asking me and are always disappointed that I haven't been in it. ~ Jaime Murray
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Jaime Murray
People talk about confidence without ever bringing up hard work. That's a mistake. I know I sound like some dour older spinster on Downton Abbey who has never felt a man's touch and whose heart has turned to stone, but I don't understand how you could have self-confidence if you don't do the work ... I have never, ever, ever, met a high confident person and successful person who is not what a movie would call a 'workaholic.' Because confidence is like respect; you have to earn it. ~ Mindy Kaling
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Mindy Kaling
Mary: "Don't be spiky, when I only want what you want – for you and Tony to walk into the sunset together."
Mabel: "Then why turn up looking like a cross between a Vogue fashion plate and a case of dynamite?"
Mary: "Well, I can't make it too easy for him. ~ Julian Fellowes
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Julian Fellowes
When I heard I had gotten 'Downton Abbey,' I remember I was standing on a freezing cold street in Manchester where we were shooting the Manchester part of 'West is West.' ~ Lesley Nicol
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Lesley Nicol
She pursed her lips and nodded, swiveling around to continue her survey of my modest living space. Her arms were folded tightly across her chest as she strolled around. Letting out a long, deep breath, she dropped her hands to her sides when she reached my DVD collection.
"Downton Abbey?"
I jolted forward, clearing my throat. "Yeah, it's uh ... it's a good show. ~ Rachael Wade
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Rachael Wade
Look, it comes down to whether or not you love me! That's all! That's it! The rest is detail ~ Tom Branson
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Tom Branson
If you're an English actor, and you're asked to do an episode - especially the Christmas episode - of 'Downton Abbey,' you can't turn it down. It's like, 'Of course!' ~ Janet Montgomery
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Janet Montgomery
I think people used to read 'War and Peace,' and now they don't; now they sit around with their tablets and watch 'Downton Abbey' and 'Breaking Bad' or whatever, and they want the things that they watch to be better so that they can feel better about themselves for watching it. ~ Noah Hawley
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Noah Hawley
I have not watched WAGs World, I have not watched the BBC's Upstairs, Downstairs, either. It would be Downton Abbey, I think. ~ Theresa May
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Theresa May
Obviously, I play a villain in 'Downton Abbey'. As an actor, you want to get a variety of roles, so to be offered the part of Joe, it was perfect. ~ Rob James-Collier
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Rob James-Collier
I've never seen an episode of 'Downton Abbey.' ~ Keeley Hawes
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Keeley Hawes
With 'Downton Abbey,' you're always stuck in one stately home. ~ Kit Harington
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Kit Harington
Walter looked like he could chew nails and still come back for a helping of chain link fence. "Why can't Romeo and Juliet meet in a garden like in Downton Abbey?" Romeo asked. "I mean who meets on a balcony? How real is that? ~ Suzanne M. Trauth
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Suzanne M. Trauth
I sometimes wonder what it would have been like if I'd got 'Downton Abbey' when I was 22. ~ Lesley Nicol
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Lesley Nicol
For the last episode [of Downton Abbey], you'll need some handkerchiefs. I needed handkerchiefs reading it. It wasn't because it necessarily moved me while reading it, but it was the experience of reading it when I realized it was the last time I was ever going to be reading one of those scripts. That was quite terminal. ~ Hugh Bonneville
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Hugh Bonneville
The acting in 'Downton Abbey' has been consistently excellent across the board. ~ James Frain
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by James Frain
The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end that's all there is. ~ Carson Of Downton Abbey.
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Carson Of Downton Abbey.
Working on 'Downton Abbey' is amazing, but there's an ensemble cast of between 18 and 21 actors. With 'Love Life,' there are two couples and a few other key characters. As a smaller unit, you've got to take more responsibility - at the same time, you can have more ownership of the direction it's going in. ~ Rob James-Collier
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Rob James-Collier
Between the action sequences, the pleasure lies in observing impeccably dressed Brits exchanging barbed witticisms - making it, basically, Downton Abbey with cyber crime and shower sex. ~ Karina Longworth
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Karina Longworth
'Downton Abbey' has become this huge thing, and I really enjoy the success of it, but I sometimes find myself on the outside looking in, which is sort of a healthy way to look at it so you don't get too caught up in it. ~ Michelle Dockery
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Michelle Dockery
Hope is a tease designed to prevent us accepting reality. ~ Downton Abbey
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Downton Abbey
'Downton Abbey' didn't have the impact it had just because it was a good story about people. It was something about that period and that world that was fascinating to people on a level that wasn't just as an entertainment. ~ Noah Hawley
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Noah Hawley
Brits are cool at the moment. We've taken over the world, what with 'Game of Thrones', 'Downton Abbey', One Direction ... to be British is to be fashionable. ~ Russell Tovey
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Russell Tovey
I think the reason why people love 'Downton Abbey' is because all the characters are given the same weight. Some are nice, some are not, but it has nothing to do with class or oppressors versus the oppressed. ~ Julian Fellowes
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Julian Fellowes
The price of great love is great misery when one of you dies. ~ Julian Fellowes
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Julian Fellowes
My dad keeps joking about sneaking into my grandparents' house and switching out their HBO for PBS so they think I'm on 'Downton Abbey.' ~ Allison Williams
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Allison Williams
What I see is a good man, m'lady. And they are not like buses. There won't be another one around in ten minutes time"

Anna Bates "Downton Abbey ~ Anna Bates "Downton Abbey"
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Anna Bates
When I left 'Downton Abbey,' it hadn't yet taken off and become the phenomenon that it is, to this day. That all happened after I left. But, it was fabulous to be a part of it and to be a part of the cast. We had an absolute ball! ~ Rose Leslie
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Rose Leslie
When dealing with the excessively rich and privileged, you've got your two basic approaches. One is to go in hard and deliberately working class. A regional accent is always a plus in this. Seawoll has been known to deploy a Mancunian dialect so impenetrable that members of Oasis would have needed subtitles, and graduate entries with double firsts from Oxford practise a credible Estuary in the mirror and drop their glottals with gay abandon when necessary.

That approach only works if the subject suffers from residual middle-class guilt – unfortunately the properly posh, the nouveau riche and senior legal professionals are rarely prey to such weaknesses. For them you have to go in obliquely and with maximum Downton Abbey.

Fortunately for us we have just the man. ~ Ben Aaronovitch
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Ben Aaronovitch
'Downton Abbey' about upper-class posh people: of course it is. ~ Phyllis Logan
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Phyllis Logan
I actually don't watch much TV, but my goal is to watch 'Downton Abbey.' I want to catch up on the series ... that's like my style. ~ Kelly Rutherford
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Kelly Rutherford
You have no idea what's going to happen [in Downton Abbey] until you get the script. We roughly knew a couple of the key points that were going to happen, but when I got the last episode, I turned to the last page to check that I was still alive. ~ Hugh Bonneville
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Hugh Bonneville
People will consider me a part of their lives for however long 'Downton Abbey' lasts. It's a lovely thing to feel as an actor. ~ Michelle Dockery
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Michelle Dockery
I get invited to a lot more glamorous parties since I've been in 'Downton Abbey,' which has made me much more fashion conscious. ~ Lesley Nicol
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Lesley Nicol
Sometimes a hard sacrifice must be made for a future that's worth having ~ Tom Branson
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Tom Branson
I am a huge 'Downton Abbey' fan - huge! ~ Joan Rivers
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Joan Rivers
If God meant this here bulldozer to live He wouldn't of filled its tank with diesel fuel. ~ Edward Abbey
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Edward Abbey
I would not sacrifice a single living mesquite tree for any book ever written. One square mile of living desert is worth a hundred 'great books' - and one brave deed is worth a thousand. ~ Edward Abbey
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Edward Abbey
I believe in nothing that I cannot touch, kiss, embrace ... The rest is only hearsay. ~ Edward Abbey
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Edward Abbey
Humankind will not be free until the last Kremlin commissar is strangled with the entrails of the last Pentagon chief of staff. ~ Edward Abbey
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Edward Abbey
A genius is always on duty; even his dreams are tax deductible. ~ Edward Abbey
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Edward Abbey
We live in a society in which it is normal to be sick; and sick to be abnormal. ~ Edward Abbey
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Edward Abbey
A good short-story writer has an instinct for sketching in just enough background to ground the specific story. ~ Lynn Abbey
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Lynn Abbey
Westminster Abbey, the Tower, a steeple, one church, and then another, presented themselves to our view; and we could now plainly distinguish the high round chimneys on the tops of the houses, which yet seemed to us to form an innumerable number of smaller spires, or steeples. ~ Karl Philipp Moritz
Downton Abbey Duchess quotes by Karl Philipp Moritz
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