Dallmeier Electronic Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Dallmeier Electronic.

Quotes About Dallmeier Electronic

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Forget the National Debt Clock. We need an electronic billboard to track all the daily shootings in this country. I'm really sick of listening to all the mouth breathers who soil their camouflage pants every time someone suggests we might have a gun problem. Other countries have crazy, violent people. What they don't have is 300,000,000 WMDs and a gun show loophole that allows any psycho with a valid credit card to own 'em. ~ Quentin R. Bufogle
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Quentin R. Bufogle
What sort of personality does one need to have, as a twenty-first-century mechanic, to tolerate the layers of electronic bullshit that get piled on top of machines? ~ Matthew B. Crawford
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Matthew B. Crawford
Originating in large scale electronic warfare and anti-jamming technologies for the battlefield devised by two Russian immigrants, these now one-chip systems can fit in a handset and enable intercommunication among the towers of Babel in urban America. ~ George Gilder
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by George Gilder
I need to do a concert to celebrate David Bowie's electronic music. And in so doing, I'm not taking a step back, I'm taking a step forward and presenting it in its entirety so people can understand this type of visionary. ~ Carlos Alomar
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Carlos Alomar
In the Federal Government, electronic records are as indispensable as their paper counterparts for documenting citizens' rights, the actions for which officials are accountable, and the nation's history. ~ Allen Weinstein
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Allen Weinstein
I feel that the connection with children and mothers is so strong in places where there are not so many 'things' to get in the way, no electronic distraction devices, no high-tech baby equipment, just a mother carrying her little one everywhere, sharing a family bed and having the help of all the other women around to raise the baby. ~ Milla Jovovich
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Milla Jovovich
The fantastic advances in the field of electronic communication constitute a greater danger to the privacy of the individual. ~ Earl Warren
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Earl Warren
The condition of matter I have dignified by the term Electronic, THE ELECTRONIC STATE. What do you think of that? Am I not a bold man, ignorant as I am, to coin words? ~ Michael Faraday
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Michael Faraday
In some ways it's hard to see electronic music as a genre because the word "electronic" just refers to how it's made. Hip-hop is electronic music. Most reggae is electronic. Pop is electronic. House music, techno, all these sorts of ostensibly disparate genres are sort of being created with the same equipment. ~ Moby
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Moby
If you'd call it a robot," muttered Arthur. "It's more a sort of electronic sulking machine. ~ Douglas Adams
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Douglas Adams
We have never really had absolute privacy with our records or our electronic communications - government agencies have always been able to gain access with appropriate court orders. ~ Dorothy Denning
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Dorothy Denning
I don't want to be typecast as the 'ambient guy' or someone who only does electronic scores. I think most of the work that comes my way is because people feel they know me musically. ~ Cliff Martinez
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Cliff Martinez
As long as you remain in your private vacuum, you can pretend you are in harmony with the One. But the moment you pick up the clay, electronic or otherwise, you become a demiurge, and he who embarks on the creation of worlds is already tainted with corruption and evil. ~ Umberto Eco
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Umberto Eco
The E-Meter, short for "electropsychometer," is an "electronic instrument that measures mental state and change of state in individuals," according to the church. During the process, the preclear, or PC (person getting the auditing), is asked a set of questions or given directions as he holds on to two empty "cans" hooked up to the meter. It is believed that the thoughts in a person's mind affect the flow of energy between the cans and cause the needle on the dial to move. ~ Leah Remini
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Leah Remini
The world is beset by many problems, but in my opinion, this hijacking of our brain's reward centers by electronic media is potentially one of the most destructive. ~ Andrew Weil
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Andrew Weil
Taken in its entirety, the Snowden archive led to an ultimately simple conclusion: the US government had built a system that has as its goal the complete elimination of electronic privacy worldwide. Far from hyperbole, that is the literal, explicitly stated aim of the surveillance state: to collect, store, monitor, and analyze all electronic communication by all people around the globe. The agency is devoted to one overarching mission: to prevent the slightest piece of electronic communication from evading its systemic grasp. ~ Glenn Greenwald
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Glenn Greenwald
I had an album out at exactly the same time as 'Love to Love You' called 'Einzelganger,' and it's great, all electronic. I'm using a vocoder, doing all this cut-up stuff on there, but no one knows about it. ~ Giorgio Moroder
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Giorgio Moroder
I'm a self-confessed geek, and my whole concept of music at first was entirely electronic. In many ways, it turned out to be an advantage. I was so green, so utterly naive about the nature of classical music, that I did things that made me look totally, deliberately unorthodox. ~ Eric Whitacre
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Eric Whitacre
The transition from subject to observer was instantaneous, sensations, sights, and sounds changing from instruments of torment to a fascinating display of electronic signals. The spectra included thousands of frequencies, visual, audio and psi bands alike, each customized for a specific effect, a pseudo symphony for an audience of one. ~ Marcha A. Fox
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Marcha A. Fox
The basic idea behind a paper trail is that you take one of these electronic systems and you augment it with a printer that prints out people's vote as they vote. ~ Avi Rubin
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Avi Rubin
I am sure the next step will be the electronic image, and I hope I shall live to see it. I trust that the creative eye will continue to function, whatever technological innovations may develop. ~ Ansel Adams
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Ansel Adams
The gunslinger turned his eyes up to the faces in the leaves. A play was being enacted there for his amusement Worlds rose and fell before him. Empires were built across shining sands where forever machines toiled in abstract electronic frenzies. Empires declined and fell. Wheels that had spun like silent liquid moved more slowly, began to squeak, began to scream, stopped. Sand choked the stainless steel gutters of concentric streets below dark skies full of stars like beds of cold jewels. And through it all, a dying wind of change blew, bringing with it the cinnamon smell of late October. The gunslinger watched as the world moved on. ~ Stephen King
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Stephen King
The bibliographer in the digital age returns to the revelatory practice of her medieval forebears. Librarians, like those scribes of the Middle Ages, do not merely keep and classify texts; they create them, in the form of online finding aids, CD-ROM concordances, and other electronic texts, not to mention paper study guides and published bibliographies. ~ Matthew Battles
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Matthew Battles
The Hum is gone. You remember the Hum. Unless you grew up on top of a mountain or lived in a cave your whole life, the Hum was always around you. That's what life was. It was the sea we swam in. The constant sound of all the things we built to make life easy and a little less boring. The mechanical song. The electronic symphony. The Hum of all our things and all of us. Gone. This is the sound of the Earth before we conquered it. Sometimes in my tent, late at night, I think I can hear the stars scraping against the sky. That's how quiet it is. After a while it's almost more than I can stand. ~ Rick Yancey
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Rick Yancey
The electronic image is not fixed to any material base and, like our DNA, it has become a code that can circulate to any container that will hold it, defying death as it travels at the speed of light. ~ Bill Viola
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Bill Viola
There's a confusion sometimes with the laptop being the current tools and where electronic music initially comes from. ~ Thomas Bangalter
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Thomas Bangalter
An electronic instrument is just harboring a natural element the same way that a guitar is harboring an acoustic element. It's all nature, really. ~ Patrick Wolf
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Patrick Wolf
Nearly every business collects metrics on inventory, sales, and workplace process. Health care has been slow to measure these kinds of outcomes. Increasingly, general medicine, via either managed care or large practice settings, is improving by collecting data through electronic records and refining practice based on what works. ~ Thomas R. Insel
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Thomas R. Insel
When Hiro first saw this place, ten years ago, the monorail hadn't been written yet; he and his buddies had to write car and motorcycle software in order to get around. They would take their software out and race it in the black desert of the electronic night. ~ Neal Stephenson
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Neal Stephenson
I don't really care what music's made on - I love guitars, but I'm fine with great electronic music. ~ Johnny Marr
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Johnny Marr
When I was a kid, I would go to the record store, where there was a bin of things they didn't know quite how to classify. Those were my choices. That's where you would find Captain Beefheart or an early electronic album. ~ Mark Mothersbaugh
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Mark Mothersbaugh
That's what my music ... I'm working on a solo record right now, it's gonna be more hip-hop than anything, like electronic hip-hop, futuristic hip-hop. I'm probably gonna be rapping on it. ~ Alan Vega
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Alan Vega
If AC voltage drops below 105-volts or goes above 130-volts you should turn electronic equipment and appliances off until the power is restored. ~ Mark Polk
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Mark Polk
Electronic music is so weird because trends change so fast. ~ Chaz Bundick
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Chaz Bundick
One of the things I love about bound books is their sheer physicality. Electronic books live out of sight and out of mind. But printed books have body, presence. Sure, sometimes they'll elude you by hiding in improbable places: in a box full of old picture frames, say, or in the laundry basket, wrapped in a sweatshirt. But at other times they'll confront you, and you'll literally stumble over some tomes you hadn't thought about in weeks or years. I often seek electronic books, but they never come after me. The may make me feel, but I can't' feel them. They are all soul with no flesh, no texture and no weight. They can get in your head but can't whack you upside it. ~ Will Schwalbe
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Will Schwalbe
A lot of the stuff I listen to is glitchy electronic stuff and stuff with beats. ~ Mark Linkous
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Mark Linkous
All people imitate their creations. Today's fashions imitate our principal creations, which are electronic. Women imitate light bulbs or TV sets; their clothes glow, their hair is luminous. They radiate. They can be turned on and off. ~ Edmund Carpenter
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Edmund Carpenter
Thank you to BBC6 Music and Something Else for the opportunity to broadcast my corner of electronic and alternative music across the airwaves for the last 6 years. # RIP6MIX ~ Erol Alkan
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Erol Alkan
There is a young and impressionable mind out there that is hungry for information. It has latched on to an electronic tube as its main source of nourishment. ~ Joan Ganz Cooney
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Joan Ganz Cooney
When it comes to electronic music, I started listening to a lot of Daft Punk, way before I knew what house music was, and then progressed into a lot of Steve Angello, Eric Prydz, Axwell, Sebastian Ingrosso, and Laidback Luke. ~ Avicii
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Avicii
To me a lot of electronic music out there is too serious. I'm a bit fed up with DJs who take themselves too seriously and don't smile. ~ Pedro Winter
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Pedro Winter
Well, they've come a long way. To think that he now could access a secret document held in the Vatican archives, via electronic technology. ~ Peter J. Tanous
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Peter J. Tanous
memorable entertainment package takes old-school Hollywood theory and modern electronic know-how." Borz ~ Eric Van Lustbader
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Eric Van Lustbader
The Wall is hundreds of years old too; or over a hundred, at least. Like the sidewalks, it's red brick, and must once have been plain but handsome. Now the gates have sentries and there are ugly new floodlights mounted on metal posts above it, and barbed wire along the bottom and broken glass set in concrete along the top. No one goes through those gates willingly. The precautions are for those trying to get out, though to make it even as far as the Wall, from the inside, past the electronic alarm system, would be next to impossible. Beside the main gateway there are six more bodies hanging, by the necks, their hands tied in front of them, their heads in white bags tipped sideways onto their shoulders. There must have been a Men's Salvaging early this morning. I didn't hear the bells. Perhaps I've become used to them. We ~ Margaret Atwood
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Margaret Atwood
From early on, when synthesizers were first introduced into music, I liked the idea that you could get a big sound with them, electronic, but like an orchestra. And I could play it all myself. That was exciting. ~ John Carpenter
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by John Carpenter
She finds the door wide open and the place empty, another failed dotcom joining the officescape of the time - tarnished metallic surfaces, shaggy gray soundproofing, Steelcase screens and Herman Miller workpods - already beginning to decompose, littered, dust gathering . . . Well, almost empty. From some distant cubicle comes a tinny electronic melody Maxine recognizes as "Korobushka," the anthem of nineties workplace fecklessness, playing faster and faster and accompanied by screams of anxiety. Ghost vendor indeed. Has she entered some supernatural timewarp where the shades of office layabouts continue to waste uncountable person-hours playing Tetris? Between that and Solitaire for Windows, no wonder the tech sector tanked. ~ Thomas Pynchon
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Thomas Pynchon
The male staff all wore gorgeous colored loin cloths that always seem to be about to fall off they're wonderful hips. Their upper bodies were tanned sculpted and naked.
The female staff wore short shorts and silky flowing tops that almost but didn't expose their young easy breasts.
I noticed we only ever encountered male staff, and the men walking through the lobby were always greeted by the female staff.
Very ingenious, as Rebecca said later - if we had ticked Lesbians on the form I wonder what would have happened?
-There was a place to tick for Lesbians, I said ?
-Sexual Persuasion- it was on all the forms
-Really. And, how many options were there?
-You're getting the picture, said Jillian.
This was not your basic check in procedure as at say a Best Western. Our Doormen/Security Guards , held out our chairs for us to let us sit at the elegant ornate table. Then they poured us tea, and placed before each of us a small bowl of tropical fruit, cut into bite size pieces. Wonderful!
Almost immediately a check in person came and sat opposite us at the desk. Again a wonderful example of Island Male talent. (in my mind anyway)
We signed some papers, and were each handed an immense wallet of information passes, electronic keys, electronic ID's we would wear to allow us to move through the park and its 'worlds' and a small flash drive
I looked at it as he handed it to me, and given the mindset of the Hotel and the murals and th ~ Germaine Gibson
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Germaine Gibson
It's too difficult to convey tone in electronic communication. And we can solve this my friends. All we need is some new fonts. 'Great party Arj. Best party ever.' What a jerk! How do you know he wasn't being sincere, Arj? Because he wrote it in Sarcastica! If he had enjoyed himself, he would have used Good Times Roman. ~ Arj Barker
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Arj Barker
The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at no cost. ~ Ben Bernanke
Dallmeier Electronic quotes by Ben Bernanke
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